Source: pixi/app.js


/* global apollo, subscriptions, gql */

import Theme from './theme.js'
import Progress from './progress.js'
import Modal from './modal.js'
import Message from './message.js'
import { debounce } from '../utils.js'

 * A special InteractionManager for fullscreen apps, which may
 * go beyond the limits of WebGL drawing buffers. On Safari and Chrome
 * the drawing buffers are limited to 4096 in width (Safari) or 4096x4096
 * in total buffer size (Chrome). The original InteractionManager.mapPositionToPoint
 * does not work with these extreme sizes which mainly occur if large
 * retina displays (>= 4K) are used with devicePixelRatio > 1.
 * @private
 * @class
 * @extends PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager
 * @see {@link|PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager}
 * @see {@link}
class FullscreenInteractionManager extends PIXI.interaction.InteractionManager {
    mapPositionToPoint(point, x, y) {
        let resolution = this.renderer.resolution
        let extendWidth = 1.0
        let extendHeight = 1.0
        let dy = 0
        let canvas = this.renderer.view
        let context = canvas.getContext('webgl')
        if (context.drawingBufferWidth < canvas.width || context.drawingBufferHeight < canvas.height) {
            extendWidth = context.drawingBufferWidth / canvas.width
            extendHeight = context.drawingBufferHeight / canvas.height
            //dx = wantedWidth - context.drawingBufferWidth
            dy = (canvas.height - context.drawingBufferHeight) / resolution
        x *= extendWidth
        y *= extendHeight

        super.mapPositionToPoint(point, x, y + dy)

 * The class PixiApp extends the class PIXI.Application
 * by several functions and makes meaningful pre-assumptions.
 * @example
 * // Create the app
 * const app = new PIXIApp({
 *     view: canvas,
 *     width: 450,
 *     height: 150,
 *     fpsLogging: true,
 *     theme: 'light',
 *     transparent: false
 * }).setup().run()
 * @class
 * @extends PIXI.Application
 * @see {@link|PIXI.Application}
export default class PIXIApp extends PIXI.Application {
     * Creates an instance of a PixiApp.
     * @constructor
     * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set:
     * @param {number} [opts.width] - The width of the renderer. If no set, the application will run in fullscreen.
     * @param {number} [opts.height] - The height of the renderer. If no set, the application will run in fullscreen.
     * @param {HTMLElement} [opts.view] - The canvas HTML element. If not set, a render-element is added inside the body.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.transparent=true] - Should the render view be transparent?
     * @param {boolean} [opts.antialias=true] - Sets antialias (only applicable in chrome at the moment).
     * @param {number} [opts.resolution=window.devicePixelRatio | 1] - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer, retina would be 2.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.autoResize=true] - Should the canvas-element be resized automatically if the resolution was set?
     * @param {number} [opts.backgroundColor=0x282828] - The color of the background.
     * @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The name of the theme (dark, light, red) or a Theme object to use for styling.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.fpsLogging=false] - If set to true, the current frames per second are displayed in the upper left corner.
     * @param {object} [opts.progress={}] - Can be used to add options to the progress bar. See class Progress for more informations.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.forceCanvas=false] - Prevents selection of WebGL renderer, even if such is present.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.roundPixels=true] - Align PIXI.DisplayObject coordinates to screen resolution.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.monkeyPatchMapping=true] - Monkey patch for canvas fullscreen support on large displays.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.adaptive=true] - Adds Graphics adaptive calculation of quadratic curve and arc subdivision.
        width = null,
        height = null,
        view = null,
        transparent = true,
        backgroundColor = 0x282828,
        theme = 'dark',
        antialias = true,
        resolution = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
        autoResize = true,
        fpsLogging = false,
        progress = {},
        forceCanvas = false,
        roundPixels = true,
        monkeyPatchMapping = true,
        adaptive = true,
        graphql = false
    }) {
        const fullScreen = !width || !height

        if (fullScreen) {
            width = window.innerWidth
            height = window.innerHeight

            roundPixels // not needed for PixiJS >= 5

        this.width = width
        this.height = height
        this.theme = Theme.fromString(theme)
        this.fpsLogging = fpsLogging
        this.progressOpts = progress
        this.fullScreen = fullScreen
        this.orient = null
        this.originalMapPositionToPoint = null
        this.monkeyPatchMapping = monkeyPatchMapping
        if (parseInt(PIXI.VERSION) >= 5) {
            PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS = roundPixels
            PIXI.GRAPHICS_CURVES.adaptive = adaptive
        } else {
            PIXI.Graphics.CURVES.adaptive = adaptive
        this.graphql = graphql
        if (fullScreen || autoResize) {
            console.log('App is in fullScreen mode or autoResize mode')
            const resizeDebounced = debounce(event => this.resize(event), 50)
            window.addEventListener('resize', resizeDebounced)
            document.body.addEventListener('orientationchange', this.checkOrientation.bind(this))
        if (monkeyPatchMapping) {
            console.log('Using monkey patched coordinate mapping')
            // Pluggin the specializtion does not work. Monkey patching does
            // this.renderer.plugins.interaction = new FullscreenInteractionManager(this.renderer)

