(function () { 'use strict'; /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Theme. * * @example * // Create the theme * const yellow = new Theme({ * fill: 0xfecd2d, * fillActive: 0xfe9727, * strokeActive: 0xfecd2d, * strokeActiveWidth: 4, * textStyle: { * fill: 0x5ec7f8 * }, * textStyleActive: { * fill: 0x5954d3 * }, * textStyleLarge: { * fontSize: 36 * } * }) * * // Create the app and apply the new theme to it * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 450, * height: 150, * theme: yellow * }).setup().run() * * @class * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/theme.html|DocTest} */ class Theme { /** * Creates an instance of a Theme. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the theme. * @param {number} [opts.margin=10] - The outer spacing (distance to other objects) from the border. * @param {number} [opts.padding=10] - The inner spacing (distance from icon and/or label) to the border. * @param {number} [opts.radius=4] - The radius used when drawing a rounded rectangle. * @param {number} [opts.fast=0.25] - The duration of time when it has to be fast. * @param {number} [opts.normal=0.5] - The duration of time when it has to be normal. * @param {number} [opts.slow=1] - The duration of time when it has to be slow. * @param {number} [opts.primaryColor=0x5ec7f8] - The primary color of the theme. * @param {number} [opts.color1=0x282828] - The first color of the theme. For example used for the background. * @param {number} [opts.color2=0xf6f6f6] - The second color of the theme. For example used for the border. * @param {number} [opts.fill=color1] - The color of the background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=1] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=color1] - The color of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=1] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=color2] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=0.6] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=1] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=color2] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=0.6] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=1] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.iconColor=color2] - The color of the icon (set by the tint property) as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.iconColorActive=colorPrimary] - The color of the icon when activated. * @param {number} [opts.background=color1] - The color of a background for a component (e.g. at the Modal class). * @param {object} [opts.textStyle={}] - A textstyle object for the styling of text. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. Default object: * @param {string} [opts.textStyle.fontFamily="Avenir Next", "Open Sans", "Segoe UI", ...] - The font family. * @param {string} [opts.textStyle.fontWeight=400] - The font weight. * @param {number} [opts.textStyle.fontSize=16] - The font size. * @param {number} [opts.textStyle.fill=color2] - The fill color. * @param {number} [opts.textStyle.stroke=color1] - The stroke color. * @param {number} [opts.textStyle.strokeThickness=0] - The thickness of the stroke. * @param {number} [opts.textStyle.miterLimit=1] - The meter limit. * @param {string} [opts.textStyle.lineJoin=round] - The line join. * @param {object} [opts.textStyleActive=textStyle + {fill: primaryColor}] - A textstyle object which is used * for actived text. * @param {object} [opts.textStyleSmall=textStyle + {fontSize: -= 3}] - A textstyle object which is used for * small text. * @param {object} [opts.textStyleSmallActive=textStyleSmall + {fill: primaryColor}] - A textstyle object which * is used for small actived text. * @param {object} [opts.textStyleLarge=textStyle + {fontSize: += 3}] - A textstyle object which is used for * large text. * @param {object} [opts.textStyleLargeActive=textStyleLarge + {fill: primaryColor}] - A textstyle object which * is used for large actived text. * @param {number} [opts.textAlpha=Theme.textAlpha] - The alpha value of text. * @param {number} [opts.textActiveAlpha=Theme.textActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of text when activated. */ constructor(opts = {}) { const colorPrimary = opts.primaryColor != null ? opts.primaryColor : 0x5ec7f8; // blue const color1 = opts.color1 != null ? opts.color1 : 0x282828; // black const color2 = opts.color2 != null ? opts.color2 : 0xf6f6f6; // white this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { margin: 12, padding: 12, radius: 4, fast: 0.25, normal: 0.5, slow: 1, primaryColor: colorPrimary, color1: color1, color2: color2, fill: color1, fillAlpha: 1, fillActive: color1, fillActiveAlpha: 1, stroke: color2, strokeWidth: 0.6, strokeAlpha: 1, strokeActive: color2, strokeActiveWidth: 0.6, strokeActiveAlpha: 1, textAlpha: 1, textActiveAlpha: 1, iconColor: color2, iconColorActive: colorPrimary, background: color1 }, opts ); // Set textStyle and variants this.opts.textStyle = Object.assign( {}, { fontFamily: '"Avenir Next", "Open Sans", "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, Arial, sans-serif !default', fontWeight: '500', fontSize: 18, fill: color2, stroke: color1, strokeThickness: 0, miterLimit: 1, lineJoin: 'round' }, this.opts.textStyle ); this.opts.textStyleSmall = Object.assign( {}, this.opts.textStyle, { fontSize: this.opts.textStyle.fontSize - 3 }, this.opts.textStyleSmall ); this.opts.textStyleLarge = Object.assign( {}, this.opts.textStyle, { fontSize: this.opts.textStyle.fontSize + 3 }, this.opts.textStyleLarge ); this.opts.textStyleActive = Object.assign( {}, this.opts.textStyle, { fill: this.opts.primaryColor }, this.opts.textStyleActive ); this.opts.textStyleSmallActive = Object.assign( {}, this.opts.textStyleSmall, { fill: this.opts.primaryColor }, this.opts.textStyleSmallActive ); this.opts.textStyleLargeActive = Object.assign( {}, this.opts.textStyleLarge, { fill: this.opts.primaryColor }, this.opts.textStyleLargeActive ); Object.assign(this, this.opts); } /** * Factory function * * @static * @param {string} theme=dark - The name of the theme to load. * @return {Theme} Returns a newly created Theme object. */ static fromString(theme) { if (theme && typeof theme === 'object') { return theme } switch (theme) { case 'light': return new ThemeLight() case 'red': return new ThemeRed() default: return new ThemeDark() } } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS ThemeDark. * * @example * // Create the app with a new dark theme * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 450, * height: 150, * theme: new ThemeDark() * }).setup().run() * * @class * @extends Theme * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/theme.html|DocTest} */ class ThemeDark extends Theme {} /** * Class that represents a PixiJS ThemeLight. * The color1 is set to 0xf6f6f6, color2 to 0x282828. * * @example * // Create the app with a new light theme * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 450, * height: 150, * theme: new ThemeLight() * }).setup().run() * * @class * @extends Theme * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/theme.html|DocTest} */ class ThemeLight extends Theme { /** * Creates an instance of a ThemeLight. * * @constructor */ constructor() { super({ color1: 0xf6f6f6, color2: 0x282828 }); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS ThemeRed. * The primaryColor is set to 0xd92f31. * * @example * // Create the app with a new red theme * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 450, * height: 150, * theme: new ThemeRed() * }).setup().run() * * @class * @extends Theme * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/theme.html|DocTest} */ class ThemeRed extends Theme { /** * Creates an instance of a ThemeRed. * * @constructor */ constructor() { super({ primaryColor: 0xd92f31 }); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Progress. * * @example * // Create the progress * const progress = new Progress({ * app: app * }) * * // Add the progress to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(progress) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/progress.html|DocTest} */ class Progress extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Progress. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the progress. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the progress. * @param {PIXIApp} [opts.app=window.app] - The app where the progress belongs to. * @param {number} [opts.width] - The width of the progress bar. When not set, the width is the size of the app * minus 2 * opts.margin. * @param {number} [opts.height=2] - The height of the progress bar. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this progress. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.margin=100] - The outer spacing to the edges of the app. * @param {number} [opts.padding=0] - The inner spacing (distance from icon and/or label) to the border. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the progress background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=Theme.primaryColor] - The color of the progress background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=Theme.fillActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=0] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=Theme.strokeActive] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=0] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {boolean} [opts.background=false] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.backgroundFill=Theme.background] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.backgroundFillAlpha=1] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label when the * progress is activated. See PIXI.TextStyle for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.radius=Theme.radius] - The radius of the four corners of the progress (which is a rounded rectangle). * @param {boolean} [opts.destroyOnComplete=true] - Should the progress bar destroy itself after reaching 100 %? * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the progress initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), app: window.app, width: null, height: 2, margin: 100, padding: 0, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, fillActive: theme.primaryColor, fillActiveAlpha: theme.fillActiveAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: 0, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, strokeActive: theme.strokeActive, strokeActiveWidth: 0, strokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, background: false, backgroundFill: theme.background, backgroundFillAlpha: 1, radius: theme.radius, destroyOnComplete: true, visible: true }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; this.background = null; this.bar = null; this.barActive = null; this.alpha = 0; this.visible = this.opts.visible; this._progress = 0; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ setup() { // interaction //----------------- this.on('added', e => { this.show(); }); // background //----------------- if (this.opts.background) { const background = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.background = background; this.addChild(background); } // bar //----------------- const bar = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.bar = bar; this.addChild(bar); const barActive = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.barActive = barActive; this.bar.addChild(barActive); return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the progress. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ layout() { const width = this.opts.app.size.width; const height = this.opts.app.size.height; // background //----------------- if (this.opts.background) { this.background.clear(); this.background.beginFill(this.opts.backgroundFill, this.opts.backgroundFillAlpha); this.background.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); this.background.endFill(); } this.draw(); return this } /** * Draws the canvas. * * @private * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ draw() { this.bar.clear(); this.barActive.clear(); this.drawBar(); this.drawBarActive(); return this } /** * Draws the bar. * * @private * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ drawBar() { const width = this.opts.app.size.width; const height = this.opts.app.size.height; this.radius = this.opts.radius; if (this.radius * 2 > this.opts.height) { this.radius = this.opts.height / 2; } const wantedWidth = this.opts.width || width - 2 * this.opts.margin; const wantedHeight = this.opts.height; this.bar.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.bar.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); if (this.radius > 1) { this.bar.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, wantedWidth, wantedHeight, this.radius); } else { this.bar.drawRect(0, 0, wantedWidth, wantedHeight); } this.bar.endFill(); this.bar.x = width / 2 - this.bar.width / 2; this.bar.y = height / 2 - this.bar.height / 2; return this } /** * Draws the active bar. * * @private * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ drawBarActive() { const wantedWidth = this.bar.width - 2 * this.opts.padding; const wantedHeight = this.bar.height - 2 * this.opts.padding; const barActiveWidth = (wantedWidth * this._progress) / 100; this.barActive.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeActiveWidth, this.opts.strokeActive, this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha); this.barActive.beginFill(this.opts.fillActive, this.opts.fillActiveAlpha); if (barActiveWidth > 0) { if (this.radius > 1) { this.barActive.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, barActiveWidth, wantedHeight, this.radius); } else { this.barActive.drawRect(0, 0, barActiveWidth, wantedHeight); } } this.barActive.endFill(); this.barActive.x = this.opts.padding; this.barActive.y = this.opts.padding; return this } /** * Shows the progress (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ show() { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1 }); return this } /** * Hides the progress (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Progress} A reference to the progress for chaining. */ hide() { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0, onComplete: () => (this.visible = false) }); return this } /** * Gets or sets the progress. Has to be a number between 0 and 100. * * @member {number} */ get progress() { return this._progress } set progress(value) { value = Math.round(value); if (value < 0) { value = 0; } if (value > 100) { value = 100; } TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.normal, { _progress: value, onUpdate: () => this.draw(), onComplete: () => { if (value === 100 && this.opts.destroyOnComplete) { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0, onComplete: () => this.destroy({ children: true }) }); } } }); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS AbstractPopup. * The class is used for various other Popup-like classes * like Popup, Message, Tooltip... * * @class * @abstract * @extends PIXI.Graphics * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Graphics.html|PIXI.Graphics} */ class AbstractPopup extends PIXI.Graphics { /** * Creates an instance of an AbstractPopup (only for internal use). * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the popup. Can be also set after creation with popup.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the popup. Can be also set after creation with popup.y = 0. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this popup. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {string|number|PIXI.Text} [opts.header] - The heading inside the popup as a string, a number (will be * converted to a text) or as a PIXI.Text object. * @param {string|number|PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.content] - A text, a number (will be converted to a text) or * an PIXI.DisplayObject as the content of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=320] - The minimum width of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=130] - The minimum height of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding] - The inner spacing (distance from header and content) the the border. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the button background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {object} [opts.headerStyle=Theme.textStyleLarge] - A textstyle object for the styling of the header. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {object} [opts.textStyle=Theme.textStyleSmall] - A textstyle object for the styling of the text. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.radius=Theme.radius] - The radius of the four corners of the popup (which is a rounded rectangle). * @param {hiddenCallback} [opts.onHidden] - Executed when the popup gets hidden. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the popup initially visible (property visible)? * @param {string} [opts.orientation] - When set to portrait, the popup cannot be displayed in landscape mode. When set * to landscape, the popup cannot be displayed in portrait mode. */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), x: 0, y: 0, header: null, // null or null content: null, // null or String or PIXI.DisplayObject minWidth: 320, minHeight: 130, maxWidth: null, padding: theme.padding, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, headerStyle: theme.textStyleLarge, textStyle: theme.textStyleSmall, radius: theme.radius, onHidden: null, visible: true, orientation: null }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; this.headerStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(this.opts.headerStyle); this.textStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(this.opts.textStyle); if (this.opts.maxWidth) { this.headerStyle.wordWrap = true; this.headerStyle.wordWrapWidth = this.opts.maxWidth - 2 * this.opts.padding; this.textStyle.wordWrap = true; this.textStyle.wordWrapWidth = this.opts.maxWidth - 2 * this.opts.padding; } this.alpha = 0; this.visible = this.opts.visible; this._header = null; this._content = null; // position this.x = this.opts.x; this.y = this.opts.y; // padding this.innerPadding = this.opts.padding * 1.5; // interaction //----------------- this.interactive = true; this.on('added', e => { this.show(); }); } /** * Creates the framework and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ setup() { // position //----------------- this.sy = this.opts.padding; // header //----------------- if (this.opts.header != null) { let header = null; if (this.opts.header instanceof PIXI.Text) { header = this.opts.header; } else if (typeof this.opts.header === 'number') { header = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.header.toString(), this.headerStyle); } else { header = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.header, this.headerStyle); } header.x = this.opts.padding; header.y = this.sy; this.addChild(header); this.sy += header.height; this._header = header; } if (this.opts.header && this.opts.content) { this.sy += this.innerPadding; } // content //----------------- if (this.opts.content != null) { let content = null; if (typeof this.opts.content === 'string') { content = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.content, this.textStyle); } else if (typeof this.opts.content === 'number') { content = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.content.toString(), this.textStyle); } else { content = this.opts.content; } content.x = this.opts.padding; content.y = this.sy; this.sy += content.height; this.addChild(content); this._content = content; } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the popup. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ layout() { // wanted width & wanted height //----------------- const padding = this.opts.padding; const size = this.getInnerSize(); const width = size.width + 2 * padding; const height = size.height + 2 * padding; this.wantedWidth = Math.max(width, this.opts.minWidth); this.wantedHeight = Math.max(height, this.opts.minHeight); if (this.opts.maxWidth) { this.wantedWidth = Math.min(this.wantedWidth, this.opts.maxWidth); } if (this.opts.radius * 2 > this.wantedWidth) { this.wantedWidth = this.opts.radius * 2; } if (this.opts.radius * 2 > this.wantedHeight) { this.wantedHeight = this.opts.radius * 2; } switch (this.opts.orientation) { case 'portrait': if (this.wantedWidth > this.wantedHeight) { this.wantedHeight = this.wantedWidth; } break case 'landscape': if (this.wantedHeight > this.wantedWidth) { this.wantedWidth = this.wantedHeight; } break } this.draw(); return this } /** * Draws the canvas. * * @private * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ draw() { const square = Math.round(this.wantedWidth) === Math.round(this.wantedHeight); const diameter = Math.round(this.opts.radius * 2); this.clear(); this.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); if (square && diameter === this.wantedWidth) { this.drawCircle(this.wantedWidth / 2, this.wantedHeight / 2, this.opts.radius); } else { this.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, this.wantedWidth, this.wantedHeight, this.opts.radius); } this.endFill(); return this } /** * Calculates the size of the children of the AbstractPopup. * Cannot use getBounds() because it is not updated when children * are removed. * * @private * @returns {object} An JavaScript object width the keys width and height. */ getInnerSize() { let width = 0; let height = 0; if (this._header) { width = this._header.width; height = this._header.height; } if (this._header && this._content) { height += this.innerPadding; } if (this._content) { width = Math.max(width, this._content.width); height += this._content.height; } return { width, height } } /** * Shows the popup (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @param {callback} [cb] - Executed when show animation was completed. * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ show(cb) { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1, onComplete: () => { if (cb) { cb.call(this); } } }); return this } /** * Hides the popup (sets his alpha values to 0). * * @param {callback} [cb] - Executed when hide animation was completed. * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ hide(cb) { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0, onComplete: () => { this.visible = false; if (cb) { cb.call(this); } } }); if (this.opts.onHidden) { this.opts.onHidden.call(this, this); } return this } /** * Sets or gets the header. The getter always returns a PIXI.Text object. The setter can receive * a string, a number or a PIXI.Text object. * * @member {string|number|PIXI.Text} */ get header() { return this._header } set header(value) { if (this._header) { this._header.destroy(); } this.opts.header = value; this.setup().layout(); } /** * Sets or gets the content. The getter always returns an PIXI.DisplayObject. The setter can receive * a string, a number or a PIXI.DisplayObject. * * @member {string|number|PIXI.DisplayObject} */ get content() { return this._content } set content(value) { if (this._content) { this._content.destroy(); } this.opts.content = value; this.setup().layout(); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Tooltip. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * // Add an DisplayObject to the app * const circle = new PIXI.Graphics() * circle.beginFill(0x5251a3) * circle.drawCircle(50, 50, 40) * app.scene.addChild(circle) * * const tooltip = new Tooltip({ * object: circle, * container: app.scene, * content: 'Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schwachen.' * }) * * @class * @extends AbstractPopup * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/tooltip.html|DocTest} */ class Tooltip extends AbstractPopup { /** * Creates an instance of a Tooltip. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the tooltip. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=0] - The minimum width of the tooltip. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=0] - The minimum height of the tooltip. * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding / 2] - The inner spacing of the tooltip. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} opts.object - The object, where the tooltip should be displayed. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.container=object] - The container where the tooltip should be attached to. * @param {number} [opts.offsetLeft=8] - The horizontal shift of the tooltip. * @param {number} [opts.offsetTop=-8] - The vertical shift of the tooltip. * @param {number} [opts.delay=0] - A delay, after which the tooltip should be opened. */ constructor(opts = {}) { const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); opts = Object.assign( {}, { minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, padding: theme.padding / 2, object: null, container: null, offsetLeft: 8, offsetTop: -8, delay: 0 }, opts ); opts.container = opts.container || opts.object; super(opts); // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Tooltip} A reference to the tooltip for chaining. */ setup() { super.setup(); // bind events this //----------------- this.interactive = true; let mouseoverTooltip = false; this.on('mouseover', e => { mouseoverTooltip = true; }); this.on('mouseout', e => { mouseoverTooltip = false; if (!mouseoverObject) { this.hide(() => { this.opts.container.removeChild(this); }); } }); // bind events object //----------------- const object = this.opts.object; object.interactive = true; let mouseoverObject = false; object.on('mouseover', e => { this.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { mouseoverObject = true; this.visible = true; this.opts.container.addChild(this); this.setPosition(e); }, this.opts.delay * 1000); }); object.on('mousemove', e => { if (mouseoverObject) { this.setPosition(e); } }); object.on('mouseout', e => { mouseoverObject = false; window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); if (!mouseoverTooltip) { this.hide(() => { this.opts.container.removeChild(this); }); } }); return this } /** * Calculates and sets the position of the tooltip. * * @private * @return {Tooltip} A reference to the tooltip for chaining. */ setPosition(e) { const position = e.data.getLocalPosition(this.opts.container); this.x = position.x + this.opts.offsetLeft; this.y = position.y + this.opts.offsetTop - this.height; return this } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Badge. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * // Add an DisplayObject to the app * const circle = new PIXI.Graphics() * circle.beginFill(0x5251a3) * circle.drawCircle(50, 50, 40) * app.scene.addChild(circle) * * const badge1 = new Badge({ * object: circle, * container: app.scene, * content: 'Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schwachen.' * }) * * @class * @extends AbstractPopup * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/badge.html|DocTest} */ class Badge extends AbstractPopup { /** * Creates an instance of a Badge. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the badge. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=0] - The minimum width of the badge. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=0] - The minimum height of the badge. * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding / 2] - The inner spacing of the badge. * @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip * to display. */ constructor(opts = {}) { const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); opts = Object.assign( {}, { minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, padding: theme.padding / 2, tooltip: null }, opts ); super(opts); this.tooltip = null; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @override * @return {Badge} A reference to the badge for chaining. */ setup() { super.setup(); // tooltip //----------------- if (this.opts.tooltip) { if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ object: this, content: this.opts.tooltip }); } else { this.opts.tooltip = Object.assign({}, { object: this }, this.opts.tooltip); this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip); } } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the badge. Can be used after resizing. * * @override * @return {Badge} A reference to the badge for chaining. */ layout() { super.layout(); this.content.x = this.width / 2 - this.content.width / 2 - this.opts.strokeWidth / 2; this.content.y = this.height / 2 - this.content.height / 2 - this.opts.strokeWidth / 2; return this } } class Events$1 { static stop(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } static extractPoint(event) { switch (event.constructor.name) { case 'TouchEvent': for (let i = 0; i < event.targetTouches.length; i++) { let t = event.targetTouches[i]; return { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY } } break default: return { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY } } } static isCaptured(event) { if (event.__capturedBy) return true return false } static capturedBy(event, obj) { event.__capturedBy = obj; } static isPointerDown(event) { // According to // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Pointer_events // pointer events use the buttons feature to represent pressed buttons return event.buttons } static isMouseDown(event) { // Attempts to clone the which attribute of events failed in WebKit. May // be this is a bug or a security feature. Workaround: we introduce // a mouseDownSubstitute attribute that can be assigned to cloned // events after instantiation. if (Reflect.has(event, 'mouseDownSubstitute')) return event.mouseDownSubstitute return event.buttons || event.which } static isSimulatedEvent(event) { return Reflect.has(event, 'mouseDownSubstitute') } static isMouseRightClick(event) { return event.buttons || event.which } static extractTouches(targets) { let touches = []; for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { let t = targets[i]; touches.push({ targetSelector: this.selector(t.target), identifier: t.identifier, screenX: t.screenX, screenY: t.screenY, clientX: t.clientX, clientY: t.clientY, pageX: t.pageX, pageY: t.pageY }); } return touches } static createTouchList(targets) { let touches = []; for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { let t = targets[i]; let touchTarget = document.elementFromPoint(t.pageX, t.pageY); let touch = new Touch(undefined, touchTarget, t.identifier, t.pageX, t.pageY, t.screenX, t.screenY); touches.push(touch); } return new TouchList(...touches) } static extractEvent(timestamp, event) { let targetSelector = this.selector(event.target); let infos = { type: event.type, time: timestamp, constructor: event.constructor, data: { targetSelector: targetSelector, view: event.view, mouseDownSubstitute: event.buttons || event.which, // which cannot be cloned directly bubbles: event.bubbles, cancelable: event.cancelable, screenX: event.screenX, screenY: event.screenY, clientX: event.clientX, clientY: event.clientY, layerX: event.layerX, layerY: event.layerY, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, ctrlKey: event.ctrlKey, altKey: event.altKey, shiftKey: event.shiftKey, metaKey: event.metaKey } }; if (event.type.startsWith('touch')) { // On Safari-WebKit the TouchEvent has layerX, layerY coordinates let data = infos.data; data.targetTouches = this.extractTouches(event.targetTouches); data.changedTouches = this.extractTouches(event.changedTouches); data.touches = this.extractTouches(event.touches); } if (event.type.startsWith('pointer')) { let data = infos.data; data.pointerId = event.pointerId; data.pointerType = event.pointerType; } if (Events$1.debug) { Events$1.extracted.push(this.toLine(event)); } return infos } static cloneEvent(type, constructor, data) { if (type.startsWith('touch')) { // We need to find target from layerX, layerY //var target = document.querySelector(data.targetSelector) // elementFromPoint(data.layerX, data.layerY) //data.target = target data.targetTouches = this.createTouchList(data.targetTouches); data.changedTouches = this.createTouchList(data.changedTouches); data.touches = this.createTouchList(data.touches); } // We need to find target from pageX, pageY which are only // available after construction. They seem to getter items. let clone = Reflect.construct(constructor, [type, data]); clone.mouseDownSubstitute = data.mouseDownSubstitute; return clone } static simulateEvent(type, constructor, data) { data.target = document.querySelector(data.targetSelector); let clone = this.cloneEvent(type, constructor, data); if (data.target != null) { data.target.dispatchEvent(clone); } if (Events$1.debug) { Events$1.simulated.push(this.toLine(clone)); } } static toLine(event) { return `${event.type} #${event.target.id} ${event.clientX} ${event.clientY}` } static compareExtractedWithSimulated() { if (this.extracted.length != this.simulated.length) { alert( 'Unequal length of extracted [' + this.extracted.length + '] and simulated events [' + this.simulated.length + '].' ); } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.extracted.length; i++) { var extracted = this.extracted[i]; var simulated = this.simulated[i]; if (extracted != simulated) { console.log('Events differ:' + extracted + '|' + simulated); } } } } static selector(context) { return OptimalSelect.select(context) } static reset() { this.extracted = []; this.simulated = []; } static resetSimulated() { this.simulated = []; } static showExtractedEvents(event) { if (!event.shiftKey) { return } if (this.popup == null) { let element = document.createElement('div'); Elements.setStyle(element, { position: 'absolute', width: '480px', height: '640px', overflow: 'auto', backgroundColor: 'lightgray' }); document.body.appendChild(element); this.popup = element; } this.popup.innerHTML = ''; for (let line of this.extracted) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = line; this.popup.appendChild(div); } let div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '------------ Simulated -----------'; this.popup.appendChild(div); for (let line of this.simulated) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = line; this.popup.appendChild(div); } Elements.setStyle(this.popup, { left: event.clientX + 'px', top: event.clientY + 'px' }); } } Events$1.popup = null; Events$1.debug = true; Events$1.extracted = []; Events$1.simulated = []; Events$1.simulationRunning = false; /* globals */ /** Tests whether an object is empty * @param {Object} obj - the object to be tested * @return {boolean} */ function isEmpty(obj) { // > isEmpty({}) // true for (let i in obj) { return false } return true } function lerp(start, stop, amt) { return amt * (stop - start) + start } // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the // leading edge, instead of the trailing. // Taken from: https://davidwalsh.name/essential-javascript-functions function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout; return function() { let context = this, args = arguments; let later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; let callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); } } /** Returns an id that is guaranteed to be unique within the livetime of the * application * @return {string} */ let _idGenerator = 0; function getId() { return 'id' + _idGenerator++ } class Dates { static create(fullYear, month, day) { return new Date(Date.UTC(fullYear, month, day)) } static daysInMonth(date) { return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate() } static startYearRange(date) { return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999)) } static endYearRange(date) { return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 1)) } static prevYear(date, offset = 1) { return this.create(date.getFullYear() - offset, 0, 1) } static nextYear(date, offset = 1) { return this.create(date.getFullYear() + offset, 0, 1) } static nextMonth(date) { return this.create(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1) } static nextDay(date) { return this.create(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() + 1) } static nextHour(date) { // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050720/adding-hours-to-javascript-date-object return new Date(date.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000) } static nextMinute(date) { // See above return new Date(date.getTime() + 60 * 1000) } static nextSecond(date) { // See above return new Date(date.getTime() + 1000) } static nextMillisecond(date) { // See above return new Date(date.getTime() + 1) } static *iterYears(start, end) { let date = this.create(start.getFullYear(), 0, 1); while (date <= end) { yield date; date = this.nextYear(date); } yield date; } static *iterMonths(year, limit = 12) { let month = 0; while (month < limit) { let date = this.create(year.getFullYear(), month, 1); yield date; month += 1; } } static *iterMonthsOfYears(years) { for (let year of years) { for (let month of this.iterMonths(year)) { yield month; } } } static *iterDays(month) { let day = 1; let limit = Dates.daysInMonth(month); while (day <= limit) { let date = this.create(month.getFullYear(), month.getMonth(), day); yield date; day += 1; } } static *iterDaysOfMonths(months) { for (let month of months) { for (let day of this.iterDays(month)) { yield day; } } } } /* Color conversion functions */ class Colors { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5623838/rgb-to-hex-and-hex-to-rgb static rgb2num(red, green, blue) { let rgb = blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16); return 0x000000 + rgb } static rgb2hex(red, green, blue) { let rgb = blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16); return '#' + (0x1000000 + rgb).toString(16).slice(1) } static hex2rgb(hex) { // long version let r = hex.match(/^#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i); if (r) { return r.slice(1, 4).map(x => { return parseInt(x, 16) }) } // short version r = hex.match(/^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i); if (r) { return r.slice(1, 4).map(x => { return 0x11 * parseInt(x, 16) }) } return null } static rgb(r, g, b) { return { r, g, b } } static string2hex(str) { return parseInt('0x' + str.slice(1)) } static lerp(rgb1, rgb2, amount) { return { r: Math.round(lerp(rgb1.r, rgb2.r, amount)), g: Math.round(lerp(rgb1.g, rgb2.g, amount)), b: Math.round(lerp(rgb1.b, rgb2.b, amount)) } } static get violet() { return Colors.rgb2num(89, 34, 131) } static get steelblue() { return Colors.rgb2num(0, 130, 164) } static get ochre() { return Colors.rgb2num(181, 157, 0) } static get turquoise() { return Colors.rgb2num(34, 164, 131) } static get eminence() { return Colors.rgb2num(150, 60, 134) } static random() { let r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); let g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); let b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); return Colors.rgb2num(r, g, b) } } class Cycle extends Array { constructor(...items) { super(); for (let item of items) { this.push(item); } this.index = 0; } next() { if (this.index == this.length) { this.index = 0; } return this[this.index++] } current() { if (this.index === this.length) { this.index = 0; } return this[this.index] } } /** Static methods to compute 2D points with x and y coordinates. */ class Points { static length(a) { return Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y) } static normalize(p) { let len = this.length(p); return this.multiplyScalar(p, 1 / len) } static mean(a, b) { return { x: (a.x + b.x) / 2, y: (a.y + b.y) / 2 } } static subtract(a, b) { return { x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y } } static multiply(a, b) { return { x: a.x * b.x, y: a.y * b.y } } static divide(a, b) { return { x: a.x / b.x, y: a.y / b.y } } static multiplyScalar(a, b) { return { x: a.x * b, y: a.y * b } } static add(a, b) { return { x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y } } static negate(p) { return { x: -p.x, y: -p.y } } static angle(p1, p2) { return Math.atan2(p1.y - p2.y, p1.x - p2.x) } static normalizedAngle(p1, p2) { return Angle.normalize(this.angle(p1, p2)) } static normalized2Angle(p1, p2) { return Angle.normalize2(this.angle(p1, p2)) } static arc(p, alpha, radius) { return { x: p.x + radius * Math.cos(alpha), y: p.y + radius * Math.sin(alpha) } } static distance(a, b) { let dx = a.x - b.x; let dy = a.y - b.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) } // Distance == 0.0 indicates an inside relation. static distanceToRect(p, r) { let dx = 0; let dy = 0; if (p.x < r.x) dx = p.x - r.x; else if (p.x > r.x + r.width) dx = p.x - (r.x + r.width); if (p.y < r.y) dy = p.y - r.y; else if (p.y > r.y + r.height) dy = p.y - (r.y + r.height); return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) /* let cx = Math.max(Math.min(p.x, r.x + r.width), r.x) let cy = Math.max(Math.min(p.y, r.y + r.height), r.y) let result = Math.sqrt((p.x - cx) * (p.x - cx) + (p.y - cy) * (p.y - cy)) console.log("distanceToRect", p, r, result) return result */ } static fromPageToNode(element, p) { // if (window.webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode) { // return window.webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(element, // new WebKitPoint(p.x, p.y)) // } return window.convertPointFromPageToNode(element, p.x, p.y) } static fromNodeToPage(element, p) { // if (window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage) { // return window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(element, // new WebKitPoint(p.x, p.y)) // } return window.convertPointFromNodeToPage(element, p.x, p.y) } } /** Static methods to compute angles. */ class Angle { static normalize(angle) { let TAU = Math.PI * 2.0; while (angle > Math.PI) { angle -= TAU; } while (angle < -Math.PI) { angle += TAU; } return angle } static normalize2(angle) { let TAU = Math.PI * 2.0; while (angle > TAU) { angle -= TAU; } while (angle < 0) { angle += TAU; } return angle } static normalizeDegree(angle) { let full = 360.0; while (angle > 180.0) { angle -= full; } while (angle < -180.0) { angle += full; } return angle } static normalizedDiff(a, b) { return this.normalize(this.diff(a, b)) } static normalized2Diff(a, b) { return this.normalize2(this.diff(a, b)) } static diff(a, b) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(a - b), Math.cos(a - b)) } static degree2radian(degree) { return (Math.PI * degree) / 180.0 } static radian2degree(rad) { return (180.0 / Math.PI) * rad } } class Elements$1 { static setStyle(element, styles) { for (let key in styles) { element.style[key] = styles[key]; } } static addClass(element, cssClass) { element.classList.add(cssClass); } static removeClass(element, cssClass) { element.classList.remove(cssClass); } static toggleClass(element, cssClass) { element.classList.toggle(cssClass); } static hasClass(element, cssClass) { return element.classList.contains(cssClass) } } class MapProxy { /* This class is needed if we want to use the interaction classes in Firefox 45.8 and modern Browsers. A workaround for https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/2334 */ constructor() { this.map = new Map(); } get size() { return this.map.size } get(key) { return this.map.get(key) } set(key, value) { return this.map.set(key, value) } delete(key) { return this.map.delete(key) } clear() { return this.map.clear() } has(key) { return this.map.has(key) } keys() { return this.map.keys() } values() { return this.map.values() } entries() { return this.map.entries() } forEach(func) { this.map.forEach(func); } } /* Based om https://gist.github.com/cwleonard/e124d63238bda7a3cbfa */ class Polygon { /* * This is the Polygon constructor. All points are center-relative. */ constructor(center) { this.points = new Array(); this.center = center; } /* * Point x and y values should be relative to the center. */ addPoint(p) { this.points.push(p); } /* * Point x and y values should be absolute coordinates. */ addAbsolutePoint(p) { this.points.push({ x: p.x - this.center.x, y: p.y - this.center.y }); } /* * Returns the number of sides. Equal to the number of vertices. */ getNumberOfSides() { return this.points.length } /* * rotate the polygon by a number of radians */ rotate(rads) { for (let i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) { let x = this.points[i].x; let y = this.points[i].y; this.points[i].x = Math.cos(rads) * x - Math.sin(rads) * y; this.points[i].y = Math.sin(rads) * x + Math.cos(rads) * y; } } /* * The draw function takes as a parameter a Context object from * a Canvas element and draws the polygon on it. */ draw(context, { lineWidth = 2, stroke = '#000000', fill = null } = {}) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.points[0].x + this.center.x, this.points[0].y + this.center.y); for (let i = 1; i < this.points.length; i++) { context.lineTo(this.points[i].x + this.center.x, this.points[i].y + this.center.y); } context.closePath(); context.lineWidth = lineWidth; if (stroke) { context.strokeStyle = stroke; context.stroke(); } if (fill) { context.fillStyle = fill; context.fill(); } } absolutePoints() { let result = new Array(); for (let p of this.points) { result.push(Points.add(p, this.center)); } return result } flatAbsolutePoints() { let result = new Array(); for (let p of this.points) { let a = Points.add(p, this.center); result.push(a.x); result.push(a.y); } return result } /* * This function returns true if the given point is inside the polygon, * and false otherwise. */ containsPoint(pnt) { let nvert = this.points.length; let testx = pnt.x; let testy = pnt.y; let vertx = new Array(); for (let q = 0; q < this.points.length; q++) { vertx.push(this.points[q].x + this.center.x); } let verty = new Array(); for (let w = 0; w < this.points.length; w++) { verty.push(this.points[w].y + this.center.y); } let i, j = 0; let c = false; for (i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++) { if ( verty[i] > testy != verty[j] > testy && testx < ((vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (testy - verty[i])) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i] ) c = !c; } return c } multiplyScalar(scale) { let center = Points.multiplyScalar(this.center, scale); let clone = new Polygon(center); for (let p of this.points) { clone.addPoint(Points.multiplyScalar(p, scale)); } return clone } /* * To detect intersection with another Polygon object, this * function uses the Separating Axis Theorem. It returns false * if there is no intersection, or an object if there is. The object * contains 2 fields, overlap and axis. Moving the polygon by overlap * on axis will get the polygons out of intersection. */ intersectsWith(other) { let axis = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let tmp, minA, maxA, minB, maxB; let side, i; let smallest = null; let overlap = 99999999; /* test polygon A's sides */ for (side = 0; side < this.getNumberOfSides(); side++) { /* get the axis that we will project onto */ if (side == 0) { axis.x = this.points[this.getNumberOfSides() - 1].y - this.points[0].y; axis.y = this.points[0].x - this.points[this.getNumberOfSides() - 1].x; } else { axis.x = this.points[side - 1].y - this.points[side].y; axis.y = this.points[side].x - this.points[side - 1].x; } /* normalize the axis */ tmp = Math.sqrt(axis.x * axis.x + axis.y * axis.y); axis.x /= tmp; axis.y /= tmp; /* project polygon A onto axis to determine the min/max */ minA = maxA = this.points[0].x * axis.x + this.points[0].y * axis.y; for (i = 1; i < this.getNumberOfSides(); i++) { tmp = this.points[i].x * axis.x + this.points[i].y * axis.y; if (tmp > maxA) maxA = tmp; else if (tmp < minA) minA = tmp; } /* correct for offset */ tmp = this.center.x * axis.x + this.center.y * axis.y; minA += tmp; maxA += tmp; /* project polygon B onto axis to determine the min/max */ minB = maxB = other.points[0].x * axis.x + other.points[0].y * axis.y; for (i = 1; i < other.getNumberOfSides(); i++) { tmp = other.points[i].x * axis.x + other.points[i].y * axis.y; if (tmp > maxB) maxB = tmp; else if (tmp < minB) minB = tmp; } /* correct for offset */ tmp = other.center.x * axis.x + other.center.y * axis.y; minB += tmp; maxB += tmp; /* test if lines intersect, if not, return false */ if (maxA < minB || minA > maxB) { return false } else { let o = maxA > maxB ? maxB - minA : maxA - minB; if (o < overlap) { overlap = o; smallest = { x: axis.x, y: axis.y }; } } } /* test polygon B's sides */ for (side = 0; side < other.getNumberOfSides(); side++) { /* get the axis that we will project onto */ if (side == 0) { axis.x = other.points[other.getNumberOfSides() - 1].y - other.points[0].y; axis.y = other.points[0].x - other.points[other.getNumberOfSides() - 1].x; } else { axis.x = other.points[side - 1].y - other.points[side].y; axis.y = other.points[side].x - other.points[side - 1].x; } /* normalize the axis */ tmp = Math.sqrt(axis.x * axis.x + axis.y * axis.y); axis.x /= tmp; axis.y /= tmp; /* project polygon A onto axis to determine the min/max */ minA = maxA = this.points[0].x * axis.x + this.points[0].y * axis.y; for (i = 1; i < this.getNumberOfSides(); i++) { tmp = this.points[i].x * axis.x + this.points[i].y * axis.y; if (tmp > maxA) maxA = tmp; else if (tmp < minA) minA = tmp; } /* correct for offset */ tmp = this.center.x * axis.x + this.center.y * axis.y; minA += tmp; maxA += tmp; /* project polygon B onto axis to determine the min/max */ minB = maxB = other.points[0].x * axis.x + other.points[0].y * axis.y; for (i = 1; i < other.getNumberOfSides(); i++) { tmp = other.points[i].x * axis.x + other.points[i].y * axis.y; if (tmp > maxB) maxB = tmp; else if (tmp < minB) minB = tmp; } /* correct for offset */ tmp = other.center.x * axis.x + other.center.y * axis.y; minB += tmp; maxB += tmp; /* test if lines intersect, if not, return false */ if (maxA < minB || minA > maxB) { return false } else { let o = maxA > maxB ? maxB - minA : maxA - minB; if (o < overlap) { overlap = o; smallest = { x: axis.x, y: axis.y }; } } } return { overlap: overlap + 0.001, axis: smallest } } static fromPoints(points) { let min = { x: Number.MAX_VALUE, y: Number.MAX_VALUE }; let max = { x: Number.MIN_VALUE, y: Number.MIN_VALUE }; for (let p of points) { min.x = Math.min(p.x, min.x); max.x = Math.max(p.x, max.x); min.y = Math.min(p.y, min.y); max.y = Math.max(p.y, max.y); } let center = Points.mean(min, max); let polygon = new Polygon(center); for (let p of points) { polygon.addAbsolutePoint(p); } return polygon } } class LowPassFilter { constructor(smoothing = 0.5, bufferMaxSize = 10) { this.smoothing = smoothing; // must be smaller than 1 this.buffer = []; // FIFO queue this.bufferMaxSize = bufferMaxSize; } /** * Setup buffer with array of values * * @param {array} values * @returns {array} * @access public */ setup(values) { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { this.__push(values[i]); } return this.buffer } /** * Clear buffer to prepare for new values. * * @access public */ clear() { this.buffer = []; } /** * Add new value to buffer (FIFO queue) * * @param {integer|float} value * @returns {integer|float} * @access private */ __push(value) { let removed = this.buffer.length === this.bufferMaxSize ? this.buffer.shift() : 0; this.buffer.push(value); return removed } /** * Smooth value from stream * * @param {integer|float} nextValue * @returns {integer|float} * @access public */ next(nextValue) { // push new value to the end, and remove oldest one let removed = this.__push(nextValue); // smooth value using all values from buffer let result = this.buffer.reduce((last, current) => { return this.smoothing * current + (1 - this.smoothing) * last }, removed); // replace smoothed value this.buffer[this.buffer.length - 1] = result; return result } /** * Smooth array of values * * @param {array} values * @returns {undefined} * @access public */ smoothArray(values) { let value = values[0]; for (let i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { let currentValue = values[i]; value += (currentValue - value) * this.smoothing; values[i] = Math.round(value); } return values } } /* global */ /** * Callback for the button action. * * @callback actionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Callback for the button beforeAction. * * @callback beforeActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Callback for the button afterAction. * * @callback afterActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Button. * * @example * // Create the button * const button = new Button({ * label: 'My Button', * action: () => console.log('Button was clicked') * }) * * // Add the button to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(button) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/button.html|DocTest} */ class Button$1 extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Button. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the button. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the button. * @param {string} [opts.label] - The label of the button. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the button. Can be also set after creation with button.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the button. Can be also set after creation with button.y = 0. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this button. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=44] - The minimum width of the button. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=44] - The minimum height of the button. * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding] - The inner spacing (distance from icon and/or label) to the border. * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.icon] - The icon of the button. Can be a predefined one, an URL or an PIXI.DisplayObject. * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.iconActive=icon] - The icon of the button when activated. Can be a predefined one, an URL or an PIXI.DisplayObject. * @param {string} [opts.iconPosition=left] - The position of the icon in relation to the label. Can be left or right. * @param {number} [opts.iconColor=Theme.iconColor] - The color of the icon (set by the tint property) as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.iconColorActive=Theme.iconColorActive] - The color of the icon when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the button background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=Theme.fillActive] - The color of the button background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=Theme.fillActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=Theme.strokeActive] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=Theme.strokeActiveWidth] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {object} [opts.textStyle=Theme.textStyle] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.textStyleActive=Theme.textStyleActive] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label when the * button is activated. See PIXI.TextStyle for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.textAlpha=Theme.textAlpha] - The alpha value of the text. * @param {number} [opts.textActiveAlpha=Theme.textActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the text when activated. * @param {string} [opts.style=default] - A shortcut for styling options. Possible values are default, link. * @param {number} [opts.radius=Theme.radius] - The radius of the four corners of the button (which is a rounded rectangle). * @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the button disabled? When disabled, the button has a lower alpha value * and cannot be clicked (interactive is set to false). * @param {boolean} [opts.active=false] - Is the button initially active? * @param {actionCallback} [opts.action] - Executed when the button was triggered (by pointerup). * @param {beforeActionCallback} [opts.beforeAction] - Executed before the main action is triggered. * @param {afterActionCallback} [opts.afterAction] - Executed after the main action was triggered. * @param {string} [opts.type=default] - The type of the button. Can be default or checkbox. When the type is * checkbox, the active state is toggled automatically. * @param {string} [opts.align=center] - The horizontal position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * left, center and right. Only affects the style when the minWidth is bigger than the width of the icon and label. * @param {string} [opts.verticalAlign=middle] - The vertical position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * top, middle and button. Only affects the style when the minHeight is bigger than the height of the icon and label. * @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip * to display. * @param {string|object} [opts.badge] - A string for the label of the badge or an object to configure the badge to display. * If the parameter is an object, all badge options can be set plus the following: * @param {string} [opts.badge.align=right] - The horizontal alignment of the badge. Possible values: left, center, right * @param {string} [opts.badge.verticalAlign=top] - The vertical alignment of the badge. Possible values: top, middle, bottom * @param {number} [opts.badge.offsetLeft=0] - The horizontal shift of the badge. * @param {number} [opts.badge.offsetTop=0] - The vertical shift of the badge. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the button initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.HIDDEN_ALPHA = 0.000000001; // WORKAROUND: See https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/wiki/v5-Migration-Guide#graphics-interaction this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), label: null, x: 0, y: 0, minWidth: 44, minHeight: 44, padding: theme.padding, icon: undefined, iconActive: undefined, iconPosition: 'left', iconColor: theme.iconColor, iconColorActive: theme.iconColorActive, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, fillActive: theme.fillActive, fillActiveAlpha: theme.fillActiveAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, strokeActive: theme.strokeActive, strokeActiveWidth: theme.strokeActiveWidth, strokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, textStyle: {}, textStyleActive: {}, textAlpha: theme.textAlpha, textActiveAlpha: theme.textActiveAlpha, style: 'default', radius: theme.radius, disabled: false, active: false, action: null, beforeAction: null, afterAction: null, type: 'default', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', tooltip: null, badge: null, visible: true }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; this.opts.textStyle = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, this.opts.textStyle); this.opts.textStyleActive = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyleActive, this.opts.textStyleActive); if (typeof this.opts.icon === 'undefined' && typeof this.opts.iconActive !== 'undefined') { this.opts.icon = this.opts.iconActive; } else if (typeof this.opts.icon !== 'undefined' && typeof this.opts.iconActive === 'undefined') { this.opts.iconActive = this.opts.icon; } if (this.opts.style === 'link') { Object.assign(this.opts, { strokeAlpha: this.HIDDEN_ALPHA, strokeActiveAlpha: this.HIDDEN_ALPHA, fillAlpha: this.HIDDEN_ALPHA, fillActiveAlpha: this.HIDDEN_ALPHA }); } this._active = null; this._disabled = null; this.__start = { x: null, y: null }; this.iconInactive = null; this.iconActive = null; this.text = null; this.button = null; this.content = null; this.tooltip = null; this.badge = null; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); } /** * Captures an event to inform InteractionMapper about processed events. * * @param {event|PIXI.InteractionEvent} event - The PIXI event to capture. */ capture(event) { Events$1.capturedBy(event.data.originalEvent, this); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ setup() { // Button //----------------- let button = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.button = button; this.addChild(button); // Content //----------------- let content = new PIXI.Container(); this.content = content; this.addChild(content); // Text //----------------- if (this.opts.label) { this.text = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.label, this.opts.textStyle); } // Icon //----------------- if (this.opts.icon) { this.iconInactive = this.loadIcon(this.opts.icon, this.opts.iconColor); } if (this.opts.iconActive) { this.iconActive = this.loadIcon(this.opts.iconActive, this.opts.iconColorActive); } // interaction //----------------- this.button.on('pointerover', e => { this.capture(e); TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83, overwrite: 'none' }); }); this.button.on('pointermove', e => { this.capture(e); }); this.button.on('pointerout', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointercancel', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointerupoutside', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointertap', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('scroll', this.onEnd.bind(this)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars this.button.on('pointerdown', e => { //this.capture(e) this.__start.x = e.data.global.x; this.__start.y = e.data.global.y; TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.7, overwrite: 'none' }); }); this.button.on('pointerup', e => { this.capture(e); const distance = Points.distance(e.data.global, this.__start); if (distance < 5) { if (this.opts.beforeAction) { this.opts.beforeAction.call(this, e, this); } TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83, overwrite: 'none' }); if (this.opts.type === 'checkbox') { this.active = !this.active; } if (this.opts.action) { this.opts.action.call(this, e, this); } if (this.opts.afterAction) { this.opts.afterAction.call(this, e, this); } } }); // disabled //----------------- this.disabled = this.opts.disabled; // active //----------------- this.active = this.opts.active; // calls .layout() // tooltip //----------------- if (this.opts.tooltip) { if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ object: this, content: this.opts.tooltip }); } else { this.opts.tooltip = Object.assign({}, { object: this }, this.opts.tooltip); this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip); } } // badge //----------------- if (this.opts.badge) { let opts = Object.assign( {}, { align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0 } ); if (typeof this.opts.badge === 'string') { opts = Object.assign(opts, { content: this.opts.badge }); } else { opts = Object.assign(opts, this.opts.badge); } const badge = new Badge(opts); this.addChild(badge); this.badge = badge; } this.layout(); // set position //----------------- this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y); return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the button. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layout() { // Clear content //----------------- this.removeChild(this.content); this.content = new PIXI.Container(); this.addChild(this.content); // Set the icon //----------------- let icon = null; if (!this.active && this.iconInactive) { icon = this.iconInactive; } else if (this.active && this.iconActive) { icon = this.iconActive; } // Set the text //----------------- if (this.text) { this.text.position.set(0, 0); } // Width and Height //----------------- let width = 0; if (icon && this.text) { width = icon.width + this.text.width + 3 * this.opts.padding; } else if (icon) { width = icon.width + 2 * this.opts.padding; } else if (this.text) { width = this.text.width + 2 * this.opts.padding; } if (width < this.opts.minWidth) { width = this.opts.minWidth; } let height = 0; if (icon) { height = icon.height + 2 * this.opts.padding; } else if (this.text) { height = this.text.height + 2 * this.opts.padding; } if (height < this.opts.minHeight) { height = this.opts.minHeight; } this._width = width; this._height = height; // Position icon and text //----------------- if (icon && this.text) { if (this.opts.iconPosition === 'right') { icon.x = this.text.width + this.opts.padding; } else { this.text.x = icon.width + this.opts.padding; } this.content.addChild(icon, this.text); } else if (icon) { this.content.addChild(icon); } else if (this.text) { this.content.addChild(this.text); } this.layoutInnerContent(); this.layoutContent(); this.icon = icon; // badge //-------------------- if (this.badge) { this.removeChild(this.badge); const width = this._width; const height = this._height; this.addChild(this.badge); const badge = this.badge; switch (badge.opts.align) { case 'left': badge.x = -badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; break case 'center': badge.x = width / 2 - badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; break case 'right': badge.x = width - badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; } switch (badge.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': badge.y = -badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; break case 'middle': badge.y = height / 2 - badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; break case 'bottom': badge.y = height - badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; } } // draw //----------------- this.draw(); return this } /** * Calculates the positions of the content children (icon and/or text). * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layoutInnerContent() { for (let child of this.content.children) { switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': child.y = 0; break case 'middle': child.y = this.content.height / 2 - child.height / 2; break case 'bottom': child.y = this.content.height - child.height; break } } return this } /** * Sets the horizontal and vertical position of the content. * Uses the option keys "align" and "verticalAlign". * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layoutContent() { switch (this.opts.align) { case 'left': this.content.x = this.opts.padding; break case 'center': this.content.x = (this._width - this.content.width) / 2; break case 'right': this.content.x = this._width - this.opts.padding - this.content.width; break } switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': this.content.y = this.opts.padding; break case 'middle': this.content.y = (this._height - this.content.height) / 2; break case 'bottom': this.content.y = this._height - this.opts.padding - this.content.height; break } return this } /** * Draws the canvas. * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ draw() { this.button.clear(); if (this.active) { this.button.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeActiveWidth, this.opts.strokeActive, this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha); this.button.beginFill(this.opts.fillActive, this.opts.fillActiveAlpha); } else { this.button.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.button.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); } this.button.