
GeoGraphics are graphical objects, that does not store the graphics information in screen space, but in geographical coordinates. Therefore GeoGraphics must be placed on GeoLayers to work properly.

Note: As GeoLayers are always children of a map layer. When the map is changed all GeoLayers are notified via the 'adaptTo(map)' method.

The geolayers forward this 'adaptTo' to all children that are GeoGraphics. Which adjust their so called 'point' data to the new map.

Data & Functions


book GeoPoint

GeoPoint is a single coordinate in the map.


Geo line is a set of points, that are rendered as a line and can be updated individually.


GeoGraphics represent Polygons, that are drawn on a map. If the map change, the graphic adapts to the new map and represents the same geographical shape.

GeoGraphics & GeoJson

The GeoGraphics work together with the GeoJson class. To convert the standardized format to PIXI elements.