
The class PIXIApp is the main entry point to create a new PIXI Application. It inherits from PIXI.Application, set meaningfull defaults, creates a scene and a stage and provides some helper methods to load resources, get the size of the app...

The pattern to create a new application is:

  1. Create a new PIXIApp Object
  2. Call the setup() method
  3. Call the run() method
These three steps are required. The constructor has been split into these three parts in order to have the greatest possible flexibility in complex applications. The setup() method creates a default scene. This can be overwritten with a spezialized setup() method to create a scatter container, for example.

JavaScript API

Let's look at an example of creating a new application:

What you should see: There should be a green circle on a dark background. In the upper left corner, the refresh rate should be approximately 60 fps.