import App from './app.js' import Doctest from './doctest.js' import Errors from './errors.js' import Events from './events.js' import { DOMFlip, DOMFlippable, CardLoader, PDFLoader, ImageLoader, FrameLoader, HTMLLoader } from './flippable.js' import Index from './index.js' import Interface from './interface.js' import Logging from './logging.js' import Poppable from './poppable.js' import PopupMenu from './popupmenu.js' import Popup from './popup.js' import { IApp } from './app.js' import { Capabilities, CapabilitiesTests } from './capabilities.js' import { EventRecorder } from './events.js' import { FrameContainer, FrameTarget } from './frames.js' import { Inspect } from './inspect.js' import { PointMap, InteractionPoints, Interaction, IInteractionTarget, InteractionDelta, InteractionMapper, InteractionDelegate, IInteractionMapperTarget, } from './interaction.js' import { ITapDelegate, ResizeEvent, DOMScatterContainer, AbstractScatter, DOMScatter, ScatterEvent, BaseEvent, } from './scatter.js' import { Cycle, Colors, Elements, Angle, Dates, Points, Polygon, Rect, Sets, Strings, isEmpty, getId, lerp, debounce, randomInt, randomFloat, LowPassFilter, } from './utils.js' import UITest from './uitest.js' import Card from './card/card.js' import CardWrapper from './card/wrapper.js' import Highlight from './card/highlight.js' import ScatterCard from './card/scatter.js' import { CardPlugin, CardPluginBase } from './card/plugin.js' import Theme from './card/theme.js' /* Needed to ensure that rollup.js includes class definitions and the classes are visible inside doctests. */ window.AbstractScatter = AbstractScatter window.Angle = Angle window.App = App window.BaseEvent = BaseEvent window.Capabilities = Capabilities window.CapabilitiesTests = CapabilitiesTests window.Colors = Colors window.Cycle = Cycle window.DOMFlip = DOMFlip window.DOMFlippable = DOMFlippable window.CardLoader = CardLoader window.PDFLoader = PDFLoader window.HTMLLoader = HTMLLoader window.ImageLoader = ImageLoader window.FrameLoader = FrameLoader window.DOMScatter = DOMScatter window.DOMScatterContainer = DOMScatterContainer window.Dates = Dates window.Doctest = Doctest window.Elements = Elements window.Errors = Errors window.EventRecorder = EventRecorder window.Events = Events window.FrameContainer = FrameContainer window.FrameTarget = FrameTarget window.IApp = IApp window.IInteractionMapperTarget = IInteractionMapperTarget window.IInteractionTarget = IInteractionTarget window.ITapDelegate = ITapDelegate window.Index = Index window.Inspect = Inspect window.Interaction = Interaction window.InteractionDelegate = InteractionDelegate window.InteractionDelta = InteractionDelta window.InteractionMapper = InteractionMapper window.InteractionPoints = InteractionPoints window.Interface = Interface window.Logging = Logging window.LowPassFilter = LowPassFilter window.PointMap = PointMap window.Rect = Rect window.Points = Points window.Polygon = Polygon window.Poppable = Poppable window.Popup = Popup window.PopupMenu = PopupMenu window.ResizeEvent = ResizeEvent window.ScatterEvent = ScatterEvent window.Sets = Sets window.Strings = Strings window.UITest = UITest window.getId = getId window.isEmpty = isEmpty window.lerp = lerp window.debounce = debounce window.randomInt = randomInt window.randomFloat = randomFloat window.CardWrapper = CardWrapper window.Card = Card window.CardPlugin = CardPlugin window.CardPluginBase = CardPluginBase window.ScatterCard = ScatterCard window.Highlight = Highlight window.Theme = Theme