import { Cycle, Colors, Dates, isEmpty } from '../utils.js' import { Capabilities } from '../capabilities.js' import { BitmapLabeledGraphics, FontInfo } from './labeledgraphics.js' export class Ticks { get reservedPrefixes() { return ['decade', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] } static get largeTickSize() { return 4.2 } get minWidth() { return 10 } format(available) { return { year: '2-digit', timeZone: 'UTC' } } get minLabelWidth() { return 44 } get formatKey() { return this.key } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() } *iter(start, end) { let date = this.iterStart(start) while (date <= end) { yield date date = } yield date } *iterRanges(range) { for (let date of this.iter(range.start, range.end)) { let next = yield { start: date, end: next } } } selectedRange(timeline, info) { let first = null let last = null let visibleFirst = null let visibleLast = null let units = 0 for (let { start, end } of this.iterRanges(info)) { if (timeline.visibleRange(start, end)) { if (first == null) { first = start } last = end } if (timeline.visibleDate(start) && timeline.visibleDate(end)) { units += 1 if (visibleFirst == null) { visibleFirst = start } visibleLast = end } } if (first == null) return info return { start: first, end: last, visibleStart: visibleFirst, visibleEnd: visibleLast, units: units } } drawTick(timeline, x, y, date) { let visible = date > timeline.start && date < timeline.end if (!visible) return false timeline.drawTick(x) return true } toLocaleString(date, format) { return date.toLocaleDateString('de', format) } draw( timeline, range, width, height, available, format, nextFormat, level, extraTicks = false ) { let first = null let last = null let keyedFormat = format ? format[this.formatKey] : null let keyedNextFormat = nextFormat ? nextFormat[this.formatKey] : null let redundant = nextFormat ? this.formatKey in nextFormat : false let fullyRedundant = keyedFormat != null && keyedFormat == keyedNextFormat let y = timeline.getY() for (let { start, end } of this.iterRanges(range)) { let x = timeline.toX(start) let xx = x let yy = y + timeline.tickLabelOffset(-1) if (this.drawTick(timeline, x, y, start) && format) { let key = this.dateKey(start) let text = this.toLocaleString(start, format) let align = 'center' if (nextFormat) { yy = y + timeline.tickLabelOffset(-1, 1) align = 'left' timeline.drawTick(x, Ticks.largeTickSize) let nextX = timeline.toX(end) - 100 if (x < 0 && nextX > -100 && !redundant) { xx = Math.min(4, nextX) } else { xx -= 2 } } else if (level > 0) { xx = x + available / 2 } if (!fullyRedundant) { timeline.ensureLabel( key, text, { x: xx, y: yy, align }, FontInfo.small ) } if (extraTicks) timeline.drawTick(x, -level) } if (timeline.visibleRange(start, end)) { if (first == null) first = start last = end } } if (first == null) return null return { start: first, end: last } } drawExtra(timeline, range, size) { for (let { start } of this.iterRanges(range)) { if (timeline.visibleDate(start)) { let x = timeline.toX(start) timeline.drawTick(x, -size) } } } } export class DecadeTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { return { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } } selection(timeline, dates, selected) { return dates } get key() { return 'decade' } get formatKey() { return 'year' } iterStart(start) { let modulo = start.getFullYear() % 10 let year = start.getFullYear() - modulo return Dates.create(year, 0, 1) } next(decade) { return Dates.nextYear(decade, 10) } } export class YearTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { if (available < 44) return { year: '2-digit', timeZone: 'UTC' } return { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } } get minLabelWidth() { return 22 } get key() { return 'year' } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create(start.getFullYear(), 0, 1) } next(year) { return Dates.nextYear(year) } } export class MonthTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return (365 / 12) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = { month: 'narrow', timeZone: 'UTC' } if (available > 44) format.month = 'short' if (available > 66) format.year = '2-digit' if (available > 100) { format.month = 'long' format.year = 'numeric' } return format } get minLabelWidth() { return 32 } get key() { return 'month' } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), 1) } next(month) { return Dates.nextMonth(month) } } export class DayTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = { day: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } if (available > 44) format.month = 'short' if (available > 100) { format.month = 'long' format.year = '2-digit' } if (available > 150) { format.weekday = 'short' } if (available > 200) { format.year = 'numeric' format.weekday = 'long' } return format } get key() { return 'day' } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate() } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create( start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate() ) } next(date) { return Dates.nextDay(date) } } export class HourTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = {} if (available > 44) { format.hour = '2-digit' } if (available > 100) { = '2-digit' format.month = '2-digit' format.year = '2-digit' } if (available > 150) { format.weekday = 'short' format.month = 'short' } if (available > 200) { = 'numeric' format.year = 'numeric' format.month = 'long' format.weekday = 'long' } return format } get key() { return 'hour' } dateKey(date) { return ( this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate() + date.getHours() ) } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create( start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), start.getHours() ) } next(date) { return Dates.nextHour(date) } toLocaleString(date, format) { return date.toLocaleTimeString('de', format) } } export class MinuteTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = { minute: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } if (available > 44) { format.hour = 'numeric' format.minute = 'numeric' } if (available > 100) { format.month = 'short' format.year = '2-digit' } if (available > 150) { format.weekday = 'short' } if (available > 200) { format.year = 'numeric' format.weekday = 'long' } return format } get key() { return 'minute' } dateKey(date) { return ( this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate() + date.getHours() + date.getMinutes() ) } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create( start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate(), start.getHours(), start.getMinutes() ) } next(date) { return Dates.nextMinute(date) } toLocaleString(date, format) { return date.toLocaleTimeString('de', format) } } export class TimeTicks { constructor(...ticks) { this.ticks = ticks } selectedRange(timeline) { let info = { start: timeline.start, end: timeline.end, units: 0 } for (let ticks of this.ticks) { info = ticks.selectedRange(timeline, info) if (info.units > 1) { timeline.selection = [info.visibleStart, info.visibleEnd] return } } timeline.selection = [info.start, info.end] } draw(timeline, width, height) { let range = timeline let start = timeline.toX(range.start) let end = timeline.toX(range.end) let size = end - start let duration = timeline.end - timeline.start let formats = new Map() let nextFormats = new Map() let availables = new Map() let previous = null let visible = [] for (let ticks of this.ticks) { let amount = ticks.milliseconds / duration let available = amount * size availables.set(ticks, available) if (available < ticks.minWidth) break formats.set( ticks, available < ticks.minLabelWidth ? null : ticks.format(available) ) nextFormats.set(previous, formats.get(ticks)) previous = ticks visible.push(ticks) } let level = 0 let ranges = [] for (let ticks of visible) { if (range == null) continue range = ticks.draw( timeline, range, width, height, availables.get(ticks), formats.get(ticks), nextFormats.get(ticks), level ) if (range) { ranges.push({ ticks, range }) } level += 1 } let extraLevel = ranges.length - 1 let extraStart = extraLevel for (let { ticks, range } of ranges) { ticks.drawExtra(timeline, range, extraLevel) extraLevel -= 1 if (extraLevel <= 0) { continue } } timeline.drawTick(start, Ticks.largeTickSize) timeline.drawTick(start, -extraStart) timeline.drawTick(end, Ticks.largeTickSize) timeline.drawTick(end, -extraStart) } } export class ColorRanges { constructor(label, color, ranges) { this.label = label this.color = color this.ranges = ranges } draw(timeline, width, height, size = 12) { let minimum = 1 / Capabilities.devicePixelRatio let h2 = size timeline.lineStyle(size, this.color) for (let range of this.ranges) { if ( === null) { = Dates.nextDay(range.from) } let start = timeline.toX(range.from) let end = timeline.toX( if (end < start + minimum) { end = start + minimum } timeline.moveTo(start, h2) timeline.lineTo(end, h2) } } } export default class Timeline extends BitmapLabeledGraphics { constructor( width, height, { ticks = null, baseLine = 0.5, showRange = true, throwDamping = 0.95 } = {} ) { super() this.wantedWidth = width this.wantedHeight = height this.extraLeft = 0 this.extraRight = 0 this.inset = 5 this.showRange = showRange this.baseLine = baseLine this.tickHeight = 4 this.zoom = 1 this.minZoom = 1 this.maxZoom = 12000 this.scroll = 0 this.deltas = [] this.labelDates = [] this.colorRanges = [] this.rangeColors = new Cycle( Colors.eminence, Colors.steelblue, Colors.ochre, Colors.turquoise ) this.callbacks = [] this.onTapCallbacks = [] this.onDoubleTapCallbacks = [] this.onLongPressCallbacks = [] this.progress = null this.start = null this.end = null this.selection = null this.autoScroll = false this.direction = -1 this.throwDamping = throwDamping this.timeticks = ticks || new TimeTicks( new DecadeTicks(), new YearTicks(), new MonthTicks(), new DayTicks() ) this.labelPrefix = '__' } updateSelection() { if (this.visibleDate(this.start) && this.visibleDate(this.end)) { this.selection = [this.start, this.end] } else { this.timeticks.selectedRange(this) } return this.selection } addCallback(callback) { this.callbacks.push(callback) } addTabCallback(callback) { this.onTapCallbacks.push(callback) } addDoubleTapCallback(callback) { this.onDoubleTapCallbacks.push(callback) } addLongPressCallback(callback) { this.onLongPressCallbacks.push(callback) } addLabels(labels) { this.labelDates = labels } range(start, end) { this.start = start this.end = end } draw(width, height) { this.wantedWidth = width this.wantedHeight = height this.redraw() } updateColorRanges(w, h) { let xx = w - this.inset let size = FontInfo.small.fontSize let yy = h - size for (let i = this.colorRanges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let cr = this.colorRanges[i] let label = cr.label cr.draw(this, w, h) let current = this.ensureLabel( 'colorRange:' + label, label, { x: xx, y: yy, align: 'right' }, FontInfo.small ) let r = current.getBounds() xx -= r.width + 16 this.lineStyle(size, cr.color) this.moveTo(xx, yy) this.lineTo(xx + size, yy) xx -= size + 4 } } drawSelectedRamge(selected) { this.lineStyle(2, app.theme.primaryColor) let start = this.toX(selected[0]) let end = this.toX(selected[1]) this.moveTo(start, 0) this.lineTo(end, 0) this.drawTick(start, -1.5, 0) this.drawTick(end, -1.5, 0) } redraw() { this.clear() let h = this.wantedHeight let w = this.wantedWidth let y = this.getY() this.prepareLabels() this.updateColorRanges(w, h) this.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff) if (this.start != null && this.end != null) { this.moveTo(this.toX(this.start), y) this.lineTo(this.toX(this.end), y) this.updateTicksAndLabels(w, h) this.updateSelection() let selected = this.selection if (selected[0] != this.start && selected[1] != this.end) { if (this.showRange) this.drawSelectedRamge(selected) } for (let callback of this.callbacks) { callback(this.scroll, this.zoom, this.selection) } } else { this.moveTo(this.inset, y) this.lineTo(w - this.inset, y) } if (this.progress != null && this.progress < 1) { this.lineStyle(2, 0xccccff) this.moveTo(this.inset, y) this.lineTo((w - this.inset) * this.progress, y) } } totalWidth(bounded = false) { let w = this.wantedWidth - 2 * this.inset return w * this.validZoom(this.zoom, bounded) } validZoom(zoom, bounded = true) { let overshoot = bounded ? 1.0 : 2.0 zoom = Math.max(zoom, this.minZoom / overshoot) zoom = Math.min(zoom, this.maxZoom * overshoot) return zoom } getY() { return this.wantedHeight * this.baseLine } toX(date) { let total = this.end - this.start let offset = this.inset + this.scroll let width = this.totalWidth() let delta = date - this.start let ratio = delta / total return offset + ratio * width } fromX(value) { let total = this.end - this.start let offset = this.inset + this.scroll let width = this.totalWidth() let ratio = (value - offset) / width let time = this.start.getTime() + total * ratio let date = new Date(time) return date } drawTick(x, direction = 1, y = null) { if (y == null) { y = this.getY() } this.moveTo(x, y) this.lineTo(x, y - this.tickHeight * direction * this.direction) } prepareLabels() { for (let key of this.labels.keys()) { if (!key.startsWith(this.labelPrefix)) this.labels.get(key).visible = false } } updateTicksAndLabels(width, height) { this.drawTick(this.toX(this.start)) this.drawTick(this.toX(this.end)) this.timeticks.draw(this, width, height) this.updateLabels(width, height) } visibleDate(date, offset = 0) { if (date >= this.start && date <= this.end) { let x = this.toX(date) + offset return x > 0 && x < this.wantedWidth } return false } visibleRange(start, end) { let x = this.toX(start) if (x > this.wantedWidth) return false x = this.toX(end) if (x < 0) return false return true } tickLabelOffset(direction = 1, level = 0) { let fs = FontInfo.small.fontSize let dh = fs + level * (fs + 2) return this.direction * direction * dh } updateLabels(width, height) { let h2 = height / 2 if (this.labelDates) { let last = null let y = h2 + this.tickLabelOffset() for (let i = this.labelDates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let [label, date] = this.labelDates[i] let align = 'center' // (last == null) ? 