import Interface from './interface.js' /** Basic Application object to be used as a singleton. Provides an interface for automatic testing and common device specific feature detection. */ export class IApp extends Interface { /** Build the app by registering event handlers, * adding DOM elements, instanciating templates, etc... */ setup() { return this } /** Run the application by starting a main loop, ... */ run() { return this } } export default class App extends Object { /** Override this method to build your app. */ setup() { return this } /** Start and run the application. Override this method with everything that is needed to maintain your App, main loops, etc. */ run() { return this } /** Defines all test suites. Overwrite this method to ensure that all testable aspects of your App are evaluated. */ allTests() { console.log('Overwrite App.allTests()') } /** Run all tests. Should return 'ok' and the amount of time needed to run App.allTests() or a failure message with diagnostic error decription. @return {array} - array with 'ok' as first element and needed time as second element or "Tests failed" and an error string */ runTests() { var start = try { this.allTests() var end = return ['ok', end - start] } catch (e) { console.trace() return ['Tests failed', e.message] } } } IApp.implementedBy(App)