     * Extra setup method to construct complex scenes, etc...
     * Overwrite this method if you need additonal views and components.
     * @return {PIXIApp} A reference to the PIXIApp for chaining.
    setup() {
        this.scene = this.sceneFactory()

        // fpsLogging
        if (this.fpsLogging) {

        // GraphQL
        if (this.graphql && typeof apollo !== 'undefined') {
            const networkInterface = apollo.createNetworkInterface({
                uri: '/graphql'

            const wsClient = new subscriptions.SubscriptionClient(`wss://${location.hostname}/subscriptions`, {
                reconnect: true,
                connectionParams: {}

            const networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions = subscriptions.addGraphQLSubscriptions(networkInterface, wsClient)

            this.apolloClient = new apollo.ApolloClient({
                networkInterface: networkInterfaceWithSubscriptions

        // progress
        this._progress = new Progress(
            Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, this.progressOpts, {
                app: this
        this._progress.visible = false

        return this

     * Tests whether the width is larger than the height of the application.
     * @return {boolean} Returns true if app is in landscape mode.
    orientation() {
        return this.width > this.height

     * Checks orientation and adapts view size if necessary. Implements a
     * handler for the orientationchange event.
     * @param {event=} - orientationchange event
    checkOrientation(event) {
        var value = this.orientation()
        if (value != this.orient) {
                function() {
            this.orient = value

     * Called if checkOrientation detects an orientation change event.
     * @param {boolean=} [force=false] - Called if checkOrientation detects an orientation change event.
    orientationChanged(force = false) {
        if (this.expandRenderer() || force) {

     * Called after a resize. Empty method but can be overwritten to
     * adapt their layout to the new app size.
     * @param {number} [width] - The width of the app.
     * @param {number} [height] - The height of the app.
    layout(width, height) {}

     * Draws the display tree of the app. Typically this can be delegated
     * to the layout method.
    draw() {
        this.layout(this.width, this.height)

     * Run the application. Override this method with everything
     * that is needed to maintain your App, e.g. setup calls, main loops, etc.
    run() {
        return this

     * Overwrite this factory method if your application needs a special
     * scene object.
     * @returns {PIXI.Container} - A new PIXI Container for use as a scene.
    sceneFactory() {
        return new PIXI.Container()

     * Adds the display of the frames per second to the renderer in the upper left corner.
     * @return {PIXIApp} - Returns the PIXIApp for chaining.
    addFpsDisplay() {
        const fpsDisplay = new FpsDisplay(this)

        return this

     * Returns the size of the renderer as an object with the keys width and height.
     * @readonly
     * @member {object}
    get size() {
        return { width: this.width, height: this.height }

     * Returns the center of the renderer as an object with the keys x and y.
     * @readonly
     * @member {object}
    get center() {
        return { x: this.width / 2, y: this.height / 2 }

     * Resizes the renderer to fit into the window or given width and height.
     * @param {object} [event] - The event.
     * @param {object=} [opts={}] - The event.
     * @param {number} [opts.width=window.innerWidth] - The width of the app to resize to.
     * @param {number} [opts.height=window.innerHeight] - The height of the app to resize to.
     * @return {PIXIApp} - Returns the PIXIApp for chaining.
    resize(event, { width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight } = {}) {
        this.width = width
        this.height = height
        this.layout(width, height)
        //console.log("App.resize", width, height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight )
        // if (this.scene) {
        // console.log("gl.drawingBufferWidth", this.renderer.view.getContext('webgl').drawingBufferWidth)
        // console.log("scene", this.scene.scale, this.renderer, this.renderer.autoResize, this.renderer.resolution)
        // }
        return this

     * @todo Write the documentation.
     * @private
    monkeyPatchPixiMapping() {
        if (this.originalMapPositionToPoint === null) {
            let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction
            this.originalMapPositionToPoint = interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint
            interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint = (point, x, y) => {
                return this.fixedMapPositionToPoint(point, x, y)

