/** * pixi.js scrollbox: a masked content box that can scroll vertically or horizontally with scrollbars */ export default class Scrollbox extends PIXI.Container { /** * create a scrollbox * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} [options.dragScroll=true] user may drag the content area to scroll content * @param {string} [options.overflowX=auto] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) this changes whether the scrollbar is shown * @param {string} [options.overflowY=auto] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) this changes whether the scrollbar is shown * @param {string} [options.overflow] (none, scroll, hidden, auto) sets overflowX and overflowY to this value * @param {number} [options.boxWidth=100] width of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.boxHeight=100] height of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarSize=10] size of scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal=0] offset of horizontal scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollbarOffsetVertical=0] offset of vertical scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {boolean} [options.stopPropagation=true] call stopPropagation on any events that impact scrollbox * @param {number} [options.scrollbarBackground=0xdddddd] background color of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha=1] alpha of background of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarForeground=0x888888] foreground color of scrollbar * @param {number} [options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha=1] alpha of foreground of scrollbar * @param {string} [options.underflow=top-left] what to do when content underflows the scrollbox size: none: do nothing; (left/right/center AND top/bottom/center); OR center (e.g., 'top-left', 'center', 'none', 'bottomright') * @param {(boolean|number)} [options.fade] fade the scrollbar when not in use (true = 1000ms) * @param {number} [options.fadeWait=3000] time to wait before fading the scrollbar if options.fade is set * @param {(string|function)} [options.fadeEase=easeInOutSine] easing function to use for fading */ constructor(options) { super() this.options = Object.assign( {}, { boxWidth: 100, boxHeight: 100, scrollbarSize: 10, scrollbarBackground: 14540253, scrollbarBackgroundAlpha: 1, scrollbarForeground: 8947848, scrollbarForegroundAlpha: 1, dragScroll: true, stopPropagation: true, scrollbarOffsetHorizontal: 0, scrollbarOffsetVertical: 0, underflow: 'top-left', fadeScrollbar: false, fadeWait: 3000, fadeEase: 'easeInOutSine' }, options ) this.ease = new PIXI.extras.Ease.list() this.on('added', event => { this.update() }) /** * content in placed in here * you can use any function from pixi-viewport on content to manually move the content (see https://davidfig.github.io/pixi-viewport/jsdoc/) * @type {PIXI.extras.Viewport} */ this.content = this.addChild( new PIXI.extras.Viewport({ passiveWheel: this.options.stopPropagation, stopPropagation: this.options.stopPropagation, screenWidth: this.options.boxWidth, screenHeight: this.options.boxHeight }) ) this.content.decelerate().on('moved', () => this._drawScrollbars()) /** * graphics element for drawing the scrollbars * @type {PIXI.Graphics} */ this.scrollbar = this.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics()) this.scrollbar.interactive = true this.scrollbar.on('pointerdown', this.scrollbarDown, this) this.interactive = true this.on('pointermove', this.scrollbarMove, this) this.on('pointerup', this.scrollbarUp, this) this.on('pointercancel', this.scrollbarUp, this) this.on('pointerupoutside', this.scrollbarUp, this) this._maskContent = this.addChild(new PIXI.Graphics()) this.update() } /** * offset of horizontal scrollbar (in pixels) * @type {number} */ get scrollbarOffsetHorizontal() { return this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal } set scrollbarOffsetHorizontal(value) { this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal = value } /** * offset of vertical scrollbar (in pixels) * @type {number} */ get scrollbarOffsetVertical() { return this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical } set scrollbarOffsetVertical(value) { this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical = value } /** * disable the scrollbox (if set to true this will also remove the mask) * @type {boolean} */ get disable() { return this._disabled } set disable(value) { if (this._disabled !