
Maps represent a geographical image in a PIXI.Application. Preferably in a MapApp to have more convenient methods to handle the maps.

Cover Test

Usually maps should cover the whole app, or a window inside the app. Therefore they support a cover option. This option allows the

Map Types

Image Map

A map, that is represented by a single image.

Deep Zoom Map

The map representation is a DeepZoomImage, that can be scaled much more deeply, without losing quality by increasing the amount of tiles, that represent the image.

You should see a map of the world with a set of cities highlighted with dots. When pressing the button all views should jump to the same point.


Its crucial to focus certain points in a map application. The following tests the behavioud of maps inside a mapapp and maps inside of windows.

Map Frame

The map's frame specifies the stage of the map. When moving to the focus point normally, the map focuses in the center, the frame defines the new area, the map will be centered in. This is important when trying to mask a map.