     * In some browsers the canvas is distorted if the screen resolution and
     * overall size of the canvas exceeds the internal limits (e.g. 4096 x 4096 pixels).
     * To compensate these distortions we need to fix the mapping to the actual
     * drawing buffer coordinates.
     * @private
     * @param {any} local
     * @param {number} x
     * @param {number} y
     * @return {} interactionManager.mapPositionToPoint
    fixedMapPositionToPoint(local, x, y) {
        let resolution = this.renderer.resolution
        let interactionManager = this.renderer.plugins.interaction
        let extendWidth = 1.0
        let extendHeight = 1.0
        let dy = 0
        let canvas = this.renderer.view
        let context = canvas.getContext('webgl')

        if (
            context !== null &&
            (context.drawingBufferWidth < canvas.width || context.drawingBufferHeight < canvas.height)
        ) {
            extendWidth = context.drawingBufferWidth / canvas.width
            extendHeight = context.drawingBufferHeight / canvas.height
            //dx = wantedWidth - context.drawingBufferWidth
            dy = (canvas.height - context.drawingBufferHeight) / resolution
        x *= extendWidth
        y *= extendHeight
        return, local, x, y + dy)

     * Expand the renderer step-wise on resize.
     * @param {number} [expand] - The amount of additional space for the renderer [px].
     * @return {boolean} true if the renderer was resized.
    expandRenderer(expand = 256) {
        let renderer = this.renderer
        let resolution = this.renderer.resolution
        let ww = this.width
        let hh = this.height
        let sw = this.screen.width
        let sh = this.screen.height
        if (ww > sw || hh > sh) {
            renderer.resize(ww + expand, hh + expand)
            return true

        renderer.resize(ww, hh)
        return false

     * Set the loading progress of the application. If called for the first time, display the progress bar.
     * @param {number} [value] - Should be a value between 0 and 100. If 100, the progress bar will disappear.
     * @return {PIXIApp|Progress} The PixiApp object for chaining or the Progress object when the method was
     *     called without a parameter.
    progress(value) {
        if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
            return this._progress

        this._progress.visible = true
        this._progress.progress = value

        return this

     * Opens a new Modal object binded to this app.
     * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for the Modal object.
     * @return {Modal} Returns the Modal object.
    modal(opts = {}) {
        let modal = new Modal(Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, opts, { app: this }))

        return modal

     * Opens a new Message object binded to this app.
     * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for the Message object.
     * @return {Message} Returns the Message object.
    message(opts = {}) {
        let message = new Message(Object.assign({ theme: this.theme }, opts, { app: this }))

        return message

     * Loads sprites, e.g. images into the PIXI TextureCache.
     * @param {string|string[]} resources - A String or an Array of urls to the images to load.
     * @param {function} [loaded] - A callback which is executed after all resources has been loaded.
     *     Receives one paramter, a Map of sprites where the key is the path of the image which was
     *     loaded and the value is the PIXI.Sprite object.
     * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for more specific parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.resolutionDependent=true] - Should the sprites be loaded dependent of the
     *     renderer resolution?
     * @param {boolean} [opts.progress=false] - Should a progress bar display the loading status?
     * @return {PIXIApp} The PIXIApp object for chaining.
    loadSprites(resources, loaded = null, { resolutionDependent = true, progress = false } = {}) {
            textures => {
                let sprites = new Map()

                for (let [key, texture] of textures) {
                    sprites.set(key, new PIXI.Sprite(texture))

                if (loaded) {
          , sprites)
            { resolutionDependent, progress }

        return this

     * Loads textures, e.g. images into the PIXI TextureCache.
     * @param {string|string[]} resources - A String or an Array of urls to the images to load.
     * @param {function} [loaded] - A callback which is executed after all resources has been loaded.
     *     Receives one paramter, a Map of textures where the key is the path of the image which was
     *     loaded and the value is the PIXI.Texture object.
     * @param {object} [opts] - An options object for more specific parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [opts.resolutionDependent=true] - Should the textures be loaded dependent of the
     *     renderer resolution?
     * @param {boolean} [opts.progress=false] - Should a progress bar display the loading status?
     * @return {PIXIApp} The PIXIApp object for chaining.
    loadTextures(resources, loaded = null, { resolutionDependent = true, progress = false } = {}) {
        if (!Array.isArray(resources)) {
            resources = [resources]

        const loader = this.loader

        for (let resource of resources) {
            if (!loader.resources[resource]) {
                if (resolutionDependent) {
                    let resolution = Math.round(this.renderer.resolution)
                    switch (resolution) {
                        case 2:
                            loader.add(resource, resource.replace(/\.([^.]*)$/, '@2x.$1'))
                        case 3:
                            loader.add(resource, resource.replace(/\.([^.]*)$/, '@3x.$1'))
                } else {

        if (progress) {
            loader.on('progress', e => {

        loader.load((loader, resources) => {
            const textures = new Map()

            for (let key in resources) {
                textures.set(key, resources[key].texture)

            if (loaded) {
      , textures)

        return this

     * Queries the GraphQL endpoint.
     * @param {string} [query] - The GraphQL query string.
     * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set:
     * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or
     *     rejected with an error.
    query(query, opts = {}) {
        if (typeof query === 'string') {
            opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { query })
        } else {
            opts = Object.assign({}, query)

        opts.query = opts.query.trim()

        if (!opts.query.startsWith('query')) {
            if (opts.query.startsWith('{')) {
                opts.query = `query ${opts.query}`
            } else {
                opts.query = `query {${opts.query}}`

        opts.query = gql(opts.query)

        return this.apolloClient.query(opts)