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height, this.opts.radius); this.button.endFill(); return this } /** * Gets or sets the active state. * * @member {boolean} */ get active() { return this._active } set active(value) { this._active = value; if (this._active) { if (this.text) { this.text.style = this.opts.textStyleActive; this.text.alpha = this.opts.textActiveAlpha; } } else { if (this.text) { this.text.style = this.opts.textStyle; this.text.alpha = this.opts.textAlpha; } } this.layout(); } /** * Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, the button cannot be clicked. * * @member {boolean} */ get disabled() { return this._disabled } set disabled(value) { this._disabled = value; if (this._disabled) { this.button.interactive = false; this.button.buttonMode = false; this.button.alpha = 0.5; if (this.icon) { this.icon.alpha = 0.5; } if (this.text) { this.text.alpha = 0.5; } } else { this.button.interactive = true; this.button.buttonMode = true; this.button.alpha = 1; if (this.icon) { this.icon.alpha = 1; } if (this.text) { this.text.alpha = 1; } } } /** * Shows the button (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ show() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = 1; this.layout(); return this } /** * Hides the button (sets his alpha values to 0). * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ hide() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 0.0; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 0.0; this.opts.fillAlpha = this.HIDDEN_ALPHA; this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = this.HIDDEN_ALPHA; this.layout(); return this } /** * Loads an icon * * @private * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} icon - The icon to load. * @param {number} color - The color of the icon (if not an PIXI.DisplayObject). * @return {PIXI.DisplayObject} Return the icon as an PIXI.DisplayObject. */ loadIcon(icon, color) { let displayObject = null; if (icon instanceof PIXI.DisplayObject) { displayObject = icon; } else { let size = 17; if (this.text) { size = this.text.height; } else if (this.opts.minHeight) { size = this.opts.minHeight - 2 * this.opts.padding; } const url = Button$1.iconIsUrl(icon) ? icon : `../../assets/icons/${icon}.png`; const iconTexture = PIXI.Texture.from(url); const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(iconTexture); sprite.tint = color; sprite.width = size; sprite.height = size; displayObject = sprite; } return displayObject } /** * Tests if an icon string is an url. * * @private * @static * @param {string} url - The url to test. * @return {boolean} true if the url is an url to an image. */ static iconIsUrl(url) { return /\.(png|svg|gif|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff)$/i.test(url) } /** * Gets or sets the color of the current icon (no matter how the status is). Changing the color, changes * the tint property of the icon sprite. * * @member {number} */ get iconColor() { return this.icon ? this.icon.tint : null } set iconColor(value) { if (this.icon) { this.icon.tint = value; } } onEnd(event) { this.capture(event); TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1, overwrite: 'none' }); } } /* globals ThrowPropsPlugin, Strong */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS ButtonGroup. * * @example * // Create the button group * const buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup({ * buttons: [ * {label: 'Button 1', action: event => console.log(event)}, * {label: 'Button 2', action: event => console.log(event)}, * {label: 'Button 3', action: event => console.log(event)} * ], * minWidth: 100 * }) * * // Add the button group to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(buttonGroup) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Graphics * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Graphics.html|PIXI.Graphics} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/buttongroup.html|DocTest} */ class ButtonGroup extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a ButtonGroup. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the button group. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the button group. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the button group. Can be also set after creation with buttonGroup.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the button group. Can be also set after creation with buttonGroup.y = 0. * @param {object[]} [opts.buttons=[]] - An array of the buttons of the button group. One item of the array (one object) * can have exactly the same properties as an Button object when instantiating a Button. If a property of the button group * conflicts with a property of a button object, the value from the button object will be used. * @param {string|Theme=} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this button group. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=44] - Button: The minimum width of one button. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=44] - Button: The minimum height of one button. * @param {number} [opts.maxWidth] - The maximum width of the button group. If the buttons are wider than the maximum width, the buttons get stacked. Note: The buttons can only be stacked if margin is not zero. Note 2: Load the Greensock ThrowPropsPlugin for smoother animations. * @param {number} [opts.maxHeight] - The maximum height of the button group. If the buttons are higher than the maximum height, the buttons get stacked. Note: The buttons can only be stacked if margin is not zero. Note 2: Load the Greensock ThrowPropsPlugin for smoother animations. * @param {number} [opts.stackPadding=10] - The padding for stacked buttons. * @param {PIXI.Application} [opts.app=window.app] - The PixiJS Application. Must be set if you want to use the mousewheel to scroll your button group. Only used when the buttons are stacked (with maxWidth or maxHeight). * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding] - Button: The inner spacing (distance from icon and/or label) the the border. * @param {number} [opts.margin=Theme.margin] - The outer spacing (distance from one button to the previous/next button). * @param {string} [opts.iconPosition=left] - Button: The position of the icon in relation to the label. Can be left or right. * @param {number} [opts.iconColor=Theme.iconColor] - Button: The color of the icon (set by the tint property) as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.iconColorActive=Theme.iconColorActive] - Button: The color of the icon when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - Button: The color of the button background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=Theme.fillActive] - Button: The color of the button background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=Theme.fillActiveAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - Button: The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - Button: The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=Theme.strokeActive] - Button: The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=Theme.strokeActiveWidth] - Button: The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {object} [opts.textStyle=Theme.textStyle] - Button: A textstyle object for the styling of the label. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.textStyleActive=Theme.textStyleActive] - Button: A textstyle object for the styling of the label when the * button is activated. See PIXI.TextStyle for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.textAlpha=Theme.textAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the text. * @param {number} [opts.textActiveAlpha=Theme.textActiveAlpha] - Button: The alpha value of the text when activated. * @param {string} [opts.style=default] - A shortcut for styling options. Possible values are default, link. * @param {number} [opts.radius=Theme.radius] - Button: The radius of the four corners of the button (which is a rounded rectangle). * @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the button group disabled? When disabled, the button group has a lower alpha value * and cannot be clicked (interactive of every button is set to false). * @param {string} [opts.type=default] - The type of the button group. Can be default, checkbox or radio. When the type is * checkbox, the active state is toggled for each button automatically. When the type is radio, only one button can * be activated at the same time. * @param {string} [opts.orientation=horizontal] - The orientation of the button group. Can be horizontal or vertical. * @param {string} [opts.align=center] - Button: The horizontal position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * left, center and right. Only affects the style when the minWidth is bigger than the width of the icon and label. * @param {string} [opts.verticalAlign=middle] - Button: The vertical position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * top, middle and bottom. Only affects the style when the minHeight is bigger than the height of the icon and label. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the button group initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), x: 0, y: 0, buttons: [], minWidth: 44, minHeight: 44, maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, stackPadding: 10, app: window.app, padding: theme.padding, margin: theme.margin, iconPosition: 'left', // left, right iconColor: theme.iconColor, iconColorActive: theme.iconColorActive, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, fillActive: theme.fillActive, fillActiveAlpha: theme.fillActiveAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, strokeActive: theme.strokeActive, strokeActiveWidth: theme.strokeActiveWidth, strokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, textStyle: {}, textStyleActive: {}, textAlpha: theme.textAlpha, textActiveAlpha: theme.textActiveAlpha, style: 'default', radius: theme.radius, disabled: null, type: 'default', // default, checkbox, radio orientation: 'horizontal', align: 'center', // left, center, right verticalAlign: 'middle', // top, middle, bottom visible: true }, opts ); this.opts.textStyle = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, this.opts.textStyle); this.opts.textStyleActive = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyleActive, this.opts.textStyleActive); this.buttons = []; this._disabled = null; this.__dragging = false; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {ButtonGroup} A reference to the button group for chaining. */ setup() { // inner container //-------------------- const container = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.addChild(container); this.container = container; // Buttons //----------------- let position = 0; let index = 0; for (let it of this.opts.buttons) { delete it.x; delete it.y; if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { it.x = position; } else { it.y = position; } it.theme = it.theme || this.opts.theme; it.minWidth = it.minWidth || this.opts.minWidth; it.minHeight = it.minHeight || this.opts.minHeight; it.padding = it.padding || this.opts.padding; it.iconPosition = it.iconPosition || this.opts.iconPosition; it.iconColor = it.iconColor || this.opts.iconColor; it.iconColorActive = it.iconColorActive || this.opts.iconColorActive; it.fill = it.fill || this.opts.fill; it.fillAlpha = it.fillAlpha || this.opts.fillAlpha; it.fillActive = it.fillActive || this.opts.fillActive; it.fillActiveAlpha = it.fillActiveAlpha || this.opts.fillActiveAlpha; it.stroke = it.stroke || this.opts.stroke; it.strokeWidth = it.strokeWidth != null ? it.strokeWidth : this.opts.strokeWidth; it.strokeAlpha = it.strokeAlpha != null ? it.strokeAlpha : this.opts.strokeAlpha; it.strokeActive = it.strokeActive || this.opts.strokeActive; it.strokeActiveWidth = it.strokeActiveWidth != null ? it.strokeActiveWidth : this.opts.strokeActiveWidth; it.strokeActiveAlpha = it.strokeActiveAlpha != null ? it.strokeActiveAlpha : this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha; it.textStyle = it.textStyle || this.opts.textStyle; it.textStyleActive = it.textStyleActive || this.opts.textStyleActive; it.textAlpha = it.textAlpha != null ? it.textAlpha : this.opts.textAlpha; it.textActiveAlpha = it.textActiveAlpha != null ? it.textActiveAlpha : this.opts.textActiveAlpha; it.style = it.style || this.opts.style; it.radius = it.radius != null ? it.radius : this.opts.radius; if (!it.type) { switch (this.opts.type) { case 'checkbox': it.type = this.opts.type; break default: it.type = 'default'; break } } //it.type = it.type || this.opts.type || 'default' it.align = it.align || this.opts.align; it.verticalAlign = it.verticalAlign || this.opts.verticalAlign; it.afterAction = (event, button) => { if (this.opts.type === 'radio' && button.opts.type === 'default') { this.buttons.forEach(it => { if (it.opts.type === 'default') { it.active = false; } }); if (button.opts.type === 'default') { button.active = true; } } }; if (it.tooltip) { if (typeof it.tooltip === 'string') { it.tooltip = { content: it.tooltip, container: this }; } else { it.tooltip = Object.assign({}, { container: this }, it.tooltip); } } let button = new Button$1(it); this.container.addChild(button); this.buttons.push(button); button.__originalPosition = { x: button.x, y: button.y }; position += (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal' ? button.width : button.height) + this.opts.margin; button.__initIndex = index; index++; } if (this.opts.orientation === 'vertical') { const maxWidth = this.getMaxButtonWidth(); this.buttons.forEach(it => { it.opts.minWidth = maxWidth; it.layout(); }); } // disabled //----------------- if (this.opts.disabled != null) { this.disabled = this.opts.disabled; } // interaction //-------------------- if (this.opts.margin > 0 && (this.opts.maxWidth || this.opts.maxHeight)) { this.interactive = true; this.on('pointerdown', this.onStart.bind(this)); this.on('pointermove', this.onMove.bind(this)); this.on('pointerup', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointercancel', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointerout', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointerupoutside', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('scroll', this.onScroll.bind(this)); // mousewheel //-------------------- if (this.opts.app) { const app = this.opts.app; app.view.addEventListener('mousewheel', event => { const bounds = this.getBounds(); const x = event.clientX - app.view.getBoundingClientRect().left; const y = event.clientY - app.view.getBoundingClientRect().top; if (bounds.contains(x, y)) { event.preventDefault(); this.emit('scroll', event); } }); } const background = new PIXI.Graphics(); background.beginFill(0x000000, 0); background.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); background.endFill(); this.addChildAt(background, 0); this.__initWidth = this.container.width; this.__initHeight = this.container.height; } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the button group. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {ButtonGroup} A reference to the button group for chaining. */ layout() { // set position //----------------- this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y); // draw //----------------- this.draw(); // stack //----------------- if (this.opts.margin > 0 && (this.opts.maxWidth || this.opts.maxHeight)) { this.stack(); } return this } /** * Draws the canvas. * * @private * @return {ButtonGroup} A reference to the button group for chaining. */ draw() { if (this.opts.margin === 0) { this.buttons.forEach(it => it.hide()); this.container.clear(); this.container.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.container.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); this.container.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, this.opts.radius); // Draw borders this.container.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha / 2); this.buttons.forEach((it, i) => { if (i > 0) { this.container.moveTo(it.x, it.y); if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.container.lineTo(it.x, it.height); } else { this.container.lineTo(it.width, it.y); } } }); this.container.endFill(); } return this } /** * Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, no button of the button group can be clicked. * * @member {boolean} */ get disabled() { return this._disabled } set disabled(value) { this._disabled = value; this.buttons.forEach(it => (it.disabled = value)); } /** * Gets or sets the maximum width of the button group for stacking. Usefull when you want to resize the available space. * * @member {number} */ get maxWidth() { return this.opts.maxWidth } set maxWidth(value) { this.opts.maxWidth = value; this.layout(); } /** * Gets or sets the maximum height of the button group for stacking. Usefull when you want to resize the available space. * * @member {number} */ get maxHeight() { return this.opts.maxHeight } set maxHeight(value) { this.opts.maxHeight = value; this.layout(); } /** * Searches all buttons of the button group and returns the maximum width of one button. * * @private * @return {number} The maximum with of a button of the button group. */ getMaxButtonWidth() { let widths = this.buttons.map(it => it.width); return Math.max(...widths) } /** * Shows the button group (sets his alpha value to 1). * * @return {ButtonGroup} A reference to the button group for chaining. */ show() { this.alpha = 1; return this } /** * Hides the button group (sets his alpha value to 0). * * @return {ButtonGroup} A reference to the button group for chaining. */ hide() { this.alpha = 0; return this } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onStart(event) { if ( (this.opts.maxWidth != null && this.__initWidth > this.opts.maxWidth) || (this.opts.maxHeight != null && this.__initHeight > this.opts.maxHeight) ) { this.__dragging = true; this.capture(event); this.__delta = { x: this.container.position.x - event.data.global.x, y: this.container.position.y - event.data.global.y }; TweenLite.killTweensOf(this.container.position, { x: true, y: true }); if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { ThrowPropsPlugin.track(this.container.position, 'x,y'); } } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onMove(event) { if (this.__dragging) { this.capture(event); if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.container.position.x = event.data.global.x + this.__delta.x; } else { this.container.position.y = event.data.global.y + this.__delta.y; } this.stack(); } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onEnd(event) { if (this.__dragging) { this.__dragging = false; this.capture(event); const throwProps = { x: { velocity: 'auto' }, y: { velocity: 'auto' } }; if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { if (this.__initWidth > this.opts.maxWidth) { // stack! const distanceToLeft = this.container.x; const distanceToRight = this.opts.maxWidth - this.container.x - this.__initWidth; if (distanceToLeft > 0) { throwProps.x.end = 0; } else if (distanceToRight > 0) { throwProps.x.end = this.opts.maxWidth - this.__initWidth; } } else { // just magnetize throwProps.x.end = 0; } } else { if (this.__initHeight > this.opts.maxHeight) { // stack! const distanceToTop = this.container.y; const distanceToBottom = this.opts.maxHeight - this.container.y - this.__initHeight; if (distanceToTop > 0) { throwProps.y.end = 0; } else if (distanceToBottom > 0) { throwProps.y.end = this.opts.maxHeight - this.__initHeight; } } else { // just magnetize throwProps.y.end = 0; } } if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { ThrowPropsPlugin.to( this.container.position, { throwProps, ease: Strong.easeOut, onUpdate: () => this.stack(), onComplete: () => ThrowPropsPlugin.untrack(this.container.position) }, 0.8, 0.4 ); } else { if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal' && throwProps.x.end != null) { TweenMax.to(this.container.position, 0.3, { x: throwProps.x.end, onUpdate: this.stack.bind(this) }); } else if (this.opts.orientation === 'vertical' && throwProps.y.end != null) { TweenMax.to(this.container.position, 0.3, { y: throwProps.y.end, onUpdate: this.stack.bind(this) }); } } } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onScroll(event) { if ( (this.opts.maxWidth != null && this.__initWidth > this.opts.maxWidth) || (this.opts.maxHeight != null && this.__initHeight > this.opts.maxHeight) ) { this.capture(event); if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.container.position.x -= event.deltaX; if (this.container.position.x > 0) { this.container.position.x = 0; } else if (this.container.position.x + this.__initWidth < this.opts.maxWidth) { this.container.position.x = this.opts.maxWidth - this.__initWidth; } } else { this.container.position.y -= event.deltaY; if (this.container.position.y > 0) { this.container.position.y = 0; } else if (this.container.position.y + this.container.height < this.opts.maxHeight) { this.container.position.y = this.opts.maxHeight - this.container.height; } } this.stack(); } } /** * Captures an event to inform InteractionMapper about processed events. * * @param {event|PIXI.InteractionEvent} event - The PIXI event to capture. */ capture(event) { const originalEvent = event.data && event.data.originalEvent ? event.data.originalEvent : event; Events$1.capturedBy(originalEvent, this); } /** * @private */ stack() { if (this.opts.maxWidth) { this._stackHorizontal(); } else if (this.opts.maxHeight) { this._stackVertical(); } } /** * @private */ _stackHorizontal() { const sorted = []; let reverseCounter = this.buttons.length - 1; this.buttons.forEach((it, index) => { const leftCorner = it.__originalPosition.x + this.container.x; const rightCorner = it.__originalPosition.x + it.button.width; const paddingLeft = index * this.opts.stackPadding; const paddingRight = reverseCounter * this.opts.stackPadding; if (leftCorner < paddingLeft) { // left border it.x = -this.container.x + paddingLeft; } else if (rightCorner > -this.container.x + this.opts.maxWidth - paddingRight) { // right border it.x = -this.container.x + this.opts.maxWidth - it.button.width - paddingRight; } else { it.x = it.__originalPosition.x; } reverseCounter--; sorted.push(it); }); const min = Math.min(...sorted.map(it => it.x)); const max = Math.max(...sorted.map(it => it.x + it.button.width)); const center = (min + max) / 2; // z-index sorted .sort((a, b) => { const centerA = a.x + a.button.width / 2; const centerB = b.x + b.button.width / 2; if (centerA < center && centerB < center) { if (a.x < b.x) { return -1 } else if (b.x < a.x) { return 1 } } else if (centerA > center && centerB > center) { if (a.x + a.button.width > b.x + b.button.width) { return -1 } else if (b.x + b.button.width < a.x + a.button.x) { return 1 } } return 0 }) .forEach(it => it.parent.addChild(it)); } /** * @private */ _stackVertical() { const sorted = []; let reverseCounter = this.buttons.length - 1; this.buttons.forEach((it, index) => { const topCorner = it.__originalPosition.y + this.container.y; const bottomCorner = it.__originalPosition.y + it.button.height; const paddingTop = index * this.opts.stackPadding; const paddingBottom = reverseCounter * this.opts.stackPadding; if (topCorner < paddingTop) { // top border it.y = -this.container.y + paddingTop; } else if (bottomCorner > -this.container.y + this.opts.maxHeight - paddingBottom) { // bottom border it.y = -this.container.y + this.opts.maxHeight - it.button.height - paddingBottom; } else { it.y = it.__originalPosition.y; } reverseCounter--; sorted.push(it); }); const min = Math.min(...sorted.map(it => it.y)); const max = Math.max(...sorted.map(it => it.y + it.button.height)); const center = (min + max) / 2; // z-index sorted .sort((a, b) => { const centerA = a.y + a.button.height / 2; const centerB = b.y + b.button.height / 2; if (centerA < center && centerB < center) { if (a.y < b.y) { return -1 } else if (b.y < a.y) { return 1 } } else if (centerA > center && centerB > center) { if (a.y + a.button.height > b.y + b.button.height) { return -1 } else if (b.y + b.button.height < a.y + a.button.y) { return 1 } } return 0 }) .forEach(it => it.parent.addChild(it)); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS InteractivePopup. * The class is used for various other Popup-like classes * like Popup, Message... * * @class * @abstract * @extends AbstractPopup */ class InteractivePopup extends AbstractPopup { /** * Creates an instance of an InteractivePopup (only for internal use). * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the popup. * @param {boolean} [opts.closeOnPopup=false] - Should the popup be closed when the user clicks on the popup? * @param {boolean|string} [opts.closeButton=true] - Should a close button be displayed on the upper right corner? Alternatively, a URL to the image can be specified. * @param {object} [opts.button] - A Button object to be display on the lower right corner. * @param {object} [opts.buttonGroup] - A ButtonGroup object to be displayed on the lower right corner. */ constructor(opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign( {}, { closeOnPopup: false, closeButton: true, button: null, buttonGroup: null }, opts ); super(opts); this._closeButton = null; this._buttons = null; // padding this.smallPadding = this.opts.padding / 2; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates the framework and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ setup() { super.setup(); // interaction //----------------- this.on('pointerup', e => { if (this.opts.closeOnPopup) { this.hide(); } else { e.stopPropagation(); } }); // closeButton //----------------- if (this.opts.closeButton) { let url = null; if (typeof this.opts.closeButton === 'string' || this.opts.closeButton instanceof String) { url = InteractivePopup.iconIsUrl(this.opts.closeButton) ? this.opts.closeButton : `../../assets/icons/${this.opts.closeButton}.png`; } else { url = '../../assets/icons/close.png'; } let closeButton = PIXI.Sprite.from(url); closeButton.width = this.headerStyle.fontSize; closeButton.height = closeButton.width; closeButton.tint = this.theme.color2; // This is needed, because the closeButton belongs to the content. The popup must resize with the closeButton. if (this._header) { closeButton.x = this._header.width + this.innerPadding; } else if (this._content) { closeButton.x = this._content.width + this.innerPadding; } closeButton.interactive = true; closeButton.buttonMode = true; closeButton.on('pointerdown', e => { this.hide(); }); this._closeButton = closeButton; this.addChild(closeButton); // maxWidth is set and a closeButton should be displayed //----------------- if (this.opts.maxWidth) { const wordWrapWidth = this.opts.maxWidth - 2 * this.opts.padding - this.smallPadding - this._closeButton.width; if (this._header) { this.headerStyle.wordWrapWidth = wordWrapWidth; } else if (this._content) { this.textStyle.wordWrapWidth = wordWrapWidth; } } } // buttons //----------------- if (this.opts.button || this.opts.buttonGroup) { if (this.opts.button) { this._buttons = new Button$1(Object.assign({ textStyle: this.theme.textStyleSmall }, this.opts.button)); } else { this._buttons = new ButtonGroup( Object.assign({ textStyle: this.theme.textStyleSmall }, this.opts.buttonGroup) ); } this.addChild(this._buttons); this._buttons.y = this.innerPadding + this.sy; } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the popup. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {AbstractPopup} A reference to the popup for chaining. */ layout() { super.layout(); // closeButton //----------------- if (this.opts.closeButton) { this._closeButton.x = this.wantedWidth - this.smallPadding - this._closeButton.width; this._closeButton.y = this.smallPadding; } // buttons //----------------- if (this._buttons) { this._buttons.x = this.wantedWidth - this.opts.padding - this._buttons.width; this._buttons.y = this.wantedHeight - this.opts.padding - this._buttons.height; } return this } /** * Calculates the size of the children of the AbstractPopup. * Cannot use getBounds() because it is not updated when children * are removed. * * @private * @override * @returns {object} An JavaScript object width the keys width and height. */ getInnerSize() { let size = super.getInnerSize(); if (this._closeButton) { size.width += this.smallPadding + this._closeButton.width; } if (this._buttons) { size.width = Math.max(size.width, this._buttons.x + this._buttons.width); size.height += this.innerPadding + this._buttons.height; } return size } /** * Tests if an icon string is an url. * * @private * @static * @param {string} url - The url to test. * @return {boolean} true if the url is an url to an image. */ static iconIsUrl(url) { return /\.(png|svg|gif|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff)$/i.test(url) } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Popup. * * @example * // Create the popup * const popup = new Popup({ * header: 'Goethe', * content: 'Man kann die Erfahrung nicht früh genug machen, wie entbehrlich man in der Welt ist.' * }) * * // Add the popup to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(popup) * * @class * @extends InteractivePopup * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/popup.html|DocTest} */ class Popup extends InteractivePopup { /** * Creates an instance of a Popup. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the popup. * @param {boolean|string} [opts.closeButton=false] - Should a close button be displayed on the upper right corner? Alternatively, a URL to the image can be specified. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=0] - The minimum width of the popup. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=0] - The minimum height of the popup. */ constructor(opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign( {}, { closeButton: false, minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0 }, opts ); super(opts); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Modal. * * @example * // Create the button and the modal when clicked * const button = new Button({ * label: 'Show Modal', * action: e => { * const modal = new Modal({ * app: app, * header: 'This is the header', * content: 'This is the text.' * }) * app.scene.addChild(modal) * } * }) * * // Add the button to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(button) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @extends InteractivePopup * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/modal.html|DocTest} */ class Modal extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Modal. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the modal. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the modal. * @param {PIXIApp} [opts.app=window.app] - The app where the modal belongs to. * @param {number} [opts.backgroundFill=Theme.background] - The color of the background. * @param {number} [opts.backgroundFillAlpha=0.6] - The opacity of the background. * @param {boolean} [opts.closeOnBackground=true] - Should the modal be closed when the user clicks the * background? * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the modal initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), app: window.app, backgroundFill: theme.background, backgroundFillAlpha: 0.6, closeOnBackground: true, visible: true }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; this.background = null; this.popup = null; this.alpha = 0; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Modal} A reference to the modal for chaining. */ setup() { // interaction //----------------- this.interactive = true; this.on('added', e => { if (this.visible) { this.show(); } }); // background //----------------- let background = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.background = background; this.addChild(this.background); if (this.opts.closeOnBackground) { background.interactive = true; background.on('pointerup', e => { this.hide(); }); } // popup //----------------- const popupOpts = Object.assign({}, this.opts, { visible: true, onHidden: () => { this.hide(); } }); let popup = new InteractivePopup(popupOpts); this.popup = popup; this.addChild(popup); popup.show(); return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the modal. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Modal} A reference to the modal for chaining. */ layout() { const width = this.opts.app.size.width; const height = this.opts.app.size.height; // background //----------------- this.background.clear(); this.background.beginFill(this.opts.backgroundFill, this.opts.backgroundFillAlpha); this.background.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); this.background.endFill(); // position this.popup.x = width / 2 - this.popup.width / 2; this.popup.y = height / 2 - this.popup.height / 2; return this } /** * Shows the modal (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Modal} A reference to the modal for chaining. */ show() { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1, onStart: () => (this.visible = true) }); return this } /** * Hides the modal (sets his alpha values to 0). * * @return {Modal} A reference to the modal for chaining. */ hide() { TweenLite.to(this, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0, onComplete: () => (this.visible = false) }); return this } /** * Sets or gets the header. The getter always returns a PIXI.Text object. The setter can receive * a string or a PIXI.Text object. * * @member {string|PIXI.Text} */ get header() { return this.popup.header } set header(value) { this.opts.header = value; this.background.destroy(); this.popup.destroy(); this.setup().layout(); } /** * Sets or gets the content. The getter always returns an PIXI.DisplayObject. The setter can receive * a string or a PIXI.DisplayObject. * * @member {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} */ get content() { return this.popup.content } set content(value) { this.opts.content = value; this.background.destroy(); this.popup.destroy(); this.setup().layout(); } } /** * Class that represents a Message. A message pops up and disappears after a specific amount of time. * * @example * // Create the PixiJS App * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * // Create a button * let button = new Button({ * label: 'Click me', * action: e => { * const message = new Message({ * app: app, * header: 'Header', * content: 'Text.' * }) * app.scene.addChild(message) * } * }) * * // Add the button to the scene * app.scene.addChild(button) * * @class * @extends InteractivePopup * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/message.html|DocTest} */ class Message extends InteractivePopup { /** * Creates an instance of a Message. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the message. * @param {PIXIApp} [opts.app=window.app] - The PIXIApp where this message belongs to. * @param {boolean} [opts.closeButton=false] - Should a close button be displayed in the upper right corner? * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=280] - The minimum width of the message box. Automatically expands with the content. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=100] - The minimum height of the message box. Automatically expands with the content. * @param {number} [opts.margin=Theme.margin] - The outer spacing of the message box. * @param {string} [opts.align=right] - The horizontal position of the message box relative to the app. Possible * values are left, center, right. * @param {string} [opts.verticalAlign=top] - The vertical position of the message box relative to the app. Possible * values are top, middle, bottom. * @param {number} [opts.duration=5] - The duration in seconds when the message box should disappear. * @param {boolean} [opts.autoClose=true] - Should the message box be closed automatically? * @param {number} [opts.closeDuration=Theme.fast] - The duration in seconds of the closing of the message box. */ constructor(opts = {}) { const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); opts = Object.assign( {}, { app: window.app, closeButton: false, minWidth: 280, minHeight: 100, margin: theme.margin, align: 'right', // left, center, right verticalAlign: 'top', // top, middle, bottom duration: 5, autoClose: true, closeDuration: theme.fast }, opts ); super(opts); } /** * Relayouts the position of the message box. * * @return {Message} Returns the message box for chaining. */ layout() { super.layout(); // horizontal switch (this.opts.align) { case 'left': this.x = this.opts.margin; break case 'center': this.x = this.opts.app.size.width / 2 - this.width / 2; break case 'right': this.x = this.opts.app.size.width - this.opts.margin - this.width; break } // vertical switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': this.y = this.opts.margin; break case 'middle': this.y = this.opts.app.size.height / 2 - this.height / 2; break case 'bottom': this.y = this.opts.app.size.height - this.opts.margin - this.height; break } } /** * Shows the message box. * * @private */ show() { super.show(); if (this.opts.autoClose) { window.setTimeout(() => { this.hide(); }, this.opts.duration * 1000); } } } /* global apollo, subscriptions, gql */ /** * A special InteractionManager for fullscreen apps, which may * go beyond the limits of WebGL drawing buffers. On Safari and Chrome * the drawing buffers are limited to 4096 in width (Safari) or 4096x4096 * in total buffer size (Chrome). The original InteractionManager.mapPositionToPoint * does not work with these extreme sizes which mainly occur if large * retina displays (>= 4K) are used with devicePixelRatio > 1. * * @private * @class * @extends PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager.html|PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager} * @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29710696/webgl-drawing-buffer-size-does-not-equal-canvas-size} */ class FullscreenInteractionManager extends PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager { mapPositionToPoint(point, x, y) { let resolution = this.renderer.resolution; let extendWidth = 1.0; let extendHeight = 1.0; let dy = 0; let canvas = this.renderer.view; let context = canvas.getContext('webgl'); if (context.drawingBufferWidth < canvas.width || context.drawingBufferHeight < canvas.height) { extendWidth = context.drawingBufferWidth / canvas.width; extendHeight = context.drawingBufferHeight / canvas.height; //dx = wantedWidth - context.drawingBufferWidth dy = (canvas.height - context.drawingBufferHeight) / resolution; } x *= extendWidth; y *= extendHeight; super.mapPositionToPoint(point, x, y + dy); } } /** * The class PixiApp extends the class PIXI.Application * by several functions and makes meaningful pre-assumptions. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 450, * height: 150, * fpsLogging: true, * theme: 'light', * transparent: false * }).setup().run() * * @class * @extends PIXI.Application * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Application.html|PIXI.Application} */ class PIXIApp extends PIXI.Application { /** * Creates an instance of a PixiApp. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set: * @param {number} [opts.width] - The width of the renderer. If no set, the application will run in fullscreen. * @param {number} [opts.height] - The height of the renderer. If no set, the application will run in fullscreen. * @param {HTMLElement} [opts.view] - The canvas HTML element. If not set, a render-element is added inside the body. * @param {boolean} [opts.transparent=true] - Should the render view be transparent? * @param {boolean} [opts.antialias=true] - Sets antialias (only applicable in chrome at the moment). * @param {number} [opts.resolution=window.devicePixelRatio | 1] - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer, retina would be 2. * @param {boolean} [opts.autoResize=true] - Should the canvas-element be resized automatically if the resolution was set? * @param {number} [opts.backgroundColor=0x282828] - The color of the background. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The name of the theme (dark, light, red) or a Theme object to use for styling. * @param {boolean} [opts.fpsLogging=false] - If set to true, the current frames per second are displayed in the upper left corner. * @param {object} [opts.progress={}] - Can be used to add options to the progress bar. See class Progress for more informations. * @param {boolean} [opts.forceCanvas=false] - Prevents selection of WebGL renderer, even if such is present. * @param {boolean} [opts.roundPixels=true] - Align PIXI.DisplayObject coordinates to screen resolution. * @param {boolean} [opts.monkeyPatchMapping=true] - Monkey patch for canvas fullscreen support on large displays. * @param {boolean} [opts.adaptive=true] - Adds Graphics adaptive calculation of quadratic curve and arc subdivision. */ constructor({ width = null, height = null, view = null, transparent = true, backgroundColor = 0x282828, theme = 'dark', antialias = true, resolution = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, autoResize = true, fpsLogging = false, progress = {}, forceCanvas = false, roundPixels = true, monkeyPatchMapping = true, adaptive = true, graphql = false }) { const fullScreen = !width || !height; if (fullScreen) { width = window.innerWidth; height = window.innerHeight; } super({ view, width, height, transparent, antialias, resolution, autoResize, backgroundColor, forceCanvas }); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.theme = Theme.fromString(theme); this.fpsLogging = fpsLogging; this.progressOpts = progress; this.fullScreen = fullScreen; this.orient = null; this.originalMapPositionToPoint = null; this.monkeyPatchMapping = monkeyPatchMapping; if (parseInt(PIXI.VERSION) >= 5) { PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS = roundPixels; PIXI.GRAPHICS_CURVES.adaptive = adaptive; } else { PIXI.Graphics.CURVES.adaptive = adaptive; } this.graphql = graphql; if (fullScreen || autoResize) { console.log('App is in fullScreen mode or autoResize mode'); const resizeDebounced = debounce(event => this.resize(event), 50); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeDebounced); document.body.addEventListener('orientationchange', this.checkOrientation.bind(this)); } if (monkeyPatchMapping) { console.log('Using monkey patched coordinate mapping'); // Pluggin the specializtion does not work. Monkey patching does // this.renderer.plugins.interaction = new FullscreenInteractionManager(this.renderer) this.monkeyPatchPixiMapping(); } } /** * Extra setup method to construct complex scenes, etc... * Overwrite this method if you need additonal views and components. * * @return {PIXIApp} A reference to the PIXIApp for chaining. */ setup() { this.scene = this.sceneFactory(); this.stage.addChild(this.scene); // fpsLogging if (this.fpsLogging) { this.addFpsDisplay(); } // GraphQL if (this.graphql && typeof apollo !== 'undefined') { const networkInterface = apollo.createNetworkInterface({ uri: '/graphql' }); const wsClient = new subscriptions.SubscriptionClient(`wss://${location.hostname}/subscriptions`, { reconnect: true, connectionParams: {} }); const networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions = subscriptions.addGraphQLSubscriptions(networkInterface, wsClient); this.apolloClient = new apollo.ApolloClient({ networkInterface: networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions }); } // progress this._progress = new Progress( Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, this.progressOpts, { app: this }) ); this._progress.visible = false; this.stage.addChild(this._progress); return this } /** * Tests whether the width is larger than the height of the application. * * @return {boolean} Returns true if app is in landscape mode. */ orientation() { return this.width > this.height } /** * Checks orientation and adapts view size if necessary. Implements a * handler for the orientationchange event. * * @param {event=} - orientationchange event */ checkOrientation(event) { var value = this.orientation(); if (value != this.orient) { setTimeout( 100, function() { this.orientationChanged(true); }.bind(this) ); this.orient = value; } } /** * Called if checkOrientation detects an orientation change event. * * @param {boolean=} [force=false] - Called if checkOrientation detects an orientation change event. */ orientationChanged(force = false) { if (this.expandRenderer() || force) { this.layout(); } } /** * Called after a resize. Empty method but can be overwritten to * adapt their layout to the new app size. * * @param {number} [width] - The width of the app. * @param {number} [height] - The height of the app. */ layout(width, height) {} /** * Draws the display tree of the app. Typically this can be delegated * to the layout method. * */ draw() { this.layout(this.width, this.height); } /* * Run the application. Override this method with everything * that is needed to maintain your App, e.g. setup calls, main loops, etc. * */ run() { return this } /* * Overwrite this factory method if your application needs a special * scene object. * * @returns {PIXI.Container} - A new PIXI Container for use as a scene. */ sceneFactory() { return new PIXI.Container() } /** * Adds the display of the frames per second to the renderer in the upper left corner. * * @return {PIXIApp} - Returns the PIXIApp for chaining. */ addFpsDisplay() { const fpsDisplay = new FpsDisplay(this); this.stage.addChild(fpsDisplay); return this } /** * Returns the size of the renderer as an object with the keys width and height. * * @readonly * @member {object} */ get size() { return { width: this.width, height: this.height } } /** * Returns the center of the renderer as an object with the keys x and y. * * @readonly * @member {object} */ get center() { return { x: this.width / 2, y: this.height / 2 } } /** * Resizes the renderer to fit into the window or given width and height. * * @param {object} [event] - The event. * @param {object=} [opts={}] - The event. * @param {number} [opts.width=window.innerWidth] - The width of the app to resize to. * @param {number} [opts.height=window.innerHeight] - The height of the app to resize to. * @return {PIXIApp} - Returns the PIXIApp for chaining. */ resize(event, { width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight } = {}) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.expandRenderer(); this.layout(width, height); //console.log("App.resize", width, height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ) // if (this.scene) { // console.log("gl.drawingBufferWidth", this.renderer.view.getContext('webgl').drawingBufferWidth) // console.log("scene", this.scene.scale, this.renderer, this.renderer.autoResize, this.renderer.resolution) // } return this } /** * @todo Write the documentation. * * @private */ monkeyPatchPixiMapping() { if (this.originalMapPositionToPoint === null) { let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; this.originalMapPositionToPoint = interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint; interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint = (point, x, y) => { return this.fixedMapPositionToPoint(point, x, y) }; } } /** * In some browsers the canvas is distorted if the screen resolution and * overall size of the canvas exceeds the internal limits (e.g. 4096 x 4096 pixels). * To compensate these distortions we need to fix the mapping to the actual * drawing buffer coordinates. * @private * @param {any} local * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @return {} interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint */ fixedMapPositionToPoint(local, x, y) { let resolution = this.renderer.resolution; let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; let extendWidth = 1.0; let extendHeight = 1.0; let dy = 0; let canvas = this.renderer.view; let context = canvas.getContext('webgl'); if ( context !== null && (context.drawingBufferWidth < canvas.width || context.drawingBufferHeight < canvas.height) ) { extendWidth = context.drawingBufferWidth / canvas.width; extendHeight = context.drawingBufferHeight / canvas.height; //dx = wantedWidth - context.drawingBufferWidth dy = (canvas.height - context.drawingBufferHeight) / resolution; } x *= extendWidth; y *= extendHeight; return this.originalMapPositionToPoint.call(interactionManager, local, x, y + dy) } /** * Expand the renderer step-wise on resize. * * @param {number} [expand] - The amount of additional space for the renderer [px]. * @return {boolean} true if the renderer was resized. */ expandRenderer(expand = 256) { let renderer = this.renderer; this.renderer.resolution; let ww = this.width; let hh = this.height; let sw = this.screen.width; let sh = this.screen.height; if (ww > sw || hh > sh) { //console.log('App.expandRenderer') renderer.resize(ww + expand, hh + expand); return true } renderer.resize(ww, hh); return false } /** * Set the loading progress of the application. If called for the first time, display the progress bar. * * @param {number} [value] - Should be a value between 0 and 100. If 100, the progress bar will disappear. * @return {PIXIApp|Progress} The PixiApp object for chaining or the Progress object when the method was * called without a parameter. */ progress(value) { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return this._progress } this._progress.visible = true; this._progress.progress = value; return this } /** * Opens a new Modal object binded to this app. * * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for the Modal object. * @return {Modal} Returns the Modal object. */ modal(opts = {}) { let modal = new Modal(Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, opts, { app: this })); this.scene.addChild(modal); return modal } /** * Opens a new Message object binded to this app. * * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for the Message object. * @return {Message} Returns the Message object. */ message(opts = {}) { let message = new Message(Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, opts, { app: this })); this.scene.addChild(message); return message } /** * Loads sprites, e.g. images into the PIXI TextureCache. * * @param {string|string[]} resources - A String or an Array of urls to the images to load. * @param {function} [loaded] - A callback which is executed after all resources has been loaded. * Receives one paramter, a Map of sprites where the key is the path of the image which was * loaded and the value is the PIXI.Sprite object. * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for more specific parameters. * @param {boolean} [opts.resolutionDependent=true] - Should the sprites be loaded dependent of the * renderer resolution? * @param {boolean} [opts.progress=false] - Should a progress bar display the loading status? * @return {PIXIApp} The PIXIApp object for chaining. */ loadSprites(resources, loaded = null, { resolutionDependent = true, progress = false } = {}) { this.loadTextures( resources, textures => { let sprites = new Map(); for (let [key, texture] of textures) { sprites.set(key, new PIXI.Sprite(texture)); } if (loaded) { loaded.call(this, sprites); } }, { resolutionDependent, progress } ); return this } /** * Loads textures, e.g. images into the PIXI TextureCache. * * @param {string|string[]} resources - A String or an Array of urls to the images to load. * @param {function} [loaded] - A callback which is executed after all resources has been loaded. * Receives one paramter, a Map of textures where the key is the path of the image which was * loaded and the value is the PIXI.Texture object. * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for more specific parameters. * @param {boolean} [opts.resolutionDependent=true] - Should the textures be loaded dependent of the * renderer resolution? * @param {boolean} [opts.progress=false] - Should a progress bar display the loading status? * @return {PIXIApp} The PIXIApp object for chaining. */ loadTextures(resources, loaded = null, { resolutionDependent = true, progress = false } = {}) { if (!Array.isArray(resources)) { resources = [resources]; } const loader = this.loader; for (let resource of resources) { if (!loader.resources[resource]) { if (resolutionDependent) { let resolution = Math.round(this.renderer.resolution); switch (resolution) { case 2: loader.add(resource, resource.replace(/\.([^.]*)$/, '@2x.$1')); break case 3: loader.add(resource, resource.replace(/\.([^.]*)$/, '@3x.$1')); break default: loader.add(resource); break } } else { loader.add(resource); } } } if (progress) { loader.on('progress', e => { this.progress(e.progress); }); } loader.load((loader, resources) => { const textures = new Map(); for (let key in resources) { textures.set(key, resources[key].texture); } if (loaded) { loaded.call(this, textures); } }); return this } /** * Queries the GraphQL endpoint. * * @param {string} [query] - The GraphQL query string. * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set: * http://dev.apollodata.com/core/apollo-client-api.html#ApolloClient.query * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or * rejected with an error. */ query(query, opts = {}) { if (typeof query === 'string') { opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { query }); } else { opts = Object.assign({}, query); } opts.query = opts.query.trim(); if (!opts.query.startsWith('query')) { if (opts.query.startsWith('{')) { opts.query = `query ${opts.query}`; } else { opts.query = `query {${opts.query}}`; } } opts.query = gql(opts.query); return this.apolloClient.query(opts) } /** * Mutate the GraphQL endpoint. * * @param {string} [mutation] - The GraphQL mutation string. * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set: * http://dev.apollodata.com/core/apollo-client-api.html#ApolloClient.mutate * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or * rejected with an error. */ mutate(mutation, opts = {}) { if (typeof mutation === 'string') { opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { mutation }); } else { opts = Object.assign({}, mutation); } opts.mutation = opts.mutation.trim(); if (!opts.mutation.startsWith('mutation')) { if (opts.mutation.startsWith('{')) { opts.mutation = `mutation ${opts.mutation}`; } else { opts.mutation = `mutation {${opts.mutation}}`; } } opts.mutation = gql(opts.mutation); return this.apolloClient.mutate(opts) } /** * Subscribe the GraphQL endpoint. * * @param {string} [subscription] - The GraphQL subscription. * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set: * http://dev.apollodata.com/core/apollo-client-api.html#ApolloClient.query * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or * rejected with an error. */ subscribe(subscription, opts = {}) { if (typeof subscription === 'string') { opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { subscription }); } else { opts = Object.assign({}, subscription); } opts.subscription = opts.subscription.trim(); if (!opts.subscription.startsWith('subscription')) { if (opts.subscription.startsWith('{')) { opts.subscription = `subscription ${opts.subscription}`; } else { opts.subscription = `subscription {${opts.subscription}}`; } } opts.query = gql(opts.subscription); delete opts.subscription; return this.apolloClient.subscribe(opts) } /** * Supports the page as a global coordinate system and converts browser page coordinates * to local DisplayObject coordinates. * * @param {DisplayObject} displayObject - The PIXI displayObject. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate. * * @return {PIXI.Point} Returns a PIXI.Point. */ convertPointFromPageToNode(displayObject, x, y) { let resolution = this.renderer.resolution; console.log('resolution', resolution); let pixiGlobal = window.convertPointFromPageToNode(app.view, x, y); pixiGlobal.x /= resolution; pixiGlobal.y /= resolution; return displayObject.toLocal(new PIXI.Point(pixiGlobal.x, pixiGlobal.y)) } /** * Supports the page as a global coordinate system and converts local DisplayObject coordinates * to browser page coordinates. * * @param {DisplayObject} displayObject - The PIXI displayObject. * @param {number} x - The x coordinate. * @param {number} y - The y coordinate. * * @return {Point} Returns a DOM Point. */ convertPointFromNodeToPage(displayObject, x, y) { let resolution = this.renderer.resolution; let pixiGlobal = displayObject.toGlobal(new PIXI.Point(x, y)); pixiGlobal.x *= resolution; pixiGlobal.y *= resolution; // console.log("app.convertPointFromNodeToPage", pixiGlobal) return window.convertPointFromNodeToPage(app.view, pixiGlobal.x, pixiGlobal.y) } } /** * The class fpsdisplay shows in the upper left corner * of the renderer the current image refresh rate. * * @private * @class * @extends PIXI.Graphics * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Graphics.html|PIXI.Graphics} */ class FpsDisplay extends PIXI.Graphics { /** * Creates an instance of a FpsDisplay. * * @constructor * @param {PIXIApp} app - The PIXIApp where the frames per second should be displayed. */ constructor(app) { super(); this.app = app; this.lineStyle(3, 0x434f4f, 1) .beginFill(0x434f4f, 0.6) .drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 68, 32, 5) .endFill() .position.set(20, 20); this.text = new PIXI.Text( this.fps, new PIXI.TextStyle({ fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 'bold', fill: '#f6f6f6', stroke: '#434f4f', strokeThickness: 3 }) ); this.text.position.set(6, 6); this.addChild(this.text); this.refreshFps(); window.setInterval(this.refreshFps.bind(this), 1000); } /** * Refreshes fps numer. * * @return {PIXIApp} Returns the PIXIApp object for chaining. */ refreshFps() { this.text.text = `${this.app.ticker.FPS.toFixed(1)} fps`; return this } } /** * A Gaussian blur filter. With this filter, you can blur an area of a PIXI.DisplayObject. This cannot * be done with the PIXI.filters.BlurFilter (when you use the PIXI.filters.BlurFilter with * an filter area, all pixels outside of the area are not displayed). Attention: The area of * the filter is always in global scope, NOT relative to the PIXI.DisplayObject the filter * is assigned to! * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 480, * height: 270, * transparent: false * }).setup().run() * * // Add a video sprite * const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.from("assets/blurfilter.mp4")) * sprite.width = app.size.width * sprite.height = app.size.height * app.scene.addChild(sprite) * * // Create the filter and assign it to the scene * const blurFilter = new BlurFilter(new PIXI.Rectangle(20, 20, 80, 60)) * app.scene.filters = [blurFilter] * * @class * @extends PIXI.Filter * @param {PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.Circle|PIXI.DisplayObject} shape The area where the blur effect should be applied to. Relative to the * canvas, NOT relative to the PIXI.DisplayObject where the blur effect is assigned to! * @param {number} [blur=50] The strength of the blur. */ class BlurFilter extends PIXI.Filter { constructor(shape, blur = 50) { super(); const normalized = this.normalize(shape); this.tiltShiftXFilter = new TiltShiftXFilter(normalized, blur); this.tiltShiftYFilter = new TiltShiftYFilter(normalized, blur); } apply(filterManager, input, output) { let renderTarget = filterManager.getFilterTexture(); this.tiltShiftXFilter.apply(filterManager, input, renderTarget); this.tiltShiftYFilter.apply(filterManager, renderTarget, output); filterManager.returnFilterTexture(renderTarget); // let renderTarget = filterManager.getRenderTarget(true) // this.tiltShiftXFilter.apply(filterManager, input, renderTarget) // this.tiltShiftYFilter.apply(filterManager, renderTarget, output) // filterManager.returnRenderTarget(renderTarget) } /** * The strength of the blur. * * @member {number} */ get blur() { return this.tiltShiftXFilter.blur } set blur(value) { this.tiltShiftXFilter.blur = this.tiltShiftYFilter.blur = value; } /** * The blur shape. * * @member {PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.Circle|PIXI.DisplayObject} */ get shape() { return this.tiltShiftXFilter.shape } set shape(value) { this.tiltShiftXFilter.shape = this.tiltShiftYFilter.shape = this.normalize(value); } /** * * @private * @param {PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.Circle|PIXI.DisplayObject} value * @returns {Object} */ normalize(value) { let shape = null; if (value instanceof PIXI.Circle) { shape = { type: 'circle', x: value.x, y: value.y, r: value.radius }; } else if (value instanceof PIXI.Rectangle) { shape = { type: 'rectangle', x: value.x, y: value.y, width: value.width, height: value.height }; } else { const bounds = value.getBounds(); shape = { type: 'rectangle', x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height }; } return shape } } /** * A TiltShiftAxisFilter. * * @class * @extends PIXI.Filter * @abstract * @private */ class TiltShiftAxisFilter extends PIXI.Filter { constructor(shape, blur) { const vertex = ` attribute vec2 aVertexPosition; attribute vec2 aTextureCoord; uniform mat3 projectionMatrix; varying vec2 vVertexPosition; varying vec2 vTextureCoord; void main(void) { vVertexPosition = aVertexPosition; vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord; gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0); } `; const fragment = ` varying vec2 vVertexPosition; varying vec2 vTextureCoord; uniform sampler2D uSampler; uniform int shape; uniform vec4 rectangle; uniform vec3 circle; uniform float blur; uniform vec2 delta; uniform vec2 texSize; float random(vec3 scale, float seed) { return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed); } void main(void) { bool inside = false; if (shape == 1) { inside = distance(vVertexPosition, circle.xy) <= circle.z; } else if (shape == 2) { inside = vVertexPosition.x >= rectangle.x && vVertexPosition.x <= rectangle.z && vVertexPosition.y >= rectangle.y && vVertexPosition.y <= rectangle.w; } if (inside) { vec4 color = vec4(0.0); float total = 0.0; float offset = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), 0.0); for (float t = -30.0; t <= 30.0; t++) { float percent = (t + offset - 0.5) / 30.0; float weight = 1.0 - abs(percent); vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + delta / texSize * percent * blur); sample.rgb *= sample.a; color += sample * weight; total += weight; } gl_FragColor = color / total; gl_FragColor.rgb /= gl_FragColor.a + 0.00001; } else { gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.s, vTextureCoord.t)); } } `; super(vertex, fragment); if (shape.type === 'circle') { this.uniforms.shape = 1; this.uniforms.circle = [shape.x, shape.y, shape.r]; } else { this.uniforms.shape = 2; this.uniforms.rectangle = [shape.x, shape.y, shape.x + shape.width, shape.y + shape.height]; } this.uniforms.blur = blur; this.uniforms.delta = new PIXI.Point(0, 0); this.uniforms.texSize = new PIXI.Point(480, 270); this.updateDelta(); } /** * The strength of the blur. * * @member {number} * @memberof PIXI.filters.TiltShiftAxisFilter# */ get blur() { return this.uniforms.blur } set blur(value) { this.uniforms.blur = value; } /** * The blur shape. * * @member {PIXI.Rectangle} * @memberof PIXI.filters.TiltShiftAxisFilter# */ get shape() { if (this.uniforms.shape === 1) { const circle = this.uniforms.circle; return new PIXI.Circle(circle[0], circle[1], circle[2]) } else { const rectangle = this.uniforms.rectangle; return new PIXI.Rectangle(rectangle[0], rectangle[1], rectangle[2], rectangle[3]) } } set shape(value) { if (value.type === 'circle') { this.uniforms.shape = 1; this.uniforms.circle = [value.x, value.y, value.r]; } else { this.uniforms.shape = 2; this.uniforms.rectangle = [value.x, value.y, value.x + value.width, value.y + value.height]; } } } /** * A TiltShiftXFilter. * * @class * @extends PIXI.TiltShiftAxisFilter * @private */ class TiltShiftXFilter extends TiltShiftAxisFilter { /** * Updates the filter delta values. */ updateDelta() { this.uniforms.delta.x = 0.1; this.uniforms.delta.y = 0; } } /** * A TiltShiftYFilter. * * @class * @extends PIXI.TiltShiftAxisFilter * @private */ class TiltShiftYFilter extends TiltShiftAxisFilter { /** * Updates the filter delta values. */ updateDelta() { this.uniforms.delta.x = 0; this.uniforms.delta.y = 0.1; } } // In order to test this interface implementation run jsc interface.js class Interface { // Abstract interface that should be extended in interface subclasses. // By convention all interfaces should start with an upper 'I' static implementationError(klass) { let interfaceKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(this.prototype); Reflect.ownKeys(klass.prototype); for (let key of interfaceKeys) { this.prototype[key]; let classDesc = klass.prototype[key]; if (typeof classDesc == 'undefined') return 'Missing ' + key } return null } static implementedBy(klass) { // In the first step only checks whether the methods of this // interface are all implemented by the given class let error = this.implementationError(klass); return error == null } // TODO: Specify optional methods // static optionalMethods() { // return [this.onMouseWheel] // } } /* eslint-disable no-undef */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ let ipc = null; let logMessages = new Set(); let logHandlers = { log: console.log, warn: console.warn, error: console.error }; try { ipc = window.ipcRenderer || require('electron').ipcRenderer; logHandlers.log = message => ipc.send('log', message); logHandlers.warn = message => ipc.send('warn', message); logHandlers.error = message => ipc.send('error', message); } catch (e) { console.log('Cannot use electron logging.'); } /** Basic class for app specific logging requirements. * Can be used to implement persistent logging in electron apps. * Uses a logMessage cache to prevent error overflows. This is * needed since errors may occur very frequently * (e.g. display update loops at 60fps, programmatic loops, ...). * * The logging handlers can be overwritten by calling the static * setup method. */ class Logging$1 { /** Static log function. * @param {*} message */ static log(message) { logHandlers.log(message); } /** * Static warn function. * Emits each warning only once per session. * @param {*} message */ static warn(message) { if (!logMessages.has(message)) { logMessages.add(message); logHandlers.warn(message); } } /** * Static error function. * Emits each error message only once per session. * @param {*} message */ static error(message) { if (!logMessages.has(message)) { logMessages.add(message); logHandlers.error(message); } } static setup({ log = console.log, warn = console.warn, error = console.error } = {}) { logHandlers.log = log; logHandlers.warn = warn; logHandlers.error = error; } } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** Interaction patterns See interaction.html for explanation */ class IInteractionTarget extends Interface { capture(event) { return typeof true } onStart(event, interaction) {} onMove(event, interaction) {} onEnd(event, interaction) {} onMouseWheel(event) {} } class IInteractionMapperTarget extends Interface { capture(event) { return typeof true } findTarget(event, local, global) { return IInteractionTarget } } class PointMap extends MapProxy { // Collects touch points, mouse coordinates, etc. as key value pairs. // Keys are pointer and touch ids, the special "mouse" key. // Values are points, i.e. all objects with numeric x and y properties. constructor(points = {}) { super(); for (let key in points) { this.set(key, points[key]); } } toString() { let points = []; for (let key of this.keys()) { let value = this.get(key); points.push(`${key}:{x:${value.x}, y:${value.y}}`); } let attrs = points.join(', '); return `[PointMap ${attrs}]` } clone() { let result = new PointMap(); for (let key of this.keys()) { let value = this.get(key); result.set(key, { x: value.x, y: value.y }); } return result } keyOf(value) { for (let key of this.keys()) { let p = this.get(key); if (p.x == value.x && p.y == value.y) { return key } } return null } firstKey() { for (let key of this.keys()) { return key } return null } first() { for (let key of this.keys()) { return this.get(key) } return null } farthests() { if (this.size == 0) { return null } let pairs = []; for (let key of this.keys()) { let p = this.get(key); p.key = key; for (let k of this.keys()) { let q = this.get(k); q.key = k; pairs.push([p, q]); } } let sorted = pairs.sort((a, b) => { return