import PIXIApp from './app.js' /** * */ export class Command extends PIXI.Graphics { /*** Abstract base class for record, play, and stop commands. ***/ constructor(tools, selectedColor, shape) { super() = tools this.shape = shape this.selected = false this.disabled = false this.selectedColor = selectedColor this.draw() this.setup() } setup() {} draw() { this.clear() var color = this.selected ? this.selectedColor : 0xffffff this.lineStyle(0) this.beginFill(color, 1) this.drawShape(this.shape) this.endFill() } select() { this.selected = true this.draw() } deselect() { this.selected = false this.draw() } toggle() { this.selected = !this.selected this.draw() } stop() { this.selected = false this.draw() } } export class RecordCommand extends Command { /*** Records events for later replay. ***/ setup() { this.recorder = new EventRecorder() } toggle() { super.toggle() if (!this.selected) { this.recorder.stopRecording() } } recordEvent(event) { this.recorder.record(event) } normalize(value, limit) { return value / limit } normalizeX(value) { return this.normalize(value, window.innerWidth) } normalizeY(value) { return this.normalize(value, window.innerHeight) } whileNotStopped() { return } startReplay() { let whileCondition = this.whileNotStopped.bind(this) this.recorder.startReplay(whileCondition, () => } } export class PlayCommand extends Command { /*** Plays recorded events. ***/ toggle() { super.toggle() if (this.selected && > 0) { } } } export class StopCommand extends Command { /*** Stops recording and playing. ***/ toggle() { super.toggle() setTimeout(this.deselect.bind(this), 500) } } export class RecorderTools extends PIXI.Container { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer) this.renderer = renderer this.setupToolbar() this.replayRate = 100.0 this.onReset = null this.touchGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics() this.showTouches() } setup(container) { // Since this delegate might shadow another delegate, we mus avoid // capturing PointerEvents. this.delegate = new InteractionMapper(container, this, { capturePointerEvents: false }) } findTarget(event, local, global) { return this } setupToolbar() { this.toolbar = new PIXI.Graphics() this.record = new RecordCommand( this, 0xcc0000, new PIXI.Circle(0, 0, 16) ) = new PlayCommand( this, 0x0000cc, new PIXI.Polygon(0, 16, 32, 16 + 16, 0, 16 + 32, 0, 16) ) this.stop = new StopCommand( this, 0x0000cc, new PIXI.Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32) ) this.toolbar.addChild(this.record).position.set(44, 48) this.toolbar.addChild( + 44, 16) this.toolbar.addChild(this.stop).position.set(44 + 44 + 44 + 16, 32) this.updateToolbar() this.addChild(this.toolbar) } updateToolbar() { var graphics = this.toolbar graphics.clear() graphics.beginFill(0x000000, 0.5) graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff, 1) graphics.drawRoundedRect(16, 16, 44 * 4 + 8, 64, 8) graphics.endFill() } onMouseWheel(event) { console.log('onMouseWheel missing') } onPress(point) { if (this.record.containsPoint(point)) { this.record.toggle() } if ( { } if (this.stop.containsPoint(point)) { this.stop.toggle() if (this.onReset) { this.onReset() } } } mapPositionToPoint(point) { let local = new PIXI.Point() this.renderer.plugins.interaction.mapPositionToPoint( local, point.x, point.y ) return local } extractLocal(event) { return this.mapPositionToPoint(Events.extractPoint(event)) } capture(event) { if (typeof event.mouseDownSubstitute != 'undefined') return false return true } startReplay() { if (this.onReset) { this.onReset() } this.record.startReplay() } showTouches() { this.addChild(this.touchGraphics) } recordEvent(event) { if (this.record.selected) { this.record.recordEvent(event) } } onStart(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event) if (!this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.recordEvent(event) this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction) } } onMove(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event) if (!this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.recordEvent(event) this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction) } } onEnd(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event) if (this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.onPress(local) } else { this.recordEvent(event) this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction) } } updateTouchGraphics(interaction) { let current = interaction.current let graphics = this.touchGraphics if (graphics != null) { graphics.clear() for (let key of current.keys()) { if (interaction.ended.has(key)) { continue } let p = current.get(key) if (key == 'mouse') { graphics.beginFill(0xcc0000, 0.5) } else { graphics.beginFill(0xcccccc, 0.5) } graphics.drawCircle(p.x, p.y, 20) } graphics.endFill() } } } export class AppTest extends PIXIApp { constructor(canvas, container) { super({ view: canvas, backgroundColor: 0x000000 }) this.container = container } sceneFactory() { return new RecorderTools(this.renderer) } setup() { super.setup() this.scene.setup(this.container) } run(reset = null) { this.scene.onReset = reset console.log('Running AppTest') return this } }