Created R package mtt
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Package: mtt
Title: Log files from a Multi-Touch-Table
person("Nora", "Wickelmaier", , "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Imports: stats, utils, dplyr, pbapply, XML, lubridate
Description: Creating event logs from raw log files from a Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM
License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to pick a
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#' Creating log events from raw log files.
#' Creating event logs from a data frame of raw log files from a
#' Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.
#' @param data Data frame of raw log files created with `parse_logfiles()`.
#' See `?parse_logfiles` for more details.
#' @return Data frame.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # tbd
create_eventlogs <- function(data) {
data$date <- as.POSIXct(data$date)
data$glossar <- ifelse(data$artwork == "glossar", 1, 0)
# Remove irrelevant events
dat <- subset(data, !(data$event %in% c("Start Application",
"Show Application")))
# Add trace variable #####################################################
cat("########## Adding trace variable... ##########", "\n")
dat1 <- add_trace(dat)
# Close events
cat("########## Closing events... ##########", "\n")
c1 <- close_events(dat1, "move")
cat("## --> move events closed.", "\n")
c2 <- close_events(dat1, "flipCard")
cat("## --> flipCard events closed.", "\n")
c3 <- close_events(dat1, "openTopic")
cat("## --> openTopic events closed.", "\n")
c4 <- close_events(dat1, "openPopup")
cat("## --> openPopup events closed.", "\n")
dat2 <- rbind(c1, c2, c3, c4)
dat2 <- dat2[order(dat2$date.start, dat2$fileId.start), ]
# Remove all events that do not have a `date.start`
d1 <- nrow(dat2)
dat2 <- dat2[!$date.start), ]
d2 <- nrow(dat2)
if(d1 > d2) {
warning(paste0(d1-d2, " lines that do not contain a start event have been removed. This can happen when events span over more than one log file.\n"))
rownames(dat2) <- NULL
# Add case variable ######################################################
cat("########## Adding case and eventId variables... ##########", "\n")
dat3 <- add_case(dat2)
# Add event ID ###########################################################
dat3$eventId <- seq_len(nrow(dat3))
dat3 <- dat3[, c("fileId.start", "fileId.stop", "eventId", "case",
"trace", "glossar", "event", "artwork",
"date.start", "date.stop", "timeMs.start",
"timeMs.stop", "duration", "topicNumber", "popup",
"x.start", "y.start", "x.stop", "y.stop",
"distance", "scale.start", "scale.stop",
"scaleSize", "rotation.start", "rotation.stop",
# Add trace for move events ##############################################
cat("\n########## Adding trace variable for move events... ##########", "\n")
dat4 <- add_trace_moves(dat3)
# Add topics: file names and topics ######################################
cat("########## Adding information about topics... ##########", "\n")
artworks <- unique(dat4$artwork)
# remove artworks without XML information
artworks <- artworks[!artworks %in% c("504", "505")]
topics <- extract_topics(artworks, pattern = paste0(artworks, ".xml"),
path = "../data/ContentEyevisit/eyevisit_cards_light/")
dat5 <- add_topic(dat4, topics = topics)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
# Add trace variable
add_trace <- function(data, glossar_dict = "../data/glossar_dict.RData") {
data$trace <- NA
subdata1 <- data[data$event %in% c("Transform start", "Transform stop"), ]
subdata2 <- data[!data$event %in% c("Transform start", "Transform stop"), ]
last_event <- subdata2$event[1]
artworks <- unique(subdata2$artwork)[unique(subdata2$artwork) != "glossar"]
n <- 1 # count artworks for progress
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(subdata2), initial = NA,
style = 3)
for (artwork in artworks) {
cat("\n\nAdding trace variable for artwork", artwork,
paste0("(", n, "/", length(artworks), ")"), "\n")
for (i in 1:nrow(subdata2)) {
if (last_event == "Show Info" & subdata2$artwork[i] == artwork) {
subdata2$trace[i] <- i
j <- i
} else if (last_event == "Show Front" & subdata2$artwork[i] == artwork) {
subdata2$trace[i] <- j
} else if (!(last_event %in% c("Show Info", "Show Front")) &
subdata2$artwork[i] == artwork) {
subdata2$trace[i] <- j
if (i <= nrow(subdata2)) {
last_event <- subdata2$event[i + 1]
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
n <- n + 1
# Fix glossar entries (find corresponding artworks and fill in trace)
glossar_files <- unique(subdata2[subdata2$artwork == "glossar", "popup"])
# load lookup table for artworks and glossar files
lut <- glossar_dict[glossar_dict$glossar_file %in% glossar_files, ]
inside <- glossar_files[glossar_files %in%
lut[sapply(lut$artwork, length) == 1,
single_art <- unlist(lut[lut$glossar_file %in% inside, "artwork"])
m <- 1
for (file in lut$glossar_file) {
cat("\n\nAdding trace variable for glossar entry", file,
paste0("(", m, "/", length(lut$glossar_file), ")"), "\n")
artwork_list <- unlist(lut[lut$glossar_file == file, "artwork"])
for (i in seq_len(nrow(subdata2))) {
if (subdata2$event[i] == "Show Info" |
(subdata2$event[i] == "Artwork/OpenCard" &
subdata2$artwork[i] %in% single_art)) {
current_artwork <- subdata2[i, "artwork"]
j <- i
k <- i
} else {
current_artwork <- current_artwork
if (subdata2$event[i] == "Show Front" & subdata2$artwork[i] == current_artwork) {