== value) { this._disabled = value this.update() } } /** * call stopPropagation on any events that impact scrollbox * @type {boolean} */ get stopPropagation() { return this.options.stopPropagation } set stopPropagation(value) { this.options.stopPropagation = value } /** * user may drag the content area to scroll content * @type {boolean} */ get dragScroll() { return this.options.dragScroll } set dragScroll(value) { this.options.dragScroll = value if (value) { this.content.drag() } else { this.content.removePlugin('drag') } this.update() } /** * width of scrollbox including the scrollbar (if visible)- this changes the size and not the scale of the box * @type {number} */ get boxWidth() { return this.options.boxWidth } set boxWidth(value) { this.options.boxWidth = value this.content.screenWidth = value this.update() } /** * sets overflowX and overflowY to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflow() { return this.options.overflow } set overflow(value) { this.options.overflow = value this.options.overflowX = value this.options.overflowY = value this.update() } /** * sets overflowX to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflowX() { return this.options.overflowX } set overflowX(value) { this.options.overflowX = value this.update() } /** * sets overflowY to (scroll, hidden, auto) changing whether the scrollbar is shown * scroll = always show scrollbar * hidden = hide overflow and do not show scrollbar * auto = if content is larger than box size, then show scrollbar * @type {string} */ get overflowY() { return this.options.overflowY } set overflowY(value) { this.options.overflowY = value this.update() } /** * height of scrollbox including the scrollbar (if visible) - this changes the size and not the scale of the box * @type {number} */ get boxHeight() { return this.options.boxHeight } set boxHeight(value) { this.options.boxHeight = value this.content.screenHeight = value this.update() } /** * scrollbar size in pixels * @type {number} */ get scrollbarSize() { return this.options.scrollbarSize } set scrollbarSize(value) { this.options.scrollbarSize = value } /** * width of scrollbox less the scrollbar (if visible) * @type {number} * @readonly */ get contentWidth() { return ( this.options.boxWidth - (this.isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) ) } /** * height of scrollbox less the scrollbar (if visible) * @type {number} * @readonly */ get contentHeight() { return ( this.options.boxHeight - (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) ) } /** * is the vertical scrollbar visible * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get isScrollbarVertical() { return this._isScrollbarVertical } /** * is the horizontal scrollbar visible * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get isScrollbarHorizontal() { return this._isScrollbarHorizontal } /** * top coordinate of scrollbar */ get scrollTop() { return this.content.top } /** * left coordinate of scrollbar */ get scrollLeft() { return this.content.left } /** * width of content area * if not set then it uses content.width to calculate width */ get scrollWidth() { return this._scrollWidth || this.content.width } set scrollWidth(value) { this._scrollWidth = value } /** * height of content area * if not set then it uses content.height to calculate height */ get scrollHeight() { return this._scrollHeight || this.content.height } set scrollHeight(value) { this._scrollHeight = value } /** * draws scrollbars * @private */ _drawScrollbars() { this._isScrollbarHorizontal = this.overflowX === 'scroll' ? true : ['hidden', 'none'].indexOf(this.overflowX) !== -1 ? false : this.scrollWidth > this.options.boxWidth this._isScrollbarVertical = this.overflowY === 'scroll' ? true : ['hidden', 'none'].indexOf(this.overflowY) !== -1 ? false : this.scrollHeight > this.options.boxHeight this.scrollbar.clear() let options = {} options.left = 0 options.right = this.scrollWidth + (this._isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) options.top = 0 options.bottom = this.scrollHeight + (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) const width = this.scrollWidth + (this.isScrollbarVertical ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) const height = this.scrollHeight + (this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? this.options.scrollbarSize : 0) this.scrollbarTop = (this.content.top / height) * this.boxHeight this.scrollbarTop = this.scrollbarTop < 0 ? 0 : this.scrollbarTop this.scrollbarHeight = (this.boxHeight / height) * this.boxHeight this.scrollbarHeight = this.scrollbarTop + this.scrollbarHeight > this.boxHeight ? this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarTop : this.scrollbarHeight this.scrollbarLeft = (this.content.left / width) * this.boxWidth this.scrollbarLeft = this.scrollbarLeft < 0 ? 0 : this.scrollbarLeft this.scrollbarWidth = (this.boxWidth / width) * this.boxWidth this.scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth + this.scrollbarLeft > this.boxWidth ? this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarLeft : this.scrollbarWidth if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { this.scrollbar .beginFill( this.options.scrollbarBackground, this.options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha ) .drawRect( this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical, 0, this.scrollbarSize, this.boxHeight ) .endFill() } if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { this.scrollbar .beginFill( this.options.scrollbarBackground, this.options.scrollbarBackgroundAlpha ) .drawRect( 0, this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal, this.boxWidth, this.scrollbarSize ) .endFill() } if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { this.scrollbar .beginFill( this.options.scrollbarForeground, this.options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha ) .drawRect( this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetVertical, this.scrollbarTop, this.scrollbarSize, this.scrollbarHeight ) .endFill() } if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { this.scrollbar .beginFill( this.options.scrollbarForeground, this.options.scrollbarForegroundAlpha ) .drawRect( this.scrollbarLeft, this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize + this.options.scrollbarOffsetHorizontal, this.scrollbarWidth, this.scrollbarSize ) .endFill() } // this.content.forceHitArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(0, 0 , this.boxWidth, this.boxHeight) this.activateFade() } /** * draws mask layer * @private */ _drawMask() { this._maskContent .beginFill(0) .drawRect(0, 0, this.boxWidth, this.boxHeight) .endFill() this.content.mask = this._maskContent } /** * call when scrollbox content changes */ update() { this.content.mask = null this._maskContent.clear() if (!this._disabled) { this._drawScrollbars() this._drawMask() if (this.options.dragScroll) { const direction = this.isScrollbarHorizontal && this.isScrollbarVertical ? 'all' : this.isScrollbarHorizontal ? 'x' : 'y' if (direction !== null) { this.content .drag({ clampWheel: true, direction }) .clamp({ direction, underflow: this.options.underflow }) } } } } /** * show the scrollbar and restart the timer for fade if options.fade is set */ activateFade() { if (this.options.fade) { if (this.fade) { this.ease.remove(this.fade) } this.scrollbar.alpha = 1 const time = this.options.fade === true ? 1000 : this.options.fade this.fade = this.ease.to(this.scrollbar, { alpha: 0 }, time, { wait: this.options.fadeWait, ease: this.options.fadeEase }) this.fade.on('each', () => (this.content.dirty = true)) } } /** * handle pointer down on scrollbar * @param {PIXI.interaction.InteractionEvent} e * @private */ scrollbarDown(e) { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global) if (this.isScrollbarHorizontal) { if (local.y > this.boxHeight - this.scrollbarSize) { if ( local.x >= this.scrollbarLeft && local.x <= this.scrollbarLeft + this.scrollbarWidth ) { this.pointerDown = { type: 'horizontal', last: local } } else { if (local.x > this.scrollbarLeft) { this.content.left += this.content.worldScreenWidth this.update() } else { this.content.left -= this.content.worldScreenWidth this.update() } } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation() } return } } if (this.isScrollbarVertical) { if (local.x > this.boxWidth - this.scrollbarSize) { if ( local.y >= this.scrollbarTop && local.y <= this.scrollbarTop + this.scrollbarWidth ) { this.pointerDown = { type: 'vertical', last: local } } else { if (local.y > this.scrollbarTop) { this.content.top += this.content.worldScreenHeight this.update() } else { this.content.top -= this.content.worldScreenHeight this.update() } } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation() } return } } } /** * handle pointer move on scrollbar * @param {PIXI.interaction.InteractionEvent} e * @private */ scrollbarMove(e) { if (this.pointerDown) { if (this.pointerDown.type === 'horizontal') { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global) this.content.left += local.x - this.pointerDown.last.x this.pointerDown.last = local this.update() } else if (this.pointerDown.type === 'vertical') { const local = this.toLocal(e.data.global) this.content.top += local.y - this.pointerDown.last.y this.pointerDown.last = local this.update() } if (this.options.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation() } } } /** * handle pointer down on scrollbar * @private */ scrollbarUp() { this.pointerDown = null } /** * resize the mask for the container * @param {object} options * @param {number} [options.boxWidth] width of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.boxHeight] height of scrollbox including scrollbar (in pixels) * @param {number} [options.scrollWidth] set the width of the inside of the scrollbox (leave null to use content.width) * @param {number} [options.scrollHeight] set the height of the inside of the scrollbox (leave null to use content.height) */ resize(options) { this.options.boxWidth = typeof options.boxWidth !== 'undefined' ? options.boxWidth : this.options.boxWidth this.options.boxHeight = typeof options.boxHeight !== 'undefined' ? options.boxHeight : this.options.boxHeight if (options.scrollWidth) { this.scrollWidth = options.scrollWidth } if (options.scrollHeight) { this.scrollHeight = options.scrollHeight } this.content.resize( this.options.boxWidth, this.options.boxHeight, this.scrollWidth, this.scrollHeight ) this.update() } /** * ensure that the bounding box is visible * @param {number} x - relative to content's coordinate system * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ ensureVisible(x, y, width, height) { this.content.ensureVisible(x, y, width, height) this._drawScrollbars() } }