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        IWM Browser Applications follow a common three phase pattern, shared by many programming environments as diverse as Processing, Arduino, Intern, etc.
            <li>Instantiate: Initialize the application, in this case a singleton and it's instance variables</li>
            <li>Setup: Build more complex parts of the application, by loading data, creating the UI...</li>
            <li>Run: Enter and run the main loop of the application.</li>
        This pattern is reflected by the IApp Interface:
    <pre><code class="js">
class IApp extends Interface {
    setup() { return this }
    run() { return this }
    <p>In practice the pattern may be more complex, because the setup phase can only be entered after loading things, a main loop cannot be entered because requirements are not met, etc. But the basic structure is always the same:
    <script type="module" class="doctest">
        console.log("Innerhalb script type=module") 
        import App from "./app.js" 
        const app = new App() 
        window.app = app
    <p>The setup and run methods can also be chained:
    <script type="module" class="doctest">

        <li><a href="https://theintern.github.io/intern/#common-config">Intern. Software testing for humans</a></li>