# make sure artwork has not been closed, yet!
k <- i
if (subdata2$artwork[i] == "glossar" &
(current_artwork %in% artwork_list) &
subdata2$popup[i] == file & (j - k == 0)) {
subdata2[i, "trace"] <- subdata2[j, "trace"]
subdata2[i, "artwork"] <- current_artwork
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
m <- m + 1
# Exclude not matched glossar entries
cat("\n\nINFORMATION: glossar entries that are not matched will be removed:",
sum([subdata2$glossar == 1, "trace"])), "entries",
#proportions(table([subdata2$glossar == 1, "trace"]))),
fill = TRUE)
subdata2 <- subset(subdata2, !$trace))
# REMEMBER: It can never be 100% correct, since it is always possible
# that several cards are open and that they link to the same glossar
# entry
# dat2[14110:14130, ]
# dat2[dat2$glossar == 1, ]
out <- rbind(subdata1, subdata2)
out <- out[order(out$fileId, out$date, out$timeMs), ]
close_events <- function(data, event = c("move", "flipCard", "openTopic", "openPopup")) {
event <- match.arg(event)
"move" = {
actions <- c("Transform start", "Transform stop")
idvar <- c("fileId", "eventId", "artwork", "glossar")
drop <- c("popup", "topicNumber", "trace", "event")
ncol <- 16
"flipCard" = {
actions <- c("Show Info", "Show Front")
idvar <- c("fileId", "trace", "artwork", "glossar")
drop <- c("popup", "topicNumber", "eventId", "event")
ncol <- 16
"openTopic" = {
actions <- c("Artwork/OpenCard", "Artwork/CloseCard")
idvar <- c("fileId", "eventId", "trace", "glossar", "artwork",
drop <- c("popup", "event")
ncol <- 18
"openPopup" = {
actions <- c("ShowPopup", "HidePopup")
idvar <- c("fileId", "eventId", "trace", "glossar", "artwork", "popup")
drop <- c("topicNumber", "event")
ncol <- 18
# TODO: Should topicNumber maybe also be filled in for "openPopup"?
subdata <- subset(data, data$event %in% actions)
subdata <- subdata[order(subdata$artwork, subdata$popup, subdata$date, subdata$timeMs), ]
subdata$time <- ifelse(subdata$event == actions[1], "start", "stop")
num_start <- diff(c(0, which(subdata$event == actions[2])))
if (utils::tail(subdata, 1)$time == "start") {
num_start <- c(num_start, 1)
subdata$eventId <- rep(seq_along(num_start), num_start)
if (event == "move") {
subdata <- subdata[!duplicated(subdata[, c("event", "eventId")]), ]
id_stop <- which(subdata$event == actions[2])
id_rm_stop <- id_stop[diff(id_stop) == 1]
subdata <- subdata[-(id_rm_stop + 1), ]
subdata_split <- split(subdata, ~ fileId)
pbapply::pboptions(style = 3, char = "=")
subdata_split_wide <- pbapply::pblapply(subdata_split, stats::reshape,
direction = "wide",
idvar = idvar,
timevar = "time",
drop = drop)
# suppressWarnings(
# data_wide <- stats::reshape(subdata, direction = "wide",
# idvar = idvar,
# timevar = "time",
# drop = drop)
# )
# remove entries with only start or stop events since they do not have
# all columns
ids <- which(sapply(subdata_split_wide, ncol) != ncol)
if (length(ids) > 0) subdata_split_wide <- subdata_split_wide[-ids]
data_wide <- dplyr::bind_rows(subdata_split_wide)
for (d in drop) data_wide[d] <- NA
data_wide$distance <- NA
data_wide$scaleSize <- NA
data_wide$rotationDegree <- NA
data_wide$event <- event
data_wide$duration <- data_wide$timeMs.stop - data_wide$timeMs.start
if (event == "move") {
data_wide$distance <- apply(
data_wide[, c("x.start", "y.start", "x.stop", "y.stop")], 1,
function(x) stats::dist(matrix(x, 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)))
data_wide$rotationDegree <- data_wide$rotation.stop -
data_wide$scaleSize <- data_wide$scale.stop / data_wide$scale.start
# remove moves without any change
move_wide <- data_wide[data_wide$distance != 0 &
data_wide$rotationDegree != 0 &
data_wide$scaleSize != 1, ]
cat(paste("INFORMATION:", nrow(data_wide) - nrow(move_wide),