Points.distance(b[0], b[1]) - Points.distance(a[0], a[1]) }); return sorted[0] } mean() { if (this.size == 0) { return null } let x = 0.0, y = 0.0; for (let p of this.values()) { x += p.x; y += p.y; } return { x: x / this.size, y: y / this.size } } } class InteractionDelta { /** *Creates an instance of InteractionDelta. * @param {*} x * @param {*} y * @param {*} zoom * @param {*} rotate * @param {*} about * @param {*} number - number of involved pointer * @param {*} distance - distance of farthests touch points * @memberof InteractionDelta */ constructor(x, y, zoom, rotate, about, number, distance) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.zoom = zoom; this.rotate = rotate; this.about = about; this.number = number; this.distance = distance; } toString() { let values = []; for (let key of Object.keys(this)) { let value = this[key]; if (key == 'about') { values.push(`${key}:{x:${value.x}, y:${value.y}}`); } else { values.push(`${key}:${value}`); } } let attrs = values.join(', '); return `[InteractionDelta ${attrs}]` } } class InteractionPoints { constructor(parent = null) { this.parent = parent; this.current = new PointMap(); this.previous = new PointMap(); this.start = new PointMap(); this.ended = new PointMap(); this.timestamps = new Map(); } moved(key) { let current = this.current.get(key); let previous = this.previous.get(key); return Points.subtract(current, previous) } move() { let current = this.current.mean(); let previous = this.previous.mean(); return Points.subtract(current, previous) } /** * Computes the delta between previous and current angles. Corrects * value that are larger than 45° * @param {*} a * @param {*} b * @returns delta */ diffAngle(a, b) { let alpha = Math.atan2(Math.sin(a - b), Math.cos(a - b)); if (Math.abs(alpha) > Math.PI / 4) { alpha -= Math.PI; } return alpha } /** * Computes the delta between interaction points at t and t+1. * * @returns InteractionDelta * @memberof InteractionPoints */ delta() { let prev = []; let curr = []; let cm = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let pm = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let count = 0; for (let key of this.current.keys()) { if (this.previous.has(key)) { let p = this.previous.get(key); let c = this.current.get(key); pm = Points.add(pm, p); cm = Points.add(cm, c); prev.push(p); curr.push(c); count += 1; } } if (count > 0) { pm = Points.multiplyScalar(pm, 1 / count); cm = Points.multiplyScalar(cm, 1 / count); let delta = Points.subtract(cm, pm); let scale = 0; let scaled = 0; let alpha = 0; let zoom = 1; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let p = prev[i]; let c = curr[i]; let previousAngle = Points.angle(p, pm); let currentAngle = Points.angle(c, cm); let diff = this.diffAngle(currentAngle, previousAngle); alpha += diff; let distance1 = Points.distance(p, pm); let distance2 = Points.distance(c, cm); if (distance1 != 0 && distance2 != 0) { scale += distance2 / distance1; scaled += 1; } } if (scaled > 0) { zoom = scale / scaled; } alpha /= count; let current = this.current.farthests(); let c1 = current[0]; let c2 = current[1]; let distance2 = Points.distance(c1, c2); return new InteractionDelta(delta.x, delta.y, zoom, alpha, cm, count, distance2) } else { return null } } /** * Computes the delta between interaction points at t and t+1. * * @returns InteractionDelta * @memberof InteractionPoints */ deltaByTwoFarthestsPoints() { let csize = this.current.size; let psize = this.previous.size; if (csize >= 2 && csize == psize) { // Reduce to the two farthests points let current = this.current.farthests(); let c1 = current[0]; let c2 = current[1]; let p1 = this.previous.get(c1.key); let p2 = this.previous.get(c2.key); let d1 = Points.subtract(c1, p1); let d2 = Points.subtract(c2, p2); let cm = Points.mean(c1, c2); // Using the mean leads to jumps between time slices with 3 and 2 fingers // We use the mean of deltas instead let delta = Points.mean(d1, d2); let zoom = 1.0; let distance1 = Points.distance(p1, p2); let distance2 = Points.distance(c1, c2); if (distance1 != 0 && distance2 != 0) { zoom = distance2 / distance1; } let currentAngle = Points.angle(c1, c2); let previousAngle = Points.angle(p1, p2); let alpha = this.diffAngle(currentAngle, previousAngle); return new InteractionDelta(delta.x, delta.y, zoom, alpha, cm, csize, distance2) } else if (csize == 1 && psize == 1 && this.current.firstKey() == this.previous.firstKey()) { // We need to ensure that the keys are the same, since single points with different keys // can jump let current = this.current.first(); let previous = this.previous.first(); let delta = Points.subtract(current, previous); return new InteractionDelta(delta.x, delta.y, 1.0, 0.0, current, csize) } return null } started(key, point) { this.current.set(key, point); this.start.set(key, point); this.previous.set(key, point); this.timestamps.set(key, performance.now()); } update(key, point) { // Returns true iff the key is new this.current.set(key, point); if (!this.start.has(key)) { this.start.set(key, point); this.previous.set(key, point); this.timestamps.set(key, performance.now()); return true } return false } updatePrevious() { for (let key of this.current.keys()) { this.previous.set(key, this.current.get(key)); } } stop(key, point) { if (this.current.has(key)) { this.current.delete(key); this.previous.delete(key); this.ended.set(key, point); } } finish(key, point) { this.current.delete(key); this.previous.delete(key); this.start.delete(key); this.timestamps.delete(key); this.ended.delete(key); } isFinished() { return this.current.size == 0 } isNoLongerTwoFinger() { return this.previous.size > 1 && this.current.size < 2 } isTap(key) { return this.parent.isTap(key) } isDoubleTap(key) { return this.parent.isDoubleTap(key) } isLongPress(key) { return this.parent.isLongPress(key) } } class Interaction extends InteractionPoints { constructor(tapDistance = 10, tapDuration = 250.0, longPressTime = 500.0) { super(); this.tapDistance = tapDistance; this.tapCounts = new Map(); this.tapPositions = new Map(); this.tapTimestamps = new Map(); this.tapDuration = tapDuration; this.longPressTime = longPressTime; this.targets = new Map(); this.subInteractions = new Map(); // target:Object : InteractionPoints } stop(key, point) { super.stop(key, point); for (let points of this.subInteractions.values()) { points.stop(key, point); } } addTarget(key, target) { this.targets.set(key, target); this.subInteractions.set(target, new InteractionPoints(this)); } removeTarget(key) { let target = this.targets.get(key); this.targets.delete(key); // Only remove target if no keys are refering to the target let remove = true; for (let t of this.targets.values()) { if (target === t) { remove = false; } } if (remove) { this.subInteractions.delete(target); } } finish(key, point) { super.finish(key, point); this.removeTarget(key); } mapInteraction(points, aspects, mappingFunc) { // Map centrally registered points to target interactions // Returns an array of [target, updated subInteraction] pairs let result = new Map(); for (let key in points) { if (this.targets.has(key)) { let target = this.targets.get(key); if (this.subInteractions.has(target)) { let interaction = this.subInteractions.get(target); for (let aspect of aspects) { let pointMap = this[aspect]; let point = pointMap.get(key); let mapped = mappingFunc(point, target); interaction[aspect].set(key, mapped); } result.set(target, interaction); } } } return result } registerTap(key, point) { if (this.tapCounts.has(key)) { let count = this.tapCounts.get(key); this.tapCounts.set(key, count + 1); } else { this.tapCounts.set(key, 1); } this.tapPositions.set(key, point); this.tapTimestamps.set(key, performance.now()); } unregisterTap(key) { this.tapCounts.delete(key); this.tapPositions.delete(key); this.tapTimestamps.delete(key); } isTap(key) { let ended = this.ended.get(key); let start = this.start.get(key); if (start && ended && Points.distance(ended, start) < this.tapDistance) { let t1 = this.timestamps.get(key); let tookLong = performance.now() > t1 + this.longPressTime; if (tookLong) { return false } return true } return false } isDoubleTap(key) { let ended = this.ended.get(key); if (this.tapCounts.has(key) && this.tapCounts.get(key) > 2) { this.unregisterTap(key); } if (this.tapPositions.has(key)) { let pos = this.tapPositions.get(key); if (Points.distance(ended, pos) > this.tapDistance) { this.unregisterTap(key); } } if (this.tapTimestamps.has(key) && performance.now() > this.tapTimestamps.get(key) + this.tapDuration) { //console.log("tap too long") this.unregisterTap(key); } let result = false; if (this.isTap(key)) { this.registerTap(key, ended); result = this.tapCounts.get(key) == 2; } else { this.unregisterTap(key); } //console.log("isDoubleTap", this.tapCounts.get(key), result) return result } isAnyTap() { for (let key of this.ended.keys()) { if (this.isTap(key)) return true } return false } isLongPress(key) { let ended = this.ended.get(key); let start = this.start.get(key); if (start && ended && Points.distance(ended, start) < this.tapDistance) { let t1 = this.timestamps.get(key); let tookLong = performance.now() > t1 + this.longPressTime; if (tookLong) { return true } return false } return false } isAnyLongPress() { for (let key of this.ended.keys()) { if (this.isLongPress(key)) return true } return false } isStylus(key) { return key === 'stylus' } } /** * This class implements the main delegate functionality: All necessary event handlers are registered for the * given element. Uses PointerEvents if available or TouchEvents on iOS. The fallback is on mouse events. * Collects the events if the interaction target captures the start event (i.e. declares that * the target wants the start event as well as all following move and end evcents.) * * @export * @class InteractionDelegate */ class InteractionDelegate { // Long press: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930895/how-long-is-the-event-onlongpress-in-the-android // Stylus support: https://w3c.github.io/touch-events/ /** * Creates an instance of InteractionDelegate. * @param {any} element * @param {any} target * @param {any} [{ mouseWheelElement = null, useCapture = true, capturePointerEvents = true, debug = false }={}] * @memberof InteractionDelegate */ constructor( element, target, { mouseWheelElement = null, useCapture = true, capturePointerEvents = true, cancelOnWindowOut = true, debug = false } = {} ) { this.debug = debug; this.interaction = new Interaction(); this.element = element; this.mouseWheelElement = mouseWheelElement || element; this.target = target; this.useCapture = useCapture; this.capturePointerEvents = capturePointerEvents; this.cancelOnWindowOut = cancelOnWindowOut; this.setupInteraction(); } setupInteraction() { if (this.debug) { let error = this.targetInterface.implementationError(this.target.constructor); if (error != null) { throw new Error('Expected IInteractionTarget: ' + error) } } this.setupTouchInteraction(); this.setupMouseWheelInteraction(); } get targetInterface() { return IInteractionTarget } setupTouchInteraction() { let element = this.element; let useCapture = this.useCapture; if (window.PointerEvent) { if (this.debug) console.log('Pointer API' + window.PointerEvent); element.addEventListener( 'pointerdown', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerdown', e.pointerId); if (this.capture(e)) { if (this.capturePointerEvents) { try { element.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId); } catch (e) { console.warn('Cannot setPointerCapture'); } } this.onStart(e); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'pointermove', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointermove', e.pointerId, e.pointerType); if (e.pointerType == 'touch' || (e.pointerType == 'mouse' && Events$1.isPointerDown(e))) { // this.capture(e) && if (this.debug) console.log('pointermove captured', e.pointerId); this.onMove(e); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'pointerup', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerup', e.pointerId, e.pointerType); this.onEnd(e); if (this.capturePointerEvents) { try { element.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId); } catch (e) { console.warn('Cannot release pointer'); } } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'pointercancel', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointercancel', e.pointerId, e.pointerType); this.onEnd(e); if (this.capturePointerEvents) element.releasePointerCapture(e.pointerId); }, useCapture ); if (!this.capturePointerEvents) { element.addEventListener( 'pointerleave', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerleave', e.pointerId, e.pointerType); if (e.target == element) this.onEnd(e); }, useCapture ); } if (!this.capturePointerEvents) { element.addEventListener( 'pointerout', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerout', e.pointerId, e.pointerType); if (e.target == element) this.onEnd(e); }, useCapture ); } if (this.cancelOnWindowOut) { window.addEventListener( 'pointerout', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerout', e.pointerId, e.pointerType, e.target); if (e.target == element) { this.onEnd(e); } }, useCapture ); } } else if (window.TouchEvent) { if (this.debug) console.log('Touch API'); element.addEventListener( 'touchstart', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('touchstart', this.touchPoints(e)); if (this.capture(e)) { for (let touch of e.changedTouches) { this.onStart(touch); } } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'touchmove', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('touchmove', this.touchPoints(e), e); for (let touch of e.changedTouches) { this.onMove(touch); } for (let touch of e.targetTouches) { this.onMove(touch); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'touchend', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('touchend', this.touchPoints(e)); for (let touch of e.changedTouches) { this.onEnd(touch); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'touchcancel', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('touchcancel', e.targetTouches.length, e.changedTouches.length); for (let touch of e.changedTouches) { this.onEnd(touch); } }, useCapture ); } else { if (this.debug) console.log('Mouse API'); element.addEventListener( 'mousedown', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('mousedown', e); if (this.capture(e)) { this.onStart(e); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'mousemove', e => { // Dow we only use move events if the mouse is down? // HOver effects have to be implemented by other means // && Events.isMouseDown(e)) if (Events$1.isMouseDown(e)) { if (this.debug) console.log('mousemove', e); this.onMove(e); } }, useCapture ); element.addEventListener( 'mouseup', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('mouseup', e); this.onEnd(e); }, true ); if (!this.capturePointerEvents) { element.addEventListener( 'mouseout', e => { if (e.target == element) { this.onEnd(e); console.warn("Shouldn't happen: mouseout ends interaction"); } }, useCapture ); } if (this.cancelOnWindowOut) { window.addEventListener( 'mouseout', e => { if (e.target == element) { this.onEnd(e); } }, useCapture ); } } } isDescendant(parent, child) { if (parent == child) return true let node = child.parentNode; while (node != null) { if (node == parent) { return true } node = node.parentNode; } return false } touchPoints(event) { let result = []; for (let touch of event.changedTouches) { result.push(this.extractPoint(touch)); } return result } setupMouseWheelInteraction() { this.mouseWheelElement.addEventListener('mousewheel', this.onMouseWheel.bind(this), true); this.mouseWheelElement.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this.onMouseWheel.bind(this), true); } onMouseWheel(event) { if (this.capture(event) && this.target.onMouseWheel) { this.target.onMouseWheel(event); } } onStart(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event); this.startInteraction(event, extracted); this.target.onStart(event, this.interaction); } onMove(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event, 'all'); this.updateInteraction(event, extracted); this.target.onMove(event, this.interaction); this.interaction.updatePrevious(); } onEnd(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event, 'changedTouches'); this.endInteraction(event, extracted); this.target.onEnd(event, this.interaction); this.finishInteraction(event, extracted); } /** * Asks the target whether the event should be captured * * @param {any} event * @returns {bool} * @memberof InteractionDelegate */ capture(event) { if (Events$1.isCaptured(event)) { return false } return this.target.capture ? this.target.capture(event) : false } getPosition(event) { return { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY } } extractPoint(event, touchEventKey = 'all') { // 'targetTouches' let result = {}; switch (event.constructor.name) { case 'MouseEvent': { let buttons = event.buttons || event.which; if (buttons) result['mouse'] = this.getPosition(event); break } case 'PointerEvent': { result[event.pointerId.toString()] = this.getPosition(event); break } case 'Touch': { let id = event.touchType === 'stylus' ? 'stylus' : event.identifier.toString(); result[id] = this.getPosition(event); break } } return result } interactionStarted(event, key, point) { // Callback: can be overwritten } interactionEnded(event, key, point) { // Callback: can be overwritten } interactionFinished(event, key, point) {} startInteraction(event, extracted) { for (let key in extracted) { let point = extracted[key]; this.interaction.started(key, point); this.interactionStarted(event, key, point); } } updateInteraction(event, extracted) { for (let key in extracted) { let point = extracted[key]; let updated = this.interaction.update(key, point); if (updated) { console.warn("new pointer in updateInteraction shouldn't happen", key); this.interactionStarted(event, key, point); } } } endInteraction(event, ended) { for (let key in ended) { let point = ended[key]; this.interaction.stop(key, point); this.interactionEnded(event, key, point); } } finishInteraction(event, ended) { for (let key in ended) { let point = ended[key]; this.interaction.finish(key, point); this.interactionFinished(event, key, point); } } } /** * A special InteractionDelegate that maps events to specific parts of * the interaction target. The InteractionTarget must implement a findTarget * method that returns an object implementing the IInteractionTarget interface. * * If the InteractionTarget also implements a mapPositionToPoint method this * is used to map the points to the local coordinate space of the the target. * * This makes it easier to lookup elements and relate events to local * positions. * * @export * @class InteractionMapper * @extends {InteractionDelegate} */ class InteractionMapper$1 extends InteractionDelegate { constructor( element, target, { tapDistance = 10, longPressTime = 500.0, useCapture = true, capturePointerEvents = true, mouseWheelElement = null, logInteractionsAbove = 12 } = {} ) { super(element, target, { tapDistance, useCapture, capturePointerEvents, longPressTime, mouseWheelElement }); this.logInteractionsAbove = logInteractionsAbove; } get targetInterface() { return IInteractionMapperTarget } mapPositionToPoint(point, element = null) { if (this.target.mapPositionToPoint) { return this.target.mapPositionToPoint(point, element) } return point } interactionStarted(event, key, point) { if (this.target.findTarget) { let local = this.mapPositionToPoint(point); let found = this.target.findTarget(event, local, point); if (found != null) { this.interaction.addTarget(key, found); } } let size = this.interaction.current.size; let limit = this.logInteractionsAbove; if (size > limit) { Logging$1.log(`Number of interactions ${size} exceeds ${limit}`); } } onMouseWheel(event) { if (this.capture(event)) { if (this.target.findTarget) { let point = this.getPosition(event); let local = this.mapPositionToPoint(point); let found = this.target.findTarget(event, local, point); if (found != null && found.onMouseWheel) { found.onMouseWheel(event); return } } if (this.target.onMouseWheel) { this.target.onMouseWheel(event); } } } onStart(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event); this.startInteraction(event, extracted); let mapped = this.interaction.mapInteraction( extracted, ['current', 'start'], this.mapPositionToPoint.bind(this) ); for (let [target, interaction] of mapped.entries()) { target.onStart(event, interaction); } } onMove(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event, 'all'); this.updateInteraction(event, extracted); let mapped = this.interaction.mapInteraction( extracted, ['current', 'previous'], this.mapPositionToPoint.bind(this) ); for (let [target, interaction] of mapped.entries()) { target.onMove(event, interaction); interaction.updatePrevious(); } this.interaction.updatePrevious(); } onEnd(event) { let extracted = this.extractPoint(event, 'changedTouches'); this.endInteraction(event, extracted); let mapped = this.interaction.mapInteraction(extracted, ['ended'], this.mapPositionToPoint.bind(this)); for (let [target, interaction] of mapped.entries()) { target.onEnd(event, interaction); } this.finishInteraction(event, extracted); } /** * * * @static * @param {string|array} types - An event type, an array of event types or event types seperated by a space sign. The following * events are possible: * pan, panstart, panmove, panend, pancancel, panleft, panright, panup, pandown * pinch, pinchstart, pinchmove, pinchend, pinchcancel, pinchin, pinchout * press, pressup * rotate, rotatestart, rotatemove, rotateend, rotatecancel * swipe, swipeleft, swiperight, swipeup, swipedown * tap * @param {HTMLElement|HTMLElement[]} elements - An HTML element or an array of HTML elements. * @param {function} [cb] - The callback. A function which is executed after the event occurs. Receives the event object as the * first paramter * @param {object} [opts] - An options object. See the hammer documentation for more details. */ static on(types, elements, cb, opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign({}, {}, opts); if (typeof Hammer === 'undefined') { console.error('Hammer.js not found!'); return this } if (typeof Hammer.__hammers === 'undefined') { Hammer.__hammers = new Map(); } // convert to array types = Array.isArray(types) ? types : types.split(/\s/); if (elements instanceof NodeList || elements instanceof HTMLCollection) { elements = Array.from(elements); } elements = Array.isArray(elements) ? elements : [elements]; for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { const type = types[i].toLowerCase(); // list of hammer events const useHammer = /^(tap|doubletap|press|pan|swipe|pinch|rotate).*$/.test(type); // if it is a hammer event if (useHammer) { for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { // if(elements[j].tagName == "svg") return false; let hammer = new Hammer(elements[j], opts); if (window.propagating !== 'undefined') { hammer = propagating(hammer); } // recognizers if (type.startsWith('pan')) { hammer.get('pan').set(Object.assign({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL }, opts)); } else if (type.startsWith('pinch')) { hammer.get('pinch').set(Object.assign({ enable: true }, opts)); } else if (type.startsWith('press')) { hammer.get('press').set(opts); } else if (type.startsWith('rotate')) { hammer.get('rotate').set(Object.assign({ enable: true }, opts)); } else if (type.startsWith('swipe')) { hammer.get('swipe').set(Object.assign({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL }, opts)); } else if (type.startsWith('tap')) { hammer.get('tap').set(opts); } hammer.on(type, event => { cb(event); }); if (Hammer.__hammers.has(elements[j])) { const elementHammers = Hammer.__hammers.get(elements[j]); elementHammers.push(hammer); Hammer.__hammers.set(elements[j], elementHammers); } else { Hammer.__hammers.set(elements[j], [hammer]); } } } else { for (let j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { Hammer.on(elements[j], type, event => { cb(event); }); } } } } /** * * * @static * @param {HTMLElement|HTMLElement[]} elements - An HTML element or an array of HTML elements. */ static off(elements) { if (typeof Hammer === 'undefined') { console.error('Hammer.js not found!'); return this } // convert to array if (elements instanceof NodeList || elements instanceof HTMLCollection) { elements = Array.from(elements); } elements = Array.isArray(elements) ? elements : [elements]; for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { const element = elements[i]; if (Hammer.__hammers.has(element)) { const elementHammers = Hammer.__hammers.get(element); elementHammers.forEach(it => it.destroy()); Hammer.__hammers.delete(element); } } } } window.InteractionMapper = InteractionMapper$1; /** Report capabilities with guaranteed values. */ class Capabilities { /** Returns the browser userAgent. @return {string} */ static get userAgent() { return navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown Agent' } /** Tests whether the app is running on a mobile device. Implemented as a readonly attribute. @return {boolean} */ static get isMobile() { return /Mobi/.test(navigator.userAgent) } /** Tests whether the app is running on a iOS device. Implemented as a readonly attribute. @return {boolean} */ static get isIOS() { return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream } /** Tests whether the app is running in a Safari environment. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944460/detect-safari-browser Implemented as a readonly attribute. @return {boolean} */ static get isSafari() { return ( navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple') > -1 && navigator.userAgent && !navigator.userAgent.match('CriOS') ) } /** * Distincts if the app is running inside electron or not. * * source: https://github.com/cheton/is-electron */ static get isElectron() { // Renderer process if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.process === 'object' && window.process.type === 'renderer') { return true } // Main process if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && !!process.versions.electron) { return true } // Detect the user agent when the `nodeIntegration` option is set to true if ( typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') >= 0 ) { return true } return false } /** Returns the display resolution. Necessary for retina displays. @return {number} */ static get devicePixelRatio() { return window.devicePixelRatio || 1 } /** Returns true if the device is a multi-touch table. This method is currently not universal usable and not sure! @return {boolean} */ static get isMultiTouchTable() { return ( Capabilities.devicePixelRatio > 2 && Capabilities.isMobile === false && /Windows/i.test(Capabilities.userAgent) ) } /** Returns true if mouse events are supported @return {boolean} */ static supportsMouseEvents() { return typeof window.MouseEvent != 'undefined' } /** Returns true if touch events are supported @return {boolean} */ static supportsTouchEvents() { return typeof window.TouchEvent != 'undefined' } /** Returns true if pointer events are supported @return {boolean} */ static supportsPointerEvents() { return typeof window.PointerEvent != 'undefined' } /** Returns true if DOM templates are supported @return {boolean} */ static supportsTemplate() { return 'content' in document.createElement('template') } } /** Basic tests for Capabilities. */ class CapabilitiesTests { static testConfirm() { let bool = confirm('Please confirm'); document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = bool ? 'Confirmed' : 'Not confirmed'; } static testPrompt() { let person = prompt('Please enter your name', 'Harry Potter'); if (person != null) { demo.innerHTML = 'Hello ' + person + '! How are you today?'; } } static testUserAgent() { let agent = 'User-agent: ' + Capabilities.userAgent; user_agent.innerHTML = agent; } static testDevicePixelRatio() { let value = 'Device Pixel Ratio: ' + Capabilities.devicePixelRatio; device_pixel_ratio.innerHTML = value; } static testMultiTouchTable() { let value = 'Is the device a multi-touch table? ' + Capabilities.isMultiTouchTable; multi_touch_table.innerHTML = value; } static testSupportedEvents() { let events = []; if (Capabilities.supportsMouseEvents()) { events.push('MouseEvents'); } if (Capabilities.supportsTouchEvents()) { events.push('TouchEvents'); } if (Capabilities.supportsPointerEvents()) { events.push('PointerEvents'); } supported_events.innerHTML = 'Supported Events: ' + events.join(', '); } static testAll() { this.testUserAgent(); this.testDevicePixelRatio(); this.testMultiTouchTable(); this.testSupportedEvents(); } } /* Optional global variables, needed in DocTests. */ window.Capabilities = Capabilities; window.CapabilitiesTests = CapabilitiesTests; /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** * A base class for scatter specific events. * * @constructor * @param {name} String - The name of the event * @param {target} Object - The target of the event */ class BaseEvent { constructor(name, target) { this.name = name; this.target = target; } } // Event types const START = 'onStart'; const UPDATE = 'onUpdate'; const END = 'onEnd'; /** * A scatter event that describes how the scatter has changed. * * @constructor * @param {target} Object - The target scatter of the event * @param {optional} Object - Optional parameter */ class ScatterEvent extends BaseEvent { constructor( target, { translate = { x: 0, y: 0 }, scale = null, rotate = 0, about = null, fast = false, type = null } = {} ) { super('scatterTransformed', { target: target }); this.translate = translate; this.scale = scale; this.rotate = rotate; this.about = about; this.fast = fast; this.type = type; } toString() { return ( "Event('scatterTransformed', scale: " + this.scale + ' about: ' + this.about.x + ', ' + this.about.y + ')' ) } } /** * A scatter resize event that describes how the scatter has changed. * * @constructor * @param {target} Object - The target scatter of the event * @param {optional} Object - Optional parameter */ class ResizeEvent extends BaseEvent { constructor(target, { width = 0, height = 0 } = {}) { super('scatterResized', { width: width, height: height }); this.width = width; this.height = height; } toString() { return 'Event(scatterResized width: ' + this.width + 'height: ' + this.height + ')' } } /** * A abstract base class that implements the throwable behavior of a scatter * object. * * @constructor */ class Throwable { constructor({ movableX = true, movableY = true, throwVisibility = 44, throwDamping = 0.95, autoThrow = true, onThrowFinished = null } = {}) { this.movableX = movableX; this.movableY = movableY; this.throwVisibility = throwVisibility; this.throwDamping = throwDamping; this.autoThrow = autoThrow; this.velocities = []; this.velocity = null; this.timestamp = null; this.onThrowFinished = onThrowFinished; //console.log("onThrowFinished", onThrowFinished) } observeVelocity() { this.lastframe = performance.now(); } addVelocity(delta, buffer = 5) { let t = performance.now(); let dt = t - this.lastframe; this.lastframe = t; // When number is not set or is zero. Use one instead. let number = delta.number ? delta.number : 1; if (dt > 0) { // Avoid division by zero errors later on // and consider the number of involved pointers sind addVelocity will be called by the // onMove events let velocity = { t: t, dt: dt, dx: delta.x / number, dy: delta.y / number }; this.velocities.push(velocity); while (this.velocities.length > buffer) { this.velocities.shift(); } } } meanVelocity(milliseconds = 30) { this.addVelocity({ x: 0, y: 0, number: 1 }); let sum = { x: 0, y: 0 }; let count = 0; let t = 0; for (let i = this.velocities.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let v = this.velocities[i]; t += v.dt; let nv = { x: v.dx / v.dt, y: v.dy / v.dt }; sum = Points.add(sum, nv); count += 1; if (t > milliseconds) { break } } if (count === 0) return sum // empty vector return Points.multiplyScalar(sum, 1 / count) } killAnimation() { this.velocity = null; this.velocities = []; } startThrow() { this.velocity = this.meanVelocity(); if (this.velocity != null) { // Call next velocity to ansure that specializations // that use keepOnStage are called this.velocity = this.nextVelocity(this.velocity); if (this.autoThrow) this.animateThrow(performance.now()); } else { this.onDragComplete(); } } _throwDeltaTime() { let t = performance.now(); let dt = t - this.lastframe; this.lastframe = t; return dt } animateThrow(time) { if (this.velocity != null) { let dt = this._throwDeltaTime(); // console.log("animateThrow", dt) let next = this.nextVelocity(this.velocity); let prevLength = Points.length(this.velocity); let nextLength = Points.length(next); if (nextLength > prevLength) { let factor = nextLength / prevLength; next = Points.multiplyScalar(next, 1 / factor); console.log('Prevent acceleration', factor, this.velocity, next); } this.velocity = next; let d = Points.multiplyScalar(this.velocity, dt); this._move(d); this.onDragUpdate(d); if (dt == 0 || this.needsAnimation()) { requestAnimationFrame(this.animateThrow.bind(this)); return } else { if (this.isOutside()) { requestAnimationFrame(this.animateThrow.bind(this)); return } } } this.onDragComplete(); if (this.onThrowFinished != null) { this.onThrowFinished(); } } needsAnimation() { if (this.velocity == null) { return false } return Points.length(this.velocity) > 0.01 } nextVelocity(velocity) { // Must be overwritten: computes the changed velocity. Implement // damping, collison detection, etc. here let next = Points.multiplyScalar(velocity, this.throwDamping); return { x: this.movableX ? next.x : 0, y: this.movableY ? next.y : 0 } } _move(delta) { // Overwrite if necessary } onDragComplete() { // Overwrite if necessary } onDragUpdate(delta) { // Overwrite if necessary } } class AbstractScatter extends Throwable { constructor({ minScale = 0.1, maxScale = 1.0, startScale = 1.0, autoBringToFront = true, autoThrow = true, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, resizable = false, movableX = true, movableY = true, throwVisibility = 44, throwDamping = 0.95, overdoScaling = 1, mouseZoomFactor = 1.1, rotationDegrees = null, rotation = null, onTransform = null, interactive = true, onClose = null, onThrowFinished = null, scaleAutoClose = false, scaleCloseThreshold = 0.1, scaleCloseBuffer = 0.05, maxRotation = Angle.degree2radian(5), minInteractionDistance = 0, useLowPassFilter = false } = {}) { if (rotationDegrees != null && rotation != null) { throw new Error('Use rotationDegrees or rotation but not both') } else if (rotation != null) { rotationDegrees = Angle.radian2degree(rotation); } else if (rotationDegrees == null) { rotationDegrees = 0; } super({ movableX, movableY, throwVisibility, throwDamping, autoThrow, onThrowFinished }); /** * Closes the card when the minScale is reached and the * card is released. Card can be saved by scaling it up again. */ this.scaleAutoClose = scaleAutoClose; this.scaleCloseThreshold = scaleCloseThreshold; this.scaleCloseBuffer = scaleCloseBuffer; this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout = null; this.interactive = interactive; this.startRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees; this.startScale = startScale; // Needed to reset object this.minScale = minScale; this.maxScale = maxScale; this.maxRotation = maxRotation; this.overdoScaling = overdoScaling; this.translatable = translatable; if (!translatable) { this.movableX = false; this.movableY = false; } this.scalable = scalable; this.rotatable = rotatable; this.resizable = resizable; this.mouseZoomFactor = mouseZoomFactor; this.autoBringToFront = autoBringToFront; this.useLowPassFilter = useLowPassFilter; this.minInteractionDistance = minInteractionDistance; if (useLowPassFilter) { this.rotateLPF = new LowPassFilter(); this.zoomLPF = new LowPassFilter(); this.zoomLPF.setup([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]); } this.dragging = false; this.onTransform = onTransform != null ? [onTransform] : null; this.onClose = onClose != null ? [onClose] : null; } addCloseEventCallback(callback) { if (this.onClose == null) { this.onClose = []; } this.onClose.push(callback); } addTransformEventCallback(callback) { if (this.onTransform == null) { this.onTransform = []; } this.onTransform.push(callback); } startGesture(interaction) { this.bringToFront(); this.killAnimation(); this.observeVelocity(); if (this.useLowPassFilter) { this.rotateLPF.clear(); this.zoomLPF.clear(); this.zoomLPF.setup([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]); } return true } close() { this._callCloseCallbacks(); this._removeCallbacks(); this._removeSelfFromScatterContainer(); } _callCloseCallbacks() { if (this.onClose) { this.onClose.forEach(callback => callback(this)); } } _removeCallbacks() { this.onClose = []; this.onTransform = []; } _removeSelfFromScatterContainer() { // Removes self from container when it's closed. if (this.container) { this.container.remove(this); } } gesture(interaction) { let delta = interaction.delta(); if (delta != null) { let rotate = delta.rotate; let zoom = delta.zoom; if (this.maxRotation != null) { if (Math.abs(rotate) > this.maxRotation) { rotate = 0; } } if (this.useLowPassFilter) { rotate = this.rotateLPF.next(rotate); zoom = this.zoomLPF.next(zoom); } if (delta.distance < this.minInteractionDistance) { let ratio = delta.distance / this.minInteractionDistance; rotate *= ratio; let zoomDelta = zoom - 1; zoomDelta *= ratio; zoom = 1 + zoomDelta; } this.transform(delta, zoom, rotate, delta.about); if (zoom != 1) this.interactionAnchor = delta.about; } } get polygon() { let w2 = (this.width * this.scale) / 2; let h2 = (this.height * this.scale) / 2; let center = this.center; let polygon = new Polygon(center); polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: h2 }); polygon.rotate(this.rotation); return polygon } isOutside() { let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon; if (stagePolygon == null) return false let polygon = this.polygon; if (polygon == null) return false let result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon); return result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility } recenter() { // Return a small vector that guarantees that the scatter is moving // towards the center of the stage let center = this.center; let target = this.container.center; let delta = Points.subtract(target, center); return Points.normalize(delta) } nextVelocity(velocity) { return this.keepOnStage(velocity) } bouncing() { // Implements the bouncing behavior of the scatter. Moves the scatter // to the center of the stage if the scatter is outside the stage or // not within the limits of the throwVisibility. let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon; let polygon = this.polygon; let result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon); if (result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility) { let cv = this.recenter(); let recentered = false; while (result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility) { polygon.center.x += cv.x; polygon.center.y += cv.y; this._move(cv); result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon); recentered = true; } return recentered } return false } keepOnStage(velocity, collision = 0.5) { let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon; // UO: since keepOnStage is called in nextVelocity we need to // ensure a return value if (!stagePolygon) return { x: 0, y: 0 } this.polygon; let bounced = this.bouncing(); if (bounced) { let stage = this.containerBounds; let x = this.center.x; let y = this.center.y; let dx = this.movableX ? velocity.x : 0; let dy = this.movableY ? velocity.y : 0; let factor = this.throwDamping; // if (recentered) { if (x < 0) { dx = -dx; factor = collision; } if (x > stage.width) { dx = -dx; factor = collision; } if (y < 0) { dy = -dy; factor = collision; } if (y > stage.height) { dy = -dy; factor = collision; } // } return Points.multiplyScalar({ x: dx, y: dy }, factor) } return super.nextVelocity(velocity) } endGesture(interaction) { this.startThrow(); this._checkAutoClose(); } _checkAutoClose() { if (this.scaleAutoClose) if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold - this.scaleCloseBuffer) { this.zoom(this.minScale, { animate: 0.2, onComplete: this.close.bind(this) }); } else if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) { this.zoom(this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold, { animate: 0.4 }); } } rotateDegrees(degrees, anchor) { let rad = Angle.degree2radian(degrees); this.rotate(rad, anchor); } rotate(rad, anchor) { this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 1.0, rad, anchor); } move(d, { animate = 0 } = {}) { if (this.translatable) { if (animate > 0) { let startPos = this.position; TweenLite.to(this, animate, { x: '+=' + d.x, y: '+=' + d.y, /* scale: scale, uo: not defined, why was this here? */ onUpdate: e => { let p = this.position; let dx = p.x - startPos.x; let dy = p.x - startPos.y; this.onMoved(dx, dy); } }); } else { this._move(d); this.onMoved(d.x, d.y); } } } moveTo(p, { animate = 0 } = {}) { let c = this.origin; let delta = Points.subtract(p, c); this.move(delta, { animate: animate }); } centerAt(p, { animate = 0 } = {}) { let c = this.center; let delta = Points.subtract(p, c); this.move(delta, { animate: animate }); } zoom(scale, { animate = 0, about = null, delay = 0, x = null, y = null, onComplete = null } = {}) { let anchor = about || this.center; if (scale != this.scale) { if (animate > 0) { TweenLite.to(this, animate, { scale: scale, delay: delay, onComplete: onComplete, onUpdate: this.onZoomed.bind(this) }); } else { this.scale = scale; this.onZoomed(anchor); } } } _move(delta) { this.addVelocity(delta); this.x += this.movableX ? delta.x : 0; this.y += this.movableX ? delta.y : 0; } transform(translate, zoom, rotate, anchor) { let delta = { x: this.movableX ? translate.x : 0, y: this.movableY ? translate.y : 0 }; if (this.resizable) var vzoom = zoom; if (!this.translatable) delta = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (!this.rotatable) rotate = 0; if (!this.scalable) zoom = 1.0; if (zoom == 1.0 && rotate == 0) { this._move(delta); if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { translate: delta, scale: this.scale, rotate: 0, about: anchor, fast: false, type: UPDATE }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } return } let origin = this.rotationOrigin; let beta = Points.angle(origin, anchor); let distance = Points.distance(origin, anchor); let { scale: newScale, zoom: thresholdedZoom } = this.calculateScale(zoom); let newOrigin = Points.arc(anchor, beta + rotate, distance * thresholdedZoom); let extra = Points.subtract(newOrigin, origin); let offset = Points.subtract(anchor, origin); this._move(offset); this.scale = newScale; this.rotation += rotate; offset = Points.negate(offset); offset = Points.add(offset, extra); offset = Points.add(offset, translate); this._move(offset); delta.x += extra.x; delta.y += extra.y; if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { translate: delta, scale: newScale, rotate: rotate, about: anchor }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } if (this.resizable) { this.resizeAfterTransform(vzoom); } } /** * For a given zoom, a new scale is calculated, taking * min and max scale into account. * * @param {number} zoom - The zoom factor, to scale the object with. * @returns {object} - Returns an object containing the a value for a valid scale and the corrected zoom factor. */ calculateScale(zoom) { let scale = this.scale * zoom; let minScale = this.minScale / this.overdoScaling; let maxScale = this.maxScale * this.overdoScaling; if (scale < minScale) { scale = minScale; zoom = scale / this.scale; } if (scale > maxScale) { scale = maxScale; zoom = scale / this.scale; } if (this.scaleAutoClose) this._updateTransparency(); return { zoom, scale } } _updateTransparency() { if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) { let transparency = this.calculateScaleTransparency(); this.element.style.opacity = transparency; } else this.element.style.opacity = 1; } calculateScaleTransparency() { let transparency = (this.scale - this.minScale) / this.scaleCloseThreshold; transparency = transparency > 1 ? 1 : transparency < 0 ? 0 : transparency; return transparency } resizeAfterTransform(zoom) { // Overwrite this in subclasses. } validScale(scale) { scale = Math.max(scale, this.minScale); scale = Math.min(scale, this.maxScale); return scale } animateZoomBounce(dt = 1) { if (this.zoomAnchor != null) { let zoom = 1; let amount = Math.min(0.01, (0.3 * dt) / 100000.0); if (this.scale < this.minScale) zoom = 1 + amount; if (this.scale > this.maxScale) zoom = 1 - amount; if (zoom != 1) { this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, zoom, 0, this.zoomAnchor); requestAnimationFrame(dt => { this.animateZoomBounce(dt); }); return } this.zoomAnchor = null; } } checkScaling(about, delay = 0) { this.zoomAnchor = about; clearTimeout(this.animateZoomBounce.bind(this)); setTimeout(this.animateZoomBounce.bind(this), delay); } onMouseWheel(event) { if (event.claimedByScatter) { if (event.claimedByScatter != this) return } this.killAnimation(); this.targetScale = null; let direction = event.detail < 0 || event.wheelDelta > 0; let globalPoint = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; let centerPoint = this.mapPositionToContainerPoint(globalPoint); if (event.shiftKey) { let degrees = direction ? 5 : -5; let rad = Angle.degree2radian(degrees); return this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 1.0, rad, centerPoint) } const zoomFactor = this.mouseZoomFactor; let zoom = direction ? zoomFactor : 1 / zoomFactor; this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, zoom, 0, centerPoint); this.checkScaling(centerPoint, 200); if (this.scaleAutoClose) { if (this.scale <= this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) { if (this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout); this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._checkAutoClose(); }, 600); } this._updateTransparency(); } } onStart(event, interaction) { if (this.startGesture(interaction)) { this.dragging = true; this.interactionAnchor = null; } if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { translate: { x: 0, y: 0 }, scale: this.scale, rotate: 0, about: null, fast: false, type: START }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } onMove(event, interaction) { /** As long as mouseout && mouseleave interrupt we cannot be sure that * dragging remains correct. */ if (this.dragging) { this.gesture(interaction); } } onEnd(event, interaction) { console.log('Scatter.onEnd', this.dragging); if (interaction.isFinished()) { this.endGesture(interaction); this.dragging = false; for (let key of interaction.ended.keys()) { if (interaction.isTap(key)) { console.log('Scatter.isTap'); let point = interaction.ended.get(key); this.onTap(event, interaction, point); } } if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { translate: { x: 0, y: 0 }, scale: this.scale, rotate: 0, about: null, fast: false, type: END }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } let about = this.interactionAnchor; if (about != null) { this.checkScaling(about, 100); } } //onTap(event, interaction, point) {} onTap(event, interaction, point) { console.log('AbstractScatter.onTap', this.tapDelegate, interaction); if (this.tapDelegate) { Events$1.stop(event); this.tapDelegate.tap(event, 'scatter'); } } onDragUpdate(delta) { if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { fast: true, translate: delta, scale: this.scale, about: this.currentAbout, type: null }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } onDragComplete() { if (this.onTransform) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { scale: this.scale, about: this.currentAbout, fast: false, type: null }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } onMoved(dx, dy, about) { if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { translate: { x: dx, y: dy }, about: about, fast: true, type: null }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } onResizing() { if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { scale: this.scale, fast: false, type: null }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } onZoomed(about) { if (this.scaleAutoClose) this._updateTransparency(); if (this.onTransform != null) { let event = new ScatterEvent(this, { scale: this.scale, about: about, fast: false, type: null }); this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) { f(event); }); } } } class DOMScatter extends AbstractScatter { constructor( element, container, { startScale = 1.0, minScale = 0.1, maxScale = 1.0, overdoScaling = 1.5, autoBringToFront = true, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, movableX = true, movableY = true, rotationDegrees = null, rotation = null, onTransform = null, transformOrigin = 'center center', // extras which are in part needed x = 0, y = 0, width = null, // required height = null, // required resizable = false, tapDelegate = null, triggerSVGClicks = false, allowClickDistance = 44, verbose = true, onResize = null, touchAction = 'none', throwVisibility = 44, throwDamping = 0.95, autoThrow = true, scaleAutoClose = false, onClose = null, scaleCloseThreshold = 0.1, scaleCloseBuffer = 0.05, useLowPassFilter = false, maxRotation = Angle.degree2radian(15), minInteractionDistance = 200 } = {} ) { super({ minScale, maxScale, startScale, overdoScaling, autoBringToFront, translatable, scalable, rotatable, movableX, movableY, resizable, rotationDegrees, rotation, onTransform, throwVisibility, throwDamping, autoThrow, scaleAutoClose, scaleCloseThreshold, scaleCloseBuffer, onClose, useLowPassFilter, maxRotation, minInteractionDistance }); if (container == null || width == null || height == null) { throw new Error('Invalid value: null') } element.scatter = this; this.element = element; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.oldX = 0; this.oldY = 0; this.meanX = x; this.meanY = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.throwVisibility = Math.min(width, height, throwVisibility); this.container = container; this.tapDelegate = tapDelegate; this.scale = startScale; this.rotationDegrees = this.startRotationDegrees; this.transformOrigin = transformOrigin; this.initialValues = { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, scale: startScale, rotation: this.startRotationDegrees, transformOrigin: transformOrigin }; this.tapNodes = new Map(); // For tweenlite we need initial values in _gsTransform TweenLite.set(element, this.initialValues); this.onResize = onResize; this.verbose = verbose; if (touchAction !== null) { Elements$1.setStyle(element, { touchAction }); } this.resizeButton = null; if (resizable) { let button = document.createElement('div'); button.style.position = 'absolute'; button.style.right = '0px'; button.style.bottom = '0px'; button.style.width = '50px'; button.style.height = '50px'; button.className = 'interactiveElement'; this.element.appendChild(button); button.addEventListener('pointerdown', e => { this.startResize(e); }); button.addEventListener('pointermove', e => { this.resize(e); }); button.addEventListener('pointerup', e => { this.stopResize(e); }); this.resizeButton = button; } if (tapDelegate) { tapDelegate.handleClicks(); } container.add(this); } /** Returns geometry data as object. **/ getState() { return { scale: this.scale, x: this.x, y: this.y, rotation: this.rotation } } close() { super.close(); let parent = this.element.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.element); } get rotationOrigin() { return this.center } get x() { return this._x } get y() { return this._y } set x(value) { this._x = value; TweenLite.set(this.element, { x: value }); } set y(value) { this._y = value; TweenLite.set(this.element, { y: value }); } get position() { let transform = this.element._gsTransform; let x = transform.x; let y = transform.y; return { x, y } } get origin() { let p = this.fromNodeToPage(0, 0); return Points.fromPageToNode(this.container.element, p) } get bounds() { let stage = this.container.element.getBoundingClientRect(); let rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: rect.top - stage.top, left: rect.left - stage.left, width: rect.width, height: rect.height } } get center() { let r = this.bounds; let w2 = r.width / 2; let h2 = r.height / 2; // if (this.resizable) { // w2 *= this.scale // h2 *= this.scale // } var x = r.left + w2; var y = r.top + h2; return { x, y } } set rotation(radians) { let rad = radians; // Angle.normalize(radians) let degrees = Angle.radian2degree(rad); TweenLite.set(this.element, { rotation: degrees }); this._rotation = rad; } set rotationDegrees(degrees) { let deg = degrees; // Angle.normalizeDegree(degrees) TweenLite.set(this.element, { rotation: deg }); this._rotation = Angle.degree2radian(deg); } get rotation() { return this._rotation } get rotationDegrees() { return this._rotation } set scale(scale) { TweenLite.set(this.element, { scale: scale, transformOrigin: this.transformOrigin }); this._scale = scale; } get scale() { return this._scale } get containerBounds() { return this.container.bounds } get containerPolygon() { return this.container.polygon } mapPositionToContainerPoint(point) { return this.container.mapPositionToPoint(point) } capture(event) { return true } reset() { TweenLite.set(this.element, this.initialValues); } hide() { TweenLite.to(this.element, 0.1, { display: 'none', onComplete: e => { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } }); } show() { TweenLite.set(this.element, { display: 'block' }); } showAt(p, rotationDegrees) { TweenLite.set(this.element, { display: 'block', x: p.x, y: p.y, rotation: rotationDegrees, transformOrigin: this.transformOrigin }); } bringToFront() { // this.element.parentNode.appendChild(this.element) // uo: On Chome and Electon appendChild leads to flicker TweenLite.set(this.element, { zIndex: DOMScatter.zIndex++ }); } isDescendant(parent, child) { let node = child.parentNode; while (node != null) { if (node == parent) { return true } node = node.parentNode; } return false } fromPageToNode(x, y) { return Points.fromPageToNode(this.element, { x, y }) } fromNodeToPage(x, y) { return Points.fromNodeToPage(this.element, { x, y }) } _move(delta) { // UO: We need to keep TweenLite's _gsTransform and the private // _x and _y attributes aligned let x = this.element._gsTransform.x; let y = this.element._gsTransform.y; if (this.movableX) { x += delta.x; } if (this.movableY) { y += delta.y; } this._x = x; this._y = y; this.addVelocity({ x: delta.x, y: delta.y }); TweenLite.set(this.element, { x, y }); } resizeAfterTransform(zoom) { if (this.onResize) { let w = this.width * this.scale; let h = this.height * this.scale; let event = new ResizeEvent(this, { width: w, height: h }); this.onResize(event); } } startResize(e) { e.preventDefault(); let event = new CustomEvent('resizeStarted'); let oldPostition = { x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left, y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top }; this.bringToFront(); this.element.style.transformOrigin = '0% 0%'; let newPostition = { x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left, y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top }; let offset = Points.subtract(oldPostition, newPostition); this.oldX = e.clientX; this.oldY = e.clientY; e.target.setAttribute('resizing', 'true'); e.target.setPointerCapture(e.pointerId); TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { left: '+=' + offset.x + 'px' } }); TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { top: '+=' + offset.y + 'px' } }); this.element.dispatchEvent(event); } resize(e) { e.preventDefault(); let rotation = Angle.radian2degree(this.rotation); rotation = (rotation + 360) % 360; let event = new CustomEvent('resized'); if (e.target.getAttribute('resizing') == 'true') { let deltaX = e.clientX - this.oldX; let deltaY = e.clientY - this.oldY; let r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2)); let phi = Angle.radian2degree(Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY)); phi = (phi + 630) % 360; let rot = (rotation + 90 + 630) % 360; let diffAngle = (0 + rot + 360) % 360; let phiCorrected = (phi + diffAngle + 360) % 360; let resizeW = r * Math.cos(Angle.degree2radian(phiCorrected)); let resizeH = -r * Math.sin(Angle.degree2radian(phiCorrected)); if ( (this.element.offsetWidth + resizeW) / this.scale > (this.width * 0.5) / this.scale && (this.element.offsetHeight + resizeH) / this.scale > (this.height * 0.3) / this.scale ) TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { width: this.element.offsetWidth + resizeW / this.scale, height: this.element.offsetHeight + resizeH / this.scale }); this.oldX = e.clientX; this.oldY = e.clientY; this.onResizing(); this.element.dispatchEvent(event); } } stopResize(e) { e.preventDefault(); let event = new CustomEvent('resizeEnded'); let oldPostition = { x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left, y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top }; this.element.style.transformOrigin = '50% 50%'; let newPostition = { x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left, y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top }; let offset = Points.subtract(oldPostition, newPostition); TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { left: '+=' + offset.x + 'px' } }); TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { top: '+=' + offset.y + 'px' } }); e.target.setAttribute('resizing', 'false'); this.element.dispatchEvent(event); } } DOMScatter.zIndex = 1000; /* eslint-disable no-console */ class CardWrapper extends Object { constructor(domNode, { triggerSVGClicks = true, allowClickDistance = 44 } = {}) { super(); this.domNode = domNode; this.triggerSVGClicks = triggerSVGClicks; this.allowClickDistance = allowClickDistance; this.tapNodes = new Map(); this.tapHandler = new Map(); } handleClicks() { this.domNode.addEventListener( 'click', event => { if (event.isTrusted) { Events$1.stop(event); if (this.triggerSVGClicks && this.isSVGNode(event.target)) { this.tap(event, 'triggerSVGClicks'); } } }, true ); } handleClicksAsTaps() { this.domNode.addEventListener( 'click', event => { if (event.isTrusted) { Events$1.stop(event); } this.tap(event); }, true ); } isClickPrevented(node) { if (node == null) { return false } if (node.style && node.style.pointerEvents == 'none') { return true } return this.isClickPrevented(node.parentNode) } isClickable(node) { if (node == null) return false // console.log("isClickable", node, this.isClickPrevented(node)) if (this.isClickPrevented(node)) { return false } if (node.tagName == 'A' && node.hasAttribute('href')) return true if (node.hasAttribute('onclick')) return true return false } hasClickHandler(node) { if (node == null) return false if (this.tapNodes.has(node)) return true for (let [selector, handler] of this.tapHandler.entries()) { for (let obj of this.domNode.querySelectorAll(selector)) { if (node == obj) { return true } } } return false } /** * Returns an array of all active nodes. * Unfortunately we cannot search for all nodes with an attached 'click' event listener * See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11455515/how-to-check-whether-dynamically-attached-event-listener-exists-or-not * Therefore we can only detect the following standard cases: * I. All clickable objects like activeNodes * II. Objects that have been attached a click handler by the scatter itself via */ activeNodes() { let result = []; for (let node of this.domNode.querySelectorAll('*')) { if (this.isClickable(node)) result.push(node); if (this.hasClickHandler(node)) result.push(node); } return result } nearestActive(event) { let element = this.domNode; let activeNodes = this.activeNodes(); let globalClick = event.center ? event.center : { x: event.x, y: event.y }; let localClick = Points.fromPageToNode(element, globalClick); let clickRects = activeNodes.map(link => { let rect = link.getBoundingClientRect(); // Since the getBoundingClientRect is untransformed we cannot rely on it's size // We need a transformed bottom right to calculate local width and height let bottomRight = Points.fromPageToNode(element, { x: rect.x + rect.width, y: rect.y + rect.height }); let topLeft = Points.fromPageToNode(element, rect); let width = Math.abs(bottomRight.x - topLeft.x); let height = Math.abs(bottomRight.y - topLeft.y); let center = Points.fromPageToNode(element, { x: rect.x + width / 2, y: rect.y + height / 2 }); return { x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y, width, height, center, link } }); let distances = []; clickRects.forEach(rect => { let distance = Points.distanceToRect(localClick, rect); distances.push(parseInt(distance)); }); let closestClickIndex = distances.indexOf(Math.min(...distances)); let closestClickable = activeNodes[closestClickIndex]; if (distances[closestClickIndex] < this.allowClickDistance) { return closestClickable } return null } isSVGNode(node) { return node.ownerSVGElement || node.tagName == 'svg' } simulateClick(node, event) { /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49564905/is-it-possible-to-use-click-function-on-svg-tags-i-tried-element-click-on-a proposes the dispatchEvent solution. But this leads to problems in flippable.html hiding the back page. Therefore we use the original click event (see constructor). */ if (this.isSVGNode(node)) { if (this.triggerSVGClicks) { let click = new Event('click'); node.dispatchEvent(click); } return } node.click(); } nodeTapped(node, event) { console.log('nodeTapped', node, this.isClickable(node)); if (this.isClickable(node)) { this.simulateClick(node, event); return true } if (this.tapNodes.has(node)) { let handler = this.tapNodes.get(node); handler(event, node); return true } for (let [selector, handler] of this.tapHandler.entries()) { console.log('nodeTapped', selector); for (let obj of this.domNode.querySelectorAll(selector)) { if (node == obj) { handler(event, node); return true } } } return false } tap(event, calledBy = 'unknown') { if (event.isTrusted) { let node = this.nearestActive(event); console.log('tap', node); this.nodeTapped(node, event); /* let node = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY) if (!this.nodeTapped(node, event)) { node = this.nearestActive(event) this.nodeTapped(node, event) } */ } } onTap(objOrSelector, handler) { if (typeof objOrSelector == 'string') { this.tapHandler.set(objOrSelector, handler); } else { this.tapNodes.set(objOrSelector, handler); } } } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ class CardLoader { constructor( src, { x = 0, y = 0, width = 1000, height = 800, maxWidth = null, maxHeight = null, scale = 1, minScale = 0.5, maxScale = 1.5, rotation = 0 } = {} ) { this.src = src; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.scale = scale; this.rotation = rotation; this.maxScale = maxScale; this.minScale = minScale; this.wantedWidth = width; this.wantedHeight = height; this.maxWidth = maxWidth != null ? maxWidth : window.innerWidth; this.maxHeight = maxHeight != null ? maxHeight : window.innerHeight; this.addedNode = null; } unload() { if (this.addedNode) { this.addedNode.remove(); this.addedNode = null; } } } class DOMFlip { constructor( domScatterContainer, flipTemplate, frontLoader, backLoader, { closeOnMinScale = false, flipDuration = 1, fadeDuration = 0.2, overdoScaling = 1, autoLoad = false, center = null, preloadBack = false, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, tapDelegateFactory = null, onFront = null, onBack = null, onClose = null, onUpdate = null, onRemoved = null, onLoaded = null } = {} ) { this.domScatterContainer = domScatterContainer; this.id = getId(); this.flipDuration = flipDuration; this.fadeDuration = fadeDuration; this.closeOnMinScale = closeOnMinScale; this.flipTemplate = flipTemplate; this.frontLoader = frontLoader; this.backLoader = backLoader; this.translatable = translatable; this.scalable = scalable; this.rotatable = rotatable; this.tapDelegateFactory = tapDelegateFactory; this.onFrontFlipped = onFront; this.onBackFlipped = onBack; this.onClose = onClose; this.onRemoved = onRemoved; this.onUpdate = onUpdate; this.onLoaded = onLoaded; this.center = center; this.preloadBack = preloadBack; this.overdoScaling = overdoScaling; if (autoLoad) { this.load(); } } load() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let t = this.flipTemplate; let dom = this.domScatterContainer.element; let wrapper = t.content.querySelector('.flipWrapper'); wrapper.id = this.id; let clone = document.importNode(t.content, true); dom.appendChild(clone); // We cannot use the document fragment itself because it // is not part of the main dom tree. After the appendChild // call we can access the new dom element by id this.cardWrapper = dom.querySelector('#' + this.id); let front = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.front'); this.frontLoader.load(front).then(loader => { this.frontLoaded(loader).then(obj => { if (this.onLoaded) this.onLoaded(); resolve(this); }); }); }) } frontLoaded(loader) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let scatter = new DOMScatter(this.cardWrapper, this.domScatterContainer, { x: loader.x, y: loader.y, startScale: loader.scale, scale: loader.scale, maxScale: loader.maxScale, minScale: loader.minScale, width: loader.wantedWidth, height: loader.wantedHeight, rotation: loader.rotation, translatable: this.translatable, scalable: this.scalable, rotatable: this.rotatable, overdoScaling: this.overdoScaling, tapDelegate: this.tapDelegateFactory ? new this.tapDelegateFactory(this.cardWrapper) : null }); if (this.center) { scatter.centerAt(this.center); } if (this.closeOnMinScale) { const removeOnMinScale = function() { if (scatter.scale <= scatter.minScale) { this.flippable.close(); // 'Disable' overdoscaling to avoid weird jumps on close. scatter.minScale /= scatter.overdoScaling; scatter.overdoScaling = 1; //Remove callback if (scatter.onTransform) { let callbackIdx = scatter.onTransform.indexOf(removeOnMinScale); scatter.onTransform.splice(callbackIdx, 1); } } }.bind(this); scatter.addTransformEventCallback(removeOnMinScale); } let flippable = new DOMFlippable(this.cardWrapper, scatter, this); let back = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.back'); if (this.preloadBack) { this.backLoader.load(back).then(loader => { this.setupFlippable(flippable, loader); }); } this.flippable = flippable; resolve(this); }) } centerAt(p) { this.center = p; this.flippable.centerAt(p); } zoom(scale) { this.flippable.zoom(scale); } setupFlippable(flippable, loader) { flippable.wantedWidth = loader.wantedWidth; flippable.wantedHeight = loader.wantedHeight; flippable.wantedScale = loader.scale; flippable.minScale = loader.minScale; flippable.maxScale = loader.maxScale; flippable.scaleButtons(); } start({ targetCenter = null } = {}) { this.flippable.showFront(); if (this.preloadBack) { this.flippable.start({ duration: this.flipDuration, targetCenter }); } else { let back = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.back'); let flippable = this.flippable; this.backLoader.load(back).then(loader => { this.setupFlippable(flippable, loader); flippable.start({ duration: this.flipDuration, targetCenter }); }); } } fadeOutAndRemove() { TweenLite.to(this.cardWrapper, this.fadeDuration, { opacity: 0, onComplete: () => { this.cardWrapper.remove(); } }); } closed() { this.unload(); } unload() { if (!this.preloadBack) { this.backLoader.unload(); } } } class DOMFlippable { constructor(element, scatter, flip) { // Set log to console.log or a custom log function // define data structures to store our touchpoints in this.element = element; this.flip = flip; this.card = element.querySelector('.flipCard'); this.front = element.querySelector('.front'); this.back = element.querySelector('.back'); this.flipped = false; this.scatter = scatter; this.onFrontFlipped = flip.onFrontFlipped; this.onBackFlipped = flip.onBackFlipped; this.onClose = flip.onClose; this.onRemoved = flip.onRemoved; this.onUpdate = flip.onUpdate; this.wantedWidth = scatter.width; this.wantedHeight = scatter.height; this.wantedScale = scatter.scale; this.minScale = scatter.minScale; this.maxScale = scatter.maxScale; this.flipDuration = flip.flipDuration; this.fadeDuration = flip.fadeDuration; scatter.addTransformEventCallback(this.scatterTransformed.bind(this)); TweenLite.set(this.element, { perspective: 5000 }); TweenLite.set(this.card, { transformStyle: 'preserve-3d' }); TweenLite.set(this.back, { rotationY: -180 }); TweenLite.set([this.back, this.front], { backfaceVisibility: 'hidden', perspective: 5000 }); TweenLite.set(this.front, { visibility: 'visible' }); this.infoBtn = element.querySelector('.infoBtn'); this.backBtn = element.querySelector('.backBtn'); this.closeBtn = element.querySelector('.closeBtn'); /* Buttons are not guaranteed to exist. */ if (scatter.tapDelegate == null) { let tapDelegate = new CardWrapper(element); scatter.tapDelegate = tapDelegate; } if (this.infoBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.infoBtn, event => { this.flip.start(); }); this.enable(this.infoBtn); } if (this.backBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.backBtn, event => { this.start(); }); } if (this.closeBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.closeBtn, event => { this.close(); }); this.enable(this.closeBtn); } this.scaleButtons(); this.bringToFront(); } close() { this.disable(this.infoBtn); this.disable(this.closeBtn); if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(this); this.flip.closed(); } else { this.scatter.zoom(0.1, { animate: this.fadeDuration, onComplete: () => { this.element.remove(); this.flip.closed(); if (this.onRemoved) { this.onRemoved.call(this); } } }); } } showFront() { TweenLite.set(this.front, { visibility: 'visible' }); } centerAt(p) { this.scatter.centerAt(p); } zoom(scale) { this.scatter.zoom(scale); } get buttonScale() { let iscale = 1.0; if (this.scatter != null) { let scale = this.scatter.scale || 1; iscale = 1.0 / scale; } return iscale } scaleButtons() { TweenLite.set([this.infoBtn, this.backBtn, this.closeBtn], { scale: this.buttonScale }); } bringToFront() { this.scatter.bringToFront(); TweenLite.set(this.element, { zIndex: DOMScatter.zIndex++ }); } clickInfo() { this.bringToFront(); this.infoBtn.click(); } scatterTransformed(event) { this.scaleButtons(); } targetRotation(alpha) { let ortho = 90; let rest = alpha % ortho; let delta = 0.0; if (rest > ortho / 2.0) { delta = ortho - rest; } else { delta = -rest; } return delta } infoValues(info) { let startX = this.element._gsTransform.x; let startY = this.element._gsTransform.y; let startAngle = this.element._gsTransform.rotation; let startScale = this.element._gsTransform.scaleX; let w = this.element.style.width; let h = this.element.style.height; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(info, startX, startY, startAngle, startScale, w, h); } show(element, duration = 0, alpha = 1) { if (element) { TweenLite.to(element, duration, { autoAlpha: alpha }); // visibility: 'visible', display: 'initial'}) } } hide(element, duration = 0, alpha = 0) { if (element) { TweenLite.to(element, duration, { autoAlpha: alpha }); // {visibility: 'hidden', display: 'none'}) } } enable(button) { this.show(button, this.fadeDuration); if (button) { TweenLite.set(button, { pointerEvents: 'auto' }); } } disable(button) { this.hide(button, this.fadeDuration); if (button) { TweenLite.set(button, { pointerEvents: 'none' }); } } start({ targetCenter = null } = {}) { this.bringToFront(); console.log('flippable start', this.flipped); if (!this.flipped) { this.startX = this.element._gsTransform.x; this.startY = this.element._gsTransform.y; this.startAngle = this.element._gsTransform.rotation; this.startScale = this.element._gsTransform.scaleX; this.startWidth = this.element.style.width; this.startHeight = this.element.style.height; this.scatterStartWidth = this.scatter.width; this.scatterStartHeight = this.scatter.height; this.show(this.back); this.disable(this.infoBtn); this.disable(this.closeBtn); } else { this.show(this.front, this.fadeDuration); this.disable(this.backBtn); } let { scalable, translatable, rotatable } = this.scatter; this.saved = { scalable, translatable, rotatable }; this.scatter.scalable = false; this.scatter.translatable = false; this.scatter.rotatable = false; this.scatter.killAnimation(); this.flipped = !this.flipped; let targetY = this.flipped ? 