2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00
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2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00
2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00
2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00
2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00
2021-06-15 16:00:08 +02:00


Mac/Linux Build Status Windows Build status Code coverage npm version license

Cross-platform process cpu % and memory usage of a PID.


Ideas from https://github.com/arunoda/node-usage but with no C-bindings.

Please note that if you need to check a Node.JS script process cpu and memory usage, you can use process.cpuUsage and process.memoryUsage since node v6.1.0. This script remain useful when you have no control over the remote script, or if the process is not a Node.JS process.


var pidusage = require('pidusage')

// Compute statistics every second:
setInterval(function () {
  pidusage(process.pid, function (err, stats) {
    // => {
    //   cpu: 10.0,            // percentage (from 0 to 100*vcore)
    //   memory: 357306368,    // bytes
    //   ppid: 312,            // PPID
    //   pid: 727,             // PID
    //   ctime: 867000,        // ms user + system time
    //   elapsed: 6650000,     // ms since the start of the process
    //   timestamp: 864000000  // ms since epoch
    // }
}, 1000)

// It supports also multiple pids
pidusage([727, 1234], function (err, stats) {
  // => {
  //   727: {
  //     cpu: 10.0,            // percentage (from 0 to 100*vcore)
  //     memory: 357306368,    // bytes
  //     ppid: 312,            // PPID
  //     pid: 727,             // PID
  //     ctime: 867000,        // ms user + system time
  //     elapsed: 6650000,     // ms since the start of the process
  //     timestamp: 864000000  // ms since epoch
  //   },
  //   1234: {
  //     cpu: 0.1,             // percentage (from 0 to 100*vcore)
  //     memory: 3846144,      // bytes
  //     ppid: 727,            // PPID
  //     pid: 1234,            // PID
  //     ctime: 0,             // ms user + system time
  //     elapsed: 20000,       // ms since the start of the process
  //     timestamp: 864000000  // ms since epoch
  //   }
  // }

// If no callback is given it returns a promise instead
const stats = await pidusage(process.pid)
// => {
//   cpu: 10.0,            // percentage (from 0 to 100*vcore)
//   memory: 357306368,    // bytes
//   ppid: 312,            // PPID
//   pid: 727,             // PID
//   ctime: 867000,        // ms user + system time
//   elapsed: 6650000,     // ms since the start of the process
//   timestamp: 864000000  // ms since epoch
// }


Property Linux FreeBSD NetBSD SunOS macOS Win AIX Alpine

= Working = Not Accurate = Should Work = Not Working

Please if your platform is not supported or if you have reported wrong readings file an issue.


pidusage(pids, [options = {}], [callback]) ⇒ [Promise.<Object>]

Get pid informations.

Kind: global function Returns: Promise.<Object> - Only when the callback is not provided. Access: public

Param Type Description
pids Number | Array.<Number> | String | Array.<String> A pid or a list of pids.
[callback] function Called when the statistics are ready. If not provided a promise is returned instead.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.