"lines containing move events were removed since they did",
"\nnot contain any change"), fill = TRUE)
data_wide <- move_wide
out <- data_wide[, c("fileId", "event", "artwork", "trace", "glossar",
"date.start", "date.stop", "timeMs.start",
"timeMs.stop", "duration", "topicNumber", "popup",
"x.start", "y.start", "x.stop", "y.stop",
"distance", "scale.start", "scale.stop",
"scaleSize", "rotation.start", "rotation.stop",
rownames(out) <- NULL
# Add case variable
add_case <- function(data, cutoff = 20) {
# TODO: What is the best choice for the cutoff here?
data$timediff <- as.numeric(diff(c(data$date.start[1], data$date.start)))
data$case <- NA
j <- 1
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(data), initial = NA, style = 3)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
if (data$timediff[i] <= cutoff) {
data$case[i] <- j
} else {
j <- j + 1
data$case[i] <- j
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
data$timediff <- NULL
# Add trace for moves
add_trace_moves <- function(data) {
pbapply::pboptions(style = 3, char = "=")
trace_max <- max(data$trace, na.rm = TRUE)
#subdata_art <- split(data, ~ artwork)
subdata_case <- split(data, ~ case)
#subdata_list <- split(data, ~ artwork + case)
# --> does not work with complete data set
cat("Splitting data...", "\n")
subdata_list <- pbapply::pblapply(subdata_case, split, f = ~artwork)
subdata_list <- unlist(subdata_list, recursive = FALSE)
cat("Adding trace...", "\n")
subdata_trace <- pbapply::pblapply(subdata_list,
function(x) {
trace_max <<- trace_max + 1
add_trace_subdata(x, max_trace = trace_max)
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(subdata_trace)
out <- out[order(out$fileId.start, out$date.start, out$timeMs.start), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
# Make trace a consecutive number
out$trace <- as.numeric(factor(out$trace, levels = unique(out$trace)))
add_trace_subdata <- function(subdata, max_trace) {
if (nrow(subdata) != 0) {
if (length(stats::na.omit(unique(subdata$trace))) == 1) {
subdata[subdata$event == "move", "trace"] <- stats::na.omit(unique(subdata$trace))
} else if (length(stats::na.omit(unique(subdata$trace))) > 1) {
for (i in 1:nrow(subdata)) {
if (subdata$event[i] == "move") {
if (i == 1) {
subdata$trace[i] <- stats::na.omit(unique(subdata$trace))[1]
} else {
subdata$trace[i] <- subdata$trace[i - 1]
} else if (all($trace))) {
for (i in 1:nrow(subdata)) {
subdata$trace[i] <- max_trace
} else {
warning("subdata has nrow = 0")
# Create data frame with file names and topics for each artwork
extract_topics <- function(artworks, pattern, path) {
dat <- NULL
file_order <- NULL
i <- 1
for (artwork in artworks) {
if (length(pattern) == 1) {
index_file <- pattern
} else {
index_file <- pattern[i]
fnames <- dir(pattern = paste0(artwork, "_"),
path = paste(path, artwork, sep = "/"))
topic <- NULL
for (fname in fnames) {
topic <- c(topic, gsub("^<card type=.(.*).>$", "\\1",
grep("^<card type=",
trimws(readLines(paste(path, artwork, fname, sep = "/"))),
value = T)))
index <- paste(path, artwork, index_file, sep = "/")
file_order <- c(file_order, gsub("^<card src=.*/(.*)./>$", "\\1",
grep("^<card src=", trimws(readLines(index)),
value = TRUE)))
in_index <- fnames %in% file_order
dat <- rbind(dat, data.frame(artwork, file_name = fnames, in_index, topic))
i <- i + 1
# take only the ones that are actually displayed and sort in the same order
# as indicated in index.html
out <- dat[dat$in_index, -3]
out <- out[order(file_order, out$file_name), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
out$index <- unlist(sapply(table(out$artwork), seq_len))
# Add topics: file names and topics
add_topic <- function(data, topics) {
artworks <- unique(data$artwork)
tab_art <- lapply(artworks,
function(x) names(table(data$topicNumber[data$artwork == x])))