180 : 0; let targetZ = this.flipped ? this.startAngle + this.targetRotation(this.startAngle) : this.startAngle; let targetScale = this.flipped ? this.wantedScale : this.startScale; let w = this.flipped ? this.wantedWidth : this.startWidth; let h = this.flipped ? this.wantedHeight : this.startHeight; let dw = this.wantedWidth - this.scatter.width; let dh = this.wantedHeight - this.scatter.height; let tc = targetCenter; let xx = tc != null ? tc.x - w / 2 : this.startX - dw / 2; let yy = tc != null ? tc.y - h / 2 : this.startY - dh / 2; let x = this.flipped ? xx : this.startX; let y = this.flipped ? yy : this.startY; let onUpdate = this.onUpdate !== null ? () => this.onUpdate(this) : null; TweenLite.to(this.card, this.flipDuration, { rotationY: targetY, ease: Power1.easeOut, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', onUpdate, onComplete: e => { if (this.flipped) { //this.hide(this.front) this.enable(this.backBtn); this.show(this.backBtn); if (this.onFrontFlipped) { this.onFrontFlipped(this); } } else { if (this.onBackFlipped == null) { this.enable(this.infoBtn, this.fadeDuration); this.enable(this.closeBtn, this.fadeDuration); } else { this.onBackFlipped(this); } this.flip.unload(); } this.scatter.scale = targetScale; this.scaleButtons(); this.scatter.rotationDegrees = targetZ; this.scatter.width = this.flipped ? w : this.scatterStartWidth; this.scatter.height = this.flipped ? h : this.scatterStartHeight; let { scalable, translatable, rotatable } = this.saved; this.scatter.scalable = scalable; this.scatter.translatable = translatable; this.scatter.rotatable = rotatable; }, force3D: true }); // See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/7997-rotate-the-shortest-way/ TweenLite.to(this.element, this.flipDuration / 2, { scale: targetScale, ease: Power1.easeOut, rotationZ: targetZ + '_short', transformOrigin: '50% 50%', width: w, height: h, x: x, y: y, onComplete: e => { if (this.flipped) { this.hide(this.front); // this.hide(this.infoBtn) } else { this.hide(this.back); // this.show(this.infoBtn) } } }); } } /* ES Lint */ /* globals PIXI, console*/ const registeredTiles = new Map(); /** Implements a baseTexture cache. The last textures are kept for reuse */ let keepTextures = 0; const keptTextures = []; const lateTextures = new Map(); let lastSweepTime = 0; let sweepInterval = 2000.0; /** The current Tile implementation simply uses PIXI.Sprites. * * BTW: PIXI.extras.TilingSprite is not appropriate. It should be used for * repeating patterns. **/ class Tile extends PIXI.Sprite { constructor(texture, url) { super(texture); this.url = url; this.register(url); } /** * Static method to enable keeping of base textures * * @static * @param {*} value * @memberof Tile */ static enableKeepTextures(value = 1000) { keepTextures = value; } /** * Returns true iff the url is pending * * @static * @param {*} url * @returns * @memberof Tile */ /*static isPending(url) { return pendingTiles.has(url) && pendingTiles.get(url) > 0 } */ static isObsolete(url) { if (registeredTiles.has(url) && registeredTiles.get(url) > 0) { return false } return true } /** * Loads a tile from image using the PIXI.Texture.from method. * * @static * @param {*} imageId * @param {*} crossorigin * @param {*} scaleMode * @returns * @memberof Tile */ static fromImage(imageId, crossorigin, scaleMode) { return new Tile(PIXI.Texture.from(imageId, crossorigin, scaleMode), imageId) } /** * Registers the tile in the global reference counter for textures * * @param {*} url * @param {boolean} [debug=false] * @memberof Tile */ register(url, debug = false) { //Tile.unschedule(url) if (registeredTiles.has(url)) { let tiles = registeredTiles.get(url); tiles.add(this); if (debug) console.log('Tile.register', url, tiles.size); } else { registeredTiles.set(url, new Set([this])); if (debug) console.log('Tile.register', url, 1); } } /** * Unregisters the rile in the global reference counter for textures * * @returns {number} The number of how often a texture is used. * @memberof Tile */ unregister() { let tiles = registeredTiles.get(this.url); tiles.delete(this); if (tiles.size == 0) { registeredTiles.delete(this.url); return 0 } return tiles.size } /** * Destroys this sprite and optionally its texture and children * * @param {*} options Part of the PIXI API, but ignored in the implementation * @memberof Tile */ destroy(options, debug = false) { let count = this.unregister(); if (keepTextures > 0) { keptTextures.push({ url: this.url, texture: this.texture }); let opts = { children: true, texture: false, baseTexture: false }; if (debug) console.log('Tile.destroy', registeredTiles.size, opts); super.destroy(opts); while (keptTextures.length > keepTextures) { let { url, texture } = keptTextures.shift(); if (Tile.isObsolete(url)) { texture.destroy(true); // Destroy base as well if (debug) console.log('Destroying texture and baseTexture', url); } } } else { // No longer registered and not pending if (count <= 0) { // && !Tile.isPending(this.url) let opts = { children: true, texture: true, baseTexture: true }; super.destroy(opts); if (debug) console.log('Tile.destroy', registeredTiles.size, opts); } else { let opts = { children: true, texture: false, baseTexture: false }; if (debug) console.log('Tile.destroy', registeredTiles.size, opts); super.destroy(opts); } if (this.parent != null) { // UO: Emit warning and remove console.warn('Destroying tile with parent. Hiding instead'); this.visible = false; } } } /** * Returns an available texture that can be reused * * @param {*} url * @returns * @memberof Tile */ static textureAvailable(url) { if (registeredTiles.has(url)) { let tiles = registeredTiles.get(url); for (let tile of tiles.values()) { //console.log("Reusing cached texture", tile.parent) return tile.texture } } return null } /** * Specialized renderWebGL to avoid freezing system * * @param {*} renderer * @memberof Tile */ renderWebGL(renderer) { try { super.renderWebGL(renderer); } catch (e) { // We want persistent logging here Logging.error('Error in Tile.renderWebGL: ' + e.message); } } /** * Removes lately arrived texture if they have not been touched in the meanwhile. * * @static * @memberof Tile */ static sweepLateTextures() { let now = performance.now(); if (now > lastSweepTime + sweepInterval) { lastSweepTime = now; let count = 0; for (let [url, texture] of lateTextures.entries()) { if (texture) { let base = texture.baseTexture; if (base != null && base.touched == 0) { texture.destroy(true); //console.info("Sweeping ", url) count += 1; lateTextures.delete(url); } } } if (count > 0) console.log('Sweeping textures', count); } } /** * Texture received too late. We do not need it. * @param {*} url * @param {*} texture */ static lateTexture(url, texture) { lateTextures.set(url, texture); //console.warn("Tile.lateTexture") // We cannot destroy the texture since we got errors in t.renderWebGL. // Perhaps we can destroy unsed textures later on Tile.sweepLateTextures(); } static printInfos() { let references = new Map(); let multiples = 0; for (let [url, tiles] of registeredTiles.entries()) { let count = tiles.size; references.set(url, count); if (count > 1) { multiples += 1; } } console.log({ multiples, references }); } } /** * A Tile Loader component that can be plugged into a Tiles Layer. */ class TileLoader { constructor(tiles) { this.debug = false; this.tiles = tiles; this.setup(); } /** Setup collections and instance vars. */ setup() { this.map = new Map(); // Map {url : [ col, row]} this.loading = new Set(); // Set url this.loaded = new Map(); // Map {url : sprite } this.loadQueue = []; } /** Schedules a tile url for loading. The loading itself must be triggered by a call to loadOneTile or loadAll * @param {String} url - the url of the texture / tile * @param {Number} col - the tile col * @param {Number} row - the tile row **/ schedule(url, col, row) { if (this.loaded.has(url)) return false if (this.loading.has(url)) return false //Tile.schedule(url) this.map.set(url, [col, row]); this.loading.add(url); this.loadQueue.push(url); return true } unschedule(url) { if (this.loaded.has(url)) this.loaded.delete(url); if (this.loading.has(url)) this.loading.delete(url); //Tile.unschedule(url) this.loadQueue = this.loadQueue.filter(item => item != url); } /** Cancels loading by clearing the load queue **/ cancel() { this.loadQueue = []; this.loading.clear(); } /** Destroys alls collections. **/ destroy() { this.setup(); } /** Private method. Informs the tile layer about a texture for a given url. * Creates the sprite for the loaded texture and informs the tile layer. * @param {String} url - the url * @param {Object} texture - the loaded resource **/ _textureAvailable(url, col, row, texture) { let tile = this.loaded.get(url); if (tile != null) { console.warn('Tile already loaded'); tile.unregister(); } try { tile = new Tile(texture, url); this.loaded.set(url, tile); this.tiles.tileAvailable(tile, col, row, url); } catch (error) { console.warn('Tile loading error', error); } } } /** * Uses the PIXI Loader but can be replaced with othe loaders implementing * the public methods without underscore. * Calls the Tiles.tileAvailable method if the texture is available. **/ class PIXITileLoader extends TileLoader { constructor(tiles, compression) { super(tiles); this.destroyed = false; this.loader = new PIXI.Loader(); this.loader.on('load', this._onLoaded.bind(this)); this.loader.on('error', this._onError.bind(this)); if (compression) { this.loader.use(PIXI.compressedTextures.ImageParser.use); } } schedule(url, col, row) { // Overwritten schedule to avoid BaseTexture and Texture already loaded errors. if (this.loaded.has(url)) return false if (this.loading.has(url)) return false //Tile.schedule(url) let reusableTexture = Tile.textureAvailable(url); if (reusableTexture) { if (this.debug) console.log('Texture reusable', reusableTexture); this._textureAvailable(url, col, row, reusableTexture); return false } let texture = PIXI.utils.TextureCache[url]; if (texture) { if (this.debug) console.log('Texture already loaded', texture); this._textureAvailable(url, col, row, texture); return false } let base = PIXI.utils.BaseTextureCache[url]; if (base) { if (this.debug) console.log('BaseTexture already loaded', base); let texture = new PIXI.Texture(base); this._textureAvailable(url, col, row, texture); return false } return super.schedule(url, col, row) } /** Load one and only one of the scheduled tiles **/ loadOneTile() { if (this.destroyed) return this._loadOneTile(); } /** Load all scheduled tiles **/ loadAll() { if (this.destroyed) return this._loadAllTiles(); } /** Destroys the loader completly **/ destroy() { this.destroyed = true; super.destroy(); try { this.loader.reset(); } catch (error) { console.warn('Error while resetting loader', error); } } _onError(loader, error) { console.warn('Cannot load', error); } /** Private method. Called by the PIXI loader after each successfull * loading of a single tile. * Creates the sprite for the loaded texture and informs the tile layer. * @param {Object} loader - the loader instance * @param {Object} resource - the loaded resource with url and texture attr **/ _onLoaded(loader, resource) { if (this.destroyed) { let texture = resource.texture; let url = resource.url; Tile.lateTexture(url, texture); console.warn('Received resource after destroy', texture); return } try { let [col, row] = this.map.get(resource.url); this._textureAvailable(resource.url, col, row, resource.texture); } catch (err) { console.warn('Texture unavailable: ' + err.message); } } /** Private method: loads one tile from the queue. **/ _loadOneTile(retry = 1) { //console.log("_loadOneTile") if (this.destroyed) { //console.warn("_loadOneTile after destroy") return } if (this.loader.loading) { setTimeout(() => { this._loadOneTile(); }, retry); return } if (this.loadQueue.length > 0) { let url = this.loadQueue.pop(); this.loader.add(url, url); this.loader.load(); } } /** Private method: loads all tiles from the queue in batches. Batches are helpfull to avoid loading tiles that are no longer needed because the user has already zoomed to a different level.**/ _loadAllTiles(batchSize = 8, retry = 16) { if (this.destroyed) { return } if (this.loadQueue.length > 0) { if (this.loader.loading) { //console.log("Loader busy", this.loadQueue.length) setTimeout(() => { this._loadAllTiles(); }, retry); return } let i = 0; let urls = []; while (i < batchSize && this.loadQueue.length > 0) { let url = this.loadQueue.pop(); if (!this.loaded.has(url)) { let resource = this.loader.resources[url]; if (resource) { console.log('Resource already added', url); } else { urls.push(url); i += 1; } } } this.loader.add(urls).load(() => { this._loadAllTiles(); }); } } } /** * Uses Workers but can be replaced with other loaders implementing * the public methods without underscore. * Calls the Tiles.tileAvailable method if the texture is available. **/ class WorkerTileLoader extends TileLoader { constructor(tiles, workerPath) { super(tiles); let worker = (this.worker = new Worker(workerPath)); worker.onmessage = event => { if (event.data.success) { let { url, col, row, buffer } = event.data; //console.log("WorkerTileLoader.loaded", url, buffer) //let CompressedImage = PIXI.compressedTextures.CompressedImage let compressed = PIXI.compressedTextures.loadFromArrayBuffer(buffer, url); let base = new PIXI.BaseTexture(compressed); let texture = new PIXI.Texture(base); this._textureAvailable(url, col, row, texture); } }; } loadOne() { if (this.loadQueue.length > 0) { let url = this.loadQueue.pop(); let [col, row] = this.map.get(url); let tile = [col, row, url]; this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'load', tiles: [tile] }); } } loadAll() { let tiles = []; while (this.loadQueue.length > 0) { let url = this.loadQueue.pop(); let [col, row] = this.map.get(url); tiles.push([col, row, url]); } this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'load', tiles }); } cancel() { super.cancel(); this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'abort' }); } destroy() { this.worker.postMessage({ command: 'abort' }); this.worker.terminate(); this.worker = null; super.destroy(); } } /** * A layer of tiles that represents a zoom level of a DeepZoomImage as a grid * of sprites. * @constructor * @param {number} level - the zoom level of the tile layer * @param {DeepZoomImage} view - the zoomable image the layer belongs to * @param {number} scale - the scale of the tile layer * @param {number} cols - the number of columns of the layer * @param {number} rows - the number of rows of the layer * @param {number} width - the width of the layer in pixel * @param {number} height - the height of the layer in pixel * @param {number} tileSize - the size of a single tile in pixel * @param {number} overlap - the overlap of the tiles in pixel * @param {number} fadeInTime - time needed to fade in tiles if TweenLite is set **/ class Tiles extends PIXI.Container { constructor(level, view, scale, cols, rows, width, height, tileSize, overlap, fadeInTime = 0.33) { super(); this.debug = false; this.showGrid = false; this.view = view; this.level = level; this.cols = cols; this.rows = rows; this.pixelWidth = width; this.pixelHeight = height; this.tileSize = tileSize; this.overlap = overlap; this.needed = new Map(); // url as key, [col, row] as value this.requested = new Set(); this.available = new Map(); this.scale.set(scale, scale); this.tileScale = scale; this.fadeInTime = fadeInTime; this.keep = false; if (this.view.useWorker && view.info.compression && view.info.compression.length > 0) { this.loader = new WorkerTileLoader(this, this.view.useWorker); } else { this.loader = new PIXITileLoader(this, view.info.compression); } this.interactive = false; this._highlight = null; this._info = null; this._centerPoint = null; this._boundsRect = null; this.infoColor = Colors.random(); this.pprint(); this.destroyed = false; } /** Tests whether all tiles are loaded. **/ isComplete() { return this.cols * this.rows === this.children.length } /** Returns the highligh graphics layer for debugging purposes. **/ get highlight() { if (this._highlight == null) { let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); graphics.beginFill(0xffff00, 0.1); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffff00); graphics.drawRect(1, 1, this.tileSize - 2, this.tileSize - 2); graphics.endFill(); graphics.interactive = false; this._highlight = graphics; } return this._highlight } /** Returns the highligh graphics layer for debugging purposes. **/ get info() { if (this._info == null) { let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); graphics.lineStyle(4, 0xff0000); graphics.interactive = false; this._info = graphics; this.addChild(this._info); } return this._info } /** Helper method pretty printing debug information. **/ pprint() { if (this.debug) console.log( 'Tiles level: ' + this.level + ' scale: ' + this.scale.x + ' cols: ' + this.cols + ' rows: ' + this.rows + ' w: ' + this.pixelWidth + ' h: ' + this.pixelHeight + ' tsize:' + this.tileSize ); } /** Computes the tile position and obeys the overlap. * @param {number} col - The column of the tile * @param {number} row - The row of the tile * @returns {PIXI.Point} obj **/ tilePosition(col, row) { let x = col * this.tileSize; let y = row * this.tileSize; let overlap = this.overlap; if (col != 0) { x -= overlap; } if (row != 0) { y -= overlap; } return new PIXI.Point(x, y) } /** Computes the tile size without overlap * @param {number} col - The column of the tile * @param {number} row - The row of the tile * @returns {PIXI.Point} obj **/ tileDimensions(col, row) { let w = this.tileSize; let h = this.tileSize; let pos = this.tilePosition(col, row); if (col == this.cols - 1) { w = this.pixelWidth - pos.x; } if (row == this.rows - 1) { h = this.pixelHeight - pos.y; } return new PIXI.Point(w, h) } /** Method to support debugging. Highlights the specified tile at col, row **/ highlightTile(col, row) { if (col > -1 && row > -1 && col < this.cols && row < this.rows) { let graphics = this.highlight; let dim = this.tileDimensions(col, row); graphics.position = this.tilePosition(col, row); graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(0xff00ff, 0.1); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffff00); graphics.drawRect(1, 1, dim.x - 2, dim.y - 2); graphics.endFill(); this.addChild(this.highlight); } else { this.removeChild(this.highlight); } } /** Loads the tiles for the given urls and adds the tiles as sprites. * @param {array} urlpos - An array of URL, pos pairs * @param {boolean} onlyone - Loads only on tile at a time if true **/ loadTiles(urlpos, onlyone, refCol, refRow) { if (this.showGrid) { this.highlightTile(refCol, refRow); } urlpos.forEach(d => { let [url, col, row] = d; if (this.loader.schedule(url, col, row)) { if (onlyone) { return this.loader.loadOneTile() } } }); this.loader.loadAll(); } /** Private method: add a red border to a tile for debugging purposes. **/ _addTileBorder(tile, col, row) { let dim = this.tileDimensions(col, row); let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); graphics.beginFill(0, 0); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000); graphics.drawRect(1, 1, dim.x - 2, dim.y - 2); graphics.endFill(); tile.addChild(graphics); } /** Adds a tile. **/ addTile(tile, col, row, url) { if (this.available.has(url)) { console.warn('Trying to add available tile'); return } this.addChildAt(tile, 0); this.available.set(url, tile); if (this.destroyed) { console.warn('Adding to destroyed tiles layer'); } // this._addTileBorder(tile, col, row) } /** Called by the loader after each successfull loading of a single tile. * Adds the sprite to the tile layer. * @param {Object} tile - the loaded tile sprite * @param {Number} col - the col position * @param {Number} row - the rowposition **/ tileAvailable(tile, col, row, url) { let pos = this.tilePosition(col, row); if (this.showGrid) { this._addTileBorder(tile, col, row); } tile.position = pos; tile.interactive = false; if (TweenLite) { tile.alpha = 0; TweenLite.to(tile, this.fadeInTime, { alpha: this.alpha }); } this.addTile(tile, col, row, url); } /** Destroys the tiles layer and destroys the loader. Async load calls are * cancelled. **/ destroy() { this.destroyed = true; this.loader.destroy(); super.destroy({ children: true }); // Calls destroyChildren this.available.clear(); this.requested.clear(); this.needed.clear(); } destroyTile(url, tile) { this.loader.unschedule(url); this.removeChild(tile); tile.destroy(); this.available.delete(url); } destroyTileByUrl(url) { if (this.available.has(url)) { let tile = this.available.get(url); this.destroyTile(url, tile); } } /* Destroys the tiles which are not with the bounds of the app to free * memory. **/ destroyTiles(quadTrees) { let count = 0; for (let [url, tile] of this.available.entries()) { if (!quadTrees.has(url)) { this.destroyTile(url, tile); count += 1; } } if (count && this.debug) console.log('destroyTiles', this.level, count); } destroyUnneededTiles() { let count = 0; for (let [url, tile] of this.available.entries()) { if (!this.needed.has(url)) { this.destroyTile(url, tile); count += 1; } } if (count && this.debug) console.log('destroyUnneededTiles', this.level, count); } highlightInfos() { let graphics = this.info; let color = this.infoColor; graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(2, color); for (let [col, row] of this.needed.values()) { let dim = this.tileDimensions(col, row); let pos = this.tilePosition(col, row); graphics.beginFill(color, 0.2); graphics.drawRect(pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, dim.x - 2, dim.y - 2); graphics.endFill(); } let r = this._boundsRect; if (r != null) { graphics.lineStyle(20, color); graphics.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); graphics.moveTo(r.x, r.y); graphics.lineTo(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height); graphics.moveTo(r.x, r.y + r.height); graphics.lineTo(r.x + r.width, r.y); } let p = this._centerPoint; if (p != null) { graphics.drawCircle(p.x, p.y, 20); } } tintTiles(quadTrees) { for (let [url, tile] of this.available.entries()) { if (!quadTrees.has(url)) tile.tint = 0xff0000; } } untintTiles() { for (let [url, tile] of this.available.entries()) { tile.tint = 0xffffff; } } } function isEven(n) { return n % 2 == 0 } /** * A utility class that holds information typically provided by DZI files, i.e. * height and width of the overall image, overlap, and image type. * * @constructor * @param {obj} attrs - A JSON-Object holding the listed keys and values * @example * { * "tileSize": 1024, * "format": "jpeg", * "overlap": 1, * "height": 4794, * "width": 4095, * "clip": { "minLevel": 12, "maxLevel": 20, "startCol": 301436, "startRow": 354060 }, * // optional: minLevel and maxLevel define the level bounds * // startCol: first col at maxLevel * // startRow: first row at maxLevel * "path": "var/Vermeer/Vermeer_files", * "type": "dzi", // optional: dzi (default) or map * "urlTileTemplate": "{path}/{level}/{column}/{row}.{format}" * // optional: {path}/{level}/{column}_{row}.{format} (default) or * // a template String with the format of the URL * } */ class DeepZoomInfo { constructor(attrs) { for (let key in attrs) { this[key] = attrs[key]; } this.maxLevel = 0; // The highest level number, typically corresponds to the // number in the file system for the folder with tiles this.clip = this.clip || null; // e.g. { level: 12, col: 301436, row: 354060 } this.type = this.type || 'dzi'; this.urlTileTemplate = this.urlTileTemplate || '{path}/{level}/{column}_{row}.{format}'; this.setupDimensions(); } /* Computes the needed number of layers from the width and height * of the image. Note that this includes the level 0, i.e. 0 ... 4 * means that 5 levels exist. **/ numLevels() { let maxDimension = Math.max(this.width, this.height); let boundary = this.type === 'dzi' ? 1 : this.tileSize; let numLevels = 0; while (maxDimension >= boundary) { maxDimension /= 2; numLevels++; } return numLevels } /** Computes the scale at the given level. * @param {number} level - The level of the wanted layer * @returns {number} scale **/ getScale(level) { let scale = 1; if (this.type === 'dzi') { scale = Math.pow(0.5, this.maxLevel - level + 1); } else { scale = Math.pow(0.5, this.maxLevel - level); } return scale } /** Computes the scaled width and height of the given level. * @param {number} level - The level of the wanted layer * @returns {array} size - The width and height **/ getDimensions(level) { let scale = this.getScale(level); let w = Math.ceil(this.width * scale); let h = Math.ceil(this.height * scale); return [w, h] } /** Computes the number of cols and rows of tiles. * @param {number} level - The level of the wanted layer * @returns {array} size - The cols and rows **/ getNumTiles(level) { let dim = this.getDimensions(level); let cols = Math.ceil(dim[0] / this.tileSize); let rows = Math.ceil(dim[1] / this.tileSize); if (this.clip) { let rest = this.rests[level]; if (rest) { if (rest.restCol) { cols += 1; } if (rest.restRows) { rows += 1; } } } return [cols, rows] } setupDimensions(loadBaseImage = false) { /** Setup instance variables and load the base image, i.e. the largest image that can be represented as a single tile. @private **/ let ww = this.width; let hh = this.height; let scale = 1.0; let level = 0; let single = 0; const tsize = this.tileSize; if (this.clip) { this.baseLevel = this.clip.minLevel; this.maxLevel = this.clip.maxLevel; this.baseImage = null; this.size = this.getDimensions(this.baseLevel); this.offsets = {}; this.rests = {}; let startCol = this.clip.startCol; let startRow = this.clip.startRow; let floatStartCol = startCol; let floatStartRow = startRow; for (let i = this.maxLevel; i >= this.baseLevel; i--) { this.offsets[i] = { startCol, startRow }; let restCol = floatStartCol % 1; let restRow = floatStartRow % 1; this.rests[i] = { restCol, restRow }; startCol = Math.floor(startCol / 2); startRow = Math.floor(startRow / 2); floatStartCol /= 2; floatStartRow /= 2; } } else { const boundary = this.type === 'dzi' ? 1.0 : tsize; while (ww > boundary && hh > boundary) { if (ww >= tsize && hh >= tsize) { single += 1; } scale = scale / 2.0; ww = Math.ceil(this.width * scale); hh = Math.ceil(this.height * scale); level += 1; } this.baseLevel = level - single; this.maxLevel = this.numLevels() - 1; this.baseURL = this.urlForTile(this.baseLevel, 0, 0, false); if (loadBaseImage) { this.imageForURL(this.baseURL, e => { this.size = [e.target.naturalWidth, e.target.naturalHeight]; this.baseImage = e.target; }); } else { this.baseImage = null; this.size = this.getDimensions(this.baseLevel); } } } get maxLoadableLevel() { if (this.clip) { return this.maxLevel } return this.type === 'dzi' ? this.maxLevel : this.maxLevel } /** Computes the url for the given level, column and and row. * @param {number} level - The level of the wanted layer * @param {number} column - The column of the tile * @param {number} row - The row of the tile * @returns {string} url **/ urlForTile(level, column, row, compressed = true) { let format = this.format; if (compressed && this.compression) { let supported = Capabilities.isIOS ? 'pvr' : 'dds'; if (this.compression.indexOf(supported) >= 0) { format = supported; } } if (this.clip) { let offset = this.offsets[level]; if (offset) { let { startCol, startRow } = offset; column += startCol; row += startRow; } } let url = this.urlTileTemplate .replace(/\{path\}/g, this.path) .replace(/\{level\}/g, level) .replace(/\{row\}/g, row) .replace(/\{column\}/g, column) .replace(/\{format\}/g, format); return url } /** Loads the image for the given url and executes a callback function on completion. * @param {string} url - The url of the tile * @param {function} complete - The callback function * @returns {Image} obj **/ imageForURL(url, complete) { let img = new Image(); img.onload = complete.bind(this); img.src = url; return img } /** Computes the columns and rows as well as scaled width and height. * @param {number} level - The level of the wanted layer * @returns {array} [cols, rows, width, height] **/ dimensions(level) { let dim = this.getDimensions(level); let tiles = this.getNumTiles(level); return [tiles[0], tiles[1], dim[0], dim[1]] } test() { //console.log("w=" + this.width + " h=" + this.height + " maxlevel=" + this.maxLevel + " base=" + this.baseLevel) for (let i = 0; i <= this.maxLevel; i++) { console.log(' ' + i + ' -> ' + this.getScale(i) + ' [' + this.dimensions(i) + ']'); } console.log(this.urlForTile(this.baseLevel, 0, 0)); } } /** * A utility class that describes a quad tree of tiles. Each tile on a given * level has up to four corresponding tiles on the next level. A TileQuadNode * uses the attributes nw (i.e. northwest), ne, sw, se to link to the * quad nodes on the next level. The previous attributes links to the quad * one level below that holds the given quad as nw, ne, sw, or se. * We use this node class because we need a representation of tiles that are * needed but not loaded yet to compute tiles which can be abandoned to reduce * the memory pressure. * * @constructor * @param {level} Number - The level the quad node belongs to * @param {col} Number - The col of the quad * @param {row} Number - The level the quad node belongs to * @param {url} String - The level the quad node belongs to */ class TileQuadNode { constructor(level, col, row, url) { this.level = level; this.col = col; this.row = row; this.url = url; this.nw = null; this.ne = null; this.sw = null; this.se = null; this.previous = null; } /** Return True if this node has no successors and can be used as an indicator of tiles to free. **/ noQuads() { if (this.previous === null) return false return this.nw === null && this.ne === null && this.sw === null && this.se === null } /** Unlink the given quad node * @param {node} TileQuadNode - The TileQuadNode to remove **/ unlink(node) { if (this.nw === node) this.nw = null; if (this.ne === node) this.ne = null; if (this.sw === node) this.sw = null; if (this.se === node) this.se = null; } /** Link this quad node to the given previous node. Use the north * and west flags to address nw, ne, sw, and se. * @param {node} TileQuadNode - The TileQuadNode to remove * @param {north} Boolean - Link to north (true) or south (false) * @param {west} Boolean - Link to west (true) or east (false) **/ link(north, west, previous) { this.previous = previous; if (north) { if (west) { previous.nw = this; } else { previous.ne = this; } } else { if (west) { previous.sw = this; } else { previous.se = this; } } } } /** * The main class of a deeply zoomable image that is represented by a hierarchy * of tile layers for each zoom level. This gives the user the impression that * even huge pictures (up to gigapixel-images) can be zoomed instantaneously, * since the tiles at smaller levels are scaled immediately and overloaded by * more detailed tiles at the larger level as fast as possible. * @constructor * @param {DeepZoomInfo} deepZoomInfo - Information extracted from a JSON-Object */ class DeepZoomImage extends PIXI.Container { constructor( deepZoomInfo, { debug = false, shadow = false, center = false, world = null, // Defines the world bounds the images lives in highResolution = true, autoLoadTiles = true, useWorker = '', minimumLevel = 0, alpha = 1, app = window.app } = {} ) { super(); this.app = app; this.debug = debug; this.shadow = shadow; this.world = world; this.useWorker = useWorker; this.resolution = highResolution ? Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio) : 1; this.alpha = alpha; this.fastLoads = 0; this.active = true; this.autoLoadTiles = autoLoadTiles; this.minimumLevel = minimumLevel; this.quadTrees = new Map(); // url as keys, TileQuadNodes as values this.setup(deepZoomInfo, center); } get point() { if (this._point == null) { let graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00ff00); graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 2); graphics.interactive = false; this._point = graphics; } return this._point } /** Reads the DeepZoomInfo object and initializes all tile layers. * Called by the constructor. * Creates the sprite for the loaded texture and add the sprite to the tile * layer. * @param {Object} deepZoomInfo - the DeepZoomInfo instance * @param {boolean} center - If true ensures that the pivot is set to the center **/ setup(deepZoomInfo, center) { this.info = deepZoomInfo; this.interactive = true; this.tileLayers = {}; this._foreground = null; this.tileContainer = new PIXI.Container(); this.tileContainer.interactive = false; let [w, h] = this.baseSize; if (this.shadow) { this.filters = [new PIXI.filters.DropShadowFilter({ rotation: 45, distance: 3 })]; } this.addChild(this.tileContainer); if (deepZoomInfo.clip) { let mask = new PIXI.Graphics(); mask.alpha = 0.0000001; mask.beginFill(0xff0000, 1); mask.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); mask.endFill(); this.mask = mask; this.addChild(mask); this.minimumLevel = deepZoomInfo.baseLevel; } this.currentLevel = Math.max(this.minimumLevel, deepZoomInfo.baseLevel); //console.log("autoLoadTiles", this.autoLoadTiles) if (this.autoLoadTiles) { this.setupTiles(center); } } /** Default setup method for tiles. Loads all tiles of the current level. Can be overwritten in subclasses. @param {boolean} center - If true ensures that the pivot is set to the center **/ setupTiles(center = false) { // First load background tile this.ensureAllTiles(this.currentLevel); if (center) { this.pivot.set(w / 2, h / 2); } let scaleLevel = this.levelForScale(1); this.ensureAllTiles(scaleLevel); } removeTileQuadNode(level, col, row, url) { if (this.quadTrees.has(url)) { let quad = this.quadTrees.get(url); this.tileQuadRemoved(quad); this.quadTrees.delete(url); } } addTileQuadNode(level, col, row, url) { if (this.quadTrees.has(url)) return this.quadTrees.get(url) let quad = new TileQuadNode(level, col, row, url); this.quadTrees.set(url, quad); this.tileQuadAdded(quad); return quad } tileQuadRemoved(quad) { let below = quad.previous; // if (this.debug) console.log("tileQuadRemoved", quad) if (below) { below.unlink(quad); if (below.noQuads()) { if (this.debug) console.log('Removed tile below'); let levelBelow = quad.level - 1; if (levelBelow < this.minimumLevel) return let c = Math.floor(quad.col / 2); let r = Math.floor(quad.row / 2); let urlBelow = this.info.urlForTile(levelBelow, c, r); if (this.quadTrees.has(urlBelow)) { this.removeTileQuadNode(levelBelow, c, r, urlBelow); } } } } tileQuadAdded(quad) { let levelBelow = quad.level - 1; if (levelBelow < this.minimumLevel) return //if (this.debug) console.log("tileQuadAdded", quad) let c = Math.floor(quad.col / 2); let r = Math.floor(quad.row / 2); let urlBelow = this.info.urlForTile(levelBelow, c, r); let below = null; if (!this.quadTrees.has(urlBelow)) { below = this.addTileQuadNode(levelBelow, c, r, urlBelow); quad.link(isEven(quad.row), isEven(quad.col), below); } } /** Returns the tile layer level that corresponds to the given scale. * @param {number} scale - the scale factor **/ levelForScale(scale) { let level = Math.round(Math.log2(scale * this.resolution)); // Math.floor(Math.log2(event.scale))+1 let newLevel = this.info.baseLevel + Math.max(level, 0); return Math.min(newLevel, this.info.maxLoadableLevel) } /** Returns the tile layer level that corresponds to the given scale. * @param {number} scale - the scale factor **/ levelAndAlphaForScale(scale) { let value = Math.log2(scale * this.resolution); let level = Math.round(value); let newLevel = this.info.baseLevel + Math.max(level, 0); return { level: Math.min(newLevel, this.info.maxLoadableLevel), alpha: value - level } } /** Adds a tile layer to the DeepZoomImage. * @param {string} key - the access key * @param {Tiles} tiles - the tile layer object **/ addTiles(key, tiles) { if (key in this.tileLayers) { console.warn('Tiles already availabl', key); } this.tileContainer.addChild(tiles); this.tileLayers[key] = tiles; } destroyTiles(key) { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; this.tileContainer.removeChild(tiles); tiles.destroy(); delete this.tileLayers[key]; } /** Getter for PIXI.Container foreground layer. * Adds a PIXI.Container if necessary. **/ get foreground() { if (this._foreground == null) { this._foreground = new PIXI.Container(); this.addChild(this._foreground); } return this._foreground } /** Getter for the DeepZoomInfo base level size. **/ get baseSize() { return this.info.getDimensions(this.info.baseLevel) } /** Getter for the current scaled size in pixels. **/ get pixelSize() { let [w, h] = this.baseSize; return [w * this.scale.x, h * this.scale.y] } /** Getter for the max scale factor. **/ get maxScale() { let delta = this.info.maxLevel - this.info.baseLevel; return (Math.pow(2, delta) / this.resolution) * 2 } /** Getter for the current width. **/ get width() { return this.pixelSize[0] } /** Getter for the current height. **/ get height() { return this.pixelSize[1] } /* Overrides PIXI.Container.hitArea() * Allows to optimize the hit testing. Container with hit areas are directly * hit tested without consideration of children. */ get hitArea() { // Defining the hitArea resulted hitting the scatter in masked area // when a mask was used (@Tüsch[submaps]). Removing the hitArea() altogether // broke the interaction in other projects (@googleart). // Fix: When masked, the hitArea is ignored by returning null. // TODO: test if childs are hittested, without setting interactiveChildren. // Opel, 03-05-2018 if (this.mask) { return null } return this } /* Overrides PIXI.Container.contains() * Allows to optimize the hit testing. */ contains(x, y) { let [w, h] = this.baseSize; return x >= 0 && x <= w && y >= 0 && y <= h } /** Overrides PIXI.Container._calculateBounds() * Only considers the base size and reduces the calculation to a single * rect. */ _calculateBounds() { let [w, h] = this.baseSize; this._bounds.addFrame(this.transform, 0, 0, w, h); } /** Overrides PIXI.Container.calculateBounds() * Skips the children and only considers the deep zoom base size. Calls * the also overwritten _calculateBounds method. */ calculateBounds() { this._bounds.clear(); this._calculateBounds(); this._lastBoundsID = this._boundsID; } /** Returns a single sprite that can be used a thumbnail representation of * large images. * @return {Sprite} sprite - A sprite with a single tile texture */ thumbnail() { return new PIXI.Sprite.from(this.info.baseURL) } /** Returns a list of all tiles of a given level. * @param {Tiles} tiles - the grid of tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * @return {Array[]} - An array of [url, col, row] arrays **/ allTiles(tiles, level) { let result = []; for (let col = 0; col < tiles.cols; col++) { for (let row = 0; row < tiles.rows; row++) { let url = this.info.urlForTile(level, col, row); result.push([url, col, row]); } } return result } worldBounds() { let viewBounds = this.app.scene.bounds || this.app.scene.getBounds(); // Using getBounds extends visible scope after loading tiles and leads // to excessive loading. So we prefer bounds over getBounds() if (this.world != null) { let bounds = this.world.bounds; let x = Math.max(-bounds.width, bounds.x); let y = Math.max(-bounds.height, bounds.y); let width = Math.min(viewBounds.width, bounds.width); let height = Math.min(viewBounds.height, bounds.height); //console.log("worldBounds new", { x, y, width, height }) return { x, y, width, height } } //console.log("worldBounds old", viewBounds) return viewBounds } /** Loads all tiles that are needed to fill the app bounds. * @param {Tiles} tiles - the grid of tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * @param {boolean} debug * @return {Array[]} - An array of [url, col, row] arrays */ neededTiles(tiles, level, debug = false) { let needed = []; let tsize = tiles.tileSize; let worldBounds = this.worldBounds(); let maxWidth = worldBounds.width; let maxHeight = worldBounds.height; new PIXI.Point(); let worldTopLeft = new PIXI.Point(worldBounds.x, worldBounds.y); let worldBottomRight = new PIXI.Point(worldBounds.x + maxWidth, worldBounds.y + maxHeight); let worldCenter = new PIXI.Point(worldBounds.x + maxWidth / 2, worldBounds.y + maxHeight / 2); let tilesCenter = tiles.toLocal(worldCenter); let topLeft = tiles.toLocal(worldTopLeft); let bottomRight = tiles.toLocal(worldBottomRight); tiles._centerPoint = tilesCenter; let bounds = new PIXI.Rectangle(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomRight.x - topLeft.x, bottomRight.y - topLeft.y); tiles._boundsRect = bounds; /* UO: we need a toLocal call here since the transform may need an update which is guaranteed by the toLocal method. */ let centerCol = Math.floor(tilesCenter.x / tsize); let centerRow = Math.floor(tilesCenter.y / tsize); // Expand because we want to test for included centers bounds.x -= tsize / 2; bounds.y -= tsize / 2; bounds.width += tsize; bounds.height += tsize; try { let maxTilesWidth = Math.ceil(maxWidth / tsize); let maxTilesHeight = Math.ceil(maxHeight / tsize); maxTilesWidth += 2; maxTilesHeight += 2; let startCol = Math.max(0, centerCol - maxTilesWidth); let endCol = Math.min(tiles.cols, centerCol + maxTilesWidth); let startRow = Math.max(0, centerRow - maxTilesHeight); let endRow = Math.min(tiles.rows, centerRow + maxTilesHeight); for (let col = startCol; col < endCol; col++) { let cx = (col + 0.5) * tsize; for (let row = startRow; row < endRow; row++) { let cy = (row + 0.5) * tsize; let tileCenter = new PIXI.Point(cx, cy); if (bounds.contains(tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y)) { let url = this.info.urlForTile(level, col, row); needed.push([url, col, row]); } } } } catch (error) { console.warn(error.message); } return { centerCol, centerRow, needed } } /** Returns all changed tiles for a given level. * @param {Tiles} tiles - the grid of tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * @return {object} - An object with the keys added and removed which values are [url, col, row] arrays */ changedTiles(tiles, level) { if (this.debug) console.time('changedTiles'); let changed = { added: [], removed: [] }; let newNeeded = new Map(); let { centerCol, centerRow, needed } = this.neededTiles(tiles, level); needed.forEach(d => { let [url, col, row] = d; newNeeded.set(url, [col, row]); if (!tiles.requested.has(url)) { changed.added.push(d); } }); for (let url of tiles.needed.keys()) { if (!newNeeded.has(url)) { let [col, row] = tiles.needed.get(url); changed.removed.push([url, col, row]); } } tiles.needed = newNeeded; if (this.debug) console.log(newNeeded); if (this.debug) console.timeEnd('changedTiles'); return { centerCol, centerRow, changed } } /** Populates all tiles for a given level. * @param {Tiles} tiles - the grid of tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid */ populateAllTiles(tiles, level) { let all = this.allTiles(tiles, level); for (let [url, col, row] of all) { this.addTileQuadNode(level, col, row, url); } tiles.loadTiles(all, false, 0, 0); } /** Loads all tiles that are needed to fill the browser window. * If the optional about parameter is provided (as a point with col as x, * and row as y attr) the tiles are sorted by the distance to this point. * * @param {Tiles} tiles - the grid of tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * Optional parameter: * @param {boolean} onlyone - if true only one tile is loaded * @param {PIXI.Point} about - point of interaction */ populateTiles(tiles, level, { onlyone = false, about = null } = {}) { if (tiles.isComplete()) return let referenceCol = -1; let referenceRow = -1; let { centerCol, centerRow, changed } = this.changedTiles(tiles, level); if (about != null) { // We want to load tiles in the focus of the user first, therefore // we sort according to the distance of the focus of interaction let refPoint = this.toLocal(about); let scaledTileSize = tiles.tileSize * tiles.tileScale; referenceCol = Math.floor(refPoint.x / scaledTileSize); referenceRow = Math.floor(refPoint.y / scaledTileSize); } else { referenceCol = centerCol; referenceRow = centerRow; } referenceCol = centerCol; referenceRow = centerRow; let removed = changed.removed; for (let [url, col, row] of removed) { this.removeTileQuadNode(level, col, row, url); } let added = changed.added; if (added.length == 0) return for (let [url, col, row] of added) { this.addTileQuadNode(level, col, row, url); } let ref = new PIXI.Point(referenceCol, referenceRow); // Note: The array must be sorted in a way that the nearest tiles // are at the end of the array since the load queue uses Array.push // Array.pop added.sort((a, b) => { let aa = new PIXI.Point(a[1], a[2]); let bb = new PIXI.Point(b[1], b[2]); let da = Points.distance(aa, ref); let db = Points.distance(bb, ref); return db - da }); tiles.loadTiles(added, onlyone, referenceCol, referenceRow); } /** Private method: creates all tiles for a given level. * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * @return {Tiles} - tiles */ _createTiles(key, level) { let [cols, rows, w, h] = this.info.dimensions(level); let increasedLevels = level - this.info.baseLevel; let invScale = Math.pow(0.5, increasedLevels); let tiles = new Tiles(level, this, invScale, cols, rows, w, h, this.info.tileSize, this.info.overlap); this.addTiles(key, tiles); if (this.info.clip) { let rest = this.info.rests[level]; if (rest) { let x = rest.restCol * this.info.tileSize * invScale; let y = rest.restRow * this.info.tileSize * invScale; tiles.x = -x; tiles.y = -y; } } return tiles } /** Ensures that all needed tiles of a given level are loaded. Creates * a new Tiles layer if necessary * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid * @return {Tiles} tiles */ ensureTiles(level, about) { let key = level.toString(); if (key in this.tileLayers) { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; this.populateTiles(tiles, level, { about: about }); return tiles } let tiles = this._createTiles(key, level); this.populateTiles(tiles, level, { about: about }); //console.log("ensureTiles", level) return tiles } untintTiles(level) { let key = level.toString(); if (key in this.tileLayers) { this.tileLayers[key]; } } /** Ensures that all tiles of a given level are loaded. * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid */ ensureAllTiles(level) { let key = level.toString(); if (key in this.tileLayers) { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; this.populateAllTiles(tiles, level); tiles.keep = true; return } let tiles = this._createTiles(key, level); this.populateAllTiles(tiles, level); tiles.keep = true; return tiles } hideTilesAboveLevel(level) { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (tiles.level > level) { tiles.visible = false; } }); } /** Destroys all tiles above a given level to ensure that the memory can * be reused. * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid */ destroyTilesAboveLevel(level) { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (tiles.level > level && !tiles.keep) { for (let url of tiles.available.keys()) { let quad = this.quadTrees.get(url); if (quad) this.removeTileQuadNode(quad); } this.destroyTiles(key); } }); } destroyAllTiles() { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { this.destroyTiles(key); }); } /** * Tint tiles in all layers that are no longer needed * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ tintObsoleteTiles() { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; tiles.untintTiles(); if (!tiles.keep) { tiles.tintObsoleteTiles(); } }); } /** * Destroy tiles in all layers that are no longer needed * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ destroyUnneededTiles() { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (!tiles.keep) { tiles.destroyUnneededTiles(); } }); } /** * Destroy tiles in all layers that are no longer needed * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ destroyObsoleteTiles() { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (!tiles.keep) { tiles.destroyObsoleteTiles(); } }); } /** * Destroy tiles in all layers that are not part of the * visible quadTrees * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ destroyTiles() { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (!tiles.keep) { tiles.destroyTiles(this.quadTrees); } }); } /* Tint all tiles * @param {number} level - The zoom level of the grid */ tintTilesBelowLevel(level) { Object.keys(this.tileLayers).forEach(key => { let tiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (tiles.level < level) { tiles.tintTiles(this.quadTrees); } }); } /** * Ensure that the given tiles layer is the topmost one and visible. * @param {*} tiles */ bringTilesToFront(tiles) { this.tileContainer.addChild(tiles); tiles.visible = true; } /** A callback function that can be used by a Scatter view to inform * the zoomable image that it has been moved, rotated or scaled, and should * load tiles accordingly. * @param {PIXI.Point} translated - the movement of the scatter * @param {number} scale - the zoom factor * @param {PIXI.Point} about - the anchor point of the zoom * @param {boolean} fast - informs the callback to return as fast as possible, * i.e. after loading a single tile * @param {boolean} debug - log debug infos */ transformed(event) { if (!this.active) { return } let key = this.currentLevel.toString(); let currentTiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (typeof currentTiles == 'undefined') { return } if (event.fast) { this.fastLoads += 1; this.populateTiles(currentTiles, this.currentLevel, { onlyone: false, about: event.about }); if (this.fastLoads == 3) { this.fastLoads = 0; } else { return } } if (event.scale == null) { this.ensureTiles(this.currentLevel, event.about); return } let level = this.levelForScale(event.scale); let newLevel = Math.max(level, this.minimumLevel); if (newLevel != this.currentLevel) { if (!currentTiles.keep) { currentTiles.loader.cancel(); } this.hideTilesAboveLevel(newLevel); currentTiles = this.ensureTiles(newLevel, event.about); this.currentLevel = newLevel; } else { this.ensureTiles(this.currentLevel, event.about); } this.bringTilesToFront(currentTiles); if (this._foreground) { this.addChild(this._foreground); } } /** *Activates the textures on the DeepZoomImage. * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ activate() { this.active = true; this.destroyTilesAboveLevel(this.currentLevel); this.ensureTiles(this.currentLevel, null); //console.log("Activate Textures!", this.currentLevel) } /** *Dectivates the textures on the DeepZoomImage. * * @memberof DeepZoomImage */ deactivate() { this.active = false; this.destroyAllTiles(); this.tileContainer.destroy({ children: true }); } throwFinished() { //console.log("throwFinished") let key = this.currentLevel.toString(); let currentTiles = this.tileLayers[key]; if (typeof currentTiles == 'undefined') { return } this.ensureTiles(this.currentLevel); } } let globalScatterLoaderCanvas = null; class ScatterLoader extends CardLoader { get scatter() { return this.src } unscaledSize() { let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; let w = displayObject.width; let h = displayObject.height; return [w / displayObject.scale.x, h / displayObject.scale.y] } scaledSize() { let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; let w = displayObject.width; let h = displayObject.height; return [w, h] } cloneScatterImage() { let w = this.scatter.width; let h = this.scatter.height; let isSprite = this.scatter.displayObject instanceof PIXI.Sprite; let isDeepZoom = this.scatter.displayObject instanceof DeepZoomImage; let resolution = app.renderer.resolution; if (isSprite) { w = this.scatter.displayObject.texture.width; h = this.scatter.displayObject.texture.height; } else if (isDeepZoom) { let [ww, hh] = this.scatter.displayObject.baseSize; w = ww; h = hh; } if (globalScatterLoaderCanvas === null) { globalScatterLoaderCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); } let canvas = globalScatterLoaderCanvas; canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; let renderer = new PIXI.Renderer({ width: w, height: h, view: canvas, resolution: resolution }); let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; let x = displayObject.x; let y = displayObject.y; let rot = displayObject.rotation; let sx = displayObject.scale.x; let sy = displayObject.scale.y; displayObject.rotation = 0; // The Safari WebGLRenderer wants everything flipped // See https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/issues/2283 displayObject.x = 0; if (Capabilities.isSafari) { displayObject.y = h; displayObject.scale.set(1, -1); // sx, -sy) } else { displayObject.y = 0; displayObject.scale.set(1, 1); } if (isSprite) { displayObject.width = w; displayObject.height = h; } renderer.render(displayObject); displayObject.rotation = rot; displayObject.x = x; displayObject.y = y; displayObject.scale.set(sx, sy); let url = canvas.toDataURL(); return [x, y, w, h, url] } load(domNode) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let isImage = domNode instanceof HTMLImageElement; this.scatter.displayObject instanceof PIXI.Sprite; let image = isImage ? domNode : document.createElement('img'); let [x, y, w, h, cloneURL] = this.cloneScatterImage(); let [ww, hh] = this.unscaledSize(); image.onload = e => { if (!isImage) domNode.appendChild(image); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.wantedWidth = ww; this.wantedHeight = hh; this.scale = 1; this.rotation = this.scatter.rotation; resolve(this); }; image.onerror = e => { reject(this); }; image.src = cloneURL; }) } } class FlipEffect { constructor(scatter, domScatterContainer, flipTemplate, backLoader) { this.flipped = false; this.scatter = scatter; this.backLoader = backLoader; this.scatterLoader = new ScatterLoader(scatter); this.domFlip = new DOMFlip(domScatterContainer, flipTemplate, this.scatterLoader, backLoader, { onBack: this.backCardClosed.bind(this) }); this.setupInfoButton(); } startFlip() { let center = this.flipCenter(); let loader = this.backLoader; this.domFlip.load().then(domFlip => { this.scatter.displayObject.visible = false; domFlip.centerAt(center); domFlip.zoom(this.scatter.scale); let target = this.constraintFlipCenter(center, loader); domFlip.start({ targetCenter: target }); }); } unscaledSize() { return this.scatterLoader.unscaledSize() } flipCenter() { let isSprite = this.scatter.displayObject instanceof PIXI.Sprite; let resolution = isSprite ? app.renderer.resolution : 1; let center = this.scatter.center; let canvas = app.renderer.view; let domNode = this.domFlip.domScatterContainer.element; let page = window.convertPointFromNodeToPage(canvas, center.x * resolution, center.y * resolution); let local = window.convertPointFromPageToNode(domNode, page.x, page.y); return local } constraintFlipCenter(center, loader) { let w = loader.wantedWidth; let h = loader.wantedHeight; let canvas = app.renderer.view; let x = center.x; let y = center.y; if (x < w / 2) x = w / 2; if (y < h / 2) y = h / 2; if (x > canvas.width) x = canvas.width - w / 2; if (y > canvas.height) y = canvas.height - h / 2; return { x, y } } setupInfoButton() { let iscale = 1.0 / this.scatter.scale; this.infoBtn = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.infoBtn.beginFill(0x333333); this.infoBtn.lineStyle(4, 0xffffff); this.infoBtn.drawCircle(0, 0, 22); this.infoBtn.endFill(); this.infoBtn.beginFill(0xffffff); this.infoBtn.lineStyle(0); this.infoBtn.drawCircle(0, -8, 4); this.infoBtn.endFill(); this.infoBtn.lineStyle(6, 0xffffff); this.infoBtn.moveTo(0, -2); this.infoBtn.lineTo(0, 14); this.infoBtn.endFill(); this.infoBtn.on('click', e => { this.infoSelected(); }); this.infoBtn.on('tap', e => { this.infoSelected(); }); this.infoBtn.interactive = true; this.infoBtn.width = 44; this.infoBtn.height = 44; this.infoBtn.pivot.x = 30; this.infoBtn.pivot.y = 30; let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; let [w, h] = this.unscaledSize(); this.infoBtn.position = new PIXI.Point(w, h); if (displayObject.foreground) { this.infoBtn.scale.x = iscale; this.infoBtn.scale.y = iscale; displayObject.foreground.addChild(this.infoBtn); } else { displayObject.addChild(this.infoBtn); } this.scatter.addTransformEventCallback(e => { let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; if (displayObject.foreground) { if (e.scale) { let iscale = 1.0 / e.scale; this.infoBtn.scale.x = iscale; this.infoBtn.scale.y = iscale; } } }); } setupButton(url) { let svgImage = new Image(); let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 88 * 4; canvas.height = 44 * 4; svgImage.onload = e => { let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(svgImage, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); let texure = new PIXI.Texture(new PIXI.BaseTexture(canvas)); this.infoBtn = new PIXI.Sprite(texure); this.infoBtn.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); if (displayObject.foreground) { displayObject.foreground.addChild(this.infoBtn); } else { displayObject.addChild(this.infoBtn); } this.infoBtn.scale.set(0.5, 0.5); let [w, h] = this.unscaledSize(); this.infoBtn.position = new PIXI.Point(w, h); this.infoBtn.interactive = true; this.infoBtn.updateTransform(); this.infoBtn.on('click', e => { this.infoSelected(); }); this.infoBtn.on('tap', e => { this.infoSelected(); }); }; svgImage.src = url; } infoSelected() { this.startFlip(); } backSelected() { this.domFlip.start(); } backCardClosed() { /*** The flip effect should now be in it's initial state again. All memory should be freed. ***/ let displayObject = this.scatter.displayObject; displayObject.visible = true; this.domFlip.fadeOutAndRemove(); this.flipped = false; } targetRotation(alpha) { let ortho = 90; let rest = alpha % ortho; let delta = 0.0; if (rest > ortho / 2.0) { delta = ortho - rest; } else { delta = -rest; } return delta } } /* globals Power2, Sine */ /*eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["log", "info", "error"] }]*/ /** * Callback for the flippable onStart function. * * @callback onStartCallback * @param {Flippable} flippable - A reference to the flippable (also this refers to the flippable). */ /** * Callback for the flippable onUpdate function. * * @callback onUpdateCallback * @param {Flippable} flippable - A reference to the flippable (also this refers to the flippable). */ /** * Callback for the flippable onComplete function. * * @callback onCompleteCallback * @param {Flippable} flippable - A reference to the flippable (also this refers to the flippable). */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Flippable. * * @example * const front = PIXI.Sprite.from('./assets/front.jpg') * const back = PIXI.Sprite.from('./assets/back.jpg') * app.scene.addChild(front) * * // Create the flippable * const flippable = new Flippable(front, back, app.renderer) * * front.interactive = true * front.on('click', event => flippable.toggle()) * * @class * @extends PIXI.projection.Camera3d * @see {@link https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-projection|PixiJS Projection} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/flippable.html|DocTest} */ class Flippable extends PIXI.projection.Camera3d { /** * Creates an instance of a Flippable. * * @constructor * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} front - The object to show initially. Should have been added to the scene. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} back - The object to show on the backside. Should have not been added to the scene. * @param {PIXI.Renderer|PIXI.CanvasRenderer} renderer - The renderer of the application. * @param {object} [opts] - An options object which can contain the following properties. * @param {number} [opts.duration=1] - The duration of the flip animation in seconds. * @param {GSAP.Ease} [opts.ease=Power2.easeOut] - The ease of the flip animation. * @param {boolean} [opts.shadow=false] - Should be a shadow been display during the animation? * @param {numer} [opts.eulerX=0] - The shift of the x-axis during the animation. * @param {numer} [opts.eulerY=0] - The shift of the y-axis during the animation. * @param {GSAP.Ease} [opts.eulerEase=Power1.easeOut] - The ease of the shift. * @param {boolean} [opts.useBackTransforms=false] - When set to true, the flip animation also animates to the transform parameters of the back-object. * @param {GSAP.Ease} [opts.transformEase=Power2.easeOut] - The ease of the transform. * @param {numer} [opts.focus=800] - The value of the focus of the 3D camera (see pixi-projection). * @param {numer} [opts.near=10] - The near value of the 3D camera (see pixi-projection). * @param {numer} [opts.far=10000] - The far value of the 3D camera (see pixi-projection). * @param {boolean} [opts.orthographic=false] - Should the flip animation be an orthographic animation? * @param {function} [opts.onStart=null] - A callback executed on start of the flip animation. * @param {function} [opts.onUpdate=null] - A callback executed on each step of the flip animation. * @param {function} [opts.onComplete=null] - A callback executed when the flip animation is finished. */ constructor(front, back, renderer, opts = {}) { super(); this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { front, back, renderer, duration: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut, shadow: false, eulerX: 0, eulerY: 0, eulerEase: Power1.easeOut, useBackTransforms: false, transformEase: Power2.easeOut, focus: 800, near: 10, far: 10000, orthographic: false }, opts ); // planes //-------------------- this.setPlanes(this.opts.focus, this.opts.near, this.opts.far, this.opts.orthographic); // flipped //-------------------- this._flipped = false; // objects //-------------------- this.objects = {}; // setup //-------------------- this.setup(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Flippable} A reference to the flippable for chaining. */ setup() { const scale = 0.5; // filters //-------------------- const blurFilter = new PIXI.filters.BlurFilter(); blurFilter.blur = 0.2; this.objects.blurFilter = blurFilter; // outer //-------------------- const outer = new PIXI.projection.Container3d(); outer.scale3d.set(scale); this.addChild(outer); this.objects.outer = outer; // shadow //-------------------- const shadow = new PIXI.projection.Sprite3d(PIXI.Texture.from('../../assets/images/shadow.png')); shadow.renderable = false; shadow.anchor.set(0.5); shadow.scale3d.set(0.98); shadow.alpha = 0.7; shadow.filters = [blurFilter]; shadow.visible = this.opts.shadow; outer.addChild(shadow); this.objects.shadow = shadow; // inner //-------------------- const inner = new PIXI.projection.Container3d(); inner.euler.y = Math.PI; outer.addChild(inner); this.objects.inner = inner; // front //-------------------- const front = new PIXI.projection.Sprite3d(PIXI.Texture.EMPTY); front.scale.set(-1 / scale, 1 / scale); front.renderable = true; front.anchor.set(0.5); inner.addChild(front); this.objects.front = front; // back //-------------------- const back = new PIXI.projection.Sprite3d(PIXI.Texture.EMPTY); back.scale.set(1 / scale, 1 / scale); back.renderable = false; back.anchor.set(0.5); inner.addChild(back); this.objects.back = back; return this } /** * Gets or sets the flipped state. * * @member {boolean} */ get flipped() { return this._flipped } set flipped(toBack) { this._flipped = toBack; // references //-------------------- const front = this.objects.front; const back = this.objects.back; const inner = this.objects.inner; const shadow = this.objects.shadow; const blurFilter = this.objects.blurFilter; const half = this.opts.duration / 2; const ease = this.opts.eulerEase; const fromObject = toBack ? this.opts.front : this.opts.back; const toObject = toBack ? this.opts.back : this.opts.front; // set textures for virtual front and virtual back //-------------------- front.texture = this.generateTexture(this.opts.front); back.texture = this.generateTexture(this.opts.back); // switch objects and set params for virtual objects //-------------------- const fromCenter = this.anchorToCenter(fromObject); const toCenter = this.anchorToCenter(toObject); // from values //-------------------- this.x = fromCenter.x; this.y = fromCenter.y; front.width = fromObject.width * 2; front.height = fromObject.height * 2; back.width = fromObject.width * 2; back.height = fromObject.height * 2; this.rotation = fromObject.rotation; this.skew.x = fromObject.skew.x; this.skew.y = fromObject.skew.y; // calculate to values //-------------------- const to = { x: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toCenter.x : fromCenter.x, y: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toCenter.y : fromCenter.y, anchorX: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.x : fromObject.x, anchorY: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.y : fromObject.y, width: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.width * 2 : fromObject.width * 2, height: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.height * 2 : fromObject.height * 2, rotation: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.rotation : fromObject.rotation, skewX: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.skew.x : fromObject.skew.x, skewY: this.opts.useBackTransforms ? toObject.skew.y : fromObject.skew.y }; // set toObject end values //-------------------- toObject.x = to.anchorX; toObject.y = to.anchorY; toObject.width = to.width / 2; toObject.height = to.height / 2; toObject.rotation = to.rotation; toObject.skew.x = to.skewX; toObject.skew.y = to.skewY; // flip //-------------------- TweenLite.to(inner.euler, this.opts.duration, { y: toBack ? 