#!/usr/bin/env python """ Module docstring. """ import sys, os, optparse items = ( "jquery.js", # "jspolygon.js", "optimal-select.js", "hammer.js", "hammer.propagating.js", "d3/d3.js", "d3/d3-selection-multi.js", "highlight", "pixi/pixi.js", "pixi/lib/crn_decomp.js", "pixi/pixi-compressed-textures.js", "pixi/pixi-filters.js", "pixi/pixi-particles.js", "pixi/pixi-projection.js", "greensock/src/uncompressed", "greensock/src/uncompressed/easing", "greensock/src/uncompressed/plugins", "greensock/src/uncompressed/utils", "convertPointFromPageToNode.js" # "getRelativeURL.js" ) def process_command_line(argv): """ Return a 2-tuple: (settings object, args list). `argv` is a list of arguments, or `None` for ``sys.argv[1:]``. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] # initialize the parser object: parser = optparse.OptionParser( formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(width=78), add_help_option=None) # define options here: parser.add_option( # customized description; put --help last '-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit.') settings, args = parser.parse_args(argv) # check number of arguments, verify values, etc.: if args: parser.error('program takes no command-line arguments; ' '"%s" ignored.' % (args,)) # further process settings & args if necessary return settings, args def main(argv=None): settings, args = process_command_line(argv) run(settings, args) return 0 # success def run(settings, args): with open("all.js", 'w') as outfile: for item in items: if item.endswith(".js"): appendFile(outfile, item) else: for filename in os.listdir(item): if filename.endswith(".js"): appendFile(outfile, os.path.join(item, filename)) def appendFile(outfile, filename): with open(filename) as infile: outfile.write("\n") outfile.write(infile.read()) print("File appended: " + infile.name) if __name__ == '__main__': status = main() sys.exit(status)