names(tab_art) <- artworks
tab_index <- lapply(tab_art, seq_along)
dat_split <- split(data, ~ artwork)
set_label <- function(x) {
artwork <- unique(x$artwork)
x$topicIndex <- factor(x$topicNumber, labels = tab_index[[artwork]])
dat_label <- lapply(dat_split, set_label)
set_topic <- function(x) {
artwork <- unique(x$artwork)
labels_file <- topics[topics$artwork == artwork,
x$topicFile <- as.character(factor(x$topicIndex, labels = labels_file))
labels_topic <- topics[topics$artwork == artwork,
x$topic <- as.character(factor(x$topicIndex, labels = labels_topic))
dat_topic <- lapply(dat_label, set_topic)
#out <-, dat_topic)
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat_topic)
out <- out[order(out$fileId.start, out$date.start, out$timeMs.start), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
# Create data frame with information on artworks
extract_artworks <- function(artworks, files = paste0(artworks, ".xml"),
path = path) {
out <- NULL
i <- 1
for (artwork in artworks) {
if (length(files) == 1) {
index_file <- files
} else {
index_file <- files[i]
index <- paste(path, artwork, index_file, sep = "/")
varnames <- c("artist", "title", "misc", "description")
xmllist <- XML::xmlToList(index)$header[varnames]
if (any(sapply(xmllist, is.null))) {# necessary for missing entries
names(xmllist) <- varnames
xmllist[which(sapply(xmllist, is.null))] <- NA
# remove German quotes
xmllist <- lapply(xmllist, function(x) gsub("\u201e|\u201c", "", x))
# remove HTML tags
xmllist <- lapply(xmllist, function(x) gsub("<br/>", " ", x))
xmldat <-
xmldat$artwork <- artwork
# trim white space from strings
xmldat$artist <- trimws(xmldat$artist)
xmldat$title <- trimws(xmldat$title)
xmldat$misc <- trimws(xmldat$misc)
xmldat$description <- trimws(xmldat$description)
out <- rbind(out, xmldat)
i <- i + 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#' Left padding file names of raw log files from Multi-Touch-Table at the
#' IWM.
#' File names need to be left padded since otherwise the sorting of the
#' timestamps will be off and one will get negative durations later on
#' since the wrong events get closed.
#' @param x file name in the form of `yyyy_mm_dd-hh_mm_ss.
#' @param dirpaths Paths on system where files live that should be renamed.
#' @return Left padded file names.
#' @examples
#' # folders <- "all"
#' # dirpaths <- paste0("../data/haum_logs_2016-2023/", folders)
#' # fnames <- dir(dirpaths, pattern = "*.log", full.names = TRUE)
#' # leftpad_fnames(fnames)
leftpad_fnames <- function(x, dirpaths) {
z <- gsub(paste0(dirpaths, "/"), "\\1", x)
ys <- strsplit(z, "_")
res <- NULL
for (y in ys) {
y2 <- unlist(strsplit(y[3], "-"))
e1 <- y[1]
e2 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(y[2]))
e3 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(y2[1]))
e4 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(y2[2]))
e5 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(y[4]))
e6 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(gsub(".log", "", y[5])))
e6 <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(gsub(".log", "", y[5])))
res <- c(res,
paste0(e1, "_", e2, "_", e3, "-", e4, "_", e5, "_", e6, ".log"))
#' Creating data frame for raw log files.
#' Creates a data frame or CSV file from raw log files from a
#' Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.
#' @param folders A character vector of folder names that contain the raw
#' log files from the Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.
#' @param path A path to the folders.
#' @param file Name of the file where parsed log files should be saved.
#' Default is "rawdata_logfiles.csv".
#' @param save Logical. If data frame should be returned by the function or
#' saved. Default is TRUE.