     * Mutate the GraphQL endpoint.
     * @param {string} [mutation] - The GraphQL mutation string.
     * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set:
     * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or
     *     rejected with an error.
    mutate(mutation, opts = {}) {
        if (typeof mutation === 'string') {
            opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { mutation })
        } else {
            opts = Object.assign({}, mutation)

        opts.mutation = opts.mutation.trim()

        if (!opts.mutation.startsWith('mutation')) {
            if (opts.mutation.startsWith('{')) {
                opts.mutation = `mutation ${opts.mutation}`
            } else {
                opts.mutation = `mutation {${opts.mutation}}`

        opts.mutation = gql(opts.mutation)

        return this.apolloClient.mutate(opts)

     * Subscribe the GraphQL endpoint.
     * @param {string} [subscription] - The GraphQL subscription.
     * @param {object} [opts={}] - An options object. The following options can be set:
     * @return {Promise} Returns a Promise which is either resolved with the resulting data or
     *     rejected with an error.
    subscribe(subscription, opts = {}) {
        if (typeof subscription === 'string') {
            opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { subscription })
        } else {
            opts = Object.assign({}, subscription)

        opts.subscription = opts.subscription.trim()

        if (!opts.subscription.startsWith('subscription')) {
            if (opts.subscription.startsWith('{')) {
                opts.subscription = `subscription ${opts.subscription}`
            } else {
                opts.subscription = `subscription {${opts.subscription}}`

        opts.query = gql(opts.subscription)

        delete opts.subscription

        return this.apolloClient.subscribe(opts)

     * Supports the page as a global coordinate system and converts browser page coordinates
     * to local DisplayObject coordinates.
     * @param {DisplayObject} displayObject - The PIXI displayObject.
     * @param {number} x - The x coordinate.
     * @param {number} y - The y coordinate.
     * @return {PIXI.Point} Returns a PIXI.Point.

    convertPointFromPageToNode(displayObject, x, y) {
        let resolution = this.renderer.resolution
        console.log('resolution', resolution)
        let pixiGlobal = window.convertPointFromPageToNode(app.view, x, y)
        pixiGlobal.x /= resolution
        pixiGlobal.y /= resolution
        return displayObject.toLocal(new PIXI.Point(pixiGlobal.x, pixiGlobal.y))

     * Supports the page as a global coordinate system and converts local DisplayObject coordinates
     * to browser page coordinates.
     * @param {DisplayObject} displayObject - The PIXI displayObject.
     * @param {number} x - The x coordinate.
     * @param {number} y - The y coordinate.
     * @return {Point} Returns a DOM Point.

    convertPointFromNodeToPage(displayObject, x, y) {
        let resolution = this.renderer.resolution
        let pixiGlobal = displayObject.toGlobal(new PIXI.Point(x, y))
        pixiGlobal.x *= resolution
        pixiGlobal.y *= resolution
        // console.log("app.convertPointFromNodeToPage", pixiGlobal)
        return window.convertPointFromNodeToPage(app.view, pixiGlobal.x, pixiGlobal.y)

 * The class fpsdisplay shows in the upper left corner
 * of the renderer the current image refresh rate.
 * @private
 * @class
 * @extends PIXI.Graphics
 * @see {@link|PIXI.Graphics}
class FpsDisplay extends PIXI.Graphics {
     * Creates an instance of a FpsDisplay.
     * @constructor
     * @param {PIXIApp} app - The PIXIApp where the frames per second should be displayed.
    constructor(app) {
        super() = app

        this.lineStyle(3, 0x434f4f, 1)
            .beginFill(0x434f4f, 0.6)
            .drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 68, 32, 5)
            .position.set(20, 20)

        this.text = new PIXI.Text(
            new PIXI.TextStyle({
                fontFamily: 'Arial',
                fontSize: 14,
                fontWeight: 'bold',
                fill: '#f6f6f6',
                stroke: '#434f4f',
                strokeThickness: 3
        this.text.position.set(6, 6)



        window.setInterval(this.refreshFps.bind(this), 1000)

     * Refreshes fps numer.
     * @return {PIXIApp} Returns the PIXIApp object for chaining.
    refreshFps() {
        this.text.text = `${} fps`

        return this