0 : Math.PI, ease: this.opts.ease, onStart: () => { this.switchDisplayObject(fromObject, this); shadow.renderable = true; if (this.opts.onStart) { this.opts.onStart(this, this); } }, onUpdate: () => { this.layout(); if (this.opts.onUpdate) { this.opts.onUpdate(this, this); } }, onComplete: () => { this.switchDisplayObject(this, toObject); shadow.renderable = false; if (this.opts.onComplete) { this.opts.onComplete(this, this); } } }); // x & y //-------------------- TweenLite.to(this, this.opts.duration, { x: to.x, y: to.y, ease: this.opts.transformEase }); // width & height //-------------------- TweenLite.to([front, back], this.opts.duration, { width: to.width, height: to.height, ease: this.opts.transformEase }); // rotation //-------------------- TweenLite.to(this, this.opts.duration, { directionalRotation: { rotation: `${to.rotation}_short`, useRadians: true }, ease: this.opts.transformEase }); // skewX & skewY //-------------------- TweenLite.to(this.skew, this.opts.duration, { x: to.skewX, y: to.skewY, ease: this.opts.transformEase }); // camera //-------------------- new TimelineMax() .to(this.euler, half, { x: this.opts.eulerX, y: this.opts.eulerY, ease }) .to(this.euler, half, { x: 0, y: 0, ease }); // shadow //-------------------- new TimelineMax().to(shadow, half, { alpha: 0.3, ease }).to(shadow, half, { alpha: 0.7, ease }); // blurfilter //-------------------- new TimelineMax().to(blurFilter, half, { blur: 6, ease }).to(blurFilter, half, { blur: 0.2, ease }); } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the camera. * * @return {Flippable} A reference to the flippable for chaining. */ layout() { const front = this.objects.front; const back = this.objects.back; const shadow = this.objects.shadow; const inner = this.objects.inner; inner.position3d.z = -Math.sin(inner.euler.y) * front.texture.baseTexture.width * 2; //this.objects.shadow.euler = this.objects.inner.euler shadow.euler.x = -inner.euler.x; shadow.euler.y = -inner.euler.y; if (this.frontSideInFront) { front.renderable = true; back.renderable = false; shadow.width = front.width; shadow.height = front.height; } else { front.renderable = false; back.renderable = true; shadow.width = back.width; shadow.height = back.height; } return this } /** * Toggles the flippable. Switches the sides. * * @private * @return {Flippable} A reference to the flippable for chaining. */ toggle() { this.flipped = !this.flipped; return this } /** * Gets the alignment state. true if the front side is in front, false otherwise. * * @member {boolean} */ get frontSideInFront() { return !this.objects.inner.isFrontFace() } /** * Calculates the center point of an PIXI.DisplayObject. * * @private * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The DisplayObject from which to calculate the center. * @return {object} Return an object with x and y. */ anchorToCenter(displayObject) { const bounds = displayObject.getBounds(); return { x: bounds.x + bounds.width / 2, y: bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 } } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject - The DisplayObject from which to generate the texture. * @return {PIXI.Texture} The generated PIXI.Texture. */ generateTexture(displayObject) { // renderTexture //-------------------- const renderTexture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(displayObject.width, displayObject.height); // save position const transform = [ displayObject.x, displayObject.y, displayObject.scale.x, displayObject.scale.y, displayObject.rotation, displayObject.skew.x, displayObject.skew.y, displayObject.pivot.x, displayObject.pivot.y ]; displayObject.position.set(0, 0); displayObject.skew.set(0, 0); displayObject.rotation = 0; // render //-------------------- this.opts.renderer.render(displayObject, renderTexture); // restore position displayObject.setTransform(...transform); return renderTexture } /** * Removed the first DisplayObject and adds the second one at the exactly same position. * * @private * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} first - The old DisplayObject. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} second - The new DisplayObject. * @return {Flippable} A reference to the flippable for chaining. */ switchDisplayObject(first, second) { if (first && second && first.parent) { const parent = first.parent; const index = parent.getChildIndex(first); parent.addChildAt(second, index); parent.removeChild(first); } return this } } /** * */ class Popover extends PIXI.Graphics { constructor({ title = null, text = null, x = 0, y = 0, placement = 'top', width = 250, titleStyle = {}, textStyle = { fontSize: '1.6em' } } = {}) { super(); this.opts = { title, text, x, y, placement, width, titleStyle, textStyle }; this.padding = 12; let style = { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '2em', stroke: '#f6f6f6', strokeThickness: 3, wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: width - this.padding * 2 }; this.titleTextStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(Object.assign({}, style, titleStyle)); this.textTextStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(Object.assign({}, style, textStyle)); if (title || text) { this.setup(); this.draw(); this.positioning(); } } setup() { this.removeChildren(); if (this.opts.title) { this.titleText = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.title, this.titleTextStyle); this.titleText.position.set(this.padding, this.padding); this.addChild(this.titleText); } this.titleY = this.titleText ? this.titleText.y : 0; this.titleHeight = this.titleText ? this.titleText.height : 0; if (this.opts.text) { this.textText = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.text, this.textTextStyle); this.textText.position.set(this.padding, this.titleY + this.titleHeight + this.padding); this.addChild(this.textText); } this.textY = this.textText ? this.textText.y : 0; this.textHeight = this.textText ? this.textText.height : 0; } close() { this.parent.removeChild(this); } draw() { this.clear(); this.beginFill(0xffffff, 1); this.lineStyle(1, 0x282828, 0.5); // Draw rounded rectangle const height = this.height + this.padding; this.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, this.opts.width, height, 8); // Draw anchor this.drawAnchor(this.opts.placement); // Draw title background if (this.opts.title) { this.lineStyle(0); this.beginFill(0xf7f7f7, 1); let x = 1; let y = this.titleText.x + this.titleText.height + this.padding / 2; this.moveTo(x, y); y = 9; this.lineTo(x, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y - 8, x + 8, y - 8); x += this.opts.width - 7; y -= 8; this.lineTo(x, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x + 5, y, x + 5, y + 8); x += 5; y += this.titleText.x + this.titleText.height + this.padding / 2; this.lineTo(x, y); if (this.opts.text) { x = 1; this.lineTo(x, y); } else { this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x - 5, y + 4); x = 6; y += 4; this.lineTo(x, y); this.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x - 5, y - 4); } } this.endFill(); } drawAnchor(placement) { let x = 0; let y = 0; switch (placement) { case 'bottom': if (this.opts.title) { this.beginFill(0xf7f7f7, 1); } x = this.width / 2 - 10; y = 1; this.moveTo(x, y); x += 10; y -= 10; this.lineTo(x, y); x += 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); break case 'right': x = 1; y = this.height / 2 - 10; if (this.titleY + this.titleHeight > y) { this.beginFill(0xf7f7f7, 1); } this.moveTo(x, y); x -= 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); x += 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); break case 'left': x = this.width - 2; y = this.height / 2 - 10; if (this.titleY + this.titleHeight > y) { this.beginFill(0xf7f7f7, 1); } this.moveTo(x, y); x += 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); x -= 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); break default: x = this.width / 2 - 10; y = this.height - 2; this.moveTo(x, y); x += 10; y += 10; this.lineTo(x, y); x += 10; y -= 10; this.lineTo(x, y); break } } positioning() { const x = this.opts.x; const y = this.opts.y; switch (this.opts.placement) { case 'bottom': this.position.set(x - this.width / 2, y + 10); break case 'right': this.position.set(x, y - this.height / 2); break case 'left': this.position.set(x - this.width, y - this.height / 2); break default: this.position.set(x - this.width / 2, y - this.height); break } } } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** A container for scatter objects, which uses a single InteractionMapper * for all children. This reduces the number of registered event handlers * and covers the common use case that multiple objects are scattered * on the same level. */ class ScatterContainer extends PIXI.Graphics { /** * @constructor * @param {PIXI.Renderer} renderer - PIXI renderer, needed for hit testing * @param {Bool} stopEvents - Whether events should be stopped or propagated * @param {Bool} claimEvents - Whether events should be marked as claimed * if findTarget return as non-null value. * @param {PIXI.Container} container - A container for the scatter * @param {Bool} showBounds - Show bounds for debugging purposes. * @param {Bool} showTouches - Show touches and pointer for debugging purposes. * @param {Color} backgroundColor - Set background color if specified. * @param {PIXIApp} app - Needed if showBounds is true to register * update handler. */ constructor( renderer, { stopEvents = true, claimEvents = true, container = null, showBounds = false, showPolygon = false, showTouches = false, backgroundColor = null, app = window.app } = {} ) { super(); this.container = container; if (this.container) this.containerDimensions = { x: this.container.width, y: this.container.height }; this.backgroundWidth = null; this.backgroundHeight = null; this.app = app; this.renderer = renderer; this.stopEvents = stopEvents; this.claimEvents = claimEvents; this.delegate = new InteractionMapper$1(this.eventReceiver, this); this.showBounds = showBounds; this.showTouches = showTouches; this.showPolygon = showPolygon; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; if (showBounds || showTouches || showPolygon) { //console.log("Show TOUCHES!!!") this.app.ticker.add(delta => this.update(delta), this); } if (backgroundColor) { this.updateBackground(); } } updateBackground() { this.clear(); let rect = this.bounds; this.beginFill(this.backgroundColor, 1); this.drawRect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); this.endFill(); } get eventReceiver() { return this.renderer.plugins.interaction.interactionDOMElement } get bounds() { let x = 0; let y = 0; // @container: We need to call the constant values, as the container // gets resized, when a child moves outside the original boundaries. let w = this.container ? this.containerDimensions.x : this.backgroundWidth || this.app.width; let h = this.container ? this.containerDimensions.y : this.backgroundHeight || this.app.height; if (this.app.fullscreen && this.app.monkeyPatchMapping) { let fixed = this.mapPositionToPoint({ x: w, y: 0 }); if (fixed.x < w) { w = fixed.x; } if (fixed.y > 0) { y += fixed.y; h -= fixed.y; } } return new PIXI.Rectangle(x, y, w, h) } get center() { let r = this.bounds; return { x: r.width / 2, y: r.height / 2 } } get polygon() { let r = this.bounds; let w2 = r.width / 2; let h2 = r.height / 2; let center = { x: w2, y: h2 }; let polygon = new Polygon(center); polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: h2 }); return polygon } update(dt) { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(1, 0x0000ff); if (this.showBounds) { for (let child of this.children) { if (child.scatter) { //let {x, y, width, height} = child.scatter.throwBounds() // new PIXI.Rectangle(x, y, width, height) this.drawShape(child.scatter.bounds); let center = child.scatter.center; this.drawCircle(center.x, center.y, 4); this.drawCircle(child.scatter.x, child.scatter.y, 4); } } this.lineStyle(2, 0x0000ff); this.drawShape(this.bounds); } if (this.showPolygon) { this.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000); for (let child of this.children) { if (child.scatter) { let polygon = child.scatter.polygon; let shape = new PIXI.Polygon(polygon.flatAbsolutePoints()); //shape.close() not possible in PixiJS v5 this.drawShape(shape); } } } if (this.showTouches) { let current = this.delegate.interaction.current; for (let [key, point] of current.entries()) { let local = this.mapPositionToPoint(point); this.drawCircle(local.x, local.y, 12); } } } capture(event) { if (this.stopEvents) Events$1.stop(event); return true } fakeInteractionEvent(point, key) { return { data: { global: point, key: key } } } findHitScatter(data, displayObject, hit) { if (hit && this.hitScatter === null && typeof displayObject != undefined) { this.hitScatter = displayObject.scatter ? displayObject.scatter : null; } } mapPositionToPoint(point, element = null) { // In case of nested scatters we get an additional parameter that // contains the found scatter let local = new PIXI.Point(); let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint(local, point.x, point.y); if (element instanceof DisplayObjectScatter && element.displayObject.parent != null) { return element.displayObject.parent.toLocal(local) } return local } /** * New method hitTest implemented (in InteractionManager, since 4.5.0). * See https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/pull/3878 */ findTarget(event, local, global) { if (event.claimedByScatter) { return null } this.hitScatter = null; let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; let fakeEvent = this.fakeInteractionEvent(local); interactionManager.processInteractive(fakeEvent, this, this.findHitScatter.bind(this), true); if (this.claimEvents) event.claimedByScatter = this.hitScatter; return this.hitScatter } findTargetNew(event, local, global) { // UO: still problematic. Does not find non interactive elements // which are needed for some stylus applications if (event.claimedByScatter) { return null } this.hitScatter = null; let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; let displayObject = interactionManager.hitTest(local, this); if (displayObject != null && displayObject.scatter != null) this.hitScatter = displayObject.scatter; if (this.claimEvents) event.claimedByScatter = this.hitScatter; return this.hitScatter } onStart(event, interaction) {} onMove(event, interaction) {} onEnd(event, interaction) { for (let key of interaction.ended.keys()) { let point = interaction.ended.get(key); if (interaction.isLongPress(key)) { this.onLongPress(key, point); } if (interaction.isTap(key)) { this.onTap(key, point); } } } onTap(key, point) { console.info('ScatterContainer.onTap'); } onLongPress(key, point) { console.info('ScatterContainer.onLongPress'); } bringToFront(displayObject) { this.addChild(displayObject); } layout(width, height) { this.backgroundWidth = width; this.backgroundHeight = height; if (this.backgroundColor) { this.updateBackground(); } } } /** A wrapper for child elements of a ScatterContainer. Can be used * to combine scattered objects with non-scattered objects. Any * PIXI.DisplayObject can be wrapped. */ class DisplayObjectScatter extends AbstractScatter { constructor( displayObject, renderer, { x = null, y = null, minScale = 0.1, maxScale = 1.0, startScale = 1.0, autoBringToFront = true, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, resizable = false, movableX = true, movableY = true, throwVisibility = 44, throwDamping = 0.95, autoThrow = true, rotationDegrees = null, rotation = null, overdoScaling = 1.5, onTransform = null, onResize, onThrowFinished = null } = {} ) { // For the simulation of named parameters, // see: http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_parameter-handling.html super({ overdoScaling, minScale, maxScale, startScale, autoBringToFront, translatable, scalable, rotatable, resizable, movableX, movableY, throwVisibility, throwDamping, autoThrow, onThrowFinished, rotationDegrees, rotation, onTransform }); this.onResize = onResize; this.displayObject = displayObject; this.displayObject.scatter = this; this.renderer = renderer; this.scale = startScale; this.rotationDegrees = this.startRotationDegrees; // Only set x and y if they are specified. // Otherwise the displayobject gets corrupted. if (x != null) this.x = x; if (y != null) this.y = y; } getWorldScatter() { return this } /** Returns geometry data as object. **/ getState() { return { scale: this.scale, x: this.x, y: this.y, rotation: this.rotation } } setup() { this.setupMouseWheelInteraction(); } roundPixel(value) { // UO: Should be obsolete because Renderer supports roundPixels by default return value } get container() { // return this.displayObject.parent let obj = this.displayObject; while (obj.parent != null && !(obj.parent instanceof ScatterContainer)) obj = obj.parent; return obj.parent } get x() { return this.position.x } set x(value) { this.position.x = value; } get y() { return this.position.y } set y(value) { this.position.y = value; } get polygon() { let polygon = new Polygon(this.center); let w2 = this.width / 2; let h2 = this.height / 2; polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: -h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: h2 }); polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: h2 }); polygon.rotate(this.rotation); return polygon } get containerBounds() { return this.container.bounds } get containerPolygon() { let container = this.container; if (container == null) return null return container.polygon } get position() { return this.displayObject.position } set position(value) { this.displayObject.position = value; } get scale() { return this.displayObject.scale.x } set scale(value) { this.displayObject.scale.x = value; this.displayObject.scale.y = value; } get width() { return this.displayObject.width } get height() { return this.displayObject.height } get bounds() { return this.displayObject.getBounds() } get pivot() { return this.displayObject.pivot } get rotation() { return this.displayObject.rotation } set rotation(value) { this.displayObject.rotation = value; } get rotationDegrees() { return Angle.radian2degree(this.displayObject.rotation) } set rotationDegrees(value) { this.displayObject.rotation = Angle.degree2radian(value); } get center() { let w2 = this.width / 2; let h2 = this.height / 2; let dist = Math.sqrt(w2 * w2 + h2 * h2); let angle = Points.angle({ x: w2, y: h2 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }); this.displayObject.x; let c = Points.arc(this.position, this.rotation + angle, dist); return c // Points.subtract(c, this.pivot) } get rotationOrigin() { // In PIXI the default rotation and scale origin is the position return this.position // Points.add(this.position, this.pivot) } mapPositionToContainerPoint(point) { // UO: We need the coordinates related to this scatter in case // of nested scatters if (this.container != null) return this.container.mapPositionToPoint(point, this) return point } capture(event) { return true } bringToFront() { if (this.autoBringToFront) { if (this.displayObject.parent instanceof ScatterContainer) { let scatterContainer = this.displayObject.parent; scatterContainer.bringToFront(this.displayObject); } else if (this.displayObject.parent != null && this.displayObject.parent.scatter) { this.displayObject.parent.scatter.toFront(this.displayObject); } } } toFront(displayObject) { this.displayObject.addChild(displayObject); } validScale(scale) { scale = Math.max(scale, this.minScale); scale = Math.min(scale, this.maxScale); return scale } } /** * */ class Command extends PIXI.Graphics { /*** Abstract base class for record, play, and stop commands. ***/ constructor(tools, selectedColor, shape) { super(); this.tools = tools; this.shape = shape; this.selected = false; this.disabled = false; this.selectedColor = selectedColor; this.draw(); this.setup(); } setup() {} draw() { this.clear(); var color = this.selected ? this.selectedColor : 0xffffff; this.lineStyle(0); this.beginFill(color, 1); this.drawShape(this.shape); this.endFill(); } select() { this.selected = true; this.draw(); } deselect() { this.selected = false; this.draw(); } toggle() { this.selected = !this.selected; this.draw(); } stop() { this.selected = false; this.draw(); } } class RecordCommand extends Command { /*** Records events for later replay. ***/ setup() { this.recorder = new EventRecorder(); } toggle() { super.toggle(); if (!this.selected) { this.recorder.stopRecording(); } } recordEvent(event) { this.recorder.record(event); } normalize(value, limit) { return value / limit } normalizeX(value) { return this.normalize(value, window.innerWidth) } normalizeY(value) { return this.normalize(value, window.innerHeight) } whileNotStopped() { return this.tools.play.selected } startReplay() { let whileCondition = this.whileNotStopped.bind(this); this.recorder.startReplay(whileCondition, () => this.tools.play.stop()); } } class PlayCommand extends Command { /*** Plays recorded events. ***/ toggle() { super.toggle(); if (this.selected && this.tools.record.recorder.recorded.length > 0) { this.tools.startReplay(); } } } class StopCommand extends Command { /*** Stops recording and playing. ***/ toggle() { super.toggle(); this.tools.record.stop(); this.tools.play.stop(); setTimeout(this.deselect.bind(this), 500); } } class RecorderTools extends PIXI.Container { constructor(renderer) { super(renderer); this.renderer = renderer; this.setupToolbar(); this.replayRate = 100.0; this.onReset = null; this.touchGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.showTouches(); } setup(container) { // Since this delegate might shadow another delegate, we mus avoid // capturing PointerEvents. this.delegate = new InteractionMapper(container, this, { capturePointerEvents: false }); } findTarget(event, local, global) { return this } setupToolbar() { this.toolbar = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.record = new RecordCommand(this, 0xcc0000, new PIXI.Circle(0, 0, 16)); this.play = new PlayCommand(this, 0x0000cc, new PIXI.Polygon(0, 16, 32, 16 + 16, 0, 16 + 32, 0, 16)); this.stop = new StopCommand(this, 0x0000cc, new PIXI.Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32)); this.toolbar.addChild(this.record).position.set(44, 48); this.toolbar.addChild(this.play).position.set(44 + 44, 16); this.toolbar.addChild(this.stop).position.set(44 + 44 + 44 + 16, 32); this.updateToolbar(); this.addChild(this.toolbar); } updateToolbar() { var graphics = this.toolbar; graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(0x000000, 0.5); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff, 1); graphics.drawRoundedRect(16, 16, 44 * 4 + 8, 64, 8); graphics.endFill(); } onMouseWheel(event) { console.log('onMouseWheel missing'); } onPress(point) { if (this.record.containsPoint(point)) { this.record.toggle(); } if (this.play.containsPoint(point)) { this.play.toggle(); } if (this.stop.containsPoint(point)) { this.stop.toggle(); if (this.onReset) { this.onReset(); } } } mapPositionToPoint(point) { let local = new PIXI.Point(); this.renderer.plugins.interaction.mapPositionToPoint(local, point.x, point.y); return local } extractLocal(event) { return this.mapPositionToPoint(Events.extractPoint(event)) } capture(event) { if (typeof event.mouseDownSubstitute != 'undefined') return false return true } startReplay() { if (this.onReset) { this.onReset(); } this.record.startReplay(); } showTouches() { this.addChild(this.touchGraphics); } recordEvent(event) { if (this.record.selected) { this.record.recordEvent(event); } } onStart(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event); if (!this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.recordEvent(event); this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction); } } onMove(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event); if (!this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.recordEvent(event); this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction); } } onEnd(event, interaction) { let local = this.extractLocal(event); if (this.toolbar.containsPoint(local)) { this.onPress(local); } else { this.recordEvent(event); this.updateTouchGraphics(interaction); } } updateTouchGraphics(interaction) { let current = interaction.current; let graphics = this.touchGraphics; if (graphics != null) { graphics.clear(); for (let key of current.keys()) { if (interaction.ended.has(key)) { continue } let p = current.get(key); if (key == 'mouse') { graphics.beginFill(0xcc0000, 0.5); } else { graphics.beginFill(0xcccccc, 0.5); } graphics.drawCircle(p.x, p.y, 20); } graphics.endFill(); } } } class AppTest extends PIXIApp { constructor(canvas, container) { super({ view: canvas, backgroundColor: 0x000000 }); this.container = container; } sceneFactory() { return new RecorderTools(this.renderer) } setup() { super.setup(); this.scene.setup(this.container); } run(reset = null) { this.scene.onReset = reset; console.log('Running AppTest'); return this } } /** * Defines usefull default text styles. */ class FontInfo { static get small() { return app.theme.textStyleSmall } static get normal() { return app.theme.textStyle } static get centered() { return Object.assign({}, app.theme.textStyle, { align: 'center' }) } } /** * Static methods to support hyphenation of lines. * * @class Hypenate */ class Hypenate { static splitPart(part) { let parts = part.split('-'); if (parts.length == 1) return [part] let result = []; let last = parts.pop(); for (let p of parts) { result.push(p + '-'); } result.push(last); return result.filter(p => p.length > 0) } static splitWord(word) { if (typeof language == 'undefined') { if (word.indexOf('-') > -1) { return word.split('-') } return [word] } let parts = language.hyphenate(word); let result = []; for (let part of parts) { for (let splitted of this.splitPart(part)) { result.push(splitted); } } return result } static abbreviateLine(label, style, width) { const pixiStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(style); let metrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(label, pixiStyle); while (metrics.width > width && label.length > 3) { label = label.slice(0, label.length - 1); metrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(label, pixiStyle); } label = label.slice(0, label.length - 1); return label + '…' } static splitLine(line, pixiStyle, width, space, minus) { let x = 0; let result = ''; let words = line.split(' '); for (let word of words) { let wordMetrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(word, pixiStyle); if (x + wordMetrics.width >= width) { let parts = this.splitWord(word); let newWord = ''; if (parts.length == 1) { newWord += '\n' + word + ' '; x = wordMetrics.width + space.width; } else { let first = true; let lastPart = ''; for (let part of parts) { let partMetrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(part, pixiStyle); if (x + partMetrics.width + space.width > width) { newWord += (first || lastPart.endsWith('-') ? '\n' : '-\n') + part; x = partMetrics.width; } else { newWord += part; x += partMetrics.width; } lastPart = part; first = false; } x += space.width; } result += newWord + ' '; } else { result += word + ' '; x += wordMetrics.width + space.width; } } return result } /** * Main method and entry point for text hyphenation * * @static * @param {*} text * @param {*} style * @param {*} width * @memberof Hypenate * @returns {string} */ static splitLines(text, style, width) { const pixiStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(style); const lines = text.split('\n'); const space = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(' ', pixiStyle); const minus = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText('-', pixiStyle); let result = []; for (let line of lines) { result.push(this.splitLine(line, pixiStyle, width, space, minus)); } return result.join('\n') } } class TextLabel extends PIXI.Text { /** *Creates an instance of TextLabel. * @param {string} text - The string that you would like the text to display * @param {object|PIXI.TextStyle} [style] - The style parameters * @param {canvas} * @memberof TextLabel */ constructor(text, style = null, canvas = null, { minZoom = 0.1, maxZoom = 10 } = {}) { super(text, style, canvas); this.normFontSize = this.style.fontSize; this.minZoom = minZoom; this.maxZoom = maxZoom; } zoom(factor) { let oldValue = parseFloat(this.style.fontSize) / this.normFontSize; let value = oldValue * factor; this.setZoom(value); } setZoom(value) { let oldValue = parseFloat(this.style.fontSize) / this.normFontSize; if (value > this.maxZoom) { value = this.maxZoom; } if (value < this.minZoom) { value = this.minZoom; } if (value != oldValue) { this.style.fontSize = Math.max(value * this.normFontSize, 1); } } setZoomAndScale(scale) { this.scale.set(1 / scale); this.setZoom(scale); } } /** * A specialization of the PIXI.Graphics class that allows to * resuse and place labels across different layout variants * * @export * @class LabeledGraphics * @extends {PIXI.Graphics} */ class LabeledGraphics extends PIXI.Graphics { /** * Creates an instance of LabeledGraphics and defines a local label cache. * * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ constructor() { super(); this.labels = new Map(); } _createText(label, fontInfo) { return new TextLabel(label, fontInfo) } /** * Main additional method. Ensures that a text object is created that is cached * under the given key. * * @param {*} key - The cache key * @param {*} label - The label to show * @param {*} [attrs={}] - Defines attributes of the text object. * align: 'right', 'left', or 'center' * justify: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center' * maxLines: {integer} truncates the text and adds ellipsis * maxHeight: {number} truncates text that needs more space and adds ellipsis * maxWidth: {number} word wraps text using hyphenation if possible * @param {*} [fontInfo=FontInfo.normal] - Defines PIXI.TextStyle attributes * @returns {PIXI.Text} - instance * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ ensureLabel(key, label, attrs = {}, fontInfo = FontInfo.normal) { if (attrs.maxWidth && attrs.maxLines == 1) { label = Hypenate.abbreviateLine(label, fontInfo, attrs.maxWidth); } else { if (attrs.maxWidth) { label = Hypenate.splitLines(label, fontInfo, attrs.maxWidth); } if (attrs.maxLines) { label = this.truncateLabel(label, fontInfo, attrs.maxLines); } if (attrs.maxHeight) { let styleInfo = new PIXI.TextStyle(fontInfo); let metrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(label, styleInfo); let maxLines = Math.max(attrs.maxHeight / metrics.lineHeight, 1); label = this.truncateLabel(label, fontInfo, maxLines); } } if (!this.labels.has(key)) { let text = this._createText(label, fontInfo); this.labels.set(key, text); this.addChild(text); } let text = this.labels.get(key); for (let k in attrs) { text[k] = attrs[k]; } if (label != text.text) text.text = label; // We do not follow the flexbox jargon and use align for x and justify for y axis // This deviation is needed to ensure backward compatability switch (attrs.justify || null) { case 'top': text.anchor.y = 0; break case 'bottom': text.anchor.x = 1; break default: text.anchor.y = 0.5; break } switch (attrs.align) { case 'right': text.anchor.x = 1; break case 'center': text.anchor.x = 0.5; break default: text.anchor.x = 0; break } text.visible = true; return text } /** * Private method that truncates the text and adds an ellipsis if there are more lines * than wanted * * @param {*} text * @param {*} style * @param {*} [maxLines=Infinity] * @returns {string} * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ truncateLabel(text, style, maxLines = Infinity) { if (maxLines === Infinity) { return text } const { wordWrapWidth } = style; const pixiStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(style); const { lines } = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(text, pixiStyle); let newText = text; if (lines.length > maxLines) { const truncatedLines = lines.slice(0, maxLines); const lastLine = truncatedLines[truncatedLines.length - 1]; const words = lastLine.split(' '); const wordMetrics = PIXI.TextMetrics.measureText(`\u00A0\n...\n${words.join('\n')}`, pixiStyle); const [spaceLength, dotsLength, ...wordLengths] = wordMetrics.lineWidths; const { text: newLastLine } = wordLengths.reduce( (data, wordLength, i) => { if (data.length + wordLength + spaceLength >= wordWrapWidth) { return { ...data, length: wordWrapWidth } } return { text: `${data.text}${i > 0 ? ' ' : ''}${words[i]}`, length: data.length + wordLength + spaceLength } }, { text: '', length: dotsLength } ); truncatedLines[truncatedLines.length - 1] = `${newLastLine}...`; newText = truncatedLines.join('\n'); } return newText } /** * Returns the label for the given key. * * @param {*} key * @returns {Object} * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ getLabel(key) { return this.labels.get(key) } /** * Hides the label with the given key. * @param {*} key * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ hideLabel(key) { let label = this.labels.get(key); if (label) { label.visible = false; } } /** * Removes the label with the given key. * @param {*} key * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ removeLabel(key) { let label = this.labels.get(key); this.labels.delete(key); label.destroy(); } /** * Ensures that labels are hidden on clear. * * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ clear() { super.clear(); for (let key of this.labels.keys()) { this.hideLabel(key); } } /** * Logs debugging infos * * @memberof LabeledGraphics */ debugInfos() { console.log({ size: this.labels.size, labels: this.labels }); } } const labelCache = new Map(); function getTexture(label, fontInfo = FontInfo.normal) { let key = label + fontInfo.fontFamily + fontInfo.fontSize; if (labelCache.has(key)) { return labelCache.get(key) } let expandedFont = Object.assign({}, fontInfo); expandedFont.fontSize *= window.devicePixelRatio; let text = new PIXI.Text(label, expandedFont); text.updateText(); labelCache.set(key, text.texture); return text.texture } class SpriteLabel extends PIXI.Sprite { constructor(label, fontInfo) { let texture = getTexture(label, fontInfo); super(texture); this.label = label; this.fontInfo = fontInfo; this.scale.set(0.8 / window.devicePixelRatio); } set text(label) { this.label = label; this.texture = getTexture(label, this.fontInfo); } get text() { return this.label } } class BitmapLabeledGraphics extends LabeledGraphics { _createText(label, fontInfo) { let texture = getTexture(label, fontInfo); return new SpriteLabel(texture) } } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ class Ticks { get reservedPrefixes() { return ['decade', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] } static get largeTickSize() { return 4.2 } get minWidth() { return 10 } format(available) { return { year: '2-digit', timeZone: 'UTC' } } get minLabelWidth() { return 44 } get formatKey() { return this.key } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() } *iter(start, end) { let date = this.iterStart(start); while (date <= end) { yield date; date = this.next(date); } yield date; } *iterRanges(range) { for (let date of this.iter(range.start, range.end)) { let next = this.next(date); yield { start: date, end: next }; } } selectedRange(timeline, info) { let first = null; let last = null; let visibleFirst = null; let visibleLast = null; let units = 0; for (let { start, end } of this.iterRanges(info)) { if (timeline.visibleRange(start, end)) { if (first == null) { first = start; } last = end; } if (timeline.visibleDate(start) && timeline.visibleDate(end)) { units += 1; if (visibleFirst == null) { visibleFirst = start; } visibleLast = end; } } if (first == null) return info return { start: first, end: last, visibleStart: visibleFirst, visibleEnd: visibleLast, units: units } } drawTick(timeline, x, y, date) { let visible = date > timeline.start && date < timeline.end; if (!visible) return false timeline.drawTick(x); return true } toLocaleString(date, format) { return date.toLocaleDateString('de', format) } draw(timeline, range, width, height, available, format, nextFormat, level, extraTicks = false) { let first = null; let last = null; let keyedFormat = format ? format[this.formatKey] : null; let keyedNextFormat = nextFormat ? nextFormat[this.formatKey] : null; let redundant = nextFormat ? this.formatKey in nextFormat : false; let fullyRedundant = keyedFormat != null && keyedFormat == keyedNextFormat; let y = timeline.getY(); for (let { start, end } of this.iterRanges(range)) { let x = timeline.toX(start); let xx = x; let yy = y + timeline.tickLabelOffset(-1); if (this.drawTick(timeline, x, y, start) && format) { let key = this.dateKey(start); let text = this.toLocaleString(start, format); let align = 'center'; if (nextFormat) { yy = y + timeline.tickLabelOffset(-1, 1); align = 'left'; timeline.drawTick(x, Ticks.largeTickSize); let nextX = timeline.toX(end) - 100; if (x < 0 && nextX > -100 && !redundant) { xx = Math.min(4, nextX); } else { xx -= 2; } } else if (level > 0) { xx = x + available / 2; } if (!fullyRedundant) { timeline.ensureLabel(key, text, { x: xx, y: yy, align }, FontInfo.small); } if (extraTicks) timeline.drawTick(x, -level); } if (timeline.visibleRange(start, end)) { if (first == null) first = start; last = end; } } if (first == null) return null return { start: first, end: last } } drawExtra(timeline, range, size) { for (let { start } of this.iterRanges(range)) { if (timeline.visibleDate(start)) { let x = timeline.toX(start); timeline.drawTick(x, -size); } } } } class DecadeTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { return { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } } selection(timeline, dates, selected) { return dates } get key() { return 'decade' } get formatKey() { return 'year' } iterStart(start) { let modulo = start.getFullYear() % 10; let year = start.getFullYear() - modulo; return Dates.create(year, 0, 1) } next(decade) { return Dates.nextYear(decade, 10) } } class YearTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { if (available < 44) return { year: '2-digit', timeZone: 'UTC' } return { year: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' } } get minLabelWidth() { return 22 } get key() { return 'year' } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create(start.getFullYear(), 0, 1) } next(year) { return Dates.nextYear(year) } } class MonthTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return (365 / 12) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = { month: 'narrow', timeZone: 'UTC' }; if (available > 44) format.month = 'short'; if (available > 66) format.year = '2-digit'; if (available > 100) { format.month = 'long'; format.year = 'numeric'; } return format } get minLabelWidth() { return 32 } get key() { return 'month' } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), 1) } next(month) { return Dates.nextMonth(month) } } class DayTicks extends Ticks { get milliseconds() { return 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } format(available) { let format = { day: 'numeric', timeZone: 'UTC' }; if (available > 44) format.month = 'short'; if (available > 100) { format.month = 'long'; format.year = '2-digit'; } if (available > 150) { format.weekday = 'short'; } if (available > 200) { format.year = 'numeric'; format.weekday = 'long'; } return format } get key() { return 'day' } dateKey(date) { return this.key + date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() + date.getDate() } iterStart(start) { return Dates.create(start.getFullYear(), start.getMonth(), start.getDate()) } next(date) { return Dates.nextDay(date) } } class TimeTicks { constructor(...ticks) { this.ticks = ticks; } selectedRange(timeline) { let info = { start: timeline.start, end: timeline.end, units: 0 }; for (let ticks of this.ticks) { info = ticks.selectedRange(timeline, info); if (info.units > 1) { timeline.selection = [info.visibleStart, info.visibleEnd]; return } } timeline.selection = [info.start, info.end]; } draw(timeline, width, height) { let range = timeline; let start = timeline.toX(range.start); let end = timeline.toX(range.end); let size = end - start; let duration = timeline.end - timeline.start; let formats = new Map(); let nextFormats = new Map(); let availables = new Map(); let previous = null; let visible = []; for (let ticks of this.ticks) { let amount = ticks.milliseconds / duration; let available = amount * size; availables.set(ticks, available); if (available < ticks.minWidth) break formats.set(ticks, available < ticks.minLabelWidth ? null : ticks.format(available)); nextFormats.set(previous, formats.get(ticks)); previous = ticks; visible.push(ticks); } let level = 0; let ranges = []; for (let ticks of visible) { if (range == null) continue range = ticks.draw( timeline, range, width, height, availables.get(ticks), formats.get(ticks), nextFormats.get(ticks), level ); if (range) { ranges.push({ ticks, range }); } level += 1; } let extraLevel = ranges.length - 1; let extraStart = extraLevel; for (let { ticks, range } of ranges) { ticks.drawExtra(timeline, range, extraLevel); extraLevel -= 1; if (extraLevel <= 0) { continue } } timeline.drawTick(start, Ticks.largeTickSize); timeline.drawTick(start, -extraStart); timeline.drawTick(end, Ticks.largeTickSize); timeline.drawTick(end, -extraStart); } } class ColorRanges { constructor(label, color, ranges) { this.label = label; this.color = color; this.ranges = ranges; } draw(timeline, width, height, size = 12) { let minimum = 1 / Capabilities.devicePixelRatio; let h2 = size; timeline.lineStyle(size, this.color); for (let range of this.ranges) { if (range.to === null) { range.to = Dates.nextDay(range.from); } let start = timeline.toX(range.from); let end = timeline.toX(range.to); if (end < start + minimum) { end = start + minimum; } timeline.moveTo(start, h2); timeline.lineTo(end, h2); } } } class Timeline extends BitmapLabeledGraphics { constructor(width, height, { ticks = null, baseLine = 0.5, showRange = true, throwDamping = 0.95 } = {}) { super(); this.wantedWidth = width; this.wantedHeight = height; this.extraLeft = 0; this.extraRight = 0; this.inset = 5; this.showRange = showRange; this.baseLine = baseLine; this.tickHeight = 4; this.zoom = 1; this.minZoom = 1; this.maxZoom = 12000; this.scroll = 0; this.draggable = false; this.deltas = []; this.labelDates = []; this.colorRanges = []; this.rangeColors = new Cycle(Colors.eminence, Colors.steelblue, Colors.ochre, Colors.turquoise); this.callbacks = []; this.onTapCallbacks = []; this.onDoubleTapCallbacks = []; this.onLongPressCallbacks = []; this.progress = null; this.start = null; this.end = null; this.selection = null; this.autoScroll = false; this.direction = -1; this.throwDamping = throwDamping; this.timeticks = ticks || new TimeTicks(new DecadeTicks(), new YearTicks(), new MonthTicks(), new DayTicks()); this.labelPrefix = '__'; } updateSelection() { if (this.visibleDate(this.start) && this.visibleDate(this.end)) { this.selection = [this.start, this.end]; } else { this.timeticks.selectedRange(this); } return this.selection } addCallback(callback) { this.callbacks.push(callback); } addTabCallback(callback) { this.onTapCallbacks.push(callback); } addDoubleTapCallback(callback) { this.onDoubleTapCallbacks.push(callback); } addLongPressCallback(callback) { this.onLongPressCallbacks.push(callback); } addLabels(labels) { this.labelDates = labels; } range(start, end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } draw(width, height) { this.wantedWidth = width; this.wantedHeight = height; this.redraw(); } updateColorRanges(w, h) { let xx = w - this.inset; let size = FontInfo.small.fontSize; let yy = h - size; for (let i = this.colorRanges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let cr = this.colorRanges[i]; let label = cr.label; cr.draw(this, w, h); let current = this.ensureLabel( 'colorRange:' + label, label, { x: xx, y: yy, align: 'right' }, FontInfo.small ); let r = current.getBounds(); xx -= r.width + 16; this.lineStyle(size, cr.color); this.moveTo(xx, yy); this.lineTo(xx + size, yy); xx -= size + 4; } } drawSelectedRamge(selected) { this.lineStyle(2, app.theme.primaryColor); let start = this.toX(selected[0]); let end = this.toX(selected[1]); this.moveTo(start, 0); this.lineTo(end, 0); this.drawTick(start, -1.5, 0); this.drawTick(end, -1.5, 0); } redraw() { this.clear(); let h = this.wantedHeight; let w = this.wantedWidth; let y = this.getY(); this.prepareLabels(); this.updateColorRanges(w, h); this.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff); if (this.start != null && this.end != null) { this.moveTo(this.toX(this.start), y); this.lineTo(this.toX(this.end), y); this.updateTicksAndLabels(w, h); this.updateSelection(); let selected = this.selection; if (selected[0] != this.start && selected[1] != this.end) { if (this.showRange) this.drawSelectedRamge(selected); } for (let callback of this.callbacks) { callback(this.scroll, this.zoom, this.selection); } } else { this.moveTo(this.inset, y); this.lineTo(w - this.inset, y); } if (this.progress != null && this.progress < 1) { this.lineStyle(2, 0xccccff); this.moveTo(this.inset, y); this.lineTo((w - this.inset) * this.progress, y); } } totalWidth(bounded = false) { let w = this.wantedWidth - 2 * this.inset; return w * this.validZoom(this.zoom, bounded) } validZoom(zoom, bounded = true) { let overshoot = bounded ? 1.0 : 2.0; zoom = Math.max(zoom, this.minZoom / overshoot); zoom = Math.min(zoom, this.maxZoom * overshoot); return zoom } getY() { return this.wantedHeight * this.baseLine } toX(date) { let total = this.end - this.start; let offset = this.inset + this.scroll; let width = this.totalWidth(); let delta = date - this.start; let ratio = delta / total; return offset + ratio * width } fromX(value) { let total = this.end - this.start; let offset = this.inset + this.scroll; let width = this.totalWidth(); let ratio = (value - offset) / width; let time = this.start.getTime() + total * ratio; let date = new Date(time); return date } drawTick(x, direction = 1, y = null) { if (y == null) { y = this.getY(); } this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x, y - this.tickHeight * direction * this.direction); } prepareLabels() { for (let key of this.labels.keys()) { if (!key.startsWith(this.labelPrefix)) this.labels.get(key).visible = false; } } updateTicksAndLabels(width, height) { this.drawTick(this.toX(this.start)); this.drawTick(this.toX(this.end)); this.timeticks.draw(this, width, height); this.updateLabels(width, height); } visibleDate(date, offset = 0) { if (date >= this.start && date <= this.end) { let x = this.toX(date) + offset; return x > 0 && x < this.wantedWidth } return false } visibleRange(start, end) { let x = this.toX(start); if (x > this.wantedWidth) return false x = this.toX(end); if (x < 0) return false return true } tickLabelOffset(direction = 1, level = 0) { let fs = FontInfo.small.fontSize; let dh = fs + level * (fs + 2); return this.direction * direction * dh } updateLabels(width, height) { let h2 = height / 2; if (this.labelDates) { let last = null; let y = h2 + this.tickLabelOffset(); for (let i = this.labelDates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let [label, date] = this.labelDates[i]; let align = 'center'; // (last == null) ? 'right' : 'left' let x = this.toX(date); let current = this.ensureLabel( this.labelPrefix + label, label, { x: x, y: y, align }, FontInfo.small ); let r = current.getBounds(); current.visible = !(last != null && r.x + r.width > last.x); if (current.visible) { this.drawTick(x, -1); last = r; } } } else { let start = this.start.toLocaleDateString('de', { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); let end = this.end.toLocaleDateString('de', { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }); this.ensureLabel(this.labelPrefix + 'start', start, { x: this.toX(this.start), y: h2 }); this.ensureLabel(this.labelPrefix + 'end', end, { x: this.toX(this.end), y: h2, align: 'right' }); } } onZoom(zoom, anchor) { let date = this.fromX(anchor.x); let newZoom = this.validZoom(this.zoom * zoom, false); this.zoom = newZoom; let newX = this.toX(date); this.scroll += anchor.x - newX; } onStart(event, interaction) { this.killTweens(); this.deltas = []; this.validScroll(); // if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { // ThrowPropsPlugin.track(this, 'delta') // } } onMove(event, interaction) { let delta = interaction.delta(); if (delta == null) { return } this.scroll += delta.x; if (this.draggable) { this.y += delta.y; } while (this.deltas.length > 10) { this.deltas.pop(0); } this.deltas.push(delta.x); if (interaction.current.size > 1) { this.onZoom(delta.zoom, delta.about); } this.redraw(); } onEnd(event, interaction) { // if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { // let vel = ThrowPropsPlugin.getVelocity(this, 'delta') // ThrowPropsPlugin.untrack(this) // } this.killTweens(); this.redraw(); let delta = 0; for (let d of this.deltas) { delta += d; } if (this.deltas.length > 0) { delta /= this.deltas.length; } this.autoScroll = true; let anchor = interaction.current.mean(); this.keepInBounds(delta, anchor); for (let key of interaction.ended.keys()) { if (interaction.isDoubleTap(key)) { this.onDoubleTap(event, interaction, key); } else if (interaction.isTap(key)) { this.onTap(event, interaction, key); } else if (interaction.isLongPress(key)) { this.onLongPress(event, interaction, key); } } } onLongPress(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onLongPressCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key); } } onTap(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onTapCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key); } } onDoubleTap(event, interaction, key) { for (let callback of this.onDoubleTapCallbacks) { callback(event, interaction, key); } } _scrollMinimum(bounded) { let total = this.totalWidth(bounded); return -total + this.wantedWidth - 2 * this.inset } _scrollMaximum(bounded) { let total = this.totalWidth(bounded); let limit = this.wantedWidth; if (total > limit) return 0 let w = limit - 2 * this.inset; return (w - total) / 2 } scrollMinimum(bounded) { return this._scrollMinimum(bounded) - this.extraRight } scrollMaximum(bounded) { return this._scrollMaximum(bounded) + this.extraLeft } killTweens() { TweenLite.killTweensOf(this); this.autoScroll = false; } validScroll(bounded = true) { let minimum = this.scrollMinimum(bounded); let maximum = this.scrollMaximum(bounded); if (this.scroll < minimum) { this.scroll = minimum; } if (this.scroll > maximum) { this.scroll = maximum; } } keepInBounds(delta, anchor) { let bounded = true; let minimum = this.scrollMinimum(bounded); let maximum = this.scrollMaximum(bounded); let tweens = {}; if (this.zoom > this.maxZoom) { tweens.zoom = this.maxZoom; let date = this.fromX(anchor.x); let oldZoom = this.zoom; this.zoom = this.maxZoom; let newX = this.toX(date); tweens.scroll = this.scroll + anchor.x - newX; this.zoom = oldZoom; } else { if (this.zoom < this.minZoom) { tweens.zoom = this.minZoom; } if (this.scroll > maximum) { tweens.scroll = maximum; } if (this.scroll < minimum) { tweens.scroll = minimum; } } if (!isEmpty(tweens)) { tweens.onUpdate = () => { this.redraw(); }; TweenLite.to(this, 0.5, tweens).delay(0.1); return } this.scroll += delta; delta *= this.throwDamping; this.redraw(); if (Math.abs(delta) > 1 && this.autoScroll) { setTimeout(() => this.keepInBounds(delta, anchor), 1000 / 100); } } onMouseWheel(event) { this.killTweens(); let direction = event.detail < 0 || event.wheelDelta > 0; let anchor = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; const zoomFactor = 1.5; this.onZoom(direction ? zoomFactor : 1 / zoomFactor, anchor); this.redraw(); this.keepInBounds(0, anchor); } showRanges(ranges, label = 'Untitled', color = null) { for (let cr of this.colorRanges) { if (cr.label == label) return } while (this.colorRanges.length >= this.rangeColors.length) { this.colorRanges.shift(); } this.colorRanges.push(new ColorRanges(label, color, ranges)); this.redraw(); } } /** * pixi.js scrollbox: a masked content box that can scroll vertically or horizontally with scrollbars */ class Scrollbox extends PIXI.Container { /** * create a scrollbox * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} [options.dragScroll=true] user may drag the content area to scroll content * @param {string} [options.overflowX=auto] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) this changes whether the scrollbar is shown * @param {string} [options.overflowY=auto] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) this changes whether the scrollbar is shown * @param {string} [options.overflow] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) sets overflowX and overflowY to this value * @param {number} [options.boxWidth=100] width of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.boxHeight=100] height of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarSize=10] size of scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal=0] offset of horizontal scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarOffsetVertical=0] offset of vertical scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {boolean} [options.stopPropagation=true] call stopPropagation on any events that impact scrollbox * @param {number} [options.scrollbarBackground=0xdddddd] background color of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha=1] alpha of background of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarForeground=0x888888] foreground color of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha=1] alpha of foreground of scrollbar * @param {string} [options.underflow=top-left] what to do when content underflows the scrollbox size: none: do nothing; (left/right/center AND top/bottom/center); OR center (e.g., 'top-left', 'center', 'none', 'bottomright') * @param {(boolean|number)} [options.fade] fade the scrollbar when not in use (true = 1000ms) * @param {number} [options.fadeWait=3000] time to wait before fading the scrollbar if options.fade is set * @param {(string|function)} [options.fadeEase=easeInOutSine] easing function to use for fading */ constructor(options) { super(); this.options = Object.assign( {}, { boxWidth: 100, boxHeight: 100, scrollbarSize: 10, scrollbarBackground: 14540253, scrollbarBackgroundAlpha: 1, scrollbarForeground: 8947848, scrollbarForegroundAlpha: 1, dragScroll: true, stopPropagation: true, scrollbarOffsetHorizontal: 0, scrollbarOffsetVertical: 0, underflow: 'top-left', fadeScrollbar: false, fadeWait: 3000, fadeEase: 'easeInOutSine' }, options ); this.ease = new PIXI.extras.Ease.list(); this.on('added', event => { this.update(); }); /** * content in placed in here * you can use any function from pixi-viewport on content to manually move the content (see https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-viewport/jsdoc/) * @type {PIXI.extras.Viewport} */ this.content = this.addChild( new PIXI.extras.Viewport({ passiveWheel: this.options.stopPropagation, stopPropagation: this.options.stopPropagation, screenWidth: this.options.boxWidth, screenHeight: this.options.boxHeight }) ); this.content.decelerate().on('moved', () => this._drawScrollbars()); /** * graphics element for drawing the scrollbars * @type {PIXI.Graphics} */ this.scrollbar = this.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics()); this.scrollbar.interactive = true; this.scrollbar.on('pointerdown', this.scrollbarDown, this); this.interactive = true; this.on('pointermove', this.scrollbarMove, this); this.on('pointerup', this.scrollbarUp, this); this.on('pointercancel', this.scrollbarUp, this); this.on('pointerupoutside', this.scrollbarUp, this); this._maskContent = this.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics()); this.update(); } /** * offset of horizontal scrollbar (in pixels) * @type {number} */ get scrollbarOffsetHorizontal() { return this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal } set scrollbarOffsetHorizontal(value) { this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal = value; } /** * offset of vertical scrollbar (in pixels) * @type {number} */ get scrollbarOffsetVertical() { return this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical } set scrollbarOffsetVertical(value) { this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical = value; } /** * disable the scrollbox (if set to true this will also remove the mask) * @type {boolean} */ get disable() { return this._disabled } set disable(value) { if (this._disabled !== value) { this._disabled = value; this.update(); } } /** * call stopPropagation on any events that impact scrollbox * @type {boolean} */ get stopPropagation() { return this.options.stopPropagation } set stopPropagation(value) { this.options.stopPropagation = value; } /** * user may drag the content area to scroll content * @type {boolean} */ get dragScroll() { return this.options.dragScroll } set dragScroll(value) { this.options.dragScroll = value; if (value) { this.content.drag(); } else { this.content.removePlugin('drag'); } this.update(); } /** * width of scrollbox including the scrollbar (if visible)- this changes the size and not the scale of the box * @type {number} */ get boxWidth() { return this.options.boxWidth } set boxWidth(value) { this.options.boxWidth = value; this.content.screenWidth = value; this.update(); } /** * sets overflowX and overflowY to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflow() { return this.options.overflow } set overflow(value) { this.options.overflow = value; this.options.overflowX = value; this.options.overflowY = value; this.update(); } /** * sets overflowX to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflowX() { return this.options.overflowX } set overflowX(value) { this.options.overflowX = value; this.update(); } /** * sets overflowY to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflowY() { return this.options.overflowY } set overflowY(value) { this.options.overflowY = value; this.update(); } /** * height of scrollbox including the scrollbar (if visible) - this changes the size and not the scale of the box * @type {number} */ get boxHeight() { return this.options.boxHeight } set boxHeight(value) { this.options.boxHeight = value; this.content.screenHeight = value; this.update(); } /** * scrollbar size in pixels * @type {number} */ get scrollbarSize() { return this.options.scrollbarSize } set scrollbarSize(value) { this.options.scrollbarSize = value; } /** * width of scrollbox less the scrollbar (if visible) * @type {number} * @readonly */ get contentWidth() { return this.options.boxWidth - (this.isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) } /** * height of scrollbox less the scrollbar (if visible) * @type {number} * @readonly */ get contentHeight() { return this.options.boxHeight - (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) } /** * is the vertical scrollbar visible * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get isScrollbarVertical() { return this._isScrollbarVertical } /** * is the horizontal scrollbar visible * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get isScrollbarHorizontal() { return this._isScrollbarHorizontal } /** * top coordinate of scrollbar */ get scrollTop() { return this.content.top } /** * left coordinate of scrollbar */ get scrollLeft() { return this.content.left } /** * width of content area * if not set then it uses content.width to calculate width */ get scrollWidth() { return this._scrollWidth || this.content.width } set scrollWidth(value) { this._scrollWidth = value; } /** * height of content area * if not set then it uses content.height to calculate height */ get scrollHeight() { return this._scrollHeight || this.content.height } set scrollHeight(value) { this._scrollHeight = value; } /** * draws scrollbars * @private */ _drawScrollbars() { this._isScrollbarHorizontal = this.overflowX === 'scroll' ? true : ['hidden', 'none'].indexOf(this.overflowX) !== -1 ? false : this.scrollWidth > this.options.boxWidth; this._isScrollbarVertical = this.overflowY === 'scroll' ? true : ['hidden', 'none'].indexOf(this.overflowY) !== -1 ? false : this.scrollHeight > this.options.boxHeight; this.scrollbar.clear(); this.scrollWidth + (this._isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0); this.scrollHeight + (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0); const width = this.scrollWidth + (this.isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0); const height = this.scrollHeight + (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0); this.scrollbarTop = (this.content.top / height) * this.boxHeight; this.scrollbarTop = this.scrollbarTop < 0 ? 0 : this.scrollbarTop; this.scrollbarHeight = (this.boxHeight / height) * this.boxHeight; this.scrollbarHeight = this.scrollbarTop + this.scrollbarHeight > this.boxHeight ? this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarTop : this.scrollbarHeight; this.scrollbarLeft = (this.content.left / width) * this.boxWidth; this.scrollbarLeft = this.scrollbarLeft < 0 ? 0 : this.scrollbarLeft; this.scrollbarWidth = (this.boxWidth / width) * this.boxWidth; this.scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth + this.scrollbarLeft > this.boxWidth ? this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarLeft : this.scrollbarWidth; if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { this.scrollbar .beginFill(this.options.scrollbarBackground, this.options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha) .drawRect( this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical, 0, this.scrollbarSize, this.boxHeight ) .endFill(); } if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { this.scrollbar .beginFill(this.options.scrollbarBackground, this.options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha) .drawRect( 0, this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal, this.boxWidth, this.scrollbarSize ) .endFill(); } if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { this.scrollbar .beginFill(this.options.scrollbarForeground, this.options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha) .drawRect( this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical, this.scrollbarTop, this.scrollbarSize, this.scrollbarHeight ) .endFill(); } if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { this.scrollbar .beginFill(this.options.scrollbarForeground, this.options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha) .drawRect( this.scrollbarLeft, this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal, this.scrollbarWidth, this.scrollbarSize ) .endFill(); } // this.content.forceHitArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(0, 0 , this.boxWidth, this.boxHeight) this.activateFade(); } /** * draws mask layer * @private */ _drawMask() { this._maskContent .beginFill(0) .drawRect(0, 0, this.boxWidth, this.boxHeight) .endFill(); this.content.mask = this._maskContent; } /** * call when scrollbox content changes */ update() { this.content.mask = null; this._maskContent.clear(); if (!this._disabled) { this._drawScrollbars(); this._drawMask(); if (this.options.dragScroll) { const direction = this.isScrollbarHorizontal && this.isScrollbarVertical ? 'all' : this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? 'x' : 'y'; if (direction !== null) { this.content .drag({ clampWheel: true, direction }) .clamp({ direction, underflow: this.options.underflow }); } } } } /** * show the scrollbar and restart the timer for fade if options.fade is set */ activateFade() { if (this.options.fade) { if (this.fade) { this.ease.remove(this.fade); } this.scrollbar.alpha = 1; const time = this.options.fade === true ? 