#' @return A data frame or NULL.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # parse_logfiles("all", path = "../data/haum_logs_2016-2023/")
parse_logfiles <- function(folders, path, file = "rawdata_logfiles.csv",
save = TRUE) {
dirpaths <- paste0(path, folders)
# TODO: This is not very intutitive
fnames <- dir(dirpaths, pattern = "*.log", full.names = TRUE)
logs <- lapply(fnames, readLines)
nlog <- sapply(logs, length)
dat <- data.frame(fileId = rep(leftpad_fnames(fnames, dirpaths), nlog),
logs = unlist(logs))
# Remove corrupt lines
d1 <- nrow(dat)
dat <- subset(dat, dat$logs != "")
d2 <- nrow(dat)
if(d1 > d2) {
warning(paste0(d1-d2, " corrupt lines have been found and removed from the data set\n"))
# Extract relevant infos
date <- sapply(dat$logs, gsub,
pattern = "^\\[(.*)\\], \\[.*$",
replacement = "\\1",
timestamp <- sapply(dat$logs, gsub,
pattern = "^\\[.*\\], \\[(.*)\\].*$",
replacement = "\\1",
action <- sapply(dat$logs, gsub,
pattern = "^.*EyeVisit, (.*):*.*$",
replacement = "\\1",
events <- sapply(strsplit(action, ":"), function(x) x[1])
topics <- sapply(strsplit(action, ":"), function(x) x[2])
moves <- apply(,
strsplit(sapply(strsplit(action, ":"),
function(x) x[3]), ",")), 2,
# ATTENTION: as.numeric() forces NAs for "OpenCard" and "CloseCard"
card_action <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(action, ":"),
function(x) x[3])[grep("Artwork", events)])
card <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(action, ":"), function(x) x[4]))
events[grep("Artwork", events)] <- paste("Artwork", card_action, sep = "/")
ts_elements <- strsplit(timestamp, ":")
time_ms <- as.numeric(sapply(ts_elements, function(x) x[4])) +
as.numeric(sapply(ts_elements, function(x) x[3])) * 1000 +
as.numeric(sapply(ts_elements, function(x) x[2])) * 1000 * 60
dat$date <- lubridate::parse_date_time(date, "bdyHMSOp")
dat$timeMs <- time_ms
dat$event <- events
dat$artwork <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(topics, "/"), function(x) x[1]))
dat$popup <- sapply(strsplit(topics, "/"), function(x) x[2])
dat$topicNumber <- card
dat$x <- moves[,1]
dat$y <- moves[,2]
dat$scale <- moves[,3]
dat$rotation <- moves[,4]
dat$logs <- NULL
dat <- dat[order(dat$fileId, dat$date, dat$timeMs), ]
# Export data
if (save) {
utils::write.table(dat, file = file, sep = ";", row.names = FALSE)
cat(paste0("INFORMATION: Data file", file, "has been written to ", getwd(), "\n"))
} else {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/create_eventlogs.R
\title{Creating log events from raw log files.}
\item{data}{Data frame of raw log files created with \code{parse_logfiles()}.
See \code{?parse_logfiles} for more details.}
Data frame.
Creating event logs from a data frame of raw log files from a
Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.
# tbd
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/parse_logfiles.R
\title{Left padding file names of raw log files from Multi-Touch-Table at the
leftpad_fnames(x, dirpaths)
\item{x}{file name in the form of `yyyy_mm_dd-hh_mm_ss.}
\item{dirpaths}{Paths on system where files live that should be renamed.}
Left padded file names.
File names need to be left padded since otherwise the sorting of the
timestamps will be off and one will get negative durations later on
since the wrong events get closed.
# folders <- "all"
# dirpaths <- paste0("../data/haum_logs_2016-2023/", folders)
# fnames <- dir(dirpaths, pattern = "*.log", full.names = TRUE)
# leftpad_fnames(fnames)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/parse_logfiles.R
\title{Creating data frame for raw log files.}
parse_logfiles(folders, path, file = "rawdata_logfiles.csv", save = TRUE)
\item{folders}{A character vector of folder names that contain the raw
log files from the Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.}
\item{path}{A path to the folders.}
\item{file}{Name of the file where parsed log files should be saved.
Default is "rawdata_logfiles.csv".}
\item{save}{Logical. If data frame should be returned by the function or
saved. Default is TRUE.}
A data frame or NULL.
Creates a data frame or CSV file from raw log files from a
Multi-Touch-Table at the IWM.
# parse_logfiles("all", path = "../data/haum_logs_2016-2023/")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user