/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /* global PDFJS Power1 */ import { getId } from './utils.js' import { DOMScatter } from './scatter.js' import CardWrapper from './card/wrapper.js' export class CardLoader { constructor( src, { x = 0, y = 0, width = 1000, height = 800, maxWidth = null, maxHeight = null, scale = 1, minScale = 0.5, maxScale = 1.5, rotation = 0 } = {} ) { this.src = src this.x = x this.y = y this.scale = scale this.rotation = rotation this.maxScale = maxScale this.minScale = minScale this.wantedWidth = width this.wantedHeight = height this.maxWidth = maxWidth != null ? maxWidth : window.innerWidth this.maxHeight = maxHeight != null ? maxHeight : window.innerHeight this.addedNode = null } unload() { if (this.addedNode) { this.addedNode.remove() this.addedNode = null } } } export class PDFLoader extends CardLoader { constructor(src, { width = 1640, height = 800, scale = 1 } = {}) { super(src, { width, height, scale }) if (typeof PDFJS == 'undefined') { alert('PDF.js needed') } } load(domNode) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { PDFJS.getDocument(this.src).then((pdf) => { pdf.getPage(1).then((page) => { let scale = this.scale * app.renderer.resolution let invScale = 1 / scale let viewport = page.getViewport(scale) // Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions. let canvas = document.createElement('canvas') let context = canvas.getContext('2d') canvas.height = viewport.height canvas.width = viewport.width // Render PDF page into canvas context. let renderContext = { canvasContext: context, viewport: viewport } page.render(renderContext) domNode.appendChild(canvas) this.wantedWidth = canvas.width this.wantedHeight = canvas.height this.scale = invScale this.addedNode = canvas resolve(this) }) }) }) } } export class ImageLoader extends CardLoader { load(domNode) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let isImage = domNode instanceof HTMLImageElement let image = isImage ? domNode : document.createElement('img') image.onload = (e) => { if (!isImage) { domNode.appendChild(image) this.addedNode = image } this.wantedWidth = image.naturalWidth this.wantedHeight = image.naturalHeight let scaleW = this.maxWidth / image.naturalWidth let scaleH = this.maxHeight / image.naturalHeight this.scale = Math.min(this.maxScale, Math.min(scaleW, scaleH)) image.setAttribute('draggable', false) image.width = image.naturalWidth image.height = image.naturalHeight resolve(this) } image.onerror = (e) => { reject(this) } image.src = this.src }) } } export class FrameLoader extends CardLoader { load(domNode) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let isFrame = domNode instanceof HTMLIFrameElement let iframe = isFrame ? domNode : document.createElement('iframe') iframe.frameBorder = 0 iframe.style.scrolling = false iframe.width = this.wantedWidth iframe.height = this.wantedHeight if (!isFrame) { // Unlike img onload is only triggered if the iframe is part of the DOM tree domNode.appendChild(iframe) this.addedNode = iframe } iframe.onload = (e) => { resolve(this) } iframe.onerror = (e) => { reject(this) } iframe.src = this.src }) } } export class HTMLLoader extends CardLoader { load(domNode) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open('GET', this.src, false) xhr.onreadystatechange = (e) => { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { domNode.innerHTML = this.prepare(xhr.response) this.addedNode = domNode.firstElementChild let { width, height } = this.size(this.addedNode) if (width) this.wantedWidth = width || this.wantedWidth if (height) this.wantedHeight = height || this.wantedHeight resolve(this) } } xhr.onerror = (e) => { reject(this) } xhr.send() }) } /** * Preoares the html before it is assigned with innerHTML. * Can be overwritten in subclasses. * * @param {*} html * @returns * @memberof HTMLLoader */ prepare(html) { return html } /** * Tries to determine the size of the addedNode. * Checks for explicit width and height style