1000 : this.options.fade; this.fade = this.ease.to(this.scrollbar, { alpha: 0 }, time, { wait: this.options.fadeWait, ease: this.options.fadeEase }); this.fade.on('each', () => (this.content.dirty = true)); } } /** * handle pointer down on scrollbar * @param {PIXI.interaction.InteractionEvent} e * @private */ scrollbarDown(e) { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global); if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { if (local.y > this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize) { if (local.x >= this.scrollbarLeft && local.x <= this.scrollbarLeft + this.scrollbarWidth) { this.pointerDown = { type: 'horizontal', last: local }; } else { if (local.x > this.scrollbarLeft) { this.content.left += this.content.worldScreenWidth; this.update(); } else { this.content.left -= this.content.worldScreenWidth; this.update(); } } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } return } } if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { if (local.x > this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize) { if (local.y >= this.scrollbarTop && local.y <= this.scrollbarTop + this.scrollbarWidth) { this.pointerDown = { type: 'vertical', last: local }; } else { if (local.y > this.scrollbarTop) { this.content.top += this.content.worldScreenHeight; this.update(); } else { this.content.top -= this.content.worldScreenHeight; this.update(); } } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } return } } } /** * handle pointer move on scrollbar * @param {PIXI.interaction.InteractionEvent} e * @private */ scrollbarMove(e) { if (this.pointerDown) { if (this.pointerDown.type === 'horizontal') { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global); this.content.left += local.x - this.pointerDown.last.x; this.pointerDown.last = local; this.update(); } else if (this.pointerDown.type === 'vertical') { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global); this.content.top += local.y - this.pointerDown.last.y; this.pointerDown.last = local; this.update(); } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } } /** * handle pointer down on scrollbar * @private */ scrollbarUp() { this.pointerDown = null; } /** * resize the mask for the container * @param {object} options * @param {number} [options.boxWidth] width of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.boxHeight] height of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollWidth] set the width of the inside of the scrollbox (leave null to use content.width) * @param {number} [options.scrollHeight] set the height of the inside of the scrollbox (leave null to use content.height) */ resize(options) { this.options.boxWidth = typeof options.boxWidth !== 'undefined' ? options.boxWidth : this.options.boxWidth; this.options.boxHeight = typeof options.boxHeight !== 'undefined' ? options.boxHeight : this.options.boxHeight; if (options.scrollWidth) { this.scrollWidth = options.scrollWidth; } if (options.scrollHeight) { this.scrollHeight = options.scrollHeight; } this.content.resize(this.options.boxWidth, this.options.boxHeight, this.scrollWidth, this.scrollHeight); this.update(); } /** * ensure that the bounding box is visible * @param {number} x - relative to content's coordinate system * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ ensureVisible(x, y, width, height) { this.content.ensureVisible(x, y, width, height); this._drawScrollbars(); } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Scrollview. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 600, * height: 400 * }).setup().run() * * // Create the Scrollview * app.loader * .add('elephant', './assets/elephant-1.jpg') * .load((loader, resources) => { * const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(resources.elephant.texture) * const scrollview = new Scrollview({boxWidth: 400, boxHeight: 300}) * scrollview.content.addChild(sprite) * app.scene.addChild(scrollview) * * @class * @extends PIXI.extras.Scrollbox * @see {@link https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-scrollbox/jsdoc/Scrollbox.html|Scrollbox} * @see {@link https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-viewport/jsdoc/Viewport.html|Viewport} */ class Scrollview extends Scrollbox { /** * Creates an instance of a Scrollview. * * @constructor * @see https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-scrollbox/jsdoc/Scrollbox.html */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(opts); this.opts = opts; } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Scrollview} A reference to the Scrollview for chaining. */ setup() { return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the Scrollview. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Scrollview} A reference to the Scrollview for chaining. */ layout() { this.update(); return this } } /** * Callback for the slider action onStart. * * @callback onStartCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider). */ /** * Callback for the slider action onUpdate. * * @callback onUpdateCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider). */ /** * Callback for the slider action onComplete. * * @callback onCompleteCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider). */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Slider. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * // Create the slider * const slider = new Slider({ * x: 10, * y: 20 * }) * * // Add the slider to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(slider) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/slider.html|DocTest} */ class Slider extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Slider. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the slider. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the slider. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the slider. Can be also set after creation with slider.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the slider. Can be also set after creation with slider.y = 0. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this slider. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.width=250] - The width of the slider. * @param {number} [opts.height=2] - The height of the slider. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.container=window.app|object] - The container where the slider events should be attached to. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the slider background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.controlFill=Theme.stroke] - The color of the slider control background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.controlFillAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.controlStroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth * 0.8] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.controlRadius=16] - The radius of the slider control. * @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the slider disabled? When disabled, the slider has a lower alpha value * and cannot be clicked (interactive is set to false). * @param {onStartCallback} [opts.onStart] - Executed when the slider control starts to move. * @param {onUpdateCallback} [opts.onUpdate] - Executed when the slider control is moved. * @param {onCompleteCallback} [opts.onComplete] - Executed when the slider control was dropped. * @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip * to display. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the slider initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), x: 0, y: 0, width: 250, height: 2, container: null, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, controlFill: theme.fill, controlFillAlpha: 0.5, controlStroke: theme.primaryColor, controlStrokeWidth: 2, controlStrokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, controlRadius: 16, orientation: 'horizontal', min: 0, max: 100, value: 0, disabled: false, onStart: null, onUpdate: null, onComplete: null, tooltip: null, visible: true }, opts ); this.opts.container = this.opts.container || this; // Validation //----------------- if (this.opts.height > this.opts.width) { this.opts.height = this.opts.width; } if (this.opts.value < this.opts.min) { this.opts.value = this.opts.min; } if (this.opts.value > this.opts.max) { this.opts.value = this.opts.max; } // Properties //----------------- this.id = this.opts.id; this.radius = this.opts.height / 2; this._value = this.opts.value; this._disabled = null; this.sliderObj = null; this.control = null; this.tooltip = null; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ setup() { // Container events //----------------- const container = this.opts.container; this.on('pointermove', e => { if (this.control.dragging) { const moveX = this.control.event.data.getLocalPosition(this.control.parent).x; this._value = this.pixelToValue(moveX - this.control.delta - this.opts.controlRadius); let x = this.valueToPixel(this._value) + this.opts.controlRadius; this.control.x = x; if (this.opts.onUpdate) { this.opts.onUpdate.call(this, e, this); } } }); if (container instanceof Element) { container.addEventListener('pointerup', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('pointercancel', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('pointerleave', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('pointerout', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('mouseup', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('mousecancel', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => this.onEnd(e), false); container.addEventListener('mouseout', e => this.onEnd(e), false); } else { container.interactive = true; container.on('pointerup', e => this.onEnd(e)); container.on('pointercancel', e => this.onEnd(e)); container.on('pointerleave', e => this.onEnd(e)); container.on('pointerout', e => this.onEnd(e)); } // Slider //----------------- let sliderObj = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.sliderObj = sliderObj; this.addChild(sliderObj); // Control //----------------- let control = new PIXI.Graphics(); control.x = this.opts.controlRadius + this.valueToPixel(this.opts.value); control.y = this.opts.controlRadius; // pointerdown on the control for dragndrop control.on('pointerdown', e => { control.event = e; control.delta = e.data.getLocalPosition(this.control).x; control.dragging = true; if (this.opts.onStart) { this.opts.onStart.call(this, e, this); } }); this.control = control; this.addChild(this.control); // interaction //----------------- this.sliderObj.on('pointerover', e => { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 }); }); this.sliderObj.on('pointerout', e => { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1 }); }); this.sliderObj.on('pointerdown', e => { this.sliderObj.pointerdowned = true; TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.7 }); }); // Click on the slider bar this.sliderObj.on('pointerup', e => { if (this.sliderObj.pointerdowned) { this.sliderObj.pointerdowned = false; const position = e.data.getLocalPosition(this.control.parent); this.value = this.pixelToValue(position.x - this.opts.controlRadius); TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 }); } }); // disabled //----------------- this.disabled = this.opts.disabled; // tooltip //----------------- if (this.opts.tooltip) { if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ object: this, content: this.opts.tooltip }); } else { this.opts.tooltip.object = this; this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip); } } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the slider. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ layout() { // set position //----------------- this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y); // draw //----------------- this.draw(); return this } /** * Draws the slider to the canvas. * * @private * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ draw() { const r = this.radius; const cr = this.opts.controlRadius; const w = this.opts.width; const h = this.opts.height; const x = cr + r; const y = cr + r - h; this.sliderObj.clear(); this.sliderObj.beginFill(0xffffff, 0); this.sliderObj.drawRect(0, 0, x + w + cr, cr * 2); this.sliderObj.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.sliderObj.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); this.sliderObj.moveTo(x, y); this.sliderObj.lineTo(x + w, y); this.sliderObj.arcTo(x + w + r, y, x + w + r, y + r, r); this.sliderObj.lineTo(x + w + r, y + r + 1); // BUGFIX: If not specified, there is a small area without a stroke. this.sliderObj.arcTo(x + w + r, y + h, x + w, y + h, r); this.sliderObj.lineTo(x, y + h); this.sliderObj.arcTo(x - r, y + h, x - r, y + r, r); this.sliderObj.arcTo(x - r, y, x, y, r); this.sliderObj.endFill(); // Draw control this.control.clear(); this.control.lineStyle(this.opts.controlStrokeWidth, this.opts.controlStroke, this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha); this.control.beginFill(this.opts.controlFill, this.opts.controlFillAlpha); this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, cr - 1); this.control.beginFill(this.opts.controlStroke, this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha); this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, cr / 6); this.control.endFill(); return this } /** * Executed, when the slider control movement ended. * * @private * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ onEnd(e) { if (this.control.dragging) { this.control.event = null; this.control.dragging = false; if (this.opts.onComplete) { this.opts.onComplete.call(this, e, this); } } return this } /** * Calculates the value for a given pixel. * * @private * @param {number} value * @returns {number} The calucalted pixel. */ valueToPixel(value) { if (value < this.opts.min) { value = this.opts.min; } else if (value > this.opts.max) { value = this.opts.max; } return (this.opts.width * (value - this.opts.min)) / (this.opts.max - this.opts.min) } /** * Calculates the pixel for a given value. * * @private * @param {number} pixel * @returns {number} The calucalted value. */ pixelToValue(pixel) { if (pixel < 0) { pixel = 0; } else if (pixel > this.opts.width) { pixel = this.opts.width; } return this.opts.min + ((this.opts.max - this.opts.min) * pixel) / this.opts.width } /** * Gets or sets the value. * * @member {number} */ get value() { return Math.round(this._value) } set value(value) { if (value < this.opts.min) { value = this.opts.min; } else if (value > this.opts.max) { value = this.opts.max; } this._value = value; const x = this.valueToPixel(value) + this.opts.controlRadius; TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { x }); } /** * Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, the slider cannot be clicked. * * @member {boolean} */ get disabled() { return this._disabled } set disabled(value) { this._disabled = value; if (this._disabled) { this.interactive = false; this.sliderObj.interactive = false; this.control.interactive = false; this.control.buttonMode = false; this.alpha = 0.5; } else { this.interactive = true; this.sliderObj.interactive = true; this.control.interactive = true; this.control.buttonMode = true; this.alpha = 1; } } /** * Shows the slider (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ show() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 1; this.layout(); return this } /** * Hides the slider (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining. */ hide() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 0; this.opts.fillAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 0; this.layout(); return this } } /* eslint-disable no-undef */ class StylusCommand extends Object { constructor() { super(); } do(stylus) { stylus.commandStack.push(this); } undo(stylus) { stylus.undoCommandStack.push(this); } redo(stylus) { this.do(stylus); } } class StrokeCommand extends StylusCommand { constructor(stroke) { super(); this.stroke = stroke; } do(stylus) { if (this.stroke.length > 0) { super.do(stylus); stylus.stroke = []; stylus.strokes.push(this.stroke); stylus.redraw(); stylus.changed(); } } undo(stylus) { if (this.stroke.length > 0) { super.undo(stylus); stylus.strokes.pop(); stylus.redraw(); stylus.changed(); } } } class ClearCommand extends StylusCommand { do(stylus) { // Clears the command stack stylus.commandStack = []; super.do(stylus); this.strokes = stylus.strokes; stylus.stroke = []; stylus.strokes = []; stylus.redraw(); stylus.changed(); } undo(stylus) { //super.undo(stylus) // Clear all is not redoable stylus.stroke = []; stylus.strokes = this.strokes; stylus.redraw(); stylus.changed(); } } class Stylus extends PIXI.Graphics { constructor({ width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight, interactive = true, color = 0x000000, tiltX = 0, tiltY = 0, backgroundAlpha = 1, backgroundFill = 0xffffff, colorAlpha = 1, captureEvents = true, acceptMouseEvents = true, lineWidth = 16, minStrokeLength = 4 } = {}) { super(); this.activePointers = 0; this.wantedWidth = width; this.wantedHeight = height; this.backgroundAlpha = backgroundAlpha; this.backgroundFill = backgroundFill; this.colorAlpha = colorAlpha; this.color = color; this.interactive = interactive; this.debug = false; this.tiltX = tiltX; // degrees -90 ... 90 this.tiltY = tiltY; // degrees -90 ... 90 this.captureEvents = captureEvents; this.commandStack = []; this.undoCommandStack = []; this.strokes = []; this.stroke = []; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; this.minStrokeLength = minStrokeLength; if (captureEvents) this.registerEventHandler(acceptMouseEvents); this.drawBackground(); } drawBackground() { this.clear(); this.beginFill(this.backgroundFill, this.backgroundAlpha); this.drawRect(0, 0, this.wantedWidth, this.wantedHeight); this.endFill(); } touchToPoint(t) { return { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY } } isStylusPointer(event) { let identifier = event.data.identifier; if (typeof event.data.originalEvent.changedTouches !== 'undefined') { for (let touch of event.data.originalEvent.changedTouches) { if (touch.identifier === identifier && touch.touchType === 'stylus') { this.tiltX = Angle.radian2degree(touch.azimuthAngle); this.tiltY = 90.0 - Angle.radian2degree(touch.altitudeAngle); return true } } } // UO: Not tested since the Sprot delivered "mouse" events to Chrome if (event.data.originalEvent.pointerType === 'pen') { this.tiltX = event.data.originalEvent.tiltX; this.tiltY = event.data.originalEvent.tiltY; return true } return false } isStylusTouch(event) { let identifier = event.data.identifier; if (typeof event.data.originalEvent.changedTouches !== 'undefined') { for (let touch of event.data.originalEvent.changedTouches) { if (touch.identifier === identifier && touch.pointerType === 'touch') { return true } } } return false } getPointerID(event) { let identifier = event.data.identifier; for (let touch of event.data.originalEvent.changedTouches) { if (touch.identifier === identifier) { return touch.pointerId } } } singlePointer() { return this.activePointers == 1 } registerEventHandler() { window.addEventListener('keydown', e => { switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: // up arrow this.tiltX += 5; break case 40: // down arrow this.tiltX -= 5; break case 37: // left arrow this.tiltY -= 5; break case 39: // right arrow this.tiltY += 5; break } if (this.debug) console.log('keydown', e.keyCode, this.tiltX, this.tiltY); }); this.on('pointerdown', e => { if (this.debug) console.log('pointerdown', e); if (this.eventInside(e)) { this.activePointers += 1; if (this.singlePointer()) { this.startStroke(this.toStroke(e)); } } }); this.on('pointermove', e => { if (Events$1.isPointerDown(e.data.originalEvent) || this.isStylusPointer(e) || this.isStylusTouch(e)) { if (this.debug) console.log('pointermove', e, this.eventInside(e)); if (this.eventInside(e) && this.singlePointer()) this.moveStroke(this.toStroke(e)); } }); this.on('pointerup', e => { if (this.eventInside(e)) { if (this.activePointers > 0) { this.activePointers -= 1; this.endStroke(this.toStroke(e)); } } if (this.debug) console.log('pointerup', this.activePointers); }); this.on('pointerleave', e => { if (this.activePointers > 0) { this.activePointers -= 1; } this.endStroke(this.toStroke(e)); }); this.on('pointercancel', e => { if (this.activePointers > 0) { this.activePointers -= 1; } this.endStroke(this.toStroke(e)); }); } undoable() { return this.commandStack.length > 0 } redoable() { return this.undoCommandStack.length > 0 } undo() { if (this.undoable()) { let cmd = this.commandStack.pop(); cmd.undo(this); } } redo() { if (this.redoable()) { let cmd = this.undoCommandStack.pop(); cmd.redo(this); } } eventInside(event) { let local = this.toLocal(event.data.global); for (let child of this.children) { let r = child.getBounds(); if (r.contains(local.x, local.y)) { console.log('Child touched'); return false } } if (local.x < 0 || local.x > this.wantedWidth) return false if (local.y < 0 || local.y > this.wantedHeight) return false event.stopPropagation(); // if (this.debug) console.log('stopPropagation', event) if (event.data.originalEvent.claimedByScatter) { return false } return true } toLocalPoint(event) { return this.toLocal(event.data.global) } toStroke(event) { let local = this.toLocalPoint(event); let x = Math.max(0, Math.min(local.x, this.wantedWidth)); let y = Math.max(0, Math.min(local.y, this.wantedHeight)); let desc = { x, y, pressure: event.pressure || null, tiltX: this.tiltX, tiltY: this.tiltY, color: this.color, lineWidth: this.tiltToLineWidth(this.tiltY) }; return desc } startStroke(info) { this.stroke = [info]; this.redraw(); } moveStroke(info) { this.stroke.push(info); this.redraw(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars endStroke(info) { if (this.stroke.length >= this.minStrokeLength) { let cmd = new StrokeCommand(this.stroke); cmd.do(this); } } tiltToLineWidth(value) { return this.lineWidth * Math.round(Math.abs(value / 10) + 1) } drawStroke(stroke) { if (stroke.length) { let start = stroke[0]; this.beginFill(0, 0); this.moveTo(start.x, start.y); let lineWidth = start.lineWidth; this.lineStyle(lineWidth, start.color, this.colorAlpha); for (let i = 1; i < stroke.length; i++) { let info = stroke[i]; let lw = info.lineWidth; if (lw != lineWidth) { lineWidth = lw; this.lineStyle(lineWidth, info.color, this.colorAlpha); } this.lineTo(info.x, info.y); } this.endFill(); } } drawTouch(point) { this.beginFill(0, 0); this.drawCircle(point.x, point.y, 22); this.endFill(); } drawStrokes() { this.drawBackground(); this.lineStyle(this.lineWidth, 0xff0000, 1); for (let stroke of this.iterStrokes()) { this.drawStroke(stroke); } } redraw() { this.drawStrokes(); } // Can be overwritten if different levels of strokes are necessary *iterStrokes() { for (let stroke of this.strokes) { yield stroke; } yield this.stroke; } changed() { // Can be overwritten } clearAll() { let cmd = new ClearCommand(); cmd.do(this); } normalizeInfo(info) { let { x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, color, lineWidth } = info; x /= this.wantedWidth; y /= this.wantedHeight; return { x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, color, lineWidth } } denormalizeInfo(info) { let { x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, color, lineWidth } = info; x = x * this.wantedWidth; y = y * this.wantedHeight; return { x, y, pressure, tiltX, tiltY, color, lineWidth } } // Convert strokes into an object that can be stored in an Indexed DB. // Returns normalized strokes toObject() { let result = []; for (let stroke of this.strokes) { let normalized = []; for (let info of stroke) { normalized.push(this.normalizeInfo(info)); } result.push(normalized); } return result } // Read normalized strokes from an object from an Indexed DB. fromObject(normalizedStrokes) { this.strokes = []; for (let stroke of normalizedStrokes) { let denormalized = []; for (let info of stroke) { denormalized.push(this.denormalizeInfo(info)); } this.strokes.push(denormalized); } } // Convert strokes into a JSON object that can be stored in an Indexed DB toJSON() { return JSON.stringify(this.toObject()) } // Convert strokes from a JSON fromJSON(json) { this.fromObject(JSON.parse(json)); } // Returns a set of used colors usedColors() { let used = new Set(); for (let info of this.stroke) { used.add(info.color); } for (let stroke of this.strokes) { for (let info of stroke) { used.add(info.color); } } return used.values() } } /** * Callback for the switch action. * * @callback actionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Switch} switch - A reference to the switch (also this refers to the switch). */ /** * Callback for the switch action. * * @callback actionActiveCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Switch} switch - A reference to the switch (also this refers to the switch). */ /** * Callback for the switch beforeAction. * * @callback beforeActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Switch} switch - A reference to the switch (also this refers to the switch). */ /** * Callback for the switch afterAction. * * @callback afterActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Switch} switch - A reference to the switch (also this refers to the switch). */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Switch. * * @example * // Create the app * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * // Create the switch * const switch1 = new Switch({ * x: 10, * y: 20 * }) * * // Add the switch to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(switch1) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/switch.html|DocTest} */ class Switch extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Switch. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the switch. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the switch. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the switch. Can be also set after creation with switch.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the switch. Can be also set after creation with switch.y = 0. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this switch. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.width=44] - The width of the switch. * @param {number} [opts.height=28] - The height of the switch. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the switch background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=Theme.fillActive] - The color of the switch background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=Theme.fillActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=Theme.strokeActive] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=Theme.strokeActiveWidth] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.controlFill=Theme.stroke] - The color of the switch control background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.controlFillAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.controlFillActive=Theme.stroke] - The color of the switch control background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.controlFillActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.controlStroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth * 0.8] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeActive=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeActiveWidth=Theme.strokeActiveWidth * 0.8] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.duration=Theme.fast] - The duration of the animation when the switch gets activated in seconds. * @param {number} [opts.durationActive=Theme.fast] - The duration of the animation when the switch gets deactivated in seconds. * @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the switch disabled? When disabled, the switch has a lower alpha value * and cannot be clicked (interactive is set to false). * @param {boolean} [opts.active=false] - Is the button initially active? * @param {actionCallback} [opts.action] - Executed when the switch was triggered in inactive state (by pointerup). * @param {actionActiveCallback} [opts.actionActive] - Executed when the button was triggered in active state (by pointerup). * @param {beforeActionCallback} [opts.beforeAction] - Executed before an action is triggered. * @param {afterActionCallback} [opts.afterAction] - Executed after an action was triggered. * @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip * to display. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the switch initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 28, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, fillActive: theme.primaryColor, fillActiveAlpha: theme.fillActiveAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, strokeActive: theme.primaryColor, strokeActiveWidth: theme.strokeActiveWidth, strokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, controlFill: theme.stroke, controlFillAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, controlFillActive: theme.stroke, controlFillActiveAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, controlStroke: theme.stroke, controlStrokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth * 0.8, controlStrokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, controlStrokeActive: theme.stroke, controlStrokeActiveWidth: theme.strokeActiveWidth * 0.8, controlStrokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, duration: theme.fast, durationActive: theme.fast, disabled: false, active: false, action: null, actionActive: null, beforeAction: null, afterAction: null, tooltip: null, visible: true }, opts ); this.opts.controlRadius = this.opts.controlRadius || this.opts.height / 2; this.opts.controlRadiusActive = this.opts.controlRadiusActive || this.opts.controlRadius; // Validation //----------------- if (this.opts.height > this.opts.width) { this.opts.height = this.opts.width; } // Properties //----------------- this.id = this.opts.id; this.radius = this.opts.height / 2; this._active = null; this._disabled = null; this.switchObj = null; this.control = null; this.tooltip = null; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // animated //----------------- this.tempAnimated = { fill: this.opts.fill, fillAlpha: this.opts.fillAlpha, stroke: this.opts.stroke, strokeWidth: this.opts.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: this.opts.strokeAlpha, controlFill: this.opts.controlFill, controlFillAlpha: this.opts.controlFillAlpha, controlStroke: this.opts.controlStroke, controlStrokeWidth: this.opts.controlStrokeWidth, controlStrokeAlpha: this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha, controlRadius: this.opts.controlRadius }; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ setup() { // Switch //----------------- let switchObj = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.switchObj = switchObj; this.addChild(switchObj); // Control //----------------- this.xInactive = this.opts.controlRadius; this.xActive = this.opts.width - this.opts.controlRadiusActive; let control = new PIXI.Graphics(); control.x = this.opts.active ? this.xActive : this.xInactive; control.y = this.opts.height / 2; this.control = control; this.addChild(this.control); // interaction //----------------- this.switchObj.on('pointerover', e => { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 }); }); this.switchObj.on('pointerout', e => { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1 }); }); this.switchObj.on('pointerdown', e => { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.7 }); }); this.switchObj.on('pointerup', e => { if (this.opts.beforeAction) { this.opts.beforeAction.call(this, e, this); } this.active = !this.active; if (this.active) { if (this.opts.action) { this.opts.action.call(this, e, this); } } else { if (this.opts.actionActive) { this.opts.actionActive.call(this, e, this); } } TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 }); if (this.opts.afterAction) { this.opts.afterAction.call(this, e, this); } }); // disabled //----------------- this.disabled = this.opts.disabled; // active //----------------- this.active = this.opts.active; // tooltip //----------------- if (this.opts.tooltip) { if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ object: this, content: this.opts.tooltip }); } else { this.opts.tooltip.object = this; this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip); } } return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the switch. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ layout() { // set position //----------------- this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y); // draw //----------------- this.draw(); return this } /** * Draws the switch to the canvas. * * @private * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ draw() { this.switchObj.clear(); if (this.active) { this.switchObj.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeActiveWidth, this.opts.strokeActive, this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha); this.switchObj.beginFill(this.opts.fillActive, this.opts.fillActiveAlpha); } else { this.switchObj.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.switchObj.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); } this.switchObj.moveTo(this.radius, 0); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.opts.width - this.radius, 0); this.switchObj.arcTo(this.opts.width, 0, this.opts.width, this.radius, this.radius); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.opts.width, this.radius + 1); // BUGFIX: If not specified, there is a small area without a stroke. this.switchObj.arcTo( this.opts.width, this.opts.height, this.opts.width - this.radius, this.opts.height, this.radius ); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.radius, this.opts.height); this.switchObj.arcTo(0, this.opts.height, 0, this.radius, this.radius); this.switchObj.arcTo(0, 0, this.radius, 0, this.radius); this.switchObj.endFill(); // Draw control this.control.clear(); if (this.active) { this.control.lineStyle( this.opts.controlStrokeActiveWidth, this.opts.controlStrokeActive, this.opts.controlStrokeActiveAlpha ); this.control.beginFill(this.opts.controlFillActive, this.opts.controlFillActiveAlpha); this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, this.opts.controlRadiusActive - 1); } else { this.control.lineStyle(this.opts.controlStrokeWidth, this.opts.controlStroke, this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha); this.control.beginFill(this.opts.controlFill, this.opts.controlFillAlpha); this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, this.opts.controlRadius - 1); } this.control.endFill(); return this } /** * Draws the animation. * * @private * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ drawAnimated() { this.switchObj.clear(); this.switchObj.lineStyle(this.tempAnimated.strokeWidth, this.tempAnimated.stroke, this.tempAnimated.strokeAlpha); this.switchObj.beginFill(this.tempAnimated.fill, this.tempAnimated.fillAlpha); this.switchObj.moveTo(this.radius, 0); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.opts.width - this.radius, 0); this.switchObj.arcTo(this.opts.width, 0, this.opts.width, this.radius, this.radius); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.opts.width, this.radius + 1); // BUGFIX: If not specified, there is a small area without a stroke. this.switchObj.arcTo( this.opts.width, this.opts.height, this.opts.width - this.radius, this.opts.height, this.radius ); this.switchObj.lineTo(this.radius, this.opts.height); this.switchObj.arcTo(0, this.opts.height, 0, this.radius, this.radius); this.switchObj.arcTo(0, 0, this.radius, 0, this.radius); this.switchObj.endFill(); this.control.clear(); this.control.lineStyle( this.tempAnimated.controlStrokeWidth, this.tempAnimated.controlStroke, this.tempAnimated.controlStrokeAlpha ); this.control.beginFill(this.tempAnimated.controlFill, this.tempAnimated.controlFillAlpha); this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, this.tempAnimated.controlRadius - 1); this.control.endFill(); return this } /** * Gets or sets the active state. * * @member {boolean} */ get active() { return this._active } set active(value) { this._active = value; if (this._active) { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.opts.duration, { x: this.xActive }); TweenLite.to(this.tempAnimated, this.opts.duration, { colorProps: { fill: this.opts.fillActive, stroke: this.opts.strokeActive, controlFill: this.opts.controlFillActive, controlStroke: this.opts.controlStrokeActive, format: 'number' }, fillAlpha: this.opts.fillActiveAlpha, strokeWidth: this.opts.strokeActiveWidth, strokeAlpha: this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha, controlFillAlpha: this.opts.controlFillActiveAlpha, controlStrokeWidth: this.opts.controlStrokeActiveWidth, controlStrokeAlpha: this.opts.controlStrokeActiveAlpha, controlRadius: this.opts.controlRadiusActive, onUpdate: () => this.drawAnimated(), onComplete: () => this.draw() }); } else { TweenLite.to(this.control, this.opts.durationActive, { x: this.xInactive }); TweenLite.to(this.tempAnimated, this.opts.durationActive, { colorProps: { fill: this.opts.fill, stroke: this.opts.stroke, controlFill: this.opts.controlFill, controlStroke: this.opts.controlStroke, format: 'number' }, fillAlpha: this.opts.fillAlpha, strokeWidth: this.opts.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: this.opts.strokeAlpha, controlFillAlpha: this.opts.controlFillAlpha, controlStrokeWidth: this.opts.controlStrokeWidth, controlStrokeAlpha: this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha, controlRadius: this.opts.controlRadius, onUpdate: () => this.drawAnimated(), onComplete: () => this.draw() }); } } /** * Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, the switch cannot be clicked. * * @member {boolean} */ get disabled() { return this._disabled } set disabled(value) { this._disabled = value; if (this._disabled) { this.switchObj.interactive = false; this.switchObj.buttonMode = false; this.switchObj.alpha = 0.5; this.control.alpha = 0.5; } else { this.switchObj.interactive = true; this.switchObj.buttonMode = true; this.switchObj.alpha = 1; this.control.alpha = 1; } } /** * Shows the switch (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ show() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlStrokeActiveAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 1; this.opts.controlFillActiveAlpha = 1; this.layout(); return this } /** * Hides the switch (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Switch} A reference to the switch for chaining. */ hide() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 0; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 0; this.opts.fillAlpha = 0; this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlStrokeActiveAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 0; this.opts.controlFillActiveAlpha = 0; this.layout(); return this } } /** * Class that represents a PixiJS PopupMenu. * * @example * // Create the button and the modal when clicked * const button = new Button({ * label: 'Show PopupMenu', * action: e => { * const popupmenu = new PopupMenu({ * items: [ * {label: 'Save', action: () => alert('Saved')}, * {label: 'Edit', action: () => alert('Edited')}, * {label: 'Delete', action: () => alert('Deleted')} * ] * }) * app.scene.addChild(popupmenu) * } * }) * * // Add the button to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(button) * * @class * @extends Popup * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/popupmenu.html|DocTest} */ class PopupMenu extends Popup { /** * Creates an instance of a PopupMenu. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the modal. * @param {object[]} [opts.items=[]] - A list of the menu items. Each item must be of type object. * If an object has a label property, a PIXI.Text object is created (using the textStyle property). * If an object hasn't a label property, it must contain a content property which has to be a * PIXI.DisplayObject. * @param {number} [opts.margin=Theme.margin / 2] - The app where the modal belongs to. * @param {object} [opts.textStyle=Theme.textStyle] - The color of the background. * @param {boolean} [opts.closeOnPopup=true] - The opacity of the background. */ constructor(opts = {}) { const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); opts = Object.assign( {}, { items: [], margin: theme.margin / 2, textStyle: theme.textStyle, closeOnPopup: true }, opts ); super(opts); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {PopupMenu} A reference to the popupmenu for chaining. */ setup() { // content //----------------- const content = new PIXI.Container(); let y = 0; for (let item of this.opts.items) { let object = null; if (item.label) { object = new PIXI.Text(item.label, item.textStyle || this.opts.textStyle); } else { object = item.content; } object.y = y; if (item.action) { if (item.disabled) { object.alpha = 0.5; } else { object.interactive = true; object.buttonMode = true; } object.on('pointerover', e => { TweenLite.to(object, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83, overwrite: 'none' }); }); object.on('pointerout', e => { TweenLite.to(object, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1, overwrite: 'none' }); }); object.on('pointerup', e => { item.action.call(object, e, object); if (this.opts.closeOnAction) { this.hide(); } }); } content.addChild(object); y += object.height + this.opts.margin; } this.opts.content = content; super.setup(); } } /* global Quad */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Volatile. * * @example * const app = new PIXIApp({ * view: canvas, * width: 900, * height: 250 * }).setup().run() * * const button = new Button({ * label: 'Volatile!', * action: () => { * new Volatile({ * object: button, * direction: 'right', * destroyOnComplete: false * }) * } * }) * * app.scene.addChild(button) * * @class * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/volatile.html|DocTest} */ class Volatile { /** * Creates an instance of a Volatile. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the modal. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the tooltip. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.DisplayObject[]} opts.object - The object where the volatile should be applied to. * @param {string} [opts.direction=top] - The animation direction. Possible values: top, right, bottom, left. * @param {function} [opts.onStart] - A function which is executed when the volatile animation starts. * @param {function} [opts.onComplete] - A function which is executed when the volatile animation finishes. * @param {number} [opts.distance=160] - The animation distance. * @param {number} [opts.duration=1.5] - The duration of the animation in seconds. * @param {object} [opts.ease=Quad.easeOut] - The easing of the animation, see {@link https://greensock.com/docs/Easing} * @param {boolean} [opts.destroyOnComplete=true] - Should the object be destroyed after the volatile animation? */ constructor(opts = {}) { const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), object: null, direction: 'top', // top, right, bottom, left onStart: null, onComplete: null, distance: 160, duration: 1.5, ease: Quad.easeOut, destroyOnComplete: true }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; if (!Array.isArray(this.opts.object)) { this.opts.object = [this.opts.object]; } this.objects = this.opts.object; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); // layout //----------------- this.layout(); // run //----------------- this.run(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Volatile} A reference to the volatile for chaining. */ setup() { return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the volatile. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Volatile} A reference to the volatile for chaining. */ layout() { return this } /** * Starts the volatile animation. * * @private * @return {Volatile} A reference to the volatile for chaining. */ run() { for (let object of this.objects) { let x = object.x; let y = object.y; switch (this.opts.direction) { case 'top': y -= this.opts.distance; break case 'right': x += this.opts.distance; break case 'bottom': y += this.opts.distance; break case 'left': x -= this.opts.distance; break } TweenLite.to(object, this.opts.duration, { x, y, alpha: 0, ease: this.opts.ease, overwrite: 'all', onStart: () => { if (this.opts.onStart) { this.opts.onStart.call(object, object); } }, onComplete: () => { if (this.opts.onComplete) { this.opts.onComplete.call(object, object); } if (this.opts.destroyOnComplete) { object.destroy({ children: true }); } } }); } return this } } /* globals ThrowPropsPlugin, Strong */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS List. * * @example * const elephant1 = PIXI.Sprite.from('./assets/elephant-1.jpg') * const elephant2 = PIXI.Sprite.from('./assets/elephant-2.jpg') * * // Create the list * const list = new List([elephant1, elephant2]) * * app.scene.addChild(list) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PixiJS Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/list.html|DocTest} */ class List extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Flippable. * * @constructor * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject[]} items - An array of PIXI.DisplayObjects. * @param {object} [opts] - An options object which can contain the following properties. * @param {number} [opts.width] - The width of the list. If the items are larger than this width, the overflow * will be hidden. * @param {number} [opts.height] - The height of the list. If the items are larger than this height, the overflow * will be hidden. * @param {number} [opts.padding=10] - The inner spacing (distance from one item to the previous/next item). * @param {number} [opts.margin=10] - The outer spacing (distance from one item to the border). * @param {string} [opts.orientation=vertical] - The orientation of the button group. Can be horizontal or vertical. * @param {string} [opts.align=left] - The horizontal position of the items. Possible values are * left, center and right. * @param {string} [opts.verticalAlign=middle] - The vertical position of the items. Possible values are * top, middle and bottom. * @param {PIXI.Application} [opts.app] - The PixiJS Application. Must be set if you want to use the mousewheel to * scroll your list. */ constructor(items = [], opts = {}) { super(); this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { padding: 10, margin: 10, orientation: 'vertical', align: 'left', verticalAlign: 'middle', width: null, height: null, app: null }, opts ); this.__items = items; this.__dragging = false; // setup //-------------------- this.setup(); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {List} A reference to the list for chaining. */ setup() { // inner container //-------------------- const container = new PIXI.Container(); this.addChild(container); this.container = container; // mask //-------------------- const mask = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.addChild(mask); this.__mask = mask; // add items //-------------------- for (let item of this.__items) { container.addChild(item); } // interaction //-------------------- this.interactive = this.opts.width || this.opts.height; this.on('pointerdown', this.onStart.bind(this)); this.on('pointermove', this.onMove.bind(this)); this.on('pointerup', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointercancel', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointerout', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('pointerupoutside', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.on('scroll', this.onScroll.bind(this)); // mousewheel //-------------------- if (this.opts.app) { const app = this.opts.app; app.view.addEventListener('mousewheel', event => { const bounds = this.mask ? this.mask.getBounds() : this.getBounds(); const x = event.clientX - app.view.getBoundingClientRect().left; const y = event.clientY - app.view.getBoundingClientRect().top; if (bounds.contains(x, y)) { event.preventDefault(); this.emit('scroll', event); } }); } this.layout(); return this } /** * Replaces the existing items and relayouts the list. * * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject[]} items - An array of PIXI.DisplayObjects. * @return {List} A reference to the list for chaining. */ setItems(items) { this.container.removeChildren(); this.__items = items; for (let item of this.__items) { this.container.addChild(item); } this.layout(); } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the list (the width or the height). * * @return {List} A reference to the list for chaining. */ layout() { const margin = this.opts.margin; let x = margin; let y = margin; for (let item of this.__items) { item.x = x; item.y = y; if (this.opts.orientation === 'vertical') { y += item.height + this.opts.padding; } else { x += item.width + this.opts.padding; } } // vertical //-------------------- if (this.opts.orientation === 'vertical') { switch (this.opts.align) { case 'center': this.__items.forEach(it => (it.x = margin + this.width / 2 - it.width / 2)); break case 'right': this.__items.forEach(it => (it.x = margin + this.width - it.width)); break default: this.__items.forEach(it => (it.x = margin)); break } if (this.opts.height) { const mask = this.__mask; mask.clear(); mask.beginFill(0x000); mask.drawRect(0, 0, this.width + 2 * margin, this.opts.height); this.mask = mask; this.interactive = this.innerHeight > this.opts.height; } } // horizontal //-------------------- if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': this.__items.forEach(it => (it.y = margin)); break case 'bottom': this.__items.forEach(it => (it.y = margin + this.height - it.height)); break default: this.__items.forEach(it => (it.y = margin + this.height / 2 - it.height / 2)); break } if (this.opts.width) { const mask = this.__mask; mask.clear(); mask.beginFill(0x000); mask.drawRect(0, 0, this.opts.width, this.height + 2 * margin); this.mask = mask; this.interactive = this.innerWidth > this.opts.width; } } return this } /** * */ get innerWidth() { let size = 0; this.__items.forEach(it => (size += it.width)); size += this.opts.padding * (this.__items.length - 1); size += 2 * this.opts.margin; return size } /** * */ get innerHeight() { let size = 0; this.__items.forEach(it => (size += it.height)); size += this.opts.padding * (this.__items.length - 1); size += 2 * this.opts.margin; return size } /** * Resizes the list. * * @param {number} widthOrHeight - The new width (if orientation is horizontal) or height (if orientation is vertical) of the list. */ resize(widthOrHeight) { if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.opts.width = widthOrHeight; } else { this.opts.height = widthOrHeight; } this.layout(); } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onStart(event) { this.__dragging = true; this.capture(event); this.__delta = { x: this.container.position.x - event.data.global.x, y: this.container.position.y - event.data.global.y }; TweenLite.killTweensOf(this.container.position, { x: true, y: true }); if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { ThrowPropsPlugin.track(this.container.position, 'x,y'); } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onMove(event) { if (this.__dragging) { this.capture(event); if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.container.position.x = event.data.global.x + this.__delta.x; } else { this.container.position.y = event.data.global.y + this.__delta.y; } } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onEnd(event) { if (this.__dragging) { this.__dragging = false; this.capture(event); const throwProps = {}; if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { let min = this.opts.width - this.innerWidth; min = min > 0 ? 0 : min; throwProps.x = { velocity: 'auto', min, max: 0 }; } else { let min = this.opts.height - this.innerHeight; min = min > 0 ? 0 : min; throwProps.y = { velocity: 'auto', min, max: 0 }; } if (typeof ThrowPropsPlugin != 'undefined') { ThrowPropsPlugin.to( this.container.position, { throwProps, ease: Strong.easeOut, onComplete: () => ThrowPropsPlugin.untrack(this.container.position) }, 0.8, 0.4 ); } } } /** * * @private * @param {*} event */ onScroll(event) { this.capture(event); if (this.opts.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.container.position.x -= event.deltaX; if (this.container.position.x > 0) { this.container.position.x = 0; } else if (this.container.position.x + this.innerWidth < this.opts.width) { this.container.position.x = this.opts.width - this.innerWidth; } } else { this.container.position.y -= event.deltaY; if (this.container.position.y > 0) { this.container.position.y = 0; } else if (this.container.position.y + this.innerHeight < this.opts.height) { this.container.position.y = this.opts.height - this.innerHeight; } } } /** * Captures an event to inform InteractionMapper about processed events. * * @param {event|PIXI.InteractionEvent} event - The PIXI event to capture. */ capture(event) { const originalEvent = event.data && event.data.originalEvent ? event.data.originalEvent : event; Events$1.capturedBy(originalEvent, this); } } /* global */ /** * Callback for the button action. * * @callback actionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Callback for the button beforeAction. * * @callback beforeActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Callback for the button afterAction. * * @callback afterActionCallback * @param {object} event - The event object. * @param {Button} button - A reference to the button (also this refers to the button). */ /** * Class that represents a PixiJS Text. * * @example * // Create the text * const text = new Text({ * label: 'My Text', * action: () => console.log('Text was clicked') * }) * * // Add the text to a DisplayObject * app.scene.addChild(text) * * @class * @extends PIXI.Container * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container} * @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/text.html|DocTest} */ class Text extends PIXI.Container { /** * Creates an instance of a Button. * * @constructor * @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the button. * @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the button. * @param {string} [opts.label] - The label of the button. * @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the button. Can be also set after creation with button.x = 0. * @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the button. Can be also set after creation with button.y = 0. * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this button. Possible values are dark, light, red * or a Theme object. * @param {number} [opts.minWidth=44] - The minimum width of the button. * @param {number} [opts.minHeight=44] - The minimum height of the button. * @param {number} [opts.padding=Theme.padding] - The inner spacing (distance from icon and/or label) to the border. * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.icon] - The icon of the button. Can be a predefined one, an URL or an PIXI.DisplayObject. * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.iconActive=icon] - The icon of the button when activated. Can be a predefined one, an URL or an PIXI.DisplayObject. * @param {string} [opts.iconPosition=left] - The position of the icon in relation to the label. Can be left or right. * @param {number} [opts.iconColor=Theme.iconColor] - The color of the icon (set by the tint property) as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.iconColorActive=Theme.iconColorActive] - The color of the icon when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the button background as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background. * @param {number} [opts.fillActive=Theme.fillActive] - The color of the button background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.fillActiveAlpha=Theme.fillActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the background when activated. * @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value. * @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel. * @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActive=Theme.strokeActive] - The color of the border when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveWidth=Theme.strokeActiveWidth] - The width of the border in pixel when activated. * @param {number} [opts.strokeActiveAlpha=Theme.strokeActiveAlpha] - The alpha value of the border when activated. * @param {object} [opts.textStyle=Theme.textStyle] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label. See PIXI.TextStyle * for possible options. * @param {number} [opts.textStyleActive=Theme.textStyleActive] - A textstyle object for the styling of the label when the * button is activated. See PIXI.TextStyle for possible options. * @param {string} [opts.style=default] - A shortcut for styling options. Possible values are default, link. * @param {number} [opts.radius=Theme.radius] - The radius of the four corners of the button (which is a rounded rectangle). * @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the button disabled? When disabled, the button has a lower alpha value * and cannot be clicked (interactive is set to false). * @param {boolean} [opts.active=false] - Is the button initially active? * @param {actionCallback} [opts.action] - Executed when the button was triggered (by pointerup). * @param {beforeActionCallback} [opts.beforeAction] - Executed before the main action is triggered. * @param {afterActionCallback} [opts.afterAction] - Executed after the main action was triggered. * @param {string} [opts.type=default] - The type of the button. Can be default or checkbox. When the type is * checkbox, the active state is toggled automatically. * @param {string} [opts.align=center] - The horizontal position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * left, center and right. Only affects the style when the minWidth is bigger than the width of the icon and label. * @param {string} [opts.verticalAlign=middle] - The vertical position of the label and the icon. Possible values are * top, middle and button. Only affects the style when the minHeight is bigger than the height of the icon and label. * @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip * to display. * @param {string|object} [opts.badge] - A string for the label of the badge or an object to configure the badge to display. * If the parameter is an object, all badge options can be set plus the following: * @param {string} [opts.badge.align=right] - The horizontal alignment of the badge. Possible values: left, center, right * @param {string} [opts.badge.verticalAlign=top] - The vertical alignment of the badge. Possible values: top, middle, bottom * @param {number} [opts.badge.offsetLeft=0] - The horizontal shift of the badge. * @param {number} [opts.badge.offsetTop=0] - The vertical shift of the badge. * @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the button initially visible (property visible)? */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(); const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme); this.theme = theme; this.opts = Object.assign( {}, { id: PIXI.utils.uid(), label: null, x: 0, y: 0, minWidth: 44, minHeight: 44, padding: theme.padding, icon: undefined, iconActive: undefined, iconPosition: 'left', iconColor: theme.iconColor, iconColorActive: theme.iconColorActive, fill: theme.fill, fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha, fillActive: theme.fillActive, fillActiveAlpha: theme.fillActiveAlpha, stroke: theme.stroke, strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth, strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha, strokeActive: theme.strokeActive, strokeActiveWidth: theme.strokeActiveWidth, strokeActiveAlpha: theme.strokeActiveAlpha, textStyle: {}, textStyleActive: {}, style: 'default', radius: theme.radius, disabled: false, active: false, action: null, beforeAction: null, afterAction: null, type: 'default', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', tooltip: null, badge: null, visible: true }, opts ); this.id = this.opts.id; this.opts.textStyle = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyle, this.opts.textStyle); this.opts.textStyleActive = Object.assign({}, theme.textStyleActive, this.opts.textStyleActive); if (typeof this.opts.icon === 'undefined' && typeof this.opts.iconActive !== 'undefined') { this.opts.icon = this.opts.iconActive; } else if (typeof this.opts.icon !== 'undefined' && typeof this.opts.iconActive === 'undefined') { this.opts.iconActive = this.opts.icon; } if (this.opts.style === 'link') { Object.assign(this.opts, { strokeAlpha: 0, strokeActiveAlpha: 0, fillAlpha: 0, fillActiveAlpha: 0 }); } this._active = null; this._disabled = null; this.__start = { x: null, y: null }; this.iconInactive = null; this.iconActive = null; this.text = null; this.button = null; this.content = null; this.tooltip = null; this.badge = null; this.visible = this.opts.visible; // setup //----------------- this.setup(); } /** * Captures an event to inform InteractionMapper about processed events. * * @param {event|PIXI.InteractionEvent} event - The PIXI event to capture. */ capture(event) { Events$1.capturedBy(event.data.originalEvent, this); } /** * Creates children and instantiates everything. * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ setup() { // Button //----------------- let button = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.button = button; this.addChild(button); // Content //----------------- let content = new PIXI.Container(); this.content = content; this.addChild(content); // Text //----------------- if (this.opts.label) { this.text = new PIXI.Text(this.opts.label, this.opts.textStyle); } // Icon //----------------- if (this.opts.icon) { this.iconInactive = this.loadIcon(this.opts.icon, this.opts.iconColor); } if (this.opts.iconActive) { this.iconActive = this.loadIcon(this.opts.iconActive, this.opts.iconColorActive); } // interaction //----------------- this.button.on('pointerover', e => { this.capture(e); TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83, overwrite: 'none' }); }); this.button.on('pointermove', e => { this.capture(e); }); this.button.on('pointerout', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointercancel', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointerupoutside', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('pointertap', this.onEnd.bind(this)); this.button.on('scroll', this.onEnd.bind(this)); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars this.button.on('pointerdown', e => { //this.capture(e) this.__start.x = e.data.global.x; this.__start.y = e.data.global.y; TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.7, overwrite: 'none' }); }); this.button.on('pointerup', e => { this.capture(e); const distance = Points.distance(e.data.global, this.__start); if (distance < 5) { if (this.opts.beforeAction) { this.opts.beforeAction.call(this, e, this); } if (this.opts.action) { this.opts.action.call(this, e, this); } TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83, overwrite: 'none' }); if (this.opts.type === 'checkbox') { this.active = !this.active; } if (this.opts.afterAction) { this.opts.afterAction.call(this, e, this); } } }); // disabled //----------------- this.disabled = this.opts.disabled; // active //----------------- this.active = this.opts.active; // calls .layout() // tooltip //----------------- if (this.opts.tooltip) { if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') { this.tooltip = new Tooltip({ object: this, content: this.opts.tooltip }); } else { this.opts.tooltip = Object.assign({}, { object: this }, this.opts.tooltip); this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip); } } // badge //----------------- if (this.opts.badge) { let opts = Object.assign( {}, { align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0 } ); if (typeof this.opts.badge === 'string') { opts = Object.assign(opts, { content: this.opts.badge }); } else { opts = Object.assign(opts, this.opts.badge); } const badge = new Badge(opts); this.addChild(badge); this.badge = badge; } this.layout(); // set position //----------------- this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y); return this } /** * Should be called to refresh the layout of the button. Can be used after resizing. * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layout() { // Clear content //----------------- this.removeChild(this.content); this.content = new PIXI.Container(); this.addChild(this.content); // Set the icon //----------------- let icon = null; if (!this.active && this.iconInactive) { icon = this.iconInactive; } else if (this.active && this.iconActive) { icon = this.iconActive; } // Set the text //----------------- if (this.text) { this.text.position.set(0, 0); } // Width and Height //----------------- let width = 0; if (icon && this.text) { width = icon.width + this.text.width + 3 * this.opts.padding; } else if (icon) { width = icon.width + 2 * this.opts.padding; } else if (this.text) { width = this.text.width + 2 * this.opts.padding; } if (width < this.opts.minWidth) { width = this.opts.minWidth; } let height = 0; if (icon) { height = icon.height + 2 * this.opts.padding; } else if (this.text) { height = this.text.height + 2 * this.opts.padding; } if (height < this.opts.minHeight) { height = this.opts.minHeight; } this._width = width; this._height = height; // Position icon and text //----------------- if (icon && this.text) { if (this.opts.iconPosition === 'right') { icon.x = this.text.width + this.opts.padding; } else { this.text.x = icon.width + this.opts.padding; } this.content.addChild(icon, this.text); } else if (icon) { this.content.addChild(icon); } else if (this.text) { this.content.addChild(this.text); } this.layoutInnerContent(); this.layoutContent(); this.icon = icon; // badge //-------------------- if (this.badge) { this.removeChild(this.badge); const width = this._width; const height = this._height; this.addChild(this.badge); const badge = this.badge; switch (badge.opts.align) { case 'left': badge.x = -badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; break case 'center': badge.x = width / 2 - badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; break case 'right': badge.x = width - badge.width / 2 + badge.opts.offsetLeft; } switch (badge.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': badge.y = -badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; break case 'middle': badge.y = height / 2 - badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; break case 'bottom': badge.y = height - badge.height / 2 + badge.opts.offsetTop; } } // draw //----------------- this.draw(); return this } /** * Calculates the positions of the content children (icon and/or text). * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layoutInnerContent() { for (let child of this.content.children) { switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': child.y = 0; break case 'middle': child.y = this.content.height / 2 - child.height / 2; break case 'bottom': child.y = this.content.height - child.height; break } } return this } /** * Sets the horizontal and vertical position of the content. * Uses the option keys "align" and "verticalAlign". * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ layoutContent() { switch (this.opts.align) { case 'left': this.content.x = this.opts.padding; break case 'center': this.content.x = (this._width - this.content.width) / 2; break case 'right': this.content.x = this._width - this.opts.padding - this.content.width; break } switch (this.opts.verticalAlign) { case 'top': this.content.y = this.opts.padding; break case 'middle': this.content.y = (this._height - this.content.height) / 2; break case 'bottom': this.content.y = this._height - this.opts.padding - this.content.height; break } return this } /** * Draws the canvas. * * @private * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ draw() { this.button.clear(); if (this.active) { this.button.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeActiveWidth, this.opts.strokeActive, this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha); this.button.beginFill(this.opts.fillActive, this.opts.fillActiveAlpha); } else { this.button.lineStyle(this.opts.strokeWidth, this.opts.stroke, this.opts.strokeAlpha); this.button.