'right' : 'left' let x = this.toX(date) let current = this.ensureLabel( this.labelPrefix + label, label, { x: x, y: y, align }, FontInfo.small ) let r = current.getBounds() current.visible = !(last != null && r.x + r.width > last.x) if (current.visible) { this.drawTick(x, -1) last = r } } } else { let start = this.start.toLocaleDateString('de', { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }) let end = this.end.toLocaleDateString('de', { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }) this.ensureLabel(this.labelPrefix + 'start', start, { x: this.toX(this.start), y: h2 }) this.ensureLabel(this.labelPrefix + 'end', end, { x: this.toX(this.end), y: h2, align: 'right' }) } } onZoom(zoom, anchor) { let date = this.fromX(anchor.x) let newZoom = this.validZoom(this.zoom * zoom, false) this.zoom = newZoom let newX = this.toX(date) this.scroll += anchor.x - newX } onStart(event, interaction) { this.killTweens() this.deltas = [] this.validScroll() if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { ThrowPropsPlugin.track(this, 'delta') } } onMove(event, interaction) { let delta = if (delta == null) { return } this.scroll += delta.x while (this.deltas.length > 10) { this.deltas.pop(0) } this.deltas.push(delta.x) if (interaction.current.size > 1) { this.onZoom(delta.zoom, delta.about) } this.redraw() } onEnd(event, interaction) { if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { let vel = ThrowPropsPlugin.getVelocity(this, 'delta') ThrowPropsPlugin.untrack(this) } this.killTweens() this.redraw() let delta = 0 for (let d of this.deltas) { delta += d } if (this.deltas.length > 0) { delta /= this.deltas.length } this.autoScroll = true let anchor = interaction.current.mean() this.keepInBounds(delta, anchor) for (let key of interaction.ended.keys()) { if (interaction.isDoubleTap(key)) { this.onDoubleTap(event, interaction, key) } else if (interaction.isTap(key)) { this.onTap(event, interaction, key) } else if (interaction.isLongPress(key)) { this.onLongPress(event, interaction, key) } } } onLongPress(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onLongPressCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key) } } onTap(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onTapCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key) } } onDoubleTap(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onDoubleTapCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key) } } _scrollMinimum(bounded) { let total = this.totalWidth(bounded) return -total + this.wantedWidth - 2 * this.inset } _scrollMaximum(bounded) { let total = this.totalWidth(bounded) let limit = this.wantedWidth if (total > limit) return 0 let w = limit - 2 * this.inset return (w - total) / 2 } scrollMinimum(bounded) { return this._scrollMinimum(bounded) - this.extraRight } scrollMaximum(bounded) { return this._scrollMaximum(bounded) + this.extraLeft } killTweens() { TweenLite.killTweensOf(this) this.autoScroll = false } validScroll(bounded = true) { let minimum = this.scrollMinimum(bounded) let maximum = this.scrollMaximum(bounded) if (this.scroll < minimum) { this.scroll = minimum } if (this.scroll > maximum) { this.scroll = maximum } } keepInBounds(delta, anchor) { let bounded = true let minimum = this.scrollMinimum(bounded) let maximum = this.scrollMaximum(bounded) let tweens = {} if (this.zoom > this.maxZoom) { tweens.zoom = this.maxZoom let date = this.fromX(anchor.x) let oldZoom = this.zoom this.zoom = this.maxZoom let newX = this.toX(date) tweens.scroll = this.scroll + anchor.x - newX this.zoom = oldZoom } else { if (this.zoom < this.minZoom) { tweens.zoom = this.minZoom } if (this.scroll > maximum) { tweens.scroll = maximum } if (this.scroll < minimum) { tweens.scroll = minimum } } if (!isEmpty(tweens)) { tweens.onUpdate = () => { this.redraw() }, 0.5, tweens).delay(0.1) return } this.scroll += delta delta *= this.throwDamping this.redraw() if (Math.abs(delta) > 1 && this.autoScroll) { setTimeout(() => this.keepInBounds(delta, anchor), 1000 / 100) } } onMouseWheel(event) { this.killTweens() let direction = event.detail < 0 || event.wheelDelta > 0 let anchor = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY } const zoomFactor = 1.5 this.onZoom(direction ? zoomFactor : 1 / zoomFactor, anchor) this.redraw() this.keepInBounds(0, anchor) } showRanges(ranges, label = 'Untitled', color = null) { for (let cr of this.colorRanges) { if (cr.label == label) return } while (this.colorRanges.length >= this.rangeColors.length) { this.colorRanges.shift() } this.colorRanges.push(new ColorRanges(label, color, ranges)) this.redraw() } }