attributes. * * Overwrite this method if you want to extract values from other infos. * * @returns { width: int, height: int } * @memberof HTMLLoader */ size(node) { let width = parseInt(node.style.width) || null let height = parseInt(node.style.height) || null return { width, height } } } export class DOMFlip { constructor( domScatterContainer, flipTemplate, frontLoader, backLoader, { closeOnMinScale = false, flipDuration = 1, fadeDuration = 0.2, overdoScaling = 1, autoLoad = false, center = null, preloadBack = false, translatable = true, scalable = true, rotatable = true, tapDelegateFactory = null, onFront = null, onBack = null, onClose = null, onUpdate = null, onRemoved = null, onLoaded = null } = {} ) { this.domScatterContainer = domScatterContainer this.id = getId() this.flipDuration = flipDuration this.fadeDuration = fadeDuration this.closeOnMinScale = closeOnMinScale this.flipTemplate = flipTemplate this.frontLoader = frontLoader this.backLoader = backLoader this.translatable = translatable this.scalable = scalable this.rotatable = rotatable this.tapDelegateFactory = tapDelegateFactory this.onFrontFlipped = onFront this.onBackFlipped = onBack this.onClose = onClose this.onRemoved = onRemoved this.onUpdate = onUpdate this.onLoaded = onLoaded this.center = center this.preloadBack = preloadBack this.overdoScaling = overdoScaling if (autoLoad) { this.load() } } load() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let t = this.flipTemplate let dom = this.domScatterContainer.element let wrapper = t.content.querySelector('.flipWrapper') wrapper.id = this.id let clone = document.importNode(t.content, true) dom.appendChild(clone) // We cannot use the document fragment itself because it // is not part of the main dom tree. After the appendChild // call we can access the new dom element by id this.cardWrapper = dom.querySelector('#' + this.id) let front = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.front') this.frontLoader.load(front).then((loader) => { this.frontLoaded(loader).then((obj) => { if (this.onLoaded) this.onLoaded() resolve(this) }) }) }) } frontLoaded(loader) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let scatter = new DOMScatter(this.cardWrapper, this.domScatterContainer, { x: loader.x, y: loader.y, startScale: loader.scale, scale: loader.scale, maxScale: loader.maxScale, minScale: loader.minScale, width: loader.wantedWidth, height: loader.wantedHeight, rotation: loader.rotation, translatable: this.translatable, scalable: this.scalable, rotatable: this.rotatable, overdoScaling: this.overdoScaling, tapDelegate: this.tapDelegateFactory ? new this.tapDelegateFactory(this.cardWrapper) : null }) if (this.center) { scatter.centerAt(this.center) } if (this.closeOnMinScale) { const removeOnMinScale = function () { if (scatter.scale <= scatter.minScale) { this.flippable.close() // 'Disable' overdoscaling to avoid weird jumps on close. scatter.minScale /= scatter.overdoScaling scatter.overdoScaling = 1 //Remove callback if (scatter.onTransform) { let callbackIdx = scatter.onTransform.indexOf(removeOnMinScale) scatter.onTransform.splice(callbackIdx, 1) } } }.bind(this) scatter.addTransformEventCallback(removeOnMinScale) } let flippable = new DOMFlippable(this.cardWrapper, scatter, this) let back = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.back') if (this.preloadBack) { this.backLoader.load(back).then((loader) => { this.setupFlippable(flippable, loader) }) } this.flippable = flippable resolve(this) }) } centerAt(p) { this.center = p this.flippable.centerAt(p) } zoom(scale) { this.flippable.zoom(scale) } setupFlippable(flippable, loader) { flippable.wantedWidth = loader.wantedWidth flippable.wantedHeight = loader.wantedHeight flippable.wantedScale = loader.scale flippable.minScale = loader.minScale flippable.maxScale = loader.maxScale flippable.scaleButtons() } start({ targetCenter = null } = {}) { this.flippable.showFront() if (this.preloadBack) { this.flippable.start({ duration: this.flipDuration, targetCenter }) } else { let back = this.cardWrapper.querySelector('.back') let flippable = this.flippable this.backLoader.load(back).then((loader) => { this.setupFlippable(flippable, loader) flippable.start({ duration: this.flipDuration, targetCenter }) }) } } fadeOutAndRemove() { TweenLite.to(this.cardWrapper, this.fadeDuration, { opacity: 0, onComplete: () => { this.cardWrapper.remove() } }) } closed() { this.unload() } unload() { if (!this.preloadBack) { this.backLoader.unload() } } } export class DOMFlippable { constructor(element, scatter, flip) { // Set log to console.log or a custom log function // define data structures to store our touchpoints in this.element = element this.flip = flip this.card = element.querySelector('.flipCard') this.front = element.querySelector('.front') this.back = element.querySelector('.back') this.flipped = false this.scatter = scatter this.onFrontFlipped = flip.onFrontFlipped this.onBackFlipped = flip.onBackFlipped this.onClose = flip.onClose this.onRemoved = flip.onRemoved this.onUpdate = flip.onUpdate this.wantedWidth = scatter.width this.wantedHeight = scatter.height this.wantedScale = scatter.scale this.minScale = scatter.minScale this.maxScale = scatter.maxScale this.flipDuration = flip.flipDuration this.fadeDuration = flip.fadeDuration scatter.addTransformEventCallback(this.scatterTransformed.bind(this)) TweenLite.set(this.element, { perspective: 5000 }) TweenLite.set(this.card, { transformStyle: 'preserve-3d' }) TweenLite.set(this.back, { rotationY: -180 }) TweenLite.set([this.back, this.front], { backfaceVisibility: 'hidden', perspective: 5000 }) TweenLite.set(this.front, { visibility: 'visible' }) this.infoBtn = element.querySelector('.infoBtn') this.backBtn = element.querySelector('.backBtn') this.closeBtn = element.querySelector('.closeBtn') /* Buttons are not guaranteed to exist. */ if (scatter.tapDelegate == null) { let tapDelegate = new CardWrapper(element) scatter.tapDelegate = tapDelegate } if (this.infoBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.infoBtn, (event) => { this.flip.start() }) this.enable(this.infoBtn) } if (this.backBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.backBtn, (event) => { this.start() }) } if (this.closeBtn) { scatter.tapDelegate.onTap(this.closeBtn, (event) => { this.close() }) this.enable(this.closeBtn) } this.scaleButtons() this.bringToFront() } close() { this.disable(this.infoBtn) this.disable(this.closeBtn) if (this.onClose) { this.onClose(this) this.flip.closed() } else { this.scatter.zoom(0.1, { animate: this.fadeDuration, onComplete: () => { this.element.remove() this.flip.closed() if (this.onRemoved) { this.onRemoved.call(this) } } }) } } showFront() { TweenLite.set(this.front, { visibility: 'visible' }) } centerAt(p) { this.scatter.centerAt(p) } zoom(scale) { this.scatter.zoom(scale) } get buttonScale() { let iscale = 1.0 if (this.scatter != null) { let scale = this.scatter.scale || 1 iscale = 1.0 / scale } return iscale } scaleButtons() { TweenLite.set([this.infoBtn, this.backBtn, this.closeBtn], { scale: this.buttonScale }) } bringToFront() { this.scatter.bringToFront() TweenLite.set(this.element, { zIndex: DOMScatter.zIndex++ }) } clickInfo() { this.bringToFront() this.infoBtn.click() } scatterTransformed(event) { this.scaleButtons() } targetRotation(alpha) { let ortho = 90 let rest = alpha % ortho let delta = 0.0 if (rest > ortho / 2.0) { delta = ortho - rest } else { delta = -rest } return delta } infoValues(info) { let startX = this.element._gsTransform.x let startY = this.element._gsTransform.y let startAngle = this.element._gsTransform.rotation let startScale = this.element._gsTransform.scaleX let w = this.element.style.width let h = this.element.style.height // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(info, startX, startY, startAngle, startScale, w, h) } show(element, duration = 0, alpha = 1) { if (element) { TweenLite.to(element, duration, { autoAlpha: alpha }) // visibility: 