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha); } this.button.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height, this.opts.radius); this.button.endFill(); return this } /** * Gets or sets the active state. * * @member {boolean} */ get active() { return this._active } set active(value) { this._active = value; if (this._active) { if (this.text) { this.text.style = this.opts.textStyleActive; } } else { if (this.text) { this.text.style = this.opts.textStyle; } } this.layout(); } /** * Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, the button cannot be clicked. * * @member {boolean} */ get disabled() { return this._disabled } set disabled(value) { this._disabled = value; if (this._disabled) { this.button.interactive = false; this.button.buttonMode = false; this.button.alpha = 0.5; if (this.icon) { this.icon.alpha = 0.5; } if (this.text) { this.text.alpha = 0.5; } } else { this.button.interactive = true; this.button.buttonMode = true; this.button.alpha = 1; if (this.icon) { this.icon.alpha = 1; } if (this.text) { this.text.alpha = 1; } } } /** * Shows the button (sets his alpha values to 1). * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ show() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 1; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillAlpha = 1; this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = 1; this.layout(); return this } /** * Hides the button (sets his alpha values to 0). * * @return {Button} A reference to the button for chaining. */ hide() { this.opts.strokeAlpha = 0.0; this.opts.strokeActiveAlpha = 0.0; this.opts.fillAlpha = 0.0000000001; // WORKAROUND: See https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/wiki/v5-Migration-Guide#graphics-interaction this.opts.fillActiveAlpha = 0.0000000001; this.layout(); return this } /** * Loads an icon * * @private * @param {string|PIXI.DisplayObject} icon - The icon to load. * @param {number} color - The color of the icon (if not an PIXI.DisplayObject). * @return {PIXI.DisplayObject} Return the icon as an PIXI.DisplayObject. */ loadIcon(icon, color) { let displayObject = null; if (icon instanceof PIXI.DisplayObject) { displayObject = icon; } else { let size = 17; if (this.text) { size = this.text.height; } else if (this.opts.minHeight) { size = this.opts.minHeight - 2 * this.opts.padding; } const url = Button.iconIsUrl(icon) ? icon : `../../assets/icons/${icon}.png`; const iconTexture = PIXI.Texture.from(url); const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(iconTexture); sprite.tint = color; sprite.width = size; sprite.height = size; displayObject = sprite; } return displayObject } /** * Tests if an icon string is an url. * * @private * @static * @param {string} url - The url to test. * @return {boolean} true if the url is an url to an image. */ static iconIsUrl(url) { return /\.(png|svg|gif|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff)$/i.test(url) } /** * Gets or sets the color of the current icon (no matter how the status is). Changing the color, changes * the tint property of the icon sprite. * * @member {number} */ get iconColor() { return this.icon ? this.icon.tint : null } set iconColor(value) { if (this.icon) { this.icon.tint = value; } } onEnd(event) { this.capture(event); TweenLite.to([this.button, this.content], this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1, overwrite: 'none' }); } } class PIXIUtils { /* * Transform a pixi text to it's actual screensize, * ignoring it's local transforms */ static toScreenFontSize(pixiText, fontSize = null) { pixiText._recursivePostUpdateTransform(); let normalizedScale = { x: pixiText.scale.x / pixiText.transform.worldTransform.a, y: pixiText.scale.x / pixiText.transform.worldTransform.d }; pixiText.scale = { x: normalizedScale.x, y: normalizedScale.y }; if (fontSize) pixiText.style.fontSize = fontSize; } static saveFill(graphics) { return { fill: graphics.fill.color, alpha: graphics.fill.alpha } } } /** * The EventHandler class is used to take care of a event based design * pattern. Callbacks can subscribe to an event and these unknown sources * get notified whenever the event changes. * * @export * @class EventHandler */ class EventHandler { /** * Creates an instance of EventHandler. * @param {any} name * @param {any} [{ * listeners = [] - With the listnerers parameter the user can specify a function, array of functions or null (no function - useful when used in constructor with optional parameter). * }={}] * @memberof EventHandler */ constructor(name, { listeners = [] } = {}) { this.name = name; this.listeners = []; this.onces = []; /** * One may initialize the eventListener using a parameter * that is either passed or null. */ if (listeners == null) ; else if (Array.isArray(listeners)) this.listeners = listeners; else if (typeof listeners == 'function') { this.listeners = []; this.add(listeners); } else { console.warn( "The provided 'listeners' is neither an Array of functions, nor a function. No eventcallback was added!", listeners, this ); } } addMultiple(...callbacks) { for (let callback of callbacks) { this.listeners.push(callback); } } add(callback) { this.listeners.push(callback); return callback } once(callback) { this.onces.push(callback); } remove(func) { for (const [idx, listener] of this.listeners.entries()) { if (listener === func) { this.listeners.splice(idx, 1); return true } } return false } empty() { this.listeners = []; } call(context, ...args) { if (context == null) { this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(...args)); this.onces.forEach(listener => listener(...args)); } else { this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener.call(context, ...args)); this.onces.forEach(listener => listener.call(context, ...args)); } this.onces = []; } get length() { return this.listeners.length + this.onces.length } } /* ES Lint */ /** * The AdvancedScatterContainer extends the ScatterContainer, but * uses the findTargetNew instead of the findTarget method, which takes interactive elements * into account, when calculating the target. */ class AdvancedScatterContainer extends ScatterContainer { applyToChildScattersRecursively(parent, root, applyFunc) { for (let child of parent.children) { if (child.scatter) { applyFunc(child, root); this.applyToChildScattersRecursively(child, root, applyFunc); } } } /** * The update method was adjusted to draw bounds and polygpns */ update(dt) { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(1, 0x0000ff); if (this.showBounds) { this.applyToChildScattersRecursively(this, this, (child, root) => { let position = child.worldTransform.apply(new PIXI.Point(0, 0)); this.drawShape(child.scatter.bounds); let center = { x: child.scatter.width / 2 / child.scatter.scale, y: child.scatter.height / 2 / child.scatter.scale }; center = child.worldTransform.apply(center); this.drawCircle(center.x, center.y, 4); this.drawCircle(position.x, position.y, 4); }); this.lineStyle(2, 0x0000ff); this.drawShape(this.bounds); } if (this.showPolygon) { this.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000); for (let child of this.children) { if (child.scatter) { let polygon = child.scatter.polygon; let shape = new PIXI.Polygon(polygon.flatAbsolutePoints()); if ( shape.points[0] !== shape.points[shape.points.length - 2] || shape.points[1] !== shape.points[shape.points.length - 1] ) { shape.points.push(shape.points[0], shape.points[1]); } this.drawShape(shape); } } } if (this.showTouches) { let current = this.delegate.interaction.current; for (let [key, point] of current.entries()) { let local = this.mapPositionToPoint(point); this.drawCircle(local.x, local.y, 12); } } } get width() { return this.bounds.width } get height() { return this.bounds.width } findTarget(event, local, global) { // UO: still problematic. Does not find non interactive elements // which are needed for some stylus applications if (event.claimedByScatter) { return null } this.hitScatter = null; let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction; let displayObject = interactionManager.hitTest(local, this); if (displayObject != null) { if (displayObject.dontBlockScatter && displayObject.parent != null) { displayObject = interactionManager.hitTest(local, displayObject.parent); } if (displayObject.scatter != null) this.hitScatter = displayObject.scatter; if (this.claimEvents) event.claimedByScatter = this.hitScatter; } return this.hitScatter } } class RigidScatterContainer extends AdvancedScatterContainer { constructor(width, height, renderer, opts) { super(renderer, opts); this._width = width; this._height = height; } resize(width, height) { this._width = width; this._height = height; } get width() { return this._width } get height() { return this._height } _calculateBounds() { this._bounds.clear(); let bounds = new PIXI.Bounds(); bounds.minX = this.parent.position.x; bounds.minY = this.parent.position.y; bounds.maxX = this.parent.position.x + this.width; bounds.maxY = this.parent.position.y + this.height; this._bounds.addBounds(bounds); } } class RigidContainer extends PIXI.Graphics { constructor(width, height, { onResize = null } = {}) { super(); if (!width || !height) { console.log( `Width (${width}) or height (${height}) not set! If this is intended use another PIXI.DisplayObject instead.`, this ); } this._width = width; this._height = height; this.beginFill(0xffffff, 0.3); this.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.onResize = new EventHandler('resize', { listeners: onResize ? [onResize] : [] }); } /** * Resizes the scattercontainer to the provided dimensions. * * @param {number} width - Target width of the resize. * @param {number} height - Target height of the resize. * @memberof RigidContainer */ resize(width, height) { this._width = width; this._height = height; this._updateHitArea(); this.onResize.call(this, 'resize', { x: width, y: height }); } _updateHitArea() { // this.hitArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(0,0, this.width, this.height) } get width() { return this._width } get height() { return this._height } } /** * Specialization of the DisplayObjectScatter with special behavior needed for maps. */ class AdvancedScatter extends DisplayObjectScatter { /** * Animates the throw and ensures that the map is always visible. This * is different from the standard behavior. * * @param {*} time * @memberof AdvancedScatter */ animateThrow(time) { // In rare cases animateThrow is called when the displayObject is already removed if (this.displayObject.parent == null) { return } //Moved this outside, as the time continously increases, //when the object is not thrown. if (this.velocity != null) { let dt = this._throwDeltaTime(); // This seems to just correct the velocity when its calculated wrong. // In what case can it get bigger? Velocity tends to always shrink, when no force is added. let d = this._getThrowDelta(dt); this._move(d); this.onDragUpdate(d); if (dt == 0 || this.needsAnimation()) { requestAnimationFrame(this.animateThrow.bind(this)); return } else { if (this.isOutside()) { requestAnimationFrame(this.animateThrow.bind(this)); return } } } this.onDragComplete(); } get parent() { // Returns the parent is a scatter get the parent scatter. // If it's a scatter container, get the displayObject. // Other cases are not allowed. return this.displayObject.parent != null && this.displayObject.parent.scatter != null ? this.displayObject.parent.scatter : this.displayObject.parent } _getThrowDelta(dt) { this.velocity = this.nextVelocity(this.velocity); if (this.velocity != null) { return Points.multiplyScalar(this.velocity, dt) } return { x: 0, y: 0 } } freeze({ translatable = false, scalable = false, rotatable = false, movableX = false, movableY = false } = {}) { this.translatable = translatable; this.scalable = scalable; this.rotatable = rotatable; this.movableX = movableX; this.movableY = movableY; } unfreeze({ translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, movableX = true, movableY = true } = {}) { this.freeze({ translatable, scalable, rotatable: false, movableX, movableY }); } } /** * TODO * A scatter which width does not increase when child elements are added. */ class CompactScatter extends AdvancedScatter {} /** * A problem with PIXI Objects is, that the bounding box changes * with child elements. Therefore the sized scatter has a rigid size, that is not * changed by elements, but only with their width and height property. */ class CoverScatter extends AdvancedScatter { constructor(a, b, opts) { super(a, b, opts); opts = Object.assign( { debug: false, cover: true, boundaries: { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 1, y: 1 } } }, opts ); this.debug = opts.debug; this.cover = opts.cover; this._boundaries = opts.boundaries; if (this.debug) { this.debugGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.displayObject.addChild(this.debugGraphics); this.debugGraphics.lineStyle(0.2, 0x00ff00); this.debugGraphics.drawRect( this.width * this.boundaries.min.x, this.height * this.boundaries.min.y, this.width * (this.boundaries.max.x - this.boundaries.min.x), this.height * (this.boundaries.max.y - this.boundaries.min.y) ); this.debugGraphics.endFill(); } if (this.cover) { // The reference to the element handler needs to be stored, // that we can remove it later on. this._applyInitialCover = this._applyInitialCover.bind(this); this.displayObject.on('added', this._applyInitialCover); this._applyInitialCover(); } } _applyInitialCover() { if (this.debug) console.log('ApplyInitialCover: ', parent); if (this.displayObject.parent) this.forceCover(this.displayObject.parent.width, this.displayObject.parent.height); } get boundaries() { if (this._boundaries) return this._boundaries else return { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 1, y: 1 } } } transform(translate, zoom, rotate, anchor) { if (this.cover) { if (!this.parent) { return new PIXI.Rectangle(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) } /** * If the scaling violates the minCoverScale, the zoom is adjusted to perfectly match * the minCoverScale. */ let minCoverScale = this.calculateMinCoverScale(this.parent.width, this.parent.height); let { zoom: fixedZoom, scale } = this.calculateScale(zoom); if (scale < minCoverScale) { zoom = minCoverScale / this.scale; } } super.transform(translate, zoom, rotate, anchor); if (this.cover) { let postTranslate = this.outsideBoundaries(); super.transform(postTranslate, 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } } outsideBoundaries(movement = { x: 0, y: 0 }, { boundaries = this.boundaries } = {}) { if (this.parent == null) { return { x: 0, y: 0 } } let left = -(this.displayObject.position.x + movement.x + this.width * boundaries.min.x); let right = -left + this.width * (boundaries.max.x - boundaries.min.x) - this.parent.width; let top = -(this.displayObject.position.y + movement.y + this.height * boundaries.min.y); let bot = -top + this.height * (boundaries.max.y - boundaries.min.y) - this.parent.height; // Helper function to limit an Axis inside a container, or 'glue' it // to the lower side, if the size is smaller than the size of the // container. function limitAxis(low, high, contentSize, containerSize) { let val = 0; if (low < 0) { val = low; } else if (high < 0) { if (contentSize > containerSize) { // ... and the element is bigger as the container // - reset it to the containersize. val = -high; } else { // ... and the size is not high enough, then // 'glue' it to the low axis. val = low; } } return val } // Use the helper function to correct the movement to cover x and y. let correctionX = limitAxis(left, right, this.width * (boundaries.max.x - boundaries.min.x), this.parent.width); let correctionY = limitAxis(top, bot, this.height * (boundaries.max.y - boundaries.min.y), this.parent.height); let fixedMovement = { x: correctionX == 0 ? movement.x : correctionX + movement.x, y: correctionY == 0 ? movement.y : correctionY + movement.y }; return fixedMovement } calculateMinCoverScale(width, height) { let scale = 0; if (!(this.width == 0 && this.height == 0)) { let actualWidth = this.width / this.scale; let actualHeight = this.height / this.scale; let boundaryWidth = (this.boundaries.max.x - this.boundaries.min.x) * actualWidth; let boundaryHeight = (this.boundaries.max.y - this.boundaries.min.y) * actualHeight; let coverWidth = width / boundaryWidth; let coverHeight = height / boundaryHeight; scale = Math.max(coverWidth, coverHeight); } return scale } _getThrowDelta(dt) { let delta = super._getThrowDelta(dt); if (this.cover) { delta = this.outsideBoundaries(delta, { boundaries: this.boundaries }); } return delta } containerChanged(width, height) { if (this.cover) this.forceCover(width, height); } forceCover() { this.requestScale(this.scale); let translate = this.outsideBoundaries(); this.transform(translate, 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } requestScale(scale) { if (this.scalable && this.parent != null) { if (this.cover) { let minCoverScale = this.calculateMinCoverScale(this.parent.width, this.parent.height); if (scale < minCoverScale) { scale = minCoverScale; } } this.scale = scale; } } requestFocus(point) { let allowedMovement = this.outsideBoundaries(Points.subtract(point, this.position)); this.transform(allowedMovement, 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } } /** * The MapObjectScatter somewhat inverts the behaviour of * regular throwables. Regular throwables should bounce of the wall, when they * overlap to a certain amount. Maps on the otherhand are intended to overlap with the * scatter container heavily to hide irrelevant parts of the map without revealing * any background. * * @class * @extends DisplayObjectScatter */ class MapObjectScatter extends CoverScatter { /** * x=null, y=null, minScale=0.1, maxScale=1.0, startScale=1.0, autoBringToFront=true, translatable=true, scalable=true, rotatable=true, resizable=false, movableX=true, movableY=true, throwVisibility=44, throwDamping = 0.95, autoThrow=true, rotationDegrees=null, rotation=null, onTransform = null } */ constructor(displayObject, renderer, opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign( { debug: false, cover: false, startScale: 1, boundaries: { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 1, y: 1 } }, autoBringToFront: false }, opts ); super(displayObject, renderer, opts); // if (!renderer) { // console.error('Renderer was not set!') // return // } this.cover = opts.cover; } moveTo() { super.moveTo(...arguments); } lock() { this.rotatable = false; this.moveable = false; this.scaleable = false; } unlock() { this.rotatable = true; this.moveable = true; this.scaleable = true; } getWorldScatter() { return this.parent } } /** * MapProjection contains the informations about how * a Map has to be interpreted. What are the bounds of the * map and how to translate coordinates into * image positions. * * @class * @see {@link mapprojection.html} */ class MapProjection { /** * Creates instance of MapProjection * * @constructor * @param {Projection}[projection] - Specifies the projection of the map (e.g. Mercator Projection). * @param {object}[opts] - Addiditonal options. * @param {array}[opts.bounds] - Describes the minimum and maximum coordinates on the map in the form of {[[minLat, minLng],[maxLat, maxLng]]}. * @param {Point}[opts.translate] - Defines a translation, when clipping is not an option (e.g. when the whole world is shown, but translated.) */ constructor(projection, opts = {}) { this.opts = Object.assign( { translate: { x: 0, y: 0 } }, opts ); this._projection = projection; if (this.opts.clip) { let _cmin = this.projection.forward(this.opts.clip.min); let _cmax = this.projection.forward(this.opts.clip.max); // Swaps the y values, Mercator has it's origin bottom right, // browser coordinates start top right. let cmin = { x: _cmin.x, y: _cmax.y }; let cmax = { x: _cmax.x, y: _cmin.y }; this.clipExt = { coords: { min: this.opts.clip.min, max: this.opts.clip.max }, point: { min: cmin, max: cmax } }; } } /** * The projection used by the map projection. * * @member {Projection} * @readonly * @memberof MapProjection */ get projection() { return this._projection } /** * Transforms a pixel point on the map to a geographical coordinate. * * @public * @param {Point} point - A pixel position on the map. * @returns {CoordinatePoint} A geographical coordinate. * @memberof MapProjection */ toCoordinates(point) { if (this.opts.clip) { let min = this.clipExt.point.min; let max = this.clipExt.point.max; let width = max.x - min.x; let height = max.y - min.y; point.x *= width; point.y *= height; point.x += min.x; point.y += min.y; } let coordinates = this.projection.backward(point); if (this.opts.translate) { coordinates.x -= this.opts.translate.x; coordinates.y -= this.opts.translate.y; } return coordinates } /** * Transform a geographical coordinate to a pixel point on the map. * * @public * @param {CoordinatePoint} coordinates - A point in the form of {x:lat,y:lng}. * @returns {Point} A pixel position on the map. * @memberof MapProjection */ toPixel(coordinates) { let coords = { x: coordinates.x, y: coordinates.y }; if (this.opts.translate) { coords.x += this.opts.translate.x; coords.y += this.opts.translate.y; } let point = this.projection.forward(coords); if (this.opts.clip) { let min = this.clipExt.point.min; let max = this.clipExt.point.max; let clippedPoint = { x: point.x - min.x, y: point.y - min.y }; let width = max.x - min.x; let height = max.y - min.y; point.x = clippedPoint.x / width; point.y = clippedPoint.y / height; } return point } /** * Clipping describes the * piece of the map that is shown. The returned object contains a min and max value of the clipping in form of: {min: {x,y}, max:{x,y}}. Where x and y are in between 0 and 1. * * E.g. if we just show a map of * europe, then we have to set the clipping properly, otherwise * the preojection would produce the wrong results when transforming * from a point to coordinates or the other way around. * * @readonly * @member {object} * @memberof MapProjection */ get clip() { let unclipped = { min: { x: 0, y: 0 }, max: { x: 1, y: 1 } }; return this.opts.clip ? this.opts.clip : unclipped } /** * Returns the biggest viewport the map projection allows. * This is determined by the projecton or the clipping on the mapapp. * * @readonly * @memberof MapProjection */ get maxViewport() { return this.opts.clip ? this.opts.clip : this.projection.maxViewport } } /** * Special map projection for DeepZoomMap objects. * * Note: It just transform the clipping parameter of the tiles config * to the clipping of the mapapp. * * @export * @class DeepZoomMapProjection * @extends {MapProjection} */ class DeepZoomMapProjection extends MapProjection { constructor(projection, tilesConfig, opts = {}) { if (tilesConfig.clip) { opts.clip = { min: { x: tilesConfig.clip.bounds.min[0], y: tilesConfig.clip.bounds.min[1] }, max: { x: tilesConfig.clip.bounds.max[0], y: tilesConfig.clip.bounds.max[1] } }; } super(projection, opts); this.app = opts.app; } } /** * A projection determines how a geographical card has to * be interpreted to map coordinate to pixels. * * Most used transformation is the mercator projection, * which projects a sphere on a cylinder. * * @abstract */ class Projection { /** * Transforms a coordinate to a normalized position on the map. * * @param {*} coords * @memberof Projection */ forward(coords) { console.error('You must override the forward function in ' + this.name + '.'); } /** * Transforms a normalized point on the map to a coordinate. * * @param {*} point * @memberof Projection */ backward(point) { console.error('You must override the backward function in ' + this.name + '.'); } toString() { return 'Projection (abstract)' } get name() { return this.toString() } get maxViewport() { return { min: new PIXI.Point(0, 0), max: new PIXI.Point(1, 1) } } } /** * This is a projection file, that grants access to the * MERCATOR projection. * * Regulary only few Projections will be used in one * project, therefore only required one's should be * loaded. */ class Mercator extends Projection { forward(coords) { let lat = coords.x; let lng = coords.y; const PI_180 = Math.PI / 180.0; const PI_4 = Math.PI * 4; const sinLatitude = Math.sin(lat * PI_180); let y = 0.5 - Math.log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 - sinLatitude)) / PI_4; let x = (lng + 180) / 360; y = y < 0 ? 0 : y > 1 ? 1 : y; return new PIXI.Point(x, y) } backward(point) { let lng = point.x * 360 - 180; let lat = (Math.asin(-2 / (Math.exp(4 * Math.PI * (0.5 - point.y)) + 1) + 1) * 180) / Math.PI; return new PIXI.Point(lat, lng) } toString() { return 'Mercator Projection' } get maxViewport() { return { min: new PIXI.Point(-85, -180), max: new PIXI.Point(85, 180) } } } /** * The GeoMap class displays a map, that it gets from MapProjection object. * It handles the current location on the map, the zoom factor, interactions and * the viewport, the area of the map, the user can see and navigate to. * * You should not instantiate GeoMap on it's own. Use the implemented child classes * or derive a new one from it. * * Note: The name Map is already in use. Therefore GeoMap was used instead. * * @abstract * @class * @see {@link maps.html} */ class GeoMap$1 { /** * Creates instance of GeoMap * * @constructor * @param {MapProjection}[mapProjection={}] - The map projection describes how the map has to be interpreted by the Map class. E.g. what are the boundaries of the map? * @param {object}[opts={}] - With the opts, the created MapObjectScatter can be adjusted. * @param {boolean}[opts.cover=false] - Enables covering behaviour of a map object. Normally maps should cover the whole app. */ constructor( mapProjection = {}, { debug = true, cover = true, // Scatter Options alpha = 1, startScale = 1, minScale = 0, maxScale = Infinity, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = false, // Many functionalities are not supported when rotating the map. Mainly the cover mechanism. viewport = mapProjection.maxViewport, // Events onLoad = null, onTransform = null } = {} ) { this._id = GeoMap$1.counter++; this.onLoad = new EventHandler('loaded', { listeners: onLoad }); this.onTransform = new EventHandler('transform', { listeners: onTransform }); this._alpha = alpha; this._cover = cover; this.debug = debug; //TODO discuss if this is required here. // Those are just scatter options and the information // is redundant in the map class and the scatter. this.startScale = startScale; this.minScale = minScale; this.maxScale = maxScale; this.rotatable = rotatable; this.translatable = translatable; this.scalable = scalable; this.viewport = viewport; this._mapProjection = mapProjection; this.overlays = {}; /** * Adjust the viewport depending on the mapProjection clipping. */ if (this.mapProjection.clip) { const vp = this.viewport; const cp = this.mapProjection.clip; let bounds = { min: { x: vp.min.x > cp.min.x ? vp.min.x : cp.min.x, y: vp.min.y > cp.min.y ? vp.min.y : cp.min.y }, max: { x: vp.max.x < cp.max.x ? vp.max.x : cp.max.x, y: vp.max.y < cp.max.y ? vp.max.y : cp.max.y } }; this.viewport = bounds; } } /** * Determines if the scatter covers the container. * @member {boolean} * @readonly * @memberof GeoMap */ get cover() { // For cloning we want to store the cover inside the map. // But the scatter is responsible for the cover state. // So we update the app's cover state every time // we get the value. if (this.image && this.image.scatter && this.image.scatter.cover != null) { this._cover = this.image.scatter.cover; } return this._cover } /** * Returns the image object used by the GeoMap. * * @readonly * @memberof GeoMap */ get image() { return this._image } /** * The mapProjection of the map. * * @member {MapProjection} * @readonly * @memberof GeoMap */ get mapProjection() { return this._mapProjection } /** * Clears all EventHandlers. * * @memberof GeoMap */ flushHandlers() { this.onLoad.empty(); this.onTransform.empty(); } /** * Locks all transformations on the map. * Single parameters can be set if necessary. False means the value is locked, true means they can be modified. * * @public * @param {object} [{ rotatable = false, translatable = false, movableX = false, movableY = false, scalable = false }={}] * @memberof GeoMap */ lock({ rotatable = false, translatable = false, movableX = false, movableY = false, scalable = false } = {}) { if (this.image && this.image.scatter) { this.image.scatter.translatable = translatable; this.image.scatter.movableX = movableX; this.image.scatter.movableY = movableY; this.image.scatter.rotatable = rotatable; this.image.scatter.scalable = scalable; } } /** * Unlocks all transformations on the map. * Single parameters can be set if necessary. False means the value is locked, true means they can be modified. * * @public * @param {object} [{ rotatable = false, translatable = false, movableX = false, movableY = false, scalable = false }={}] * @memberof GeoMap */ unlock({ rotatable = true, translatable = true, movableX = true, movableY = true, scalable = true } = {}) { this.lock({ rotatable, translatable, movableX, movableY, scalable }); } /** * Unloads the image of the map. * * @public * @memberof GeoMap */ unload() { if (this.image) { if (this.image.parent) { this.image.parent.removeChild(this.image); } if (this.scatter) { this.scatter.killAnimation(); this.image.scatter = null; } } } /** * Removes the map, freeing all memory ba flushing handlers and removing the image. * * @public * @memberof GeoMap */ remove() { if (this.image) this.image.mask = null; this.removeFrame(); this.onTransform.empty(); this.onLoad.empty(); this.unload(); } /** * Is called when the scatter object is transformed. * * @private * @param {ScatterEvent}[e] - Contains informations on how the element was transformed. */ transformed(e) { this.onTransform.call(this, e); } /** * Wrapps the display object around a scatter object. * creates the image. * * @private * @param {DisplayObject} displayObject - Defines the display object that will be wrapped inside the scatter object. * @param {PIXI.Container} container - Defines the frame in which the map will be displayed. */ load(image, renderer, frame = null, scatter = null) { if (this.debug) console.log('Load image: ', image, frame); this._image = image; if (frame) this.setFrame(frame); let scatterOpts = Object.assign({ cover: this.cover, scaleable: this.scaleable, translatable: this.translatable, rotatable: this.rotatable, debug: this.debug, startScale: this.startScale, minScale: this.minScale, maxScale: this.maxScale, onTransform: this.transformed.bind(this) }); this.scatter = new MapObjectScatter(image, renderer, scatterOpts); this.image.scatter = scatter == null ? this.scatter : scatter; this.onLoad.call(this); } /** * Creates an identical copy of the current map. */ clone() { console.error('Method clone() is abstract. Overload it in subclass', this); } /** * * Moves the 'camera' to another location on the map. * * @abstract * @param {object} coordinates - Target coordinates in form {x: latitude, y: longitude} * @param {number} scale - Target scale. */ moveTo(coordinates, zoom = null, { animate = false } = {}) { console.error(this, 'The method moveTo(coordinates, zoom, opts) has not been defined in child class.'); } zoomTo(zoomFactor) { console.error('Method zoomTo() is abstract. Overload it in subclass', this, zoomFactor); } /** * Reloads the textures of the image, when it was unloaded and is required again. * * @memberof GeoMap */ reloadImage() { console.error(`Call of abstract method reloadImage(). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * Unloads the textures of the image, when not in use. * * @memberof GeoMap */ unloadImage() { console.error(`Call of abstract method unloadImage(). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * Transforms a point at pixel position {x,y} * to a coordinate with latitude and longitude. * * * @param {object} point - Point in form of {x, y}. * @returns {object} - Coordinates on the map in form of {x: latitude, y: longitude}. */ coordinatesFromPoint(point) { let coords = this.mapProjection.toCoordinates(this.toRelativePosition(point)); return coords } /** * Transform coordinates in the map into pixel positions on the deep zoom image. * * @param {object} coords - Coordinates of a map position in form {x: latitude, y: longitude}. * @return {Point} - Returns a image position in form of {x: x, y: y}. */ coordinatesToPoint(coordinates) { return this.toAbsolutePixelCoordinates(this.mapProjection.toPixel(coordinates)) } toRelativePosition(point) { let _point = new PIXI.Point(); _point.x = point.x / this.width; _point.y = point.y / this.height; return _point } toAbsolutePixelCoordinates(point) { let _point = new PIXI.Point(); _point.x = point.x * this.width; _point.y = point.y * this.height; return _point } get width() { return this.image.scatter.width / this.image.scatter.scale } get height() { return this.image.scatter.height / this.image.scatter.scale } get distance() { console.error('Overload get distance in subclass.'); } get alpha() { return this._alpha } /** * Returns a screen point for a coordinate. */ positionInWindow(coordinates) { let pos = this.coordinatesToPoint(coordinates); let framePos = { x: this.image.position.x + pos.x * this.image.scale.x, y: this.image.position.y + pos.y * this.image.scale.y }; return framePos } /** * Returns the coordinates for a screen point. */ coordinatesInWindow(point) { let mapPos = { x: (point.x - this.image.position.x) / this.image.scale.x, y: (point.y - this.image.position.y) / this.image.scale.y }; let coords = this.coordinatesFromPoint(mapPos); return coords } removeFrame() { this.frame = null; } /** * The complete Triforce, or one or more components of the Triforce. * @typedef {Object} Frame * @property {number} x - X position of the frame. * @property {number} y - Y position of the frame. * @property {number} width - Width of the frame. * @property {number} height - Height od the frame. * @property {Point} localCenter - Local center of the map. * @property {Point} center - Global center of the map. */ /** * Sets the frame if the map. * * Frame is the display in which the map is shown. * Normally it's the app, but it can be another element, * for example when in a submap. * * @param {Frame} frame * @memberof GeoMap */ setFrame(frame) { this.frame = frame; } /** * Gets the frame if the map. * * Frame is the display in which the map is shown. * Normally it's the app, but it can be another element, * for example when in a submap. * * @returns {Frame} - Returns the frame of the map. * @memberof GeoMap */ getFrame() { let frame = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; if (this.frame) { //The app does not have an x and y attribute. //Therefore we need the additional check. frame = { x: this.frame.x ? this.frame.x : 0, y: this.frame.y ? this.frame.y : 0, width: this.frame.width, height: this.frame.height }; } else if (this.image.parent) { let parent = this.image.parent; for (let key of Object.keys(frame)) { frame[key] = parent[key]; } } frame.localCenter = { x: frame.width / 2, y: frame.height / 2 }; frame.center = { x: frame.x + frame.localCenter.x, y: frame.y + frame.localCenter.y }; return frame } /** * Retrieves all maps from a json object. * * @static * @param {object} json - The parsed map data object. * @returns {object} - Returns an object with the names as keys and the GeoMaps as value. * @memberof GeoMap */ static allFromJson(json, root = './') { let error = { message: '' }; let maps = {}; if (GeoMap$1._validateJson(json, error)) { for (let [mapname, data] of Object.entries(json)) { data.tiles.path = root + data.tiles.path; maps[mapname] = GeoMap$1._createMap(data); maps[mapname].name = mapname; } } else console.error('Could not validate JSON: ' + error.message); return maps } /** *Extracts a single map from a JSON map file. * * @static * @param {string} map - Name of the map. * @param {object} json - Parsed json object. * @returns {GeoMap} - Returns a geomap, if the map was in the data and valid. Otherwise false. * @memberof GeoMap */ static mapFromJson(map, json) { if (json[map]) { const data = json[map]; if (this._validJsonMap(data)) return GeoMap$1._createMap(data) else console.error('Map was not in a valid format.'); } else console.error('Map was not in data.'); return null } /** * Validates if the map data contains valid data * for creating the maps. * * @static * @private * @param {object} json - The object containing multiple map data sets. * @param {error-object} error - An object that contains an parameter message: {message = ""}. This is faking a call by reference. * @returns {boolean} - True if all sets were valid. False otherwise. * @memberof GeoMap */ static _validateJson(json, error) { let isValid = true; if (Object.keys(json).length == 0) { isValid = false; error.message += 'The provided JSON object did not contain any items.'; } for (let [name, data] of Object.entries(json)) { if (!GeoMap$1._validJsonMap(data)) { error.message += `${name} was not valid. `; isValid = false; } } if (error.message != '') error.message = 'Maps could not be validated: ' + error.message; return isValid } static changePathsInJson(json, path) { for (let key of Object.keys(json)) { json[key].icon = path + json[key].icon; json[key].tiles.path = path + json[key].tiles.path; } } /** *Validates of a single data set contains the valid data for creating a map. * * @static * @private * @param {object} json - The object containing a single set of map data. * @returns {boolean} - True if valid, otherwise false. * @memberof GeoMap */ static _validJsonMap(json) { let isJsonValid = true; const required = ['projection', 'type', 'icon']; for (const requirement of Object.values(required)) { if (!json.hasOwnProperty(requirement)) { isJsonValid = false; break } } if (isJsonValid && json.type.toLowerCase() == 'deepzoom') { if (!json.hasOwnProperty('tiles')) isJsonValid = false; } return isJsonValid } static _createMap(data) { switch (data.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'deepzoom': return GeoMap$1._createDeepZoomMap(data) default: console.error(`Datatype is invalid or not implemented yet: ${data.type}`); } } static _createDeepZoomMap(data) { const projection = GeoMap$1._getProjectionByName(data.projection); const tilesConfig = data.tiles; const options = data.options; const mapProjection = new DeepZoomMapProjection(projection, tilesConfig); return new DeepZoomMap(mapProjection, tilesConfig, options) } static _getProjectionByName(projection) { switch (projection.toLowerCase()) { case 'mercator': return new Mercator() default: console.error(`Projection is invalid or not implemented yet ${projection}.`); return null } } } GeoMap$1.counter = 0; /** * The DeepZoomMap class extends the GeoMap to create * maps as deepzoom images from maptiles. * * @export * @class DeepZoomMap * @extends {GeoMap} */ class DeepZoomMap extends GeoMap$1 { /** * @constructor * @param {object} tilesConfig - The tiles config object, that defines at what path and in which format the tiles are. * @param {MapProjection} mapProjection - A MapProjection object, that contains informations of how the given map has to be interpreted. * @param {object} opts - Additional options to specify the behaviour of the deep zoom image. */ constructor(mapProjection, tilesConfig, opts = {}) { opts = Object.assign( { maxScale: Math.min(tilesConfig.width, tilesConfig.height) / tilesConfig.tileSize, minScale: mapProjection.getMinScale, highResolution: true, debug: false }, opts ); super(mapProjection, opts); this.tilesConfig = tilesConfig; this._verifyMapProjection(); } _verifyMapProjection() { if (!(this.mapProjection instanceof MapProjection)) { console.error('Use the MapProjection object for creating maps!'); } else { if (!(this.mapProjection instanceof DeepZoomMapProjection)) { console.error('Use the DeepZoomMapProjection object.'); } } } /** * Creates the DeepZoomImage. * * @private */ load(container = null, scatter = null) { if (!this.mapProjection.app) console.error('App was not set in the mapProjection.'); this.info = new DeepZoomInfo(this.tilesConfig); let image = new DeepZoomImage(this.info, { app: this.mapProjection.app, alpha: this.alpha, debug: this.debug, world: scatter == null ? scatter : scatter.getWorldScatter() }); super.load(image, container, scatter); if (this.debug) console.log('Loaded image: ', image, 'With options: ', this.info); } unloadImage() { if (this.image) { this.image.deactivate(); } } reloadImage() { this.image.activate(); } /** * Event function that is invoked by the deep zoom image, when it has been transformed. * * @private * @param {ScatterEvent} e */ transformed(e) { this.image.transformed(e); super.transformed(e); } /** * Jumps to a certain point on the map and adjusts the size of the * map depending on the distance (zoom). * * * @param {*} coordinates * @param {*} [zoom=null] * @param {*} [{ animate = 0 }={}] * @memberof DeepZoomMap */ moveTo(coordinates, zoom = null, { animate = 0 } = {}) { if (this.image.scatter == null) { return } //TODO: This is jaggy on submaps. Make it more smooth. Severin Opel 08-05-2018 if (zoom) { /** * Zoom's the view to a specified distance in DZI-Levels. * The input level is clipped to allowed levels. * */ let targetScale = this.scaleForFloatingLevel(zoom); // Don't scale beyond boundaries. if (this.maxScale) targetScale = Math.min(this.maxScale, targetScale); if (this.minScale) targetScale = Math.max(targetScale, this.minScale); this.image.scatter.requestScale(targetScale); } if (coordinates) { //Get pixel position of lat lang values let point = this.coordinatesToPoint(coordinates); let containerCenter; if (this.frame) { containerCenter = this.getFrame().localCenter; } else { containerCenter = { x: this.image.parent.width / 2, y: this.image.parent.height / 2 }; } //Calculate the delta depending on image position and center the // desired position in the frame. let delta = { x: containerCenter.x - point.x * this.image.scatter.scale - this.scatter.position.x, y: containerCenter.y - point.y * this.image.scatter.scale - this.scatter.position.y }; if (animate > 0) { let last = 0; TweenMax.to({ x: 0, y: 0 }, animate, { ease: Power0.easeNone, x: delta.x, y: delta.y, onUpdateParams: ['{self}'], onUpdate: tween => { let step = tween.ratio - last; last = tween.ratio; this.image.scatter.transform(Points.multiplyScalar(delta, step), /*ratio*/ 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } }); } else { this.image.scatter.transform(delta, /*ratio*/ 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } } // return this.image.scatter.position } scaleForFloatingLevel(level) { level = Math.max(0, level - this.image.info.baseLevel); return Math.pow(2, level) / this.image.resolution } floatingLevelForScale(scale) { let level = Math.log2(scale * this.image.resolution); let newLevel = this.image.info.baseLevel + Math.max(level, 0); return Math.min(newLevel, this.image.info.maxLoadableLevel) } get distance() { return this.floatingLevelForScale(this.scatter.scale) } clone(container, scatter = null) { const map = new DeepZoomMap(this.mapProjection, this.tilesConfig, { alpha: this.alpha, cover: this.cover, debug: this.debug, startScale: this.startScale, minScale: this.minScale, maxScale: this.maxScale, rotatable: this.rotatable, translatable: this.translatable, scalable: this.scalable, viewport: this.viewport }); return map } tint() { let color = DeepZoomMap.tintcolors[DeepZoomMap.tintcolor++ % DeepZoomMap.tintcolors.length]; this._forEachTile(tile => { tile.tint = color; }); } _forEachTile(callback) { this.image.children[0].children.forEach(tiles => { tiles.children.forEach(callback); }); } setAlpha(alpha) { this._forEachTile(tile => { tile.alpha = alpha; }); } // /** Returns the tile layer level that corresponds to the given scale. // * @param {number} scale - the scale factor // **/ // levelForScale(scale) { // let level = Math.round(Math.log2(scale * this.resolution)) // Math.floor(Math.log2(event.scale))+1 // let newLevel = this.info.baseLevel + Math.max(level, 0) // return Math.min(newLevel, this.info.maxLoadableLevel) // } // /** // * Returns the scale factor that correspond to a given level. // * @param {number} level - the requested level // * @returns {number} - Returns the scale level for the given level. // */ // scaleForLevel(level){ // level = Math.max(0, level - this.info.baseLevel) // return Math.pow(2, level) / this.resolution // } } DeepZoomMap.tintcolors = [0xff0000, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0x00ff00, 0x00ffff, 0x0000ff]; DeepZoomMap.tintcolor = 0; /** * ImageMap extends GeoMap to display simple images * as maps. * * @export * @class ImageMap * @extends {GeoMap} */ class ImageMap extends GeoMap$1 { constructor(sprite, mapProjection, opts = {}) { super(mapProjection, opts); if (this.debug) console.log('Construct Image Map', sprite, mapProjection, opts); this.sprite = sprite; this.baseZoomHeight = opts.baseZoomHeight ? opts.baseZoomHeight : this.sprite.texture.height; } load(container = null, scatter = null) { super.load(this.sprite, container, scatter); this.image.alpha = this.alpha; this.image.interactive = true; } clone(container = null, scatter = null) { const map = new ImageMap(new PIXI.Sprite(this.sprite.texture), this.mapProjection, { alpha: this.alpha, cover: this.cover, debug: this.debug, startScale: this.startScale, minScale: this.minScale, maxScale: this.maxScale, rotatable: this.rotatable, translatable: this.translatable, scalable: this.scalable, viewport: this.viewport }); map.load(container, scatter); return map } /** * * * @param {*} coordinates * @param {*} [zoom=null] * @param {*} [{ animate = 0 }={}] * @memberof ImageMap */ moveTo(coordinates, zoom = null, { animate = 0 } = {}) { if (this.image.scatter == null) { return } //TODO: This is jaggy on submaps. Make it more smooth. Severin Opel 08-05-2018 if (zoom) { /** * Zoom's the view to a specified distance in DZI-Levels. * The input level is clipped to allowed levels. * */ let targetScale = zoom * this.zoomFactor; // Don't scale beyond boundaries. if (this.maxScale) targetScale = Math.min(this.maxScale, targetScale); if (this.minScale) targetScale = Math.max(targetScale, this.minScale); this.image.scatter.requestScale(targetScale); } //coordinates = null if (coordinates) { //Get pixel position of lat lang values let point = this.coordinatesToPoint(coordinates); let containerCenter; if (this.frame) { containerCenter = this.getFrame().localCenter; } else { containerCenter = { x: this.image.parent.width / 2, y: this.image.parent.height / 2 }; } //Calculate the delta depending on image position and center the // desired position in the frame. let delta = { x: containerCenter.x - point.x * this.image.scatter.scale - this.scatter.position.x, y: containerCenter.y - point.y * this.image.scatter.scale - this.scatter.position.y }; if (animate > 0) { let last = 0; TweenMax.to({ x: 0, y: 0 }, animate, { ease: Power0.easeNone, x: delta.x, y: delta.y, onUpdateParams: ['{self}'], onUpdate: tween => { let step = tween.ratio - last; last = tween.ratio; this.image.scatter.transform(Points.multiplyScalar(delta, step), /*ratio*/ 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } }); } else { this.image.scatter.transform(delta, /*ratio*/ 1, 0, { x: 0, y: 0 }); } } } get zoom() { return this.scatter.scale / this.zoomFactor } get zoomFactor() { let factor = this.baseZoomHeight / this.sprite.texture.height; return factor } } /* */ class Robinson extends Projection { constructor(lng = 0) { super(); this.lng0 = lng; this.lengthOfParallel = [ 1.0, 0.9986, 0.9954, 0.99, 0.9822, 0.973, 0.96, 0.9427, 0.9216, 0.8962, 0.8679, 0.835, 0.7986, 0.7597, 0.7186, 0.6732, 0.6213, 0.5722, 0.5322 ]; this.distancesFromEquator = [ 0.0, 0.062, 0.124, 0.186, 0.248, 0.31, 0.372, 0.434, 0.4958, 0.5571, 0.6176, 0.6769, 0.7346, 0.7903, 0.8435, 0.8936, 0.9394, 0.9761, 1.0 ]; } forward(coords) { let { x: lat, y: lng } = coords; lng = this._adjustLng(lng); // Get the required indices, the remainder in between low and hight as ratio // and the sign of the found indices, as the tables are only in positive direction. let { low, high, ratio, sign } = this._getInterpolationValues(lat, 90); // Values that lie inbetween two indices are interpolated. let y = this._interpolate(this.distancesFromEquator[low], this.distancesFromEquator[high], ratio); // Reapply the sign to the vertical position. y *= sign; // The center of the projection is in the center of the map. Therefore we shift the // center to the top left corner. y = 1 - (y + 1) / 2; // The lengthOfParallel table provides us with the corresponding scaling factor // for a specific latitude. Inbetween values are interpolated as before. let proportionalLength = this._interpolate(this.lengthOfParallel[low], this.lengthOfParallel[high], ratio); //To normalize the value to a range from -1 to 1. let x = (proportionalLength * lng) / 180; x = (x + 1) / 2; return { x, y } } backward(position) { let { x, y } = position; y = 1 - 2 * y; let sign = Math.sign(y); y = Math.abs(y); let low = 0; let high = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.distancesFromEquator.length - 1 && y > this.distancesFromEquator[i]; i++) { low = i; high = i + 1; } let lowDist = this.distancesFromEquator[low]; let highDist = this.distancesFromEquator[high]; let ratio = highDist - lowDist == 0 ? 0 : (y - lowDist) / (highDist - lowDist); let lat = low * 5 + ratio * 5; let parallelLengthMin = this.lengthOfParallel[low]; let parallelLengthMax = this.lengthOfParallel[high]; let completeLength = parallelLengthMin + (parallelLengthMax - parallelLengthMin) * ratio; x = x * 2 - 1; let normalizedLength = x / completeLength; let lng = normalizedLength * 180; return { x: lat * sign, y: this._adjustLng(lng, true) } } _adjustLng(lng, inv = false) { let moved = inv ? lng + this.lng0 : lng - this.lng0; // if (moved < -180) moved += 360 // if (moved > 180) moved -= 360 return moved } _interpolate(a, b, ratio) { return a * (1 - ratio) + b * ratio } _getInterpolationValues(value, max) { let sign = Math.sign(value); value = Math.min(Math.abs(value), max); // Note that min and max can be the same. Which is true // when lat is dividable by 5. This also covers the edge cases 0 and 90. let minIndex = Math.floor(value / 5); let maxIndex = Math.ceil(value / 5); let ratio = (value % 5) / 5; // console.log({ value, minIndex, maxIndex, ratio }) // console.log(this.lengthOfParallel.length) return { low: minIndex, high: maxIndex, ratio, sign } } get name() { return 'Robinson Projection' } get maxViewport() { let min = new PIXI.Point(-90, -180); let max = new PIXI.Point(90, 180); max.x += this.lng0; min.x += this.lng0; console.log({ min, max }); return { min, max } } } /** * The MapViewport class is responsible for a consistent map view. * It is aware of the current viewposition, the scale and viewport. * It ensures, that maps can be changed, without the user noticing it. * */ class MapViewport { /** * * @param {object} [focus = {x:0, y:0}] - Defines the startup focuspoint of the app. * @param {number} [zoom = 0] - Defines the startup zoom of the app. Note that this is just a request. * The MapViewport will prioritize a full scale app, than displaying the demanded zoom factor */ constructor({ focus = null, zoom = null, viewport = { min: { x: -85, y: -180 }, max: { x: 85, y: 180 } } } = {}) { this.viewport = viewport; this._focus = focus; this._zoom = zoom; this.referenceHeight = 256; } /** * The current focus point as map coordinates. * * @member {CoordinatePoint} * @readonly * @memberof MapViewport */ get focus() { return this._focus } /** * The current zoom distance. * On DeepZoomMaps this is equal to the zoom level. * * @member {number} * @readonly * @memberof MapViewport */ get zoom() { return this._zoom } /** * Applies the current view to a map. * * * @param {GeoMap} map - Map the viewport should be applied to. * @memberof MapViewport */ apply(map) { map.moveTo(this._focus, this._zoom); } /** * Update the focus point and zoom according to the map. * This is commonly called when the map is transformed. * * @param {GeoMap} map - Map to update. * @memberof MapViewport */ update(map) { this.updateZoom(map); this.updateFocusPoint(map); } /** * Updates the focus point. * This is automatically called when calling update. * * @param {GeoMap} map * @memberof MapViewport */ updateFocusPoint(map) { const frame = map.getFrame(); this._focus = this.coordinatesFromWindowPoint(map, frame.localCenter); } /** * Updates the zoom. * This is automatically called when calling update. * * @param {GeoMap} map * @memberof MapViewport */ updateZoom(map) { /** * TODO: This relies on the fact, that all maps have the same tileSize, * if a set would have a smaller tileSize. Improve that. */ if (map instanceof DeepZoomMap) this._zoom = map.floatingLevelForScale(map.image.scatter.scale); else { this._zoom = map.zoom; } } /** * Transforms a position on the map to a position in the window. * * Inverse of windowPointToMapPoint. * * @param {GeoMap} map - Map to calculate the position on. * @param {Point} point - Position on the map in pixels. * @returns {Point} - Pixel position in the window. * @memberof MapViewport */ mapPointToWindowPoint(map, point) { let windowPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (map['image'] && map.image['parent']) { let container = map.image.parent; windowPoint = new PIXI.Point( map.scatter.position.x + map.scatter.scale * point.x, map.scatter.position.y + map.scatter.scale * point.y ); windowPoint = container.toGlobal(windowPoint); } else { console.error(this._noParentError); } return windowPoint } /** * Transforms in the window to a position on the map. * * Inverse of mapPointToWindowPoint(map, point) {. * * @param {GeoMap} map - Map to calculate the position on. * @param {Point} point -Pixel position in the window. * @returns {Point} - Position on the map in pixels. * @memberof MapViewport */ windowPointToMapPoint(map, point) { let pointOnMap = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (map['image'] && map.image['parent']) { let offset = map.image.parent.toGlobal({ x: 0, y: 0 }); pointOnMap = new PIXI.Point( (point.x - map.scatter.position.x - offset.x) / map.scatter.scale, (point.y - map.scatter.position.y - offset.y) / map.scatter.scale ); } else console.error(this._noParentError); return pointOnMap } get _noParentError() { return 'Cannot compute map point when map has no parent.' } /** * Gets the coordinates of a specific point in the viewport. * * @param {PIXI.Point | {x,y}} point - Pixel position in the viewport. * @returns {{x,y}} Coordinates on the map of the provided position. * @memberof MapView */ coordinatesFromWindowPoint(map, point) { let position = { x: point.x - map.scatter.position.x, y: point.y - map.scatter.position.y }; let normalized = { x: position.x / (map.width * map.scatter.scale), y: position.y / (map.height * map.scatter.scale) }; let coordinates = map.mapProjection.toCoordinates(normalized); return coordinates } } /** * The class CoordinateDisplay shows the coordinates of the center of the sceen * in the top left of the renderer. * * @private * @class * @extends PIXI.Graphics * @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Graphics.html|PIXI.Graphics} */ class CoordinateDisplay extends PIXI.Graphics { /** * Creates an instance of a CoordinateDisplay. * * @constructor * @param {MapApp} mapApp - The MapApp where the coordinates should be displayed. */ constructor(mapApp) { super(); this.app = mapApp; this.crosshair = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.outerSize = 15; this.innerSize = 5; this.thickness = 2; this.color = 0xe73230; this.crosshair.lineStyle(this.thickness, this.color); this.crosshair.moveTo(-this.outerSize, 0); this.crosshair.lineTo(-this.innerSize, 0); this.crosshair.moveTo(this.innerSize, 0); this.crosshair.lineTo(this.outerSize, 0); this.crosshair.moveTo(0, -this.outerSize); this.crosshair.lineTo(0, -this.innerSize); this.crosshair.moveTo(0, this.innerSize); this.crosshair.lineTo(0, this.outerSize); this.text = new PIXI.Text( 'Pending ...', new PIXI.TextStyle({ fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 14, fontWeight: 'bold', fill: '#f6f6f6', stroke: '#434f4f', strokeThickness: 3 }) ); this.refreshCoordinates(); this.yOffset = 20; this.volume = 32; this.margin = 5; this._updateFrame(); this.text.position.set(20 + this.margin, this.yOffset + this.volume + 2 * this.margin); this.addChild(this.text); this.addChild(this.crosshair); this.setCrosshair(); window.setInterval(this.refreshCoordinates.bind(this), 300); } _updateFrame() { this.clear(); this.lineStyle(3, 0x434f4f, 1) .beginFill(0x434f4f, 0.6) .drawRoundedRect(20, this.yOffset + this.volume + this.margin, this.text.width + 2 * this.margin, 32, 5) .endFill(); } toggleCrosshair() { if (this.crosshair.parent) this.disableCrosshair(); else this.enableCrosshair(); } enableCrosshair() { this.addChild(this.crosshair); } disableCrosshair() { this.removeChild(this.crosshair); } /** * Refreshes displayed coordinates. * * @return {MapApp} Returns the MapApp object for chaining. */ refreshCoordinates() { if (this.app.mapLayer.mapview.focus && this.app.mapLayer.mapview.zoom) { //TODO pass a mapview to avoid global access. var coords = this.app.mapLayer.mapview.focus; this.setCrosshair(); this.text.text = 'Lat: ' + coords.x.toFixed(4) + '| Lng: ' + coords.y.toFixed(4) + '| Zoom: ' + this.app.mapLayer.mapview.zoom.toFixed(2); this._updateFrame(); } } setCrosshair() { this.crosshair.position.set(this.app.center.x, this.app.center.y); } } /* globals PIXI */ class FlagType { static get bottomLeft() { return { x: 1, y: -1 } } static get bottomRight() { return { x: -1, y: -1 } } static get topLeft() { return { x: -1, y: 1 } } static get topRight() { return { x: 1, y: 1 } } static toString(flagType) { let str = ''; if (flagType.x && flagType.y) { if (flagType.y == 1) str += 'bottom'; else if (flagType.y == -1) str += 'top'; else str += '_INVALID_Y_'; if (flagType.x == 1) str += 'Right'; else if (flagType.x == -1) str += 'Left'; else str += '_INVALID_X_'; } else str = 'Invalid FlagType: ' + flagType.toString(); return str } } class FlagPolygon extends PIXI.Polygon { constructor({ type = FlagType.bottomLeft, width = 100, height = 30, notchSize = 10, notchWidth = null, notchHeight = null, originOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = {}) { let points = []; let dimensions = { x: width, y: height }; dimensions = Points.multiply(dimensions, type); notchWidth = notchWidth == null ? notchSize : notchWidth; notchHeight = notchHeight == null ? notchSize : notchHeight; notchSize = { x: notchWidth, y: notchHeight }; notchSize = Points.multiply(notchSize, type); originOffset = Points.multiply(originOffset, type); let point = new PIXI.Point(originOffset.x, originOffset.y); points.push(point.clone()); point.y += notchSize.y; points.push(point.clone()); point.y += dimensions.y; points.push(point.clone()); point.x += dimensions.x; points.push(point.clone()); point.y -= dimensions.y; points.push(point.clone()); point.x -= dimensions.x - notchSize.x; points.push(point.clone()); // close polygon points.push(points[0].clone()); super(points); this.type = type; this.dimensions = dimensions; this.notchSize = notchSize; this.originOffset = originOffset; } getPoint(i) { if (i >= 0) { let idx = i * 2; return [this.points[idx], this.points[idx + 1]] } else { let idx = (Math.floor(this.points.length / 2) + i) * 2; return [this.points[idx], this.points[idx + 1]] } } get notch() { let points = [this.getPoint(0), this.getPoint(1), this.getPoint(-2), this.getPoint(0)]; let notchPolygon = []; points.forEach(point => { notchPolygon = notchPolygon.concat(point); }); return notchPolygon } get rect() { let points = [this.getPoint(1), this.getPoint(2), this.getPoint(3), this.getPoint(4), this.getPoint(1)]; let rectPolygon = []; points.forEach(point => { rectPolygon = rectPolygon.concat(point); }); return rectPolygon } placeText(text, padding) { text.position = Points.add(this.originOffset, { x: 0, y: this.notchSize.y }); padding = Points.multiply(padding, this.type); text.position = Points.add(text.position, padding); if (this.type.y == -1) text.position.y -= text.height; if (this.type.x == -1) text.position.x -= text.width; } } class Flag extends PIXI.Graphics { constructor( { type = FlagType.bottomLeft, width = 100, height = 30, notchSize = 10, notchWidth = null, notchHeight = null, originOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = {}, nativeLines = false ) { super(nativeLines); this.flagPolygon = new FlagPolygon({ type, width, height, notchSize, notchWidth, notchHeight, originOffset }); this.draw(); } draw() { this.drawPolygon(this.flagPolygon); } get typeName() { return FlagType.toString(this.type) } } class Label extends PIXI.Graphics { constructor(text, textStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(), nativeLines = false) { super(nativeLines); this._text = new PIXI.Text(text, textStyle); this.addChild(this._text); } get text() { return this._text } } /** * * GeoGraphics are graphical objects, that does not store the graphics information * in screen space, but in geographical coordinates. Therefore GeoGraphics must be * placed on GeoLayers to work properly. * * (Note: As GeoLayers are always children of a map layer. When the map is changed * all GeoLayers are notified via the 'adaptTo(map)' method.) * * The geolayers forward this 'adaptTo' to all children that are GeoGraphics. * Which adjust their so called 'point' data to the new map. * * @export * @class GeoGraphics */ class GeoGraphics { constructor(coordinates, { scale = 1, onDraw = null, onDrawEnd = null, debug = false } = {}) { this._coordinates = coordinates; this.debug = debug; this.graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); this.scale = scale; this.drawHandler = new EventHandler('onDraw', { listeners: onDraw }); this.drawEndHandler = new EventHandler('onDrawEnd', { listeners: onDrawEnd }); this._points = null; this._position = null; } /** * The coordinates of the geographics. * * @member {array} * @readonly * @memberof GeoGraphics */ get coordinates() { return this._coordinates } clone() { console.error(`Call of abstract method clone(). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } _cloneOptions() { return { debug: this.debug, scale: this.scale } } /** * The _adaptCoordinates is called first by the adaptTo Method. * Here all coordinates are transformed into point coordinates. * This must be overloaded in subclass. * * @abstract */ _adaptCoordinates(map) { console.error(`Call of abstract method _adaptCoordinates(map). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * Gets all screen points in a single array. * * @abstract * @returns {array} - Array of all points in the GeoGraphic. */ _getPoints() { console.error(`Call of abstract method _getPoints(func). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * Manipulates all points depending on a function. * Mainly used to transform points to local space. * * @abstract * @param {function} func * @memberof GeoGraphics */ _manipulatePoints(func) { console.error(`Call of abstract method _manipulatePoints(func). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * The _draw method is called last on adaptation. It creates the GraphicData * of the specified subclass. To manipulate the style of the graphic, hook an onDraw listener * to the GeoGraphics object. It is called before the _draw and lets the user modify color and * lineStyle of the drawn object. * * Note: It could also be used for more radical manipulations on the graphics object. * But this should be used with care. * * @abstract */ _draw() { console.error(`Call of abstract method _draw(). Overwrite in subclass.`, this); } /** * Called by the containing geo layer, when the map changes. */ adaptTo(map) { this._points = this._adaptCoordinates(map); this._updatePosition(); this.draw(); } /** * Redraws the graphics. * * This should be only called if you require an redraw independent of an adapt. * * @memberof GeoGraphics */ draw() { this._prepareDraw(); this.drawHandler.call(this, this.graphics); this._draw(); this.drawEndHandler.call(this, this.graphics); } /** * Retrieves the point data. * Note: This data changes on adaptation. */ get points() { return this._points } /** * Returns the screen position of the GeoGraphics. */ get position() { return this._position } get layer() { return this._layer ? this._layer : null } setLayer(layer) { this._layer = layer; } /** * Map of the containing layer. Null if on no layer. * * @readonly * @memberof GeoGraphics */ get map() { let map = null; if (this.mapLayer) { map = this.mapLayer.map; } return map } /** * MapLayer of the containing layer. Null if on no layer. * * @member {MapLayer} * @readonly * @memberof GeoGraphics */ get mapLayer() { let mapLayer = null; if (this.layer) { mapLayer = this.layer.mapLayer; } return mapLayer } /** * Prepare draw is a private function, that prepares the graphics * for the next draw call. It also fires the drawHandler. * * @private * @memberof GeoGraphics */ _prepareDraw() { this.graphics.clear(); /* Set a fillcolor and a stroke style for debugging. Can be overloaded using the onDraw event function. */ if (this.debug) this.graphics.beginFill(0xff00ff); } _updatePosition() { let points = this._getPoints(); this._position = GeoGraphics.calculateCenterOfMass(points); this._manipulatePoints(point => { point = Points.subtract(point, this._position); return point }); this.graphics.position = this._position; } /** * Calculates the center of Mass for a set of points. * * @static * @param {Array} points - Array of points in the format {x: a, y:b} * @returns {object} - Returns a point containing the center of mass of the polygon. * @memberof GeoGraphics */ static calculateCenterOfMass(points) { let com = new PIXI.Point(); points.forEach(p => { let point = new PIXI.Point(p.x, p.y); com = Points.add(com, point); }); return Points.multiplyScalar(com, 1 / points.length) } } /** * Represents a single point on the Map. * * This GeoGraphics does not provide any visual representation. * Draw the desired shape in the onDraw callback. * * @export * @class GeoPoint * @extends {GeoGraphics} */ class GeoPoint extends GeoGraphics { clone() { return new GeoPoint(this.coordinates, this._cloneOptions()) } _adaptCoordinates(map) { if (map instanceof DeepZoomMap) { map.image.scale.x; } return map.coordinatesToPoint(this.coordinates) } _getPoints() { return [this.points] } _manipulatePoints(func) { this._points = func(this._points); } _draw() {} } /** * Represensts a line between two locations. * * @export * @class GeoLine * @extends {GeoGraphics} */ class GeoLine extends GeoGraphics { /** * @param {object} opts - Optional values * @param {array} [opts.points=[]] - Initial points of the geo shape. * @param {boolean} [closed=false] - Defines if the */ constructor(coordinates, { closed = false, size = 1, onDraw = null } = {}) { super(coordinates, { size, onDraw }); this._closed = closed; } clone() { return new GeoLine(this.coordinates, this._cloneOptions) } _cloneOptions() { let options = super._cloneOptions(); Object.assign(options, { closed: this.closed }); } /** * Adds a point to the geo line. */ addPoint(coordinate) { this.coordinates.push(coordinate); } _manipulatePoints(func) { this.points.forEach((point, idx, array) => { array[idx] = func(point); }); } _getPoints() { return this.points } _adaptCoordinates(map) { let points = []; this.coordinates.forEach(point => { points.push(map.coordinatesToPoint(point)); }); return points } _prepareDraw() { this.graphics.clear(); if (this.debug) this.graphics.lineStyle(0.5, 0xff00ff); this.drawHandler.call(this); } _draw() { /** * This resets the fill. * * DISCUSS: SO: "I'm not sure how the line should be defined. * On the one hand. The line is clearly intended to * represent a line and not an area. On the other hand, * why should the user be prevented from using a fill for the * area within the line. But if he want's a fill, why don't take * a Polygon in the first place? * * (But if it's a predefined GeoJSON object obtained through e.g. elasticsearch, * then the user is not in full control of the object type and it may be a good * addition to grant the user this additional design choice.) * * The opportunity to do so would result in additional conditions, when creating the * GeoGraphics of an overlay." * */ this.graphics.beginFill(0, 0); if (this.points.length > 0) { this.graphics.moveTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); for (let i = 1; i < this.points.length; i++) { this.graphics.lineTo(this.points[i].x, this.points[i].y); } if (this.closed) { this.graphics.lineTo(this.points[0].x, this.points[0].y); } } } get closed() { return this._closed } set closed(val) { if (val != this._closed) { this._closed = val; this.draw(); } } } /** * Represents a shape on a map. * * @export * @class GeoShape * @extends {GeoGraphics} */ class GeoShape extends GeoGraphics { clone() { return new GeoShape(this.coordinates, this._cloneOptions) } _manipulatePoints(func) { this.constructor._manipulatePoints(this.points, func); } /** * Mets the requirements for the _manipulatePointsMethod(). * Primarily used in subclasses to get the processing steps from * their superclass. * * @static * @protected * @param {Array.