% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/create_eventlogs.R \name{create_eventlogs} \alias{create_eventlogs} \title{Creating log events from raw log files.} \usage{ create_eventlogs( data, xmlpath = NULL, case_cutoff = 20, rm_nochange_moves = TRUE, glossar = FALSE, save = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{Data frame of raw log files created with \code{parse_logfiles()}. See \code{?parse_logfiles} for more details.} \item{xmlpath}{Path to folder where XML definitions of artworks live.} \item{case_cutoff}{Number in seconds how long time interval between different cases should be.} \item{rm_nochange_moves}{Logical. Should move events that record no change, meaning distance and rotationDegree are 0 and scaleSize is 1, be removed. Default is TRUE.} \item{glossar}{Logical indicating if glossar folder is present and if it should be taken into account when preprocessing raw log files. Default is FALSE.} \item{save}{Temporary argument to save intermediate data frames for debugging.} } \value{ Data frame. } \description{ Creating event logs from a data frame of raw log files from a Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM. } \examples{ # tbd }