'visible', display: 'initial'}) } } hide(element, duration = 0, alpha = 0) { if (element) { TweenLite.to(element, duration, { autoAlpha: alpha }) // {visibility: 'hidden', display: 'none'}) } } enable(button) { this.show(button, this.fadeDuration) if (button) { TweenLite.set(button, { pointerEvents: 'auto' }) } } disable(button) { this.hide(button, this.fadeDuration) if (button) { TweenLite.set(button, { pointerEvents: 'none' }) } } start({ targetCenter = null } = {}) { this.bringToFront() console.log('flippable start', this.flipped) if (!this.flipped) { this.startX = this.element._gsTransform.x this.startY = this.element._gsTransform.y this.startAngle = this.element._gsTransform.rotation this.startScale = this.element._gsTransform.scaleX this.startWidth = this.element.style.width this.startHeight = this.element.style.height this.scatterStartWidth = this.scatter.width this.scatterStartHeight = this.scatter.height this.show(this.back) this.disable(this.infoBtn) this.disable(this.closeBtn) } else { this.show(this.front, this.fadeDuration) this.disable(this.backBtn) } let { scalable, translatable, rotatable } = this.scatter this.saved = { scalable, translatable, rotatable } this.scatter.scalable = false this.scatter.translatable = false this.scatter.rotatable = false this.scatter.killAnimation() this.flipped = !this.flipped let targetY = this.flipped ? 180 : 0 let targetZ = this.flipped ? this.startAngle + this.targetRotation(this.startAngle) : this.startAngle let targetScale = this.flipped ? this.wantedScale : this.startScale let w = this.flipped ? this.wantedWidth : this.startWidth let h = this.flipped ? this.wantedHeight : this.startHeight let dw = this.wantedWidth - this.scatter.width let dh = this.wantedHeight - this.scatter.height let tc = targetCenter let xx = tc != null ? tc.x - w / 2 : this.startX - dw / 2 let yy = tc != null ? tc.y - h / 2 : this.startY - dh / 2 let x = this.flipped ? xx : this.startX let y = this.flipped ? yy : this.startY let onUpdate = this.onUpdate !== null ? () => this.onUpdate(this) : null TweenLite.to(this.card, this.flipDuration, { rotationY: targetY, ease: Power1.easeOut, transformOrigin: '50% 50%', onUpdate, onComplete: (e) => { if (this.flipped) { //this.hide(this.front) this.enable(this.backBtn) this.show(this.backBtn) if (this.onFrontFlipped) { this.onFrontFlipped(this) } } else { if (this.onBackFlipped == null) { this.enable(this.infoBtn, this.fadeDuration) this.enable(this.closeBtn, this.fadeDuration) } else { this.onBackFlipped(this) } this.flip.unload() } this.scatter.scale = targetScale this.scaleButtons() this.scatter.rotationDegrees = targetZ this.scatter.width = this.flipped ? w : this.scatterStartWidth this.scatter.height = this.flipped ? h : this.scatterStartHeight let { scalable, translatable, rotatable } = this.saved this.scatter.scalable = scalable this.scatter.translatable = translatable this.scatter.rotatable = rotatable }, force3D: true }) // See https://greensock.com/forums/topic/7997-rotate-the-shortest-way/ const duration = this.flipDuration / 2 TweenLite.to(this.element, duration, { scale: targetScale, ease: Power1.easeOut, rotationZ: targetZ + '_short', transformOrigin: '50% 50%', width: w, height: h, x: x, y: y, onComplete: (e) => { if (this.flipped) { this.hide(this.front) // this.hide(this.infoBtn) } else { this.hide(this.back) // this.show(this.infoBtn) } } }) //uo: check for special case that the front image must be adapted to the back size let frontImage = this.front.querySelector('img') if (frontImage) { let scaleX = this.flipped ? w / this.scatterStartWidth : this.scatterStartWidth / w let scaleY = this.flipped ? h / this.scatterStartHeight : this.scatterStartHeight / h let ratio = this.scatterStartWidth / this.scatterStartHeight if (this.flipped) { TweenLite.to(frontImage, duration, { ease: Power1.easeOut, scaleY: scaleY * targetScale * ratio, scaleX: scaleX * targetScale, onComplete: (e) => { TweenLite.set(frontImage, { scale: 1.0 }) } }) } } } }