} points - The points array that shold be manipulated. * @param {function} func - The function that changes the single point value. Has to return a new point. * @memberof GeoShape */ static _manipulatePoints(points, func) { points.forEach((pointArray, arrIdx) => { pointArray.forEach((point, idx) => { points[arrIdx][idx] = func(point); }); }); } _getPoints() { return this.constructor._getPointsFrom(this.points) } /** * Returns all points of a polygon array. * Useful for when getting sub polygons in child class. */ static _getPointsFrom(shape) { let concatArray = []; shape.forEach(array => { concatArray = concatArray.concat(array); }); return concatArray } _adaptCoordinates(map) { let val = this.constructor._adaptPoint(this.coordinates, map); return val } static _adaptPoint(coordinates, map) { return coordinates.map(array => { return array.map(point => { return map.coordinatesToPoint(point) }) }) } _draw() { this._drawFrom(this.points); this.graphics.position = this.position; } _drawFrom(shape) { const { polygon, hole } = this.constructor._pointsToShape(shape); this._drawShape(polygon, hole); } /** * Separates the points array into it's two parts: * - the solid polygon * - a hole that is cut into the polygon (optional) * * @private * @returns {object} - Returns an object containing the polygon and the hole in the form of {polygon: [...PIXI.Point], hole: [...PIXI.Point]} */ static _pointsToShape(points) { let polygon = GeoShape._transformToPIXI(points[0]); let hole = points[1] ? GeoShape._transformToPIXI(points[1]) : []; return { polygon, hole } } /** * Transform an array of poins into an array of PIXI.Points. * Note: When creating PIXI.Polygons, for some reason the points * need to be a PIXI.Points object (at least the first one). * * @param {array} points - Points in the form of {x:a,y:b} * @returns An array of PIXI.Points * @memberof GeoPolygon */ static _transformToPIXI(points = []) { let polygon = []; points.forEach(point => { polygon.push(new PIXI.Point(point.x, point.y)); }); return polygon } /** * Draws a single shape onto the graphics object. * Useful when being called from subclass. * * @protected * @param {Array.} polygon - An array of PIXI.Points for drawing a polygon. * @param {Array.} [hole=[]] - An Array of PIXI.Points for cutting a hole into the polygon * @memberof GeoShape */ _drawShape(polygon, hole = []) { // We save the fill specified in the onDraw event handler. let { fill, alpha } = PIXIUtils.saveFill(this.graphics); /** * a) Draw the hole with a polygon. * * This may seem redundant to (c), but it's required (in this order(!)) * to make the hole clickable. * * It was a bit confusing, so I made a CodePen * for it: https://codepen.io/Ukmasmu/pen/WJEaoK */ if (hole.length > 0) { this.graphics.beginFill(0x0000ff, 0.0000001); this.graphics.drawPolygon(hole); } /** * b) Draw the shape. */ this.graphics.beginFill(fill, alpha); this.graphics.drawPolygon(polygon); /** * c) Add the hole. */ if (hole.length > 0) { this.graphics.beginHole(); this.graphics.drawPolygon(hole); this.graphics.endHole(); } } } /** * The GeoMultiShape displays multiple forms. * * @export * @class GeoMultiShape * @extends {GeoShape} */ class GeoMultiShape extends GeoShape { static _manipulatePoints(points, func) { points.forEach(shape => { GeoShape._manipulatePoints(shape, func); }); } static _getPointsFrom(multiShapeArray) { let points = []; multiShapeArray.forEach(shape => { points = points.concat(GeoShape._getPointsFrom(shape)); }); return points } static _adaptPoint(coordinates, map) { let points = []; coordinates.forEach(shape => { let adaptedPoint = GeoShape._adaptPoint(shape, map); points.push(adaptedPoint); }); return points } calculateLocation() { let coms = []; this.coordinates.forEach(polygon => { coms.push(GeoGraphics.calculateCenterOfMass(polygon)); }); return GeoGraphics.calculateCenterOfMass(coms) } _drawFrom(multiShape) { multiShape.forEach(shape => { super._drawFrom(shape); }); } } /** * MapList is a list of maps with one active index. * It contains some utility functions to change the map. * * @export * @class MapList */ class MapList { constructor(active = null, maps = {}) { this._maps = maps; this._active = active; if (Object.keys(maps).length > 0) this.select(active); } /** * Selects a map from the map list. * * @public * @param {string} active - Name of the map to select. * @returns {Map} - Returns the active map. Returns null if no map was added to the MapList. * @memberof MapList */ select(active) { let map = null; if (active !== this.active) { let keys = Object.keys(this.maps); if (keys.length > 0) { if (this.maps[active] == null) { let altActive = keys[0]; console.warn( `The MapList does not contain the provided active key '${active}'. Used '${altActive}' as fallback.` ); active = altActive; } if (this.active !== active) { this._active = active; map = this.maps[active]; } } else { console.error(`Could not provide a fallback map! The map object is empty.`); } } return map } /** * Clones the entire maplist. * * @public * @returns {MapList} - Returns a cloned instance of this map list. * @memberof MapList */ clone() { let maps = {}; for (let name of Object.keys(this.maps)) { maps[name] = this.maps[name].clone(); } return new MapList(this.active, maps) } /** * Adds a new map to the map list. * * @public * @param {string} key - Key to identify the map. * @param {GeoMap} map - The GeoMap to add. * @memberof MapList */ add(key, map) { if (this.maps[key] != null) consol.warn('Key already in mapList. The existing key was overwritten.'); if (this.active == null) this._active = key; map.name = key; this.maps[key] = map; } /** * Returns the the active map. * If none is set, it returns null. * *@public * @readonly * @member {GeoMap} * @memberof MapList */ get map() { return this.maps && this.maps[this.active] ? this.maps[this.active] : null } /** * Returns the list of addedd cards. * * @member {object} * @readonly * @memberof MapList */ get maps() { return this._maps } /** * Returns the active key. * * @member {string} * @readonly * @memberof MapList */ get active() { return this._active } /** * Selects the next map in the map array. * * @public * @returns {GeoMap} - Returns the next map in the list. * @memberof MapList */ next() { let keys = Object.keys(this.maps); let idx = keys.indexOf(this.active); let next = idx + 1 < keys.length ? keys[idx + 1] : keys[0]; return next } /** * Removes all maps from the maplist. * And cleans up all maps. * * @public * @memberof MapList */ cleanup() { for (let key in this.maps) { let map = this.maps[key]; map.remove(); } } } /** * The GeoLayer is a special PIXILayer, that recognizes other GeoLayers and * GeoGraphics. The layer can be adapted to a map and notifies all Geo-Children * of the Adaption. * * @export * @class GeoLayer */ class GeoLayer { constructor(displayObject, opts = {}) { if (displayObject == null || !(displayObject instanceof PIXI.DisplayObject)) { console.error( `You need to provide a displayObject to make a ${this.constructor.name} out of it.`, displayObject ); return null } else { this.geographics = []; // displayObject.map = this this.displayObject = displayObject; this.pixiAddChild = displayObject.addChild.bind(displayObject); displayObject.addChild = (...elements) => { elements.forEach(element => { if (element instanceof GeoGraphics) { element.setLayer(this); this.geographics.push(element); this.pixiAddChild(element.graphics); } else { this.pixiAddChild(element); } }); }; } this.name = opts['name'] != null ? opts.name : 'Unnamed Layer'; this.parent = null; this.parentMapLayerTransformedHandler = new EventHandler('onParentMapLayerTransformed'); this.layers = []; this._visibility = { min: 0, max: Number.MAX_VALUE }; } parentMapLayerTransformed(mapLayer) { this.layers.forEach(layer => { if (!(layer instanceof MapList)) { layer.parentMapLayerTransformed(); } }); this.parentMapLayerTransformedHandler.call(null, mapLayer); this.rescaleChildren(); } rescaleChildren() { let map = this.map; if (this.rescale) { if (map != null) { let scale = map.image.scatter.scale; this.displayObject.children.forEach(graphics => { graphics.scale.set(1 / scale, 1 / scale); }); } } let mapLayer = this.mapLayer; if (this.visibility && mapLayer != null) { const zoom = mapLayer.mapview.zoom; // TODO // Currently I dont know what elemnts was. // We just log an error and resolve this on a later point. if (zoom > this.visibility.min && zoom < this.visibility.max) { this.displayObject.children.forEach(it => (it.visible = true)); } else { this.displayObject.children.forEach(it => (it.visible = false)); } } } set visibility(value) { let { min = 0, max = Infinity } = value; this._visibility = { min, max }; } get visibility() { return this._visibility } /** * Alias for geoLayer.displayObject.addChild. * * @public * @param {GeoGraphics | PIXI.DisplayObject} element - Element to add to the displayObject. * @memberof GeoLayer */ addChild(element) { this.displayObject.addChild(element); } /** * Adapts to a map. If the maplayer should adapt to the parent maplayer, * no parameter must be specified. */ adapt(map = null) { if (!map) map = this.map; if (map) { this.geographics.forEach(geographic => { geographic.adaptTo(map); }); this.layers.forEach(layer => { if (layer.adapt) layer.adapt(map); }); this.rescaleChildren(); } else console.error('There was no map specified.', this); } removeFromParent() { if (this.parent) { this.parent.removeLayer(this); } } removeLayer(layer) { let idx = this.layers.indexOf(layer); if (idx != -1) { layer.parent = null; this.layers.splice(idx, 1); if (layer.displayObject.parent) { layer.displayObject.parent.removeChild(layer.displayObject); } } else console.warn('Tried to remove layer that was not set.', this, layer); } remove(graphics) { if (graphics instanceof GeoGraphics) { let index = this.geographics.indexOf(geographics); if (index != -1) { this.displayObject.removeChild(geographics); } else { console.error('Could not remove geographics from geolayer.', this, geographics); } } else { this.displayObject.removeChild(graphics); } } set parent(parent) { this._parent = parent; } get parent() { return this._parent } /** * Adds a GeoLayer as child to the GeoLayer. * * @public * @param {GeoLayer} layer - GeoLayer to add. * @memberof GeoLayer */ addLayer(layer) { if (layer instanceof GeoLayer) { layer.removeFromParent(); this.layers.push(layer); layer.parent = this; layer.parentChanged(); this.displayObject.addChild(layer.displayObject); if (this.map) layer.geographics.forEach(geographics => geographics.adaptTo(this.map)); } else console.error('Could not place layer. Only MapLayer and GeoLayers can be child layers of GeoLayers.', layer); } parentChanged() { this.rescaleChildren(); } //GeoLayers have to be children of a map layer, // therefore we can recursively get the map. get map() { return this.mapLayer ? this.mapLayer.map : null } get mapLayer() { return this._mapLayer ? this._mapLayer : this.parent.mapLayer } // clone(mapLayerClone) { // const opts = { // mapLayer: mapLayerClone, // map: mapLayerClone.map // } // let geoLayerClone = new GeoLayer(opts) // this.layers.forEach(layer => { // let layerClone = layer.clone(opts) // if (layerClone) { // geoLayerClone.placeLayer(layerClone) // } // }) // this.geographics.forEach(geographics => { // let clone = geographics.clone() // if (clone) { // geoLayerClone.place(clone) // } // }) // return geoLayerClone // } } /** * The map layer is responsible for showing certain maps, at a specific position It contains * a list of available maps and can switch between them seamlessly. GeoGraphics placed on the MapLayer itself * or child Geolayers will be adapted to maps and adjusted on map change automatically. * * The map layer is the 'king' of the geo layers. Every geolayer * needs a map layer at it's root. Otherwise they won't work- * * @export * @class MapLayer * @extends {GeoLayer} */ class MapLayer extends GeoLayer { constructor( mapList, scatterContainer, displayObject, { onTransform = null, onChange = null, focus = null, zoom = null, viewport = null, name = null, mapChangeLocked = false } = {} ) { super(displayObject, { name }); this.transformHandler = new EventHandler('onTransform', { listeners: onTransform }); this.scatterContainer = scatterContainer; this.changeHandler = new EventHandler('onChange', { listeners: onChange }); this._mapview = new MapViewport({ zoom, focus, viewport }); this.mapList = mapList; // //TODO Implement error handling here. // this.maps = maps // if (opts.map) this.placeMap(opts.map) this.dynamicElements = new Map(); this._mapChangeLocked = mapChangeLocked; // Binds the transformed callback beforehand. this.transformed = this.transformed.bind(this); this.changeMap(mapList.active); } //Todo: rename to mapviewport. /** * Returns the MapViewport of this map layer. * * @readonly * @member {MapViewport} * @memberof MapLayer */ get mapview() { return this._mapview } get mapChangeLocked() { return this._mapChangeLocked } lockMapChange() { this._mapChangeLocked = true; } unlockMapChange() { this._mapChangeLocked = false; } /** * Adapts all child layers and their GeoGraphics. * * This is called primarily on a map change. * * @private * @memberof MapLayer */ adapt() { this.layers.forEach(layer => { if (layer.adapt) layer.adapt(this.map); }); } transformed(e) { this.mapview.update(this.map); this.layers.forEach(layer => layer.parentMapLayerTransformed(this)); this.transformHandler.call(this); } /** * Clones the map layer- * * @param {ScatterContainer} scatterContainer - ScatterContainer of the app. * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} [container=null] - Container of the newly created MapLayer. If null, an empty PIXI.Container will be created. * @returns {MapLayer} - Returns the cloned MapLayer. * @memberof MapLayer */ clone(scatterContainer, container = null) { let mapList = this.mapList.clone(); container = container == null ? new PIXI.Container() : container; let mapLayerClone = new MapLayer(mapList, scatterContainer, container, { name: MapLayer.idx++, viewport: this.mapview.viewport, focus: this.mapview.focus, zoom: this.mapview.zoom, mapList }); mapLayerClone.childrenVisibility = this.childrenVisibility; return mapLayerClone } /** * Helper function to quickly display the next map. * Order is defined by the key ordering of the maplist. * * @memberof MapLayer */ next() { let nextMap = this.mapList.next(); this.changeMap(nextMap); } /** * Changes the map to the specified one, keeping the position and the zoom of the old map. * * @public * @param {GeoMap} map * @memberof MapLayer */ changeMap( name /* map , useScatterAsContainer = true // If set to false, the normal container is used. This is necessary when using submaps and the container need to be a RigidContainer.*/ ) { if (!this.mapChangeLocked) { console.log('🗺️ Change map to: ', name); let oldMap = this.map; this.mapList.select(name); if (oldMap) { oldMap.unload(); oldMap.onTransform.remove(this.transformed); } let map = this.map; if (map) { map.load(); this.scatterContainer.addChild(map.image); this.mapview.apply(map); map.image.addChild(this.displayObject); // A geolayer's displayObject is on the parent layer. // A maplayer's displayobject is always the child of the map. this.adapt(); this.changeHandler.call(this, map, oldMap); //Call transform one time manually. this.transformed(); map.onTransform.add(this.transformed); } else { console.error(`Could not change map to ${name}.`); } } } /** * Applies the mapviews focus to the map. * This may be useful, if the container was modified. * * @memberof MapLayer */ refocus() { this.mapview.apply(this.map); } /** * @public * @returns {GeoMap} - Returns the active map. * @readonly * @memberof MapLayer */ get map() { return this.mapList.map } /** * * This is required for the geo layers. * MapLayer requests from the geoLayers traverse up to the next MapLayer. * * @public * @returns {MapLayer} - Returns this MapLayer. * @readonly * @memberof MapLayer */ get mapLayer() { return this } /** * Cleans up the MapLayer. * * @public * @memberof MapLayer */ cleanup() { this.mapList.cleanup(); } } MapLayer.idx = 0; /** * A PIXI.Point or object in form {x,y}. * * @typedef {Object} Point * @property {number} x - Indicates whether the Courage component is present. * @property {number} y - Indicates whether the Power component is present. */ /** * A coordinate point is a PIXI.Point or object in form {x,y} that contains map coordinates * instead of pixel values, where x represents the latitude and y the longitude. * @typedef {Object} CoordinatePoint * @property {number} x - Indicates whether the Courage component is present. * @property {number} y - Indicates whether the Power component is present. */ /** * MapApp is responsible for showing fullscreen * map applications. * * @export * @class MapApp * @extends {PIXIApp} */ class MapApp extends PIXIApp { /** *Creates an instance of MapApp. * @memberof MapApp */ constructor(opts = {}) { super(opts); // Default values. opts = Object.assign( { debug: false, maps: {}, //required view: null, //required wrapper: null, // Required if you want to use DOM Overlays. startmap: null, coordsLogging: false, overlays: {}, keycodes: {}, imageMapZoomHeight: 256, //Defines the zoomvalue 1 for all image maps inside the mapapp. focus: null, zoom: 1, onMapChanged: null, onSizeChanged: null, onTransform: null }, opts, { alpha: 0.5 } ); this.submaps = []; this.overlayElements = new Map(); this.debug = opts.debug; this.fpsLogging = opts.fpsLogging; this.keycodes = this._extractKeyCodes(opts.keycodes); this.coordsLogging = opts.coordsLogging; this.overlays = opts.overlays; this.focus = opts.focus; this.zoom = opts.zoom; this.wrapper = opts.wrapper; this.onMapChanged = new EventHandler('mapChanged', { listeners: opts.onMapChanged }); this.onSizeChanged = new EventHandler('sizeChanged', { listeners: opts.onSizeChanged }); this.onTransform = new EventHandler('transformed', { listeners: opts.onTransform }); /** * When in debug mode, this allows the user to copy the center coordinates to the clipboard. */ if (this.debug) { this.DRAW_MODES = { PIXI_POINT: 0, PATH_MODE: 1, POLYGON_MODE: 2, getName: function(num) { let result = null; for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(this)) { if (val == num) result = key; } return result } }; this.drawMode = this.DRAW_MODES.PIXI_POINT; this.drawData = []; } this.mapList = new MapList(opts.startmap ? opts.startmap : null, opts.maps ? opts.maps : {}); this._setupKeyboardUtils(); } /** * Log boundaries for a shown map. * This is for development purposes only, if you want * to find the boundaries of a shown map. * * @memberof MapApp */ logMapBoundaries() { let map = this.mapLayer.map; let boundaries = { min: this.mapLayer.mapview.coordinatesFromWindowPoint(map, { x: 0, y: 0 }), max: this.mapLayer.mapview.coordinatesFromWindowPoint(map, { x: 0, y: 0 }) }; console.log(JSON.stringify(boundaries)); } /** * Creates the MapLayer. * * @private * @memberof MapApp */ _setupMapLayer() { this.mapContainer = new PIXI.Container(); this._mapLayer = new MapLayer(this.mapList, this.scene, this.mapContainer, { name: 'Root Map Layer', focus: this.focus, zoom: this.zoom, onChange: this._mapChanged.bind(this) }); } setup() { super.setup(); // TODO get access to fps display let fpsDisplay = null; this.stage.children.forEach(element => { if (element.refreshFps) fpsDisplay = element; }); this._setupMapLayer(); this.ui = new PIXI.Container(); this.scene.addChild(this.ui); if (this.fpsLogging != null && fpsDisplay != null) this.ui.addChild(fpsDisplay); if (this.coordsLogging) { this.coordsDisplay = new CoordinateDisplay(this); this.ui.addChild(this.coordsDisplay); } this.__dragging = false; this.__events = new Map(); const scene = this.scene; scene.interactive = true; scene.on('pointercancel', this.__onEnd.bind(this)); scene.on('pointerdown', this.__onStart.bind(this)); scene.on('pointermove', this.__onMove.bind(this)); scene.on('pointerout', this.__onEnd.bind(this)); scene.on('pointerup', this.__onEnd.bind(this)); scene.on('pointerupoutside', this.__onEnd.bind(this)); return this } /** * You can add Dom elements directly to the app's DomLayer by calling * appendChild(). The elements will be forced to use an absolute positioning. * This shall prevent unwanted sideeffects with the app. * * @param {HTMLElement} element - Element to add to DOMRoot. * @memberof MapApp */ appendChild(element) { if (!this.wrapper) console.error( `When using DOMElements on ${this.constructor.name} you must specify a wrapper in the constructor.` ); if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) console.error( 'You can only append HTMLElements to DOM. If you want to add PIXI elements to the scene call app.scene.addChild(element).' ); else { Object.assign(element.style, { position: 'absolute' }); this.wrapper.appendChild(element); } } /** * Relayouts the app. E.g. called when the window is resized. * * @param {number} width - Desired width of the app. * @param {number} height - Desired height of the app. * @memberof MapApp */ layout(width, height) { this.scene.resize(width, height); this.mapLayer.mapview.update(); this.onSizeChanged.call(this); } /** * Overrides the sceneFactory of the PIXIApp to create a RigidScatterContainer instead of * a regular PIXI.Container() * * @private * @returns {RigidScatterContainer} - Returns the newly created RigidScatterContainer. * @memberof MapApp */ sceneFactory() { return new RigidScatterContainer(this.width, this.height, this.renderer, { app: this, showBounds: false, showTouches: false, showPolygon: false, container: this, stopEvents: false, claimEvents: false }) } /** * Changes the map to the given key. * * @param {string} key - Identifier of the map to change to. * @memberof MapApp */ selectMap(key) { if (this.debug) console.log('Select map', key, result); let result = this.mapList.select(key); if (result && this.mapLayer) { this.mapLayer.changeMap(this.mapList.map); } } /** * Adds and sets a map to the mapapp. * * @param {string} key - Name of the map. * @param {GeoMap} map - Map to add. * @memberof MapApp */ setMap(key, map) { this.addMap(key, map); this.selectMap(key); } /** * Adds a map to the maplist. * If no map is set, the added map will be set as default. * * @param {string} key - Identifier for the map. * @param {GeoMap} map - Map object to add. * @memberof MapApp */ addMap(key, map) { if (this.mapList) this.mapList.add(key, map); else console.error('Cannot access mapLayer. It was not initialized yet.'); } /** * Adds multiple maps at once. * * @param {object} mapObject * @memberof MapApp */ addMaps(mapObject) { for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(mapObject)) { if (val instanceof GeoMap) { this.addMap(key, val); } else console.warn('Tried adding maps that are not og Type GeoMap.'); } } transformed(event) { this.onTransform.call(this, event); } /** * * Called when the mapLayer changed the map. * * @private * @param {*} lastMap * @memberof MapApp */ _mapChanged(lastMap) { if (lastMap) { lastMap.flushHandlers(); } this.transformed(); this.onMapChanged.call(this, this.map); this.map.onTransform.add(this.transformed.bind(this)); if (this.ui && this.ui.parent) { const parent = this.ui.parent; parent.removeChild(this.ui); parent.addChild(this.ui); } } /** * Returns the mapLayer of the map. * * @member {MapLayer} * @memberof MapApp */ get mapLayer() { return this._mapLayer } _doesOverlayElementExist(layer, type, name) { let layerElements = this.overlayElements.get(layer); return layerElements != undefined && layerElements[type] != null && layerElements[type][name] != null } _getOverlayElement(layer, type, name) { let layerElements = this.overlayElements.get(layer); return layerElements[type][name] } _setOverlayElement(layer, type, name, value) { let obj = this.overlayElements.get(layer); if (obj == undefined) obj = {}; if (obj[type] == null) obj[type] = {}; obj[type][name] = value; this.overlayElements.set(layer, obj); } /** * Copies the current location to the clipboard. * * @memberof MapApp */ locationToClipboard() { let hidden = document.createElement('input'); document.body.appendChild(hidden); hidden.value = '"location":' + JSON.stringify(app.mapLayer.mapview.focus); hidden.readOnly = true; hidden.select(); document.execCommand('Copy'); this.showNotification('Copied location to clipboard.'); document.body.removeChild(hidden); } /** * Can be used to copy polygons to the clipboard. * * Useful for debugging or to roughly trace a shape in the map. * The generated pointarray can be used as geometry of a geographic * or inside an overlay to draw that shape onto the map. * * @memberof MapApp */ pathToClipboard() { let hidden = document.createElement('input'); document.body.appendChild(hidden); this.drawData.push(this.mapLayer.mapview.focus); if (this.drawMode == this.DRAW_MODES.POLYGON_MODE) { let data = { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [this.drawData] }; hidden.value = '"geometry":' + JSON.stringify(data); } else { // PATH_MODE is default. hidden.value = JSON.stringify(this.drawData); } hidden.select(); document.execCommand('Copy'); this.showNotification('Location appended in clipboard.'); document.body.removeChild(hidden); } /** * Returns the active map. * * @readonly * @memberof MapApp */ get map() { return this.mapList.map } clearDrawData() { this.drawData = []; } /** * Logs a text field on the map. * The text element is a DOMElement. * * @param {string} msg - Message to log. * @memberof MapApp */ showNotification(msg) { let notification = document.createElement('div'); notification.classList.add('notification'); let text = document.createElement('p'); text.innerHTML = msg; notification.appendChild(text); /** * TODO: move styling (except opacity) to css. */ Object.assign(notification.style, { opacity: 0, top: 0, left: 0, position: 'fixed', display: 'flex', width: '100%', height: '100%', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', pointerEvents: 'none' }); document.body.appendChild(notification); let popAnimation = new TimelineLite({ onComplete: () => { notification.parentNode.removeChild(notification); } }); let animationSpeed = 0.5; popAnimation .to(notification, animationSpeed, { opacity: 1 }) .to(notification, animationSpeed, { opacity: 0 }); } /** * @typedef KeyCode * @type {object} * @property {string} key - an ID. * @property {boolean} altKey - Defines if KeyCode requires the alt key to be pressed. * @property {boolean} shiftKey - Defines if KeyCode requires the shift key to be pressed. * @property {boolean} ctrlKey - Defines if KeyCode requires the ctrl key to be pressed. * */ /** * Check's if a key event matches a defined KeyCode. * * @private * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - Event that is fired on keydown, -pressed or -up. * @param {KeyCode} keyCode - KeyCode is an object in the form of : {key:number, altKey:boolean,shiftKey:boolean,ctrlKey:boolean } * @returns {boolean} - True, when the event matches the keycode, false otherwise. * @memberof MapApp */ _matchKeyCode(event, keyCode) { // If keycode does not exist or is invalid - return. if (!keyCode || keyCode.key == null) return false let code = keyCode.key; if (event.shiftKey) code -= 32; const key = event.which == code || event.keyCode == code || event.charCode == code; const ctrl = keyCode.ctrlKey == event.ctrlKey; const shift = keyCode.shiftKey == event.shiftKey; const alt = keyCode.altKey == event.altKey; return key && ctrl && shift && alt } _setupKeyboardUtils() { document.body.addEventListener('keypress', event => { this._checkForKeyCode(event); }); } /** * Checks on every key down if it matches a keycode. * * @private * @param {KeyboardEvent} event * @memberof MapApp */ _checkForKeyCode(event) { if (this._matchKeyCode(event, this.keycodes.copyCoordinate)) { event.preventDefault(); switch (this.drawMode) { case this.DRAW_MODES.PIXI_POINT: this.locationToClipboard(); break case this.DRAW_MODES.PATH_MODE: case this.DRAW_MODES.POLYGON_MODE: this.pathToClipboard(); break default: console.error( `Draw mode is not implemented yet: ${this.DRAW_MODES.getName(this.drawMode)}(${this.drawMode}).` ); } } if (this._matchKeyCode(event, this.keycodes.togglePathMode)) { if (this.drawMode == this.DRAW_MODES.PATH_MODE) { this.showNotification('Path Mode disabled.'); this._resetDrawMode(); } else { this.drawMode = this.DRAW_MODES.PATH_MODE; this.showNotification('Path Mode enabled.'); this.clearDrawData(); } } //When SHIFT+P is pressed POLYGON-MODE is toggled: if (this._matchKeyCode(event, this.keycodes.togglePolygonMode)) { if (this.drawMode == this.DRAW_MODES.POLYGON_MODE) { this.showNotification('Polygon Mode disabled.'); this._resetDrawMode(); } else { this.drawMode = this.DRAW_MODES.POLYGON_MODE; this.showNotification('Polygon Mode enabled.'); this.clearDrawData(); } } // When SHIFT+X is pressed toggle crosshair if (this.keycodes.toggleUi && this._matchKeyCode(event, this.keycodes.toggleUi)) { if (this.pixiUiLayer.visible) { this.pixiUiLayer.hide(); this.domUiLayer.hide(); } else { this.pixiUiLayer.show(); this.domUiLayer.show(); } } } _resetDrawMode() { this.drawMode = this.DRAW_MODES.PIXI_POINT; } /** * @typedef KeyCodePairs * @type {object} * @property {string} name - Name of the KeyCode. * @property {KeyCode} keyCode - KeyCode * */ /** * Extracts keycodes from a string. * * KeycodeStrings may look like this 'ctrl+shift+b' * * @private * @param {KeyCodePairs} nameKeyCodePairs * @returns {array} - Returns an array of KeyCode objects. * @memberof MapApp */ _extractKeyCodes(nameKeyCodePairs) { let out = {}; for (let [name, combinationString] of Object.entries(nameKeyCodePairs)) { let keys = combinationString.split('+'); out[name] = { key: null, ctrlKey: false, shiftKey: false, altKey: false }; let errors = []; const special = ['shift', 'ctrl', 'alt']; keys.forEach(key => { if (key.length == 1) { if (out[name].key) { const error = 'Tried to set multiple keys as keycode. This is currently not supported.'; errors.push(error); } else out[name].key = key.charCodeAt(0); } else { key = key.toLowerCase(); if (special.indexOf(key) != -1) { out[name][key + 'Key'] = true; } else { const error = 'Wrong / non-implemented special character OR typo in key: ' + key; errors.push(error); } } }); // Disable hotkey if an error occured. if (errors.length > 0) out[name] = { key: null, ctrlKey: false, shiftKey: false, altKey: false }; } return out } __onStart(event) { this.__dragging = true; let hittedSubmap = null; let center = null; for (const submap of this.submaps) { const radius = submap.container.width / 2; const distance = Points.distance(submap.center, event.data.global); if (distance < radius) { hittedSubmap = submap; center = submap.center; } } this.__events.set(event.data.identifier, { event, submap: hittedSubmap, center }); } __onMove(event) { if (this.__dragging) { const myevent = this.__events.get(event.data.identifier); if (myevent && myevent.submap) { const submap = myevent.submap; const center = submap.center; submap.container.width / 2; Points.distance(center, event.data.global) / submap.scatter.scale; } } } __onEnd(event) { this.__dragging = false; this.__events.delete(event.data.identifier); } } /** * Helper class for handling GeoJson data. * As specified by [RFC7946](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946). * * @static * @export * @class */ class GeoJson { static isLineType(type) { return type == 'LineString' || type == 'MultiLineString' } static _getFormatStringOfType(type) { let description = ', where p represents a coordinate point'; let format = ''; switch (type) { case 'Point': format = 'p'; break case 'LineString': format = '[p1,p2,p3,...,pn]'; break case 'Polygon': format = '[ [p1,p2,...,pn], [h1,h2,...,hn] ]'; description += ' and h also represents a coordinate point, but it creates a hole.'; break default: format = type; description = " is either not valid or not yet implemented in method '_getFormatStringOfType(type)'."; } return format + ' - ' + description } static get types() { return ['Point', 'LineString', 'Polygon', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon'] } /** * Takes a JSON object that contains a FeatureCollection and returns an array * of GeoJson objects. * * @static * @param {array} featureCollection - Array of GeoJSON objects that were contained in the feature collection. * @returns {array} Returns an array of geo json objects. * @memberof GeoJson */ static unwrapFeatureCollection(featureCollection) { if (featureCollection.features == null) { console.error( 'Error at GeoJson.unrwapFeatureCollection(collection): Provided object was no valid FeatureCollection.', featureCollection ); return } let list = []; featureCollection.features.forEach(feature => { let { type, coordinates } = feature; if (feature.type.toLowerCase() == 'feature') { ({ type, coordinates } = feature.geometry); } list.push({ type, coordinates }); }); return list } /** * Validates and converts one set of coordinates of a specific type. * * @static * @param {string} type - Type of the GeoJson. * @param {array} coordinates - array of points. * @returns {array} * @memberof GeoJson */ static validateAndConvert(type, coordinates) { let converted = null; if (!GeoJson.validateType(type)) throw new GeoJson.InvalidTypeError(type) else { if (GeoJson.validateCoordinates(type, coordinates)) { converted = GeoJson.convert(type, coordinates); } else { console.error( `Coordinates are invalid. They must be in format of type '${type} - ${GeoJson._getFormatStringOfType( type )}'` ); } } return converted } static validateType(type) { return GeoJson.types.indexOf(type) != -1 } static validateCoordinates(type, coordinates) { let valid = false; switch (type) { case 'Point': valid = !!GeoJson.validateAndConvertPoint(coordinates); break case 'LineString': valid = GeoJson.validateLineString(coordinates); break case 'Polygon': valid = GeoJson.validatePolygon(coordinates); break case 'MultiPolygon': valid = true; for (let i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { if (!GeoJson.validatePolygon(coordinates[i])) { valid = false; break } } break case 'MultiPoint': case 'MultiLineString': default: console.error('Type was not yet implemented: ', type); } return valid } /** * Validates a point if it's an valid coordinate. * * NOTE: Here we are not following the GeoJSON standard. * For convenience multiple forms of representing a coordinate are * considered valid. A complete list is provided in the GeoUtils. * * @param {object} point - The point that is tested for validity. * @returns {boolean} * @memberof GeoJson */ static validateAndConvertPoint(point) { return GeoUtils.validateCoordinate(point) } /** *Validates if the given points represent a 'LineString'. * * @param {array} points - A list of coordinates that represent a line. * @returns {boolean} - Returns true, if the array is in formes as: [x1,x2,x3,...,xn]. Where x# represent a valid coordinate. * @memberof GeoJson */ static validateLineString(points) { let valid = false; if (Array.isArray(points)) valid = points.every(GeoJson.validateAndConvertPoint); return valid } static validatePolygon(points) { let valid = false; if ((Array.isArray(points) && points.length >= 1) || points.length <= 2) valid = points.every(this.validateLineString); return valid } static convert(type, coordinates) { let converted = null; switch (type) { case 'Point': converted = GeoJson.validateAndConvertPoint(coordinates); break case 'LineString': converted = GeoJson._convertLineString(coordinates); break case 'Polygon': converted = GeoJson._convertPolygon(coordinates); break case 'MultiPolygon': converted = GeoJson._convertMultiPolygon(coordinates); break default: throw new GeoJson.InvalidTypeError(type) } return converted } static _convertLineString(coordinates) { return coordinates.map(point => { return GeoJson.validateAndConvertPoint(point) }) } static _convertPolygon(coordinates) { return coordinates.map(shape => { return GeoJson._convertLineString(shape) }) } static _convertMultiPolygon(coordinates) { return coordinates.map(polygon => { return GeoJson._convertPolygon(polygon) }) } } GeoJson.InvalidTypeError = class extends Error { constructor(type) { super(`The requested Type was not implemented: ${type}.`); } }; /** * GeoUtils contains a collection of useful functions when working with maps. * * @static */ class GeoUtils { static transformToGeoGraphics(list) { let geographicsList = []; list.forEach(item => { if (item.type == 'FeatureCollection') { item.features.forEach(feature => { let { type, coordinates } = feature; if (type.toLowerCase() == 'feature') ({ type, coordinates } = feature.geometry); coordinates = GeoJson.validateAndConvert(type, coordinates); let geographics = this.fromGeoJsonToGeoGraphics(type, coordinates); if (geographics) geographicsList.push(geographics); }); } else { let geo = fromGeoJsonToGeoGraphics(item.type, item.geometry); if (geo) geographicsList.push(geo); } }); return geographicsList } static resolveFeatureCollection(collection) { if (!collection.features) { console.error( 'Error in GeoUtils.resolveFeatureCollection(colelction): Passed parameter was no feature collection.', collection ); return } let geojson = []; collection.features.forEach(feature => { let { type, coordinates } = feature; if (feature.type == feature) { coordinates = feature.geometry.coordinates; type = feature.geometry.type; } geojson.push({ type, coordinates }); }); return geojson } /** * Creates the appropriate GeoGraphics object from a GeoJson type. * The coordinates need to be alread in the appropriate PIXI format. * If not already - this can be achieved by calling 'GeoJson.validateAndConvert(type, points)' * beforehand. * * @static * @param {string} type - Any of the GeoJson types ('Point', 'LineString', 'Polygon', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon'). * @param {array} coordinates - Array of coordinates that fit the type. The positions within these must be in PIXI format: {x:a, y:b}. * @returns {GeoGraphics} - Returns a GeoGraphics object. If the conversion fails, it returns null. * @memberof GeoGraphics */ static fromGeoJsonToGeoGraphics(type, coordinates, opts = {}) { let geographics = null; /** * TODO: REMOVE * Just for initial debugging purposes */ Object.assign(opts, { debug: true }); switch (type) { case 'Polygon': geographics = new GeoShape(coordinates, opts); break case 'MultiPolygon': geographics = new GeoMultiShape(coordinates, opts); break case 'LineString': geographics = new GeoLine(coordinates, opts); break case 'Point': geographics = new GeoPoint(coordinates, opts); break default: console.log('Could not create Geographics for type: ' + type + '. This was not implemented yet.'); //Nothing } return geographics } /** * Validates an object, if it's an coordinate object. * Coordinate objects can be in the following forms: * * [lng, lat] - GeoJSON array format. !Attention lng and lat are swapped compared to the x,y format. * {x: lat, y: lng} - 'correct' PIXI.format * {lat, lng} * {latitude: lat, longitude: lng} * * @static * @param {object|array} coordinate - Coordinate to be tested, if it is an valid coordinate. * @returns - Returns the coordinate properly transformed. If transformation was not possible, it returns null. * @memberof GeoGraphics */ static validateCoordinate(coordinate) { if (Array.isArray(coordinate)) { if (coordinate.length == 2 && typeof coordinate[0] == 'number' && typeof coordinate[1] == 'number') return new PIXI.Point(coordinate[1], coordinate[0]) else return false } else { const latvalues = ['x', 'lat', 'latitude']; const lngvalues = ['y', 'lng', 'longitude']; let result = {}; for (let key of Object.keys(coordinate)) { let target = key.toLowerCase(); if (latvalues.indexOf(target) !== -1) result.x = coordinate[key]; else if (lngvalues.indexOf(target) !== -1) result.y = coordinate[key]; } if (result.hasOwnProperty('x') && result.hasOwnProperty('y')) return new PIXI.Point(result.x, result.y) else return false } } } /** * The Overlay-Class shall provide and easy to use frameworkd * of marking points of interest on a map, using shapes, geometries, * items or text. * * It's highly configurable and adaptable to a variety of scenarios. * * @export * @class Overlay * * * @param {object} options * @param {object} options.name Name of the item. * @param {object} options.borderColor * @param {object} options.borderThickness * @param {object} options.enabled Determines if enabled, disabled when false. * @param {object} options.labelScale * @param {object} options.location * @param {object} options.label * @param {object} options.labelType * @param {object} options.labelLocation * @param {object} options.labelAlignment * @param {object} options.labelVerticalAlignment * @param {object} options.labelSpacing * @param {object} options.labelTarget * @param {object} options.geometry * @param {object} options.information * @param {object} options.informationPath * @param {object} options.informationType * @param {object} options.icon * @param {object} options.iconAlpha * @param {object} options.iconAnchor * @param {object} options.iconColor * @param {object} options.iconScale * @param {object} options.iconOffset * @param {object} options.items * @param {object} options.color Color of te point. * @param {object} options.fillAlpha FillAlpha of the point. * @param {object} options.size Size of the point. * @param {object} options.scale Determines the scale of the graphics. * @param {object} options.rescale Rescales the graphics relative to the map, that they keep their original scale. Only works for the entire overlay atm. Therefore must be set in the global param eters and not inside the children. * @param {object} options.popoverOffset * @param {object} options.zoomVisibility * @param {object} options.labelMultiLineAlign * @param {object} options.labelBreakWords * @param {object} options.labelDropShadow * @param {object} options.labelDropShadowAlpha * @param {object} options.labelDropShadowAngle * @param {object} options.labelDropShadowBlur * @param {object} options.labelDropShadowColor * @param {object} options.labelDropShadowDistance * @param {object} options.fontColor * @param {object} options.fontFamily * @param {object} options.fontSize * @param {object} options.fontStyle * @param {object} options.fontWeight * @param {object} options.labelStroke * @param {object} options.labelStrokeThickness * @param {object} options.wordWrap * @param {object} options.wordWrapWidth * @param {object} options.labelFill * @param {object} options.labelFillGradientType * @param {object} options.labelFillGradientStops * @param {object} options.fontVariant * @param {object} options.labelLeading * @param {object} options.letterSpacing * @param {object} options.labelLineHeight * @param {object} options.labelLineJoin * @param {object} options.labelMiterLimit * @param {object} options.labelPadding * @param {object} options.labelTrim * @param {object} options.textBaseline * @param {object} options.labelWhiteSpace */ class Overlay { constructor(options = {}) { let defaultTextStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle(); let defaultOptions = { type: 'auto', name: 'unnamed', borderColor: 0x000000, borderThickness: 5, enabled: true, labelScale: 1, location: null, label: false, labelType: null, labelLocation: null, labelAlignment: 'center', labelVerticalAlignment: 'underneath', labelSpacing: 10, labelTarget: null, geometry: null, information: '', informationPath: null, informationType: 'popup', icon: null, iconAlpha: 1, iconAnchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, iconColor: 0xffffff, iconScale: 1, iconOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, items: [], color: 0xff00ff, fillAlpha: 1, size: 50, scale: 1, rescale: false, popoverOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, zoomVisibility: { min: 0, max: Number.MAX_VALUE }, /** * The following Attributes are taken from the TextStyle class * of PIXI. All can be overwritten in the overlay's JSON file. */ labelMultiLineAlign: defaultTextStyle.align, labelBreakWords: defaultTextStyle.breakWords, labelDropShadow: defaultTextStyle.dropShadow, labelDropShadowAlpha: defaultTextStyle.dropShadowAlpha, labelDropShadowAngle: defaultTextStyle.dropShadowAngle, labelDropShadowBlur: defaultTextStyle.dropShadowBlur, labelDropShadowColor: defaultTextStyle.dropShadowColor, labelDropShadowDistance: defaultTextStyle.dropShadowDistance, fontColor: 0x000000, fontFamily: defaultTextStyle.fontFamily, fontSize: defaultTextStyle.fontSize, fontStyle: defaultTextStyle.fontStyle, fontWeight: defaultTextStyle.fontWeight, labelStroke: defaultTextStyle.stroke, labelStrokeThickness: defaultTextStyle.strokeThickness, wordWrap: defaultTextStyle.wordWrap, wordWrapWidth: defaultTextStyle.wordWrapWidth, labelFill: defaultTextStyle.fill, labelFillGradientType: defaultTextStyle.fillGradientType, labelFillGradientStops: defaultTextStyle.fillGradientStops, fontVariant: defaultTextStyle.fontVariant, labelLeading: defaultTextStyle.leading, letterSpacing: defaultTextStyle.letterSpacing, labelLineHeight: defaultTextStyle.lineHeight, labelLineJoin: defaultTextStyle.lineJoin, labelMiterLimit: defaultTextStyle.miterLimit, labelPadding: defaultTextStyle.padding, labelTrim: defaultTextStyle.trim, textBaseline: defaultTextStyle.textBaseline, labelWhiteSpace: defaultTextStyle.whiteSpace }; defaultOptions = this.addDisabled(defaultOptions); console.log('DISABLED VERTICALA.', defaultOptions.disabledLabelVerticalAlignment); options = this.addDisabled(options); options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options); Object.assign(this, options); } /** * Some parameters shall not have a disabled option. * These are defined here. * * @readonly * @memberof Overlay */ get excludedDisableParameters() { return ['items', 'rescale', 'name', 'type', 'enabled'] } /** * Copies the normal properties to the disabled version of the property, * while conserving already set disabled properties. * * @param {*} options * @returns {object} - Returns the modified options object. * @memberof Overlay */ addDisabled(options) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { if (this.excludedDisableParameters.indexOf(key) == -1) { let disabledProperty = this.toDisabledPropertyString(key); if (options[disabledProperty] == undefined) { options[disabledProperty] = value; } } } return options } /** * Textures need to be loaded by the app. Texture parameters return all parameters that need to be evaluated for textures. * @readonly * @member {array} * @memberof Overlay */ get textureParameters() { const textureParameters = ['icon']; textureParameters.forEach(textureParameter => { textureParameters.push(this.toDisabledPropertyString(textureParameter)); }); return textureParameters } /** * The required textures are saved inside the single items. * Their texture string gets replaced by a texture object * containing the path and the texture. * * @param {*} parameter * @param {*} key * @param {*} path * @memberof Overlay */ setTexture(parameter, key, path) { let obj = (this[parameter] = {}); obj._key = key; obj._path = path; obj._texture = null; obj.initialize = function(texture) { if (!texture) console.error('Could not initialize texture. Invalid value provided: ', texture); this._texture = texture; }.bind(obj); obj.__defineGetter__('texture', function() { if (!obj._texture) { console.error('Texture was not yet initialized! ', obj); } else { return obj._texture } }); obj.__defineGetter__('key', () => { return obj._key }); obj.__defineGetter__('path', () => { return obj._path }); } /** * Recursively calls a function on child items. * * @param {*} parameter * @param {*} func * @param {*} [obj=null] * @memberof Overlay */ apply(parameter, func, obj = null) { if (obj == null) return if (Array.isArray(obj)) { obj.forEach(child => { if (typeof child == 'object') this.apply(parameter, func, child); }); } else { for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (val == null) continue if (key == parameter) { func.call(obj, val); } if (typeof val == 'object') { this.apply(parameter, func, val); } } } } /** * Creates an overlay from the current Object. * * @param {settings} object - Object to configure the creation process. * @param {settings.excludeItems} function - You may provide a function, that excludes elements selectively. The function must return true for items to exclude them. * @param {settings.adjustItems} function - You may adjust the created PIXI items, using the adjustItems function. * @returns {GeoLayer} - Returns the created GeoLayer. * @memberof Overlay */ create({ excludeItems = item => { return false }, informationCallback = null, adjustItems = null, cleanupItems = null } = {}) { console.log(this); const name = this.name ? this.name[0].toUpperCase() + this.name.slice(1).toLowerCase() + ' Overlay' : 'Unnamed Overlay'; let geoLayer = new GeoLayer(new PIXI.Container(), { name }); geoLayer.visibility = this.zoomVisibility; if (this.rescale) geoLayer.rescale = this.rescale; this.items.forEach(item => { if (!excludeItems(item)) { //Copies all values to a disabled state. item = this.addDisabled(item); if (adjustItems) { adjustItems(item); } item.overlay = this; let graphics = this.createItem(item, informationCallback); geoLayer.addChild(graphics); if (cleanupItems) { cleanupItems(item); } } }); return geoLayer } /** * Used to pick a property or disabled property using an enabled parameter. * * @param {*} item * @param {*} property * @param {boolean} [enabled=true] * @returns {any} - Returns the picked item property. * @memberof Overlay */ pickItemProperty(item, property, enabled = true) { return enabled ? this.getItemProperty(item, property) : this.getDisabledItemProperty(item, property) } toDisabledPropertyString(propertyName) { const prefix = 'disabled'; return prefix + propertyName[0].toUpperCase() + propertyName.slice(1) } /** * Get's the disabled version of the property as long as it is not excluded. * * @param {*} item * @param {*} property * @returns {any} - Returns the picked item property. * @memberof Overlay */ getDisabledItemProperty(item, property) { if (this.excludedDisableParameters.indexOf(property) === -1) { property = this.toDisabledPropertyString(property); } const propertyValue = this.getItemProperty(item, property); return propertyValue } /** * Tries to get the infromation from an overlay item. * If the item does not contain the property, the overlay definition will be used. * When the overlay definition is not set, the default value is used. * * @param {OverlayItem} item - Item to get the informations from. * @param {string} property - Name of the property. * @returns {any} - Returns the picked item property. * @memberof Overlay */ getItemProperty(item, property) { let propertyValue = null; const propertyExistsOnItem = item[property] !== undefined; const propertyExistsOnOverlay = this[property] !== undefined; if (property == 'disabledLabelVerticalAlignment') { console.log(this); console.log(this['disabledLabelVerticalAlignment'], propertyExistsOnItem, propertyExistsOnOverlay); } if (propertyExistsOnItem) propertyValue = item[property]; else if (propertyExistsOnOverlay) propertyValue = this[property]; else { console.error(`Invalid property: ${property} on`, item); } propertyValue = this._resolveReference(item, propertyValue); return propertyValue } _isReference(property) { if (property && typeof property == 'object' && property.hasOwnProperty('@property')) return true else return false } /** * An overlay can have a reference to another file. * That single overlays are more easy to maintain. * * @param {*} item * @param {*} property * @returns {any} - Returns the reference as object or the property. * @memberof Overlay */ _resolveReference(item, property) { if (this._isReference(property)) { let referencedProperty = property['@property']; return this.getItemProperty(item, referencedProperty) } else { return property } } findAllTextures() { let textures = []; this.textureParameters.forEach(parameter => { if (this.hasOwnProperty(parameter) && this[parameter] != null) { textures.push(this[parameter]); } this.items.forEach(item => { if (item.hasOwnProperty(parameter) && item[parameter] != null) { textures.push(item[parameter]); } }); }); return textures } selectTextures(textures) { this.textureParameters.forEach(parameter => { if (this.hasOwnProperty(parameter) && this[parameter]) { let path = this[parameter]; const texture = textures.get(path); if (!texture) console.error('Texture could not be selected: ', path); this[parameter] = { texture, path }; } this.items.forEach((item, idx) => { if (this.items[idx].hasOwnProperty(parameter) && this.items[idx][parameter]) { const path = this.items[idx][parameter]; const texture = textures.get(path); this.items[idx][parameter] = { path, texture }; } }); }); } /** * Creates a geographic for each item. * By default it uses the regular routine but you may * specify a factory for the defined type. * * @param {*} item * @param {*} [informationCallback=null] * @returns {GeoGraphics} - Returns the created geographics. * @memberof Overlay */ createItem(item, informationCallback = null) { let geographics; let type = this.getItemProperty(item, 'type'); /** * Use a factory to draw the items, if a type is specified. */ if (type != 'auto') { let geographicsFactory = Overlay.requestFactory(type); if (!geographicsFactory) console.error( 'Invalid Overlay Mode: ' + type + '. Fallback to auto mode. Overlaymodes must be registeres beforehand. Valid modes are: ' + Overlay.listFactories().join(',') + '.' ); else { let actualItem = Object.assign({}, this, item); geographics = geographicsFactory(actualItem); } } /** * Otherwise draw the default geographics. */ if (!geographics) { if (item.geometry == null || item.geometry == undefined) { if (item.location) { geographics = this._drawPoint(item, informationCallback); const scale = this.getItemProperty(item, 'scale'); geographics.graphics.scale.set(scale, scale); } else console.warn("Item could not be drawn. Specify a 'location' or a 'geometry'.", item); } else { geographics = this._drawGeometry(item); this._drawRoutine(geographics, item, informationCallback); } let label = this._createLabel(item, geographics); if (label != null && geographics != null) { console.log(geographics); geographics.graphics.addChild(label); } } return geographics } /** * * Draws a label that is shown next to the item on the map. * * @param {*} item * @returns {PIXI.Text} - Returns the created label or null. * @memberof Overlay */ _createLabel(item) { let enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); let labelText = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'label', enabled); let label = null; if (labelText) { let textStyle = this._gatherFontStyle(item); label = new PIXI.Text(labelText, textStyle); let labelScale = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelScale', enabled); label.scale.set(labelScale, labelScale); let position = new PIXI.Point(); let align = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelAlignment', enabled); if (align == 'left'); else if (align == 'center') position.set(label.position.x - label.width / 2, label.position.y); else if (align == 'right') position.set(label.position.x - label.width, label.position.y); else this._logPropertyNotImplemented('labelAlignment', align); let verticalAlign = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelVerticalAlignment', enabled); if (verticalAlign == 'underneath') { let size = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'size', enabled); let scale = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'scale', enabled); let labelSpacing = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelSpacing', enabled); position.y += size * scale + labelSpacing; } else if (verticalAlign == 'above') { let size = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'size', enabled); let scale = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'scale', enabled); let labelSpacing = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelSpacing', enabled); position.y -= size * scale + label.height + labelSpacing; } else this._logPropertyNotImplemented('labelVerticalAlignment', verticalAlign); label.position.set(position.x, position.y); } return label } _gatherFontStyle(item) { const enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); return { align: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelMultiLineAlign', enabled), breakWords: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelBreakWords', enabled), dropShadow: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadow', enabled), dropShadowAlpha: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadowAlpha', enabled), dropShadowAngle: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadowAngle', enabled), dropShadowBlur: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadowBlur', enabled), dropShadowColor: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadowColor', enabled), dropShadowDistance: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelDropShadowDistance', enabled), fontFamily: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fontFamily', enabled), fontSize: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fontSize', enabled), fontStyle: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fontStyle', enabled), fontWeight: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fontWeight', enabled), stroke: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelStroke', enabled), strokeThickness: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelStrokeThickness', enabled), wordWrap: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'wordWrap', enabled), wordWrapWidth: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'wordWrapWidth', enabled), fill: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelFill', enabled), fillGradientType: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelFillGradientType', enabled), fillGradientStops: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelFillGradientStops', enabled), fontVariant: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fontVariant', enabled), leading: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelLeading', enabled), letterSpacing: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'letterSpacing', enabled), lineHeight: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelLineHeight', enabled), lineJoin: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelLineJoin', enabled), miterLimit: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelMiterLimit', enabled), padding: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelPadding', enabled), trim: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelTrim', enabled), textBaseline: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'textBaseline', enabled), whiteSpace: this.pickItemProperty(item, 'labelWhiteSpace', enabled) } } _drawGeometry(item) { let multiPolygonArray = []; if (Array.isArray(item.geometry)) item.geometry.forEach(geometry => { let polygon = this._drawPolygon(geometry); if (polygon != null && polygon != []) multiPolygonArray.push(polygon); }); else { let polygon = this._drawPolygon(item.geometry); if (polygon != null && polygon != []) multiPolygonArray.push(polygon); } const overlay = this; return new GeoMultiShape(multiPolygonArray, { onDraw: function() { overlay._fill.call(overlay, this, item); } }) } _drawPolygon(geometry) { let polygon = []; if (geometry.type == 'Polygon') { if (GeoJson.validateCoordinates(geometry.type, geometry.coordinates)) { polygon = GeoJson.convert(geometry.type, geometry.coordinates); } else console.error(`Could not validate coordinates for type '${geometry.type}'.`, geometry.coordinates); } else { console.warn(`Geometry of type ${geometry.type} is not implemented yet, hence it was ignored.`); } return polygon } _drawRoutine(geographics, item, informationCallback = null) { this._createIcon(geographics, item); const enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); if (enabled) this._createInformation(geographics, item, informationCallback); } _createIcon(geographics, item) { let enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); let icon = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'icon', enabled); if (icon) { if (icon.texture) { let sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(icon.texture); const iconAnchor = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'iconAnchor', enabled); sprite.anchor.set(iconAnchor.x, iconAnchor.y); const iconScale = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'iconScale', enabled); if (iconScale) sprite.scale.set(iconScale, iconScale); const iconOffset = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'iconOffset', enabled); if (iconOffset && iconOffset.x != null && iconOffset.y != null) sprite.position.set(iconOffset.x, iconOffset.y); const iconColor = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'iconColor', enabled); if (iconColor) sprite.tint = iconColor; const iconAlpha = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'iconAlpha', enabled); if (iconAlpha) sprite.alpha = iconAlpha; geographics.graphics.addChild(sprite); } } } _createInformation(geographics, item, callback = null) { if (item.information) { geographics.graphics.interactive = true; const informationType = this.getItemProperty(item, 'informationType'); if (callback) callback.call(this, geographics, informationType, item); else { this.defaulInformationCallback(geographics, informationType, item); } } } defaulInformationCallback(geographics, informationType, item) { // Make the items interactive. geographics.graphics.interactive = true; geographics.graphics.on('pointerdown', () => { if (!geographics.active) { geographics.active = true; // Create and place the popup. let popup = new Popup({ header: item.name, content: item.information, maxWidth: 350 }); if (geographics.map) { const scale = 1 / geographics.map.scatter.scale; popup.scale.set(scale, scale); } popup.position.set( geographics.graphics.position.x - popup.width / 2, geographics.graphics.position.y - popup.height - 20 ); geographics.graphics.parent.addChild(popup); // Remove the items after n milliseconds. const removeTime = 2000; setTimeout(() => { geographics.active = false; popup.parent.removeChild(popup); }, removeTime); } }); } _fill(geographics, item) { const enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); const color = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'color', enabled); const alpha = this.pickItemProperty(item, 'fillAlpha', enabled); geographics.graphics.beginFill(color, alpha); } _drawPoint(item, informationCallback = null) { const overlay = this; const enabled = this.getItemProperty(item, 'enabled'); let that = this; let geographic = new GeoPoint(item.location, { onDraw: function() { overlay._fill.call(overlay, this, item); const size = that.pickItemProperty(item, 'size', enabled); this.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, size); overlay._drawRoutine.call(overlay, this, item, informationCallback); } }); return geographic } _logPropertyNotImplemented(property, value) { console.error(`Value '${value}' is not yet implemented in property '${property}'.`); } } Overlay.Modes = { auto: null }; /** * Creates a factory for a specific type. * * @param {string} type - Name of the factory. When overlay items match the type, the factory is applied. * @param {function} geographicsFactory - A function that is called with every item. Can be used to draw the geographics individually. * * @static * @memberof {Overlay} */ Overlay.createFactory = function(type, geographicsFactory) { if (Overlay.Modes.hasOwnProperty(type)) console.warn(`The mode ${type} was already implemented and was overwritten!`); Overlay.Modes[type] = geographicsFactory; }; Overlay.requestFactory = function(name) { return Overlay.Modes[name] }; Overlay.listFactories = function() { let modes = []; for (let key of Object.keys(Overlay.Modes)) { modes.push(key); } return modes }; /* Needed to ensure that rollup.js includes class definitions and the classes are visible inside doctests. */ window.PIXIApp = PIXIApp; window.BlurFilter = BlurFilter; window.FlipEffect = FlipEffect; window.Flippable = Flippable; window.DeepZoomInfo = DeepZoomInfo; window.DeepZoomImage = DeepZoomImage; window.Popover = Popover; window.ScatterContainer = ScatterContainer; window.DisplayObjectScatter = DisplayObjectScatter; window.Command = Command; window.RecorderTools = RecorderTools; window.Timeline = Timeline; window.AppTest = AppTest; window.Theme = Theme; window.Button = Button$1; window.ButtonGroup = ButtonGroup; window.Scrollview = Scrollview; window.Slider = Slider; window.Stylus = Stylus; window.Switch = Switch; window.Popup = Popup; window.PopupMenu = PopupMenu; window.Modal = Modal; window.Volatile = Volatile; window.Message = Message; window.Tooltip = Tooltip; window.Badge = Badge; window.Progress = Progress; window.List = List; window.LabeledGraphics = LabeledGraphics; window.FontInfo = FontInfo; window.Text = Text; window.MapProjection = MapProjection; window.DeepZoomMapProjection = DeepZoomMapProjection; window.GeoMap = GeoMap$1; window.ImageMap = ImageMap; window.DeepZoomMap = DeepZoomMap; window.Projection = { Mercator, Robinson }; window.MapViewport = MapViewport; window.MapApp = MapApp; window.AdvancedScatterContainer = AdvancedScatterContainer; window.RigidContainer = RigidContainer; window.CompactScatter = CompactScatter; window.CoverScatter = CoverScatter; window.MapObjectScatter = MapObjectScatter; window.GeoLayer = GeoLayer; window.MapLayer = MapLayer; window.GeoGraphics = GeoGraphics; window.GeoPoint = GeoPoint; window.GeoLine = GeoLine; window.GeoShape = GeoShape; window.GeoMultiShape = GeoMultiShape; window.Overlay = Overlay; window.MapList = MapList; window.GeoJson = GeoJson; window.GeoUtils = GeoUtils; }());