#pragma once // we allow to build with sdk 9.0 (and run on ios7) so we need to take an extra care about Metal support // it is expected to substitute Metal.h so only objc #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" typedef MTLDeviceRef (*MTLCreateSystemDefaultDeviceFunc)(); #else typedef MTLDeviceRef (*MTLCreateSystemDefaultDeviceFunc)(); #endif #if UNITY_CAN_USE_METAL #import #import #else #if !(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR && defined(__IPHONE_11_0)) && !(TARGET_TVOS_SIMULATOR && defined(__TVOS_11_0)) typedef NSUInteger MTLPixelFormat; enum { MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm, MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB, MTLPixelFormatR16Float, }; #endif @interface CAMetalLayer : CALayer @property (readwrite) BOOL framebufferOnly; @property (readwrite) CGSize drawableSize; @property BOOL presentsWithTransaction; @property (readwrite, retain) id device; @property (readwrite) MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat; @property (readonly) id texture; - (id)newDrawable; - (id)nextDrawable; @end @protocol MTLDrawable @end @protocol CAMetalDrawable @property (readonly) id texture; @end @protocol MTLDevice - (id)newCommandQueue; - (BOOL)supportsTextureSampleCount:(NSUInteger)sampleCount; @end @protocol MTLCommandBuffer - (void)presentDrawable